Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	int                        i = 0;
	int                        size_max_pow = 24;
	int						   ret_val;
	struct report_options      report;
	struct pingpong_context    ctx;
	struct pingpong_dest	   *my_dest  = NULL;
	struct pingpong_dest	   *rem_dest = NULL;
	struct mcast_parameters	   mcg_params;
	struct ibv_device          *ib_dev = NULL;
	struct perftest_parameters user_param;
	struct perftest_comm	   user_comm;

	/* init default values to user's parameters */
	memset(&ctx,		0, sizeof(struct pingpong_context));
	memset(&user_param, 0, sizeof(struct perftest_parameters));
	memset(&user_comm , 0, sizeof(struct perftest_comm));
	memset(&mcg_params, 0, sizeof(struct mcast_parameters));

	user_param.verb    = SEND;
	user_param.tst     = LAT;
	strncpy(user_param.version, VERSION, sizeof(user_param.version));
	user_param.r_flag  = &report;

	// Configure the parameters values according to user arguments or defalut values.
	ret_val = parser(&user_param,argv,argc);
	if (ret_val) {
		if (ret_val != VERSION_EXIT && ret_val != HELP_EXIT)
			fprintf(stderr," Parser function exited with Error\n");
		return 1;

	if(user_param.use_xrc || user_param.connection_type == DC) {
		user_param.num_of_qps *= 2;

	//Checking that the user did not run with RawEth. for this we have raw_etherent_bw test.
	if (user_param.connection_type == RawEth) {
        fprintf(stderr," This test cannot run Raw Ethernet QPs (you have chosen RawEth as connection type\n");
        return FAILURE;

	// Finding the IB device selected (or defalut if no selected).
	ib_dev = ctx_find_dev(user_param.ib_devname);
	if (!ib_dev) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to find the Infiniband/RoCE device\n");
		return 1;

	if (user_param.use_mcg)

	// Getting the relevant context from the device
	ctx.context = ibv_open_device(ib_dev);
	if (!ctx.context) {
		fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't get context for the device\n");
		return 1;

	// See if MTU and link type are valid and supported.
	if (check_link(ctx.context,&user_param)) {
		fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't get context for the device\n");
		return FAILURE;

	// copy the relevant user parameters to the comm struct + creating rdma_cm resources.
	if (create_comm_struct(&user_comm,&user_param)) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to create RDMA_CM resources\n");
		return 1;

	if (user_param.output == FULL_VERBOSITY && user_param.machine == SERVER) {
		printf("* Waiting for client to connect... *\n");

	// Initialize the connection and print the local data.
	if (establish_connection(&user_comm)) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to init the socket connection\n");
		return FAILURE;

	exchange_versions(&user_comm, &user_param);

	check_sys_data(&user_comm, &user_param);

	// See if MTU and link type are valid and supported.
	if (check_mtu(ctx.context,&user_param, &user_comm)) {
		fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't get context for the device\n");
		return FAILURE;

	// Print basic test information.

	ALLOCATE(my_dest , struct pingpong_dest , user_param.num_of_qps);
	memset(my_dest, 0, sizeof(struct pingpong_dest)*user_param.num_of_qps);
	ALLOCATE(rem_dest , struct pingpong_dest , user_param.num_of_qps);
	memset(rem_dest, 0, sizeof(struct pingpong_dest)*user_param.num_of_qps);

	// Allocating arrays needed for the test.

	// Create (if nessacery) the rdma_cm ids and channel.
	if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == ON) {

	    if (user_param.machine == CLIENT) {
			if (retry_rdma_connect(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to perform rdma_client function\n");
				return FAILURE;

		} else {
    		if (create_rdma_resources(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Unable to create the rdma_resources\n");
				return FAILURE;
			if (rdma_server_connect(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to perform rdma_client function\n");
				return FAILURE;

	} else {

		 // create all the basic IB resources (data buffer, PD, MR, CQ and events channel)
	    if (ctx_init(&ctx,&user_param)) {
			fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't create IB resources\n");
			return FAILURE;

	// Set up the Connection.
	if (send_set_up_connection(&ctx,&user_param,my_dest,&mcg_params,&user_comm)) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to set up socket connection\n");
		return 1;

	for (i=0; i < user_param.num_of_qps; i++)

	user_comm.rdma_params->side = REMOTE;
	for (i=0; i < user_param.num_of_qps; i++) {

		// shaking hands and gather the other side info.
		if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[i],&rem_dest[i])) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
			return 1;


        if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == OFF)
                if (ctx_check_gid_compatibility(&my_dest[0], &rem_dest[0]))
                        fprintf(stderr,"\n Found Incompatibility issue with GID types.\n");
                        fprintf(stderr," Please Try to use a different IP version.\n\n");
                        return 1;

	if (user_param.use_mcg) {

		mcg_params.base_mlid = mcg_params.mlid;
		mcg_params.is_2nd_mgid_used = ON;
		if (!strcmp(link_layer_str(user_param.link_type),"IB")) {
			// Request for Mcast group create registery in SM.
			if (join_multicast_group(SUBN_ADM_METHOD_SET,&mcg_params)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Failed to Join Mcast request\n");
				return 1;

		 * The next stall in code (50 ms sleep) is a work around for fixing the
		 * the bug this test had in Multicast for the past 1 year.
		 * It appears, that when a switch involved, it takes ~ 10 ms for the join
		 * request to propogate on the IB fabric, thus we need to wait for it.
		 * what happened before this fix was  reaching the post_send
		 * code segment in about 350 ns from here, and the switch(es) dropped
		 * the packet because join request wasn't finished.

	if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == OFF) {

		// Prepare IB resources for rtr/rts.
		if (ctx_connect(&ctx,rem_dest,&user_param,my_dest)) {
			fprintf(stderr," Unable to Connect the HCA's through the link\n");
			return 1;

	// shaking hands and gather the other side info.
	if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
		return 1;

    if (user_param.use_event) {

		if (ibv_req_notify_cq(ctx.send_cq, 0)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't request RCQ notification\n");
			return 1;

		if (ibv_req_notify_cq(ctx.recv_cq, 0)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't request RCQ notification\n");
			return 1;
	if (user_param.output == FULL_VERBOSITY) {
		printf("%s",(user_param.test_type == ITERATIONS) ? RESULT_FMT_LAT : RESULT_FMT_LAT_DUR);
		printf((user_param.cpu_util_data.enable ? RESULT_EXT_CPU_UTIL : RESULT_EXT));


	if (user_param.test_method == RUN_ALL) {

		if (user_param.connection_type == UD)
			size_max_pow =  (int)UD_MSG_2_EXP(MTU_SIZE(user_param.curr_mtu)) + 1;

		for (i = 1; i < size_max_pow ; ++i) {

			user_param.size = (uint64_t)1 << i;

			// Post recevie recv_wqes fo current message size
			if (ctx_set_recv_wqes(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Failed to post receive recv_wqes\n");
				return 1;

			// Sync between the client and server so the client won't send packets
			// Before the server has posted his receive wqes (in UC/UD it will result in a deadlock).
			if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
				return 1;

			if(run_iter_lat_send(&ctx, &user_param))
				return 17;

			user_param.test_type == ITERATIONS ? print_report_lat(&user_param) : print_report_lat_duration(&user_param);

	} else {

		// Post recevie recv_wqes fo current message size
		if (ctx_set_recv_wqes(&ctx,&user_param)) {
			fprintf(stderr," Failed to post receive recv_wqes\n");
			return 1;

		// Sync between the client and server so the client won't send packets
		// Before the server has posted his receive wqes (in UC/UD it will result in a deadlock).
		if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,my_dest,rem_dest)) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
			return 1;

		if(run_iter_lat_send(&ctx, &user_param))
			return 17;

		user_param.test_type == ITERATIONS ? print_report_lat(&user_param) : print_report_lat_duration(&user_param);

	if (user_param.output == FULL_VERBOSITY) {

	if (ctx_close_connection(&user_comm,my_dest,rem_dest)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failed to close connection between server and client\n");
		fprintf(stderr," Trying to close this side resources\n");

	return send_destroy_ctx(&ctx,&user_param,&mcg_params);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct ibv_device		*ib_dev = NULL;
	struct pingpong_context  	ctx;
	struct pingpong_dest	 	*my_dest  = NULL;
	struct pingpong_dest		*rem_dest = NULL;
	struct perftest_parameters  	user_param;
	struct perftest_comm		user_comm;
	struct mcast_parameters     	mcg_params;
	struct bw_report_data		my_bw_rep, rem_bw_rep;
	int                      	ret_parser,i = 0;
	int                      	size_max_pow = 24;

	/* init default values to user's parameters */
	memset(&ctx, 0,sizeof(struct pingpong_context));
	memset(&user_param, 0 , sizeof(struct perftest_parameters));
	memset(&mcg_params, 0 , sizeof(struct mcast_parameters));
	memset(&user_comm, 0,sizeof(struct perftest_comm));

	user_param.verb    = SEND;
	user_param.tst     = BW;
	strncpy(user_param.version, VERSION, sizeof(user_param.version));

	/* Configure the parameters values according to user arguments or defalut values. */
	ret_parser = parser(&user_param,argv,argc);
	if (ret_parser) {
		if (ret_parser != VERSION_EXIT && ret_parser != HELP_EXIT)
			fprintf(stderr," Parser function exited with Error\n");
		return 1;
	if((user_param.connection_type == DC || user_param.use_xrc) && user_param.duplex) {
		user_param.num_of_qps *= 2;
	/* Checking that the user did not run with RawEth. for this we have raw_etherent_bw test. */
	if (user_param.connection_type == RawEth) {
		fprintf(stderr," This test cannot run Raw Ethernet QPs (you have chosen RawEth as connection type\n");
		fprintf(stderr," For this we have raw_ethernet_bw test in this package.\n");
		return FAILURE;

	/* Finding the IB device selected (or defalut if no selected). */
	ib_dev = ctx_find_dev(user_param.ib_devname);
	if (!ib_dev) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to find the Infiniband/RoCE device\n");
		return 1;

	if (user_param.use_mcg)

	/* Getting the relevant context from the device */
	ctx.context = ibv_open_device(ib_dev);
	if (!ctx.context) {
		fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't get context for the device\n");
		return 1;

	/* See if MTU and link type are valid and supported. */
	if (check_link(ctx.context,&user_param)) {
		fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't get context for the device\n");
		return FAILURE;

	/* copy the relevant user parameters to the comm struct + creating rdma_cm resources. */
	if (create_comm_struct(&user_comm,&user_param)) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to create RDMA_CM resources\n");
		return 1;

	if (user_param.output == FULL_VERBOSITY && user_param.machine == SERVER) {
		printf("* Waiting for client to connect... *\n");

	/* Initialize the connection and print the local data. */
	if (establish_connection(&user_comm)) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to init the socket connection\n");
		return FAILURE;

	exchange_versions(&user_comm, &user_param);

	check_sys_data(&user_comm, &user_param);

	/* See if MTU and link type are valid and supported. */
	if (check_mtu(ctx.context,&user_param, &user_comm)) {
		fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't get context for the device\n");
		return FAILURE;

	/* Print basic test information. */

	ALLOCATE(my_dest , struct pingpong_dest , user_param.num_of_qps);
	memset(my_dest, 0, sizeof(struct pingpong_dest)*user_param.num_of_qps);
	ALLOCATE(rem_dest , struct pingpong_dest , user_param.num_of_qps);
	memset(rem_dest, 0, sizeof(struct pingpong_dest)*user_param.num_of_qps);

	if (user_param.transport_type == IBV_TRANSPORT_IWARP)
		ctx.send_rcredit = 1;

	/* Allocating arrays needed for the test. */

	/* Create (if nessacery) the rdma_cm ids and channel. */
	if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == ON) {

		if (user_param.machine == CLIENT) {
			if (retry_rdma_connect(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to perform rdma_client function\n");
				return FAILURE;

		} else {
			if (create_rdma_resources(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Unable to create the rdma_resources\n");
				return FAILURE;
			if (rdma_server_connect(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Unable to perform rdma_client function\n");
				return FAILURE;

	} else {

		/* create all the basic IB resources (data buffer, PD, MR, CQ and events channel) */
		if (ctx_init(&ctx,&user_param)) {
			fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't create IB resources\n");
			return FAILURE;

	/* Set up the Connection. */
	if (send_set_up_connection(&ctx,&user_param,my_dest,&mcg_params,&user_comm)) {
		fprintf(stderr," Unable to set up socket connection\n");
		return 1;

	if (ctx.send_rcredit)

	for (i=0; i < user_param.num_of_qps; i++)

	user_comm.rdma_params->side = REMOTE;
	for (i=0; i < user_param.num_of_qps; i++) {

		/* shaking hands and gather the other side info. */
		if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[i],&rem_dest[i])) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
			return 1;


	if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == OFF) {
		if (ctx_check_gid_compatibility(&my_dest[0], &rem_dest[0])) {
			fprintf(stderr,"\n Found Incompatibility issue with GID types.\n");
			fprintf(stderr," Please Try to use a different IP version.\n\n");
			return 1;

	/* If credit for available recieve buffers is necessary,
	 * the credit sending is done via RDMA WRITE ops and the ctx_hand_shake above
	 * is used to exchange the rkeys and buf addresses for the RDMA WRITEs
	if (ctx.send_rcredit)

	/* Joining the Send side port the Mcast gid */
	if (user_param.use_mcg && (user_param.machine == CLIENT || user_param.duplex)) {

		memcpy(mcg_params.mgid.raw, rem_dest[0].gid.raw, 16);
		if (set_mcast_group(&ctx,&user_param,&mcg_params)) {
			fprintf(stderr," Unable to Join Sender to Mcast gid\n");
			return 1;
		 * The next stall in code (50 ms sleep) is a work around for fixing the
		 * the bug this test had in Multicast for the past 1 year.
		 * It appears, that when a switch involved, it takes ~ 10 ms for the join
		 * request to propogate on the IB fabric, thus we need to wait for it.
		 * what happened before this fix was client reaching the post_send
		 * code segment in about 350 ns from here, and the switch(es) dropped
		 * the packet because join request wasn't finished.

	if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == OFF) {

		/* Prepare IB resources for rtr/rts. */
		if (ctx_connect(&ctx,rem_dest,&user_param,my_dest)) {
			fprintf(stderr," Unable to Connect the HCA's through the link\n");
			return 1;

	/* shaking hands and gather the other side info. */
	if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
		return 1;

	if (user_param.use_event) {

		if (ibv_req_notify_cq(ctx.send_cq, 0)) {
			fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't request CQ notification\n");
			return 1;

		if (ibv_req_notify_cq(ctx.recv_cq, 0)) {
			fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't request CQ notification\n");
			return 1;

	if (user_param.output == FULL_VERBOSITY) {
		if (user_param.report_per_port) {
			printf((user_param.report_fmt == MBS ? RESULT_FMT_PER_PORT : RESULT_FMT_G_PER_PORT));
		else {
			printf((user_param.report_fmt == MBS ? RESULT_FMT : RESULT_FMT_G));
		printf((user_param.cpu_util_data.enable ? RESULT_EXT_CPU_UTIL : RESULT_EXT));

	if (user_param.test_method == RUN_ALL) {

		if (user_param.connection_type == UD)
			size_max_pow =  (int)UD_MSG_2_EXP(MTU_SIZE(user_param.curr_mtu)) + 1;

		for (i = 1; i < size_max_pow ; ++i) {

			user_param.size = (uint64_t)1 << i;

			if (user_param.machine == CLIENT || user_param.duplex)

			if (user_param.machine == SERVER || user_param.duplex) {
				if (ctx_set_recv_wqes(&ctx,&user_param)) {
					fprintf(stderr," Failed to post receive recv_wqes\n");
					return 1;

			if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
				return 1;

			if (ctx.send_rcredit) {
				int j;
				for (j = 0; j < user_param.num_of_qps; j++)
					ctx.credit_buf[j] = 0;

			if (user_param.duplex) {
					return 17;

			} else if (user_param.machine == CLIENT) {

				if(run_iter_bw(&ctx,&user_param)) {
					return 17;

			} else	{

				if(run_iter_bw_server(&ctx,&user_param)) {
					return 17;


			if (user_param.duplex && user_param.test_type != DURATION) {
				xchg_bw_reports(&user_comm, &my_bw_rep,&rem_bw_rep,atof(user_param.rem_version));
				print_full_bw_report(&user_param, &my_bw_rep, &rem_bw_rep);
			if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
				fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
				return 1;

			/* Check if last iteration ended well in UC/UD */
			if (user_param.check_alive_exited) {

	} else if (user_param.test_method == RUN_REGULAR) {

		if (user_param.machine == CLIENT || user_param.duplex)

		if (user_param.machine == SERVER || user_param.duplex) {
			if (ctx_set_recv_wqes(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Failed to post receive recv_wqes\n");
				return 1;

		if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
			return 1;

		if (user_param.duplex) {

				return 17;

		} else if (user_param.machine == CLIENT) {

			if(run_iter_bw(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				return 17;

		} else if(run_iter_bw_server(&ctx,&user_param)) {

			return 17;


		if (user_param.duplex && user_param.test_type != DURATION) {
			xchg_bw_reports(&user_comm, &my_bw_rep,&rem_bw_rep,atof(user_param.rem_version));
			print_full_bw_report(&user_param, &my_bw_rep, &rem_bw_rep);

		if (user_param.report_both && user_param.duplex) {
			printf("\n Local results: \n");
			printf((user_param.report_fmt == MBS ? RESULT_FMT : RESULT_FMT_G));
			printf((user_param.cpu_util_data.enable ? RESULT_EXT_CPU_UTIL : RESULT_EXT));
			print_full_bw_report(&user_param, &my_bw_rep, NULL);

			printf("\n Remote results: \n");
			printf((user_param.report_fmt == MBS ? RESULT_FMT : RESULT_FMT_G));
			printf((user_param.cpu_util_data.enable ? RESULT_EXT_CPU_UTIL : RESULT_EXT));
			print_full_bw_report(&user_param, &rem_bw_rep, NULL);
	} else if (user_param.test_method == RUN_INFINITELY) {

		if (user_param.machine == CLIENT)

		else if (user_param.machine == SERVER) {

			if (ctx_set_recv_wqes(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Failed to post receive recv_wqes\n");
				return 1;

		if (ctx_hand_shake(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Failed to exchange data between server and clients\n");
			return 1;

		if (user_param.machine == CLIENT) {

			if(run_iter_bw_infinitely(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Error occured while running infinitely! aborting ...\n");
				return 1;

		} else if (user_param.machine == SERVER) {

			if(run_iter_bw_infinitely_server(&ctx,&user_param)) {
				fprintf(stderr," Error occured while running infinitely on server! aborting ...\n");
				return 1;

	if (user_param.output == FULL_VERBOSITY) {
		if (user_param.report_per_port)

	if (ctx_close_connection(&user_comm,&my_dest[0],&rem_dest[0])) {
		fprintf(stderr," Failed to close connection between server and client\n");
		fprintf(stderr," Trying to close this side resources\n");

	/* Destory all test resources, including Mcast if exists */
	if (send_destroy_ctx(&ctx,&user_param,&mcg_params)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't Destory all SEND resources\n");
		return FAILURE;
	if (user_param.work_rdma_cm == ON) {
		user_comm.rdma_params->work_rdma_cm = ON;
		if (destroy_ctx(user_comm.rdma_ctx,user_comm.rdma_params)) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Failed to destroy resources\n");
			return 1;

	if (!user_param.is_bw_limit_passed && (user_param.is_limit_bw == ON ) ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error: BW result is below bw limit\n");
		return 1;

	if (!user_param.is_msgrate_limit_passed && (user_param.is_limit_bw == ON )) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error: Msg rate  is below msg_rate limit\n");
		return 1;

	return 0;