Exemplo n.º 1
 * ldap_search - initiate an ldap (and X.500) search operation.  Parameters:
 *	ld		LDAP descriptor
 *	base		DN of the base object
 *	scope		the search scope - one of LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,
 *	filter		a string containing the search filter
 *			(e.g., "(|(cn=bob)(sn=bob))")
 *	attrs		list of attribute types to return for matches
 *	attrsonly	1 => attributes only 0 => attributes and values
 * Example:
 *	char	*attrs[] = { "mail", "title", 0 };
 *	msgid = ldap_search( ld, "c=us@o=UM", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "cn~=bob",
 *	    attrs, attrsonly );
ldap_search( LDAP *ld, char *base, int scope, char *filter,
	char **attrs, int attrsonly )
	BerElement	*ber;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_search\n", 0, 0, 0 );

	if (( ber = ldap_build_search_req( ld, base, scope, filter, attrs,
	    attrsonly )) == NULLBER ) {
		return( -1 );

#ifndef NO_CACHE
	if ( ld->ld_cache != NULL ) {
		if ( check_cache( ld, LDAP_REQ_SEARCH, ber ) == 0 ) {
			ber_free( ber, 1 );
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
			return( ld->ld_msgid );
		add_request_to_cache( ld, LDAP_REQ_SEARCH, ber );
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

	/* send the message */
	return ( send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_SEARCH, base, ber ));
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void) {
    WSADATA Data;
    SOCKADDR_IN recvSockAddr;
    SOCKET recvSocket;
    int status;
    int numrcv = 0;
    struct hostent * remoteHost;
    char * ip;
    const char * host_name = "pb-homework.appspot.com";
    char * buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAXBUFLEN);;
    // Initialize Windows Socket DLL
    status = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &Data);
    if(status != 0)
        printf("ERROR: WSAStartup unsuccessful\r\n");
        return 0;
	// Get IP address from host name
	remoteHost = gethostbyname(host_name);
	ip = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)*remoteHost->h_addr_list);
	printf("IP address is: %s.\n", ip);
    memset(&recvSockAddr, 0, sizeof(recvSockAddr)); // zero the sockaddr_in structure
    recvSockAddr.sin_port=htons(PORT); // specify the port portion of the address
    recvSockAddr.sin_family=AF_INET; // specify the address family as Internet
    recvSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr= inet_addr(ip); // specify ip address
	// Create socket
	recvSocket = socket_new();
    // Connect
    connect_to_server(recvSocket, recvSockAddr);
    // Send request
    send_initial_request(recvSocket, host_name);
    receive_response(recvSocket, buffer);
    // Receieve
    printf("%s\r\n", buffer);
    send_secret_request(recvSocket, host_name, buffer);
    // Get and make
    buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAXBUFLEN);
    receive_response(recvSocket, buffer);
    printf("%s\r\n", buffer);
    // Send
    send_post(recvSocket, host_name, buffer);
    // Get answer
    buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAXBUFLEN);
    receive_response(recvSocket, buffer);
	printf("\nServer response:\n\n%s\n", buffer);

	// Print out receieved socket data

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * ldap_compare - perform an ldap (and X.500) compare operation.  The dn
 * of the entry to compare to and the attribute and value to compare (in
 * attr and value) are supplied.  The msgid of the response is returned.
 * Example:
 *	ldap_compare( ld, "c=us@cn=bob", "userPassword", "secret" )
ldap_compare( LDAP *ld, char *dn, char *attr, char *value )
	BerElement	*ber;
	struct berval bv;
	int rv;
	/* The compare request looks like this:
	 *	CompareRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
	 *		entry	DistinguishedName,
	 *		ava	SEQUENCE {
	 *			type	AttributeType,
	 *			value	AttributeValue
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 * and must be wrapped in an LDAPMessage.

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 128, "ldap_compare\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	bv.bv_val = value;
	bv.bv_len = strlen(value);
	if ((ber = ldap_build_compare_req(ld, dn, attr, &bv, NULL)) == NULLBER) {
		return (-1);
#ifndef NO_CACHE
	if ( ld->ld_cache != NULL ) {
		if ( check_cache( ld, LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, ber ) == 0 ) {
			ber_free( ber, 1 );
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
			return( ld->ld_msgid );
		add_request_to_cache( ld, LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, ber );
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

	/* send the message */
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, dn, ber );
	return (rv);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * ldap_modrdn - initiate an ldap (and X.500) modifyRDN operation. Parameters:
 *	ld		LDAP descriptor
 *	dn		DN of the object to modify
 *	newrdn		RDN to give the object
 *	deleteoldrdn	nonzero means to delete old rdn values from the entry
 * Example:
 *	msgid = ldap_modrdn( ld, dn, newrdn );
ldap_modrdn( LDAP *ld, char *dn, char *newrdn, int deleteoldrdn )
	BerElement	*ber;
	int rv;

	 * A modify rdn request looks like this:
	 *	ModifyRDNRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
	 *		entry		DistinguishedName,
	 *		newrdn		RelativeDistinguishedName,
	 *		deleteoldrdn	BOOLEAN
	 *	}

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 193, "ldap_modrdn\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	/* create a message to send */
	if ( (ber = alloc_ber_with_options( ld )) == NULLBER ) {
		return( -1 );

	if ( ber_printf( ber, "{it{ssb}}", ++ld->ld_msgid, LDAP_REQ_MODRDN, dn,
	    newrdn, deleteoldrdn ) == -1 ) {
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR;
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		return( -1 );

	/* send the message */
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_MODRDN, dn, ber );
	return ( rv );
Exemplo n.º 5
int ldap_add_ext(LDAP *ld, char *dn, LDAPMod **attrs, 
				 LDAPControl ** serverctrls, LDAPControl **clientctrls, int *msgidp)
	BerElement	*ber;
	int		i, rc;
	int rv;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 87, "ldap_add\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	if ((ber = ldap_build_add_req(ld, dn, attrs, serverctrls)) == NULLBER){
		rv = ld->ld_errno;
		if (rv == LDAP_SUCCESS)
			rv = LDAP_OTHER;
		return (rv);
	/* send the message */
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_ADD, dn, ber );
	if (rv == -1) {
		rv = ld->ld_errno;
		if (rv == LDAP_SUCCESS){
			rv = LDAP_OTHER;
#ifdef  _REENTRANT
		return (rv);
	*msgidp = rv;
#ifdef  _REENTRANT
	return (LDAP_SUCCESS);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * ldap_add - initiate an ldap (and X.500) add operation.  Parameters:
 *	ld		LDAP descriptor
 *	dn		DN of the entry to add
 *	mods		List of attributes for the entry.  This is a null-
 *			terminated array of pointers to LDAPMod structures.
 *			only the type and values in the structures need be
 *			filled in.
 * Example:
 *	LDAPMod	*attrs[] = { 
 *			{ 0, "cn", { "babs jensen", "babs", 0 } },
 *			{ 0, "sn", { "jensen", 0 } },
 *			{ 0, "objectClass", { "person", 0 } },
 *			0
 *		}
 *	msgid = ldap_add( ld, dn, attrs );
int ldap_add( LDAP *ld, char *dn, LDAPMod **attrs )
	BerElement	*ber;
	int rv;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 87, "ldap_add\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	if ((ber = ldap_build_add_req(ld, dn, attrs, NULL)) == NULLBER){
		return (-1);
	/* send the message */
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_ADD, dn, ber );
#ifdef  _REENTRANT
	return (rv);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* LDAPv3 API extensions */
int ldap_compare_ext(LDAP *ld, char *dn, char *attr, struct berval *bvalue,
					 LDAPControl ** serverctrls, LDAPControl **clientctrls, int *msgidp)
	BerElement	*ber;
	struct berval bv;
	int rv;
	/* The compare request looks like this:
	 *	CompareRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
	 *		entry	DistinguishedName,
	 *		ava	SEQUENCE {
	 *			type	AttributeType,
	 *			value	AttributeValue
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 * and must be wrapped in an LDAPMessage.

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 128, "ldap_compare\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	if ((ber = ldap_build_compare_req(ld, dn, attr, bvalue, NULL)) == NULLBER) {
		rv = ld->ld_errno;
		if (rv == LDAP_SUCCESS)
			rv = LDAP_OTHER;
		return (rv);
#ifndef NO_CACHE
	if ( ld->ld_cache != NULL ) {
		if ( check_cache( ld, LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, ber ) == 0 ) {
			ber_free( ber, 1 );
			ld->ld_errno = LDAP_SUCCESS;
			*msgidp = ld->ld_msgid;
			return( LDAP_SUCCESS );
		add_request_to_cache( ld, LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, ber );
#endif /* NO_CACHE */

	/* send the message */
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, dn, ber );
	if (rv == -1) {
		rv = ld->ld_errno;
		if (rv == LDAP_SUCCESS){
			rv = LDAP_OTHER;
#ifdef  _REENTRANT
		return (rv);
	*msgidp = rv;
	return (LDAP_SUCCESS);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * ldap_kerberos_bind1 - initiate a bind to the ldap server using
 * kerberos authentication.  The dn is supplied.  It is assumed the user
 * already has a valid ticket granting ticket.  The msgid of the
 * request is returned on success (suitable for passing to ldap_result()),
 * -1 is returned if there's trouble.
 * Example:
 *	ldap_kerberos_bind1( ld, "cn=manager, o=university of michigan, c=us" )
ldap_kerberos_bind1( LDAP *ld, char *dn )
	BerElement	*ber;
	char		*cred;
	int		rc, credlen;
	char		*get_kerberosv4_credentials();
	int		str_translation_on;
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

	 * The bind request looks like this:
	 *	BindRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
	 *		version		INTEGER,
	 *		name		DistinguishedName,
	 *		authentication	CHOICE {
	 *			krbv42ldap	[1] OCTET STRING
	 *			krbv42dsa	[2] OCTET STRING
	 *		}
	 *	}
	 * all wrapped up in an LDAPMessage sequence.

#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
	int rv;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 186, "ldap_kerberos_bind1\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	if ( dn == NULL )
		dn = "";

	if ( (cred = get_kerberosv4_credentials( ld, dn, "ldapserver",
	    &credlen )) == NULL ) {
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
		return( -1 );	/* ld_errno should already be set */

	/* create a message to send */
	if ( (ber = alloc_ber_with_options( ld )) == NULLBER ) {
		free( cred );
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
		return( -1 );

	if (( str_translation_on = (( ber->ber_options &
	    LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS ) != 0 ))) {	/* turn translation off */
		ber->ber_options &= ~LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS;
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

	/* fill it in */
	rc = ber_printf( ber, "{it{isto}}", ++ld->ld_msgid, LDAP_REQ_BIND,
	    ld->ld_version, dn, LDAP_AUTH_KRBV41, cred, credlen );

	if ( str_translation_on ) {	/* restore translation */
		ber->ber_options |= LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS;
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

	if ( rc == -1 ) {
		free( cred );
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR;
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
		return( -1 );

	free( cred );

#ifndef NO_CACHE
	if ( ld->ld_cache != NULL ) {
		ldap_flush_cache( ld );
#endif /* !NO_CACHE */

	/* send the message */
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_BIND, dn, ber );
	return ( rv );
	return ( send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_BIND, dn, ber ));
Exemplo n.º 9
 * ldap_kerberos_bind2 - initiate a bind to the X.500 server using
 * kerberos authentication.  The dn is supplied.  It is assumed the user
 * already has a valid ticket granting ticket.  The msgid of the
 * request is returned on success (suitable for passing to ldap_result()),
 * -1 is returned if there's trouble.
 * Example:
 *	ldap_kerberos_bind2( ld, "cn=manager, o=university of michigan, c=us" )
ldap_kerberos_bind2( LDAP *ld, char *dn )
	BerElement	*ber;
	char		*cred;
	int		rc, credlen;
	char		*get_kerberosv4_credentials();
	int		str_translation_on;
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
	int rv;

	Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, catgets(slapdcat, 1, 188, "ldap_kerberos_bind2\n"), 0, 0, 0 );

	if ( dn == NULL )
		dn = "";

	if ( (cred = get_kerberosv4_credentials( ld, dn, "x500dsa", &credlen ))
	    == NULL ) {
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
		return( -1 );	/* ld_errno should already be set */

	/* create a message to send */
	if ( (ber = alloc_ber_with_options( ld )) == NULLBER ) {
		free( cred );
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
		return( -1 );

	if (( str_translation_on = (( ber->ber_options &
	    LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS ) != 0 ))) {	/* turn translation off */
		ber->ber_options &= ~LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS;
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

	/* fill it in */
	rc = ber_printf( ber, "{it{isto}}", ++ld->ld_msgid, LDAP_REQ_BIND,
	    ld->ld_version, dn, LDAP_AUTH_KRBV42, cred, credlen );

	if ( str_translation_on ) {	/* restore translation */
		ber->ber_options |= LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS;
#endif /* STR_TRANSLATION */

	free( cred );

	if ( rc == -1 ) {
		ber_free( ber, 1 );
		ld->ld_errno = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR;
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
		return( -1 );

	/* send the message */
#if defined( SUN ) && defined( _REENTRANT )
	rv = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_BIND, dn, ber );
	return ( rv );
	return ( send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_BIND, dn, ber ));