void LLHUDNameTag::addLabel(const std::string& label_utf8)
	LLWString wstr = utf8string_to_wstring(label_utf8);
	if (!wstr.empty())
		LLWString seps(utf8str_to_wstring("\r\n"));
		LLWString empty;

		typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<llwchar>, LLWString::const_iterator, LLWString > tokenizer;
		boost::char_separator<llwchar> sep(seps.c_str(), empty.c_str(), boost::keep_empty_tokens);

		tokenizer tokens(wstr, sep);
		tokenizer::iterator iter = tokens.begin();

		while (iter != tokens.end())
			U32 line_length = 0;
				S32 segment_length = mFontp->maxDrawableChars(iter->substr(line_length).c_str(), 
				LLHUDTextSegment segment(iter->substr(line_length, segment_length), LLFontGL::NORMAL, mColor, mFontp);
				line_length += segment_length;
			while (line_length != iter->size());
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Include::AddFileList(const std::string &name, bool ignoreOk, bool MakeFile)
    Eval e(name, false);
     std::string iname = e.Evaluate();
     bool rv = true;
    CmdFiles cmdFiles;
    std::string seps(" ");
    seps += CmdFiles::PATH_SEP;
    std::string includeDirs;
    Variable *id = VariableContainer::Instance()->Lookup(".INCLUDE_DIRS");
    if (id)
        includeDirs = id->GetValue();
        if (id->GetFlavor() == Variable::f_recursive)
            Eval r(includeDirs, false);
            includeDirs = r.Evaluate();
    while (iname.size())
        std::string current = Eval::ExtractFirst(iname, seps);
        cmdFiles.AddFromPath(current, includeDirs);
    for (CmdFiles::FileNameIterator it = cmdFiles.FileNameBegin(); rv && it != cmdFiles.FileNameEnd(); ++it)
         Variable *v = VariableContainer::Instance()->Lookup("MAKEFILE_LIST");
        if (!v)
            v = new Variable(std::string("MAKEFILE_LIST"), *(*it), Variable::f_simple, Variable::o_file);
            *VariableContainer::Instance() += v;
            v->SetValue(v->GetValue() +" " + *(*it));
        rv &= Parse(*(*it), ignoreOk | MakeFile, MakeFile);
    return rv;
Exemplo n.º 3
void LLHUDText::addLine(const std::string &text_utf8,
                        const LLColor4& color,
                        const LLFontGL::StyleFlags style,
                        const LLFontGL* font)
    LLWString wline = utf8str_to_wstring(text_utf8);
    if (!wline.empty())
        // use default font for segment if custom font not specified
        if (!font)
            font = mFontp;
        typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<llwchar>, LLWString::const_iterator, LLWString > tokenizer;
        LLWString seps(utf8str_to_wstring("\r\n"));
        boost::char_separator<llwchar> sep(seps.c_str());

        tokenizer tokens(wline, sep);
        tokenizer::iterator iter = tokens.begin();

        while (iter != tokens.end())
            U32 line_length = 0;
                F32 max_pixels = HUD_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH_NO_BUBBLE;
                S32 segment_length = font->maxDrawableChars(iter->substr(line_length).c_str(), max_pixels, wline.length(), LLFontGL::WORD_BOUNDARY_IF_POSSIBLE);
                LLHUDTextSegment segment(iter->substr(line_length, segment_length), style, color, font);
                line_length += segment_length;
            while (line_length != iter->size());
Exemplo n.º 4
void ArduinoOnboard::arduinoDataCallback()
  std::string msg;

// These are super expensive on the jetson
//  m_nhPvt.getParam("srvBatteryCrit", srvBatteryCrit);
//  m_nhPvt.getParam("srvBatteryLow", srvBatteryLow);
//  m_nhPvt.getParam("camBatteryCrit", camBatteryCrit);
//  m_nhPvt.getParam("camBatteryLow", camBatteryLow);

    //allocate new wheelSpeeds message
    autorally_msgs::wheelSpeedsPtr wheelSpeeds(new autorally_msgs::wheelSpeeds);
    wheelSpeeds->header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

    boost::char_separator<char> seps(":,\n");
    tokenizer tok(msg, seps);
    tokenizer::iterator it=tok.begin();

    //allocate new servo message for RC servoCommand
    autorally_msgs::servoMSGPtr servos(new autorally_msgs::servoMSG);
    servos->header.frame_id = "RC";
    servos->backBrake = -5.0;
    servos->frontBrake = -5.0;

    double lf, rf, lb, rb;
    bool wheels = false;
    //bool servo = false;
    //bool camera = false;
    bool rc = false;

      if(*it == "wheels")
        if(++it == tok.end()) break;
        lf = atof(it->c_str());

        if(++it == tok.end()) break;
        rf = atof(it->c_str());

        if(++it == tok.end()) break;
        lb = atof(it->c_str());

        if(++it == tok.end()) break;
        rb = atof(it->c_str());

        wheels = true;
      //} else if(*it == "servo")
      //  if(++it == tok.end()) break;
      //  m_port.diag("Servo Battery Voltage", *it);
      //  servo = true;
      //} else if(*it == "camera")
      //  if(++it == tok.end()) break;
      //  m_port.diag("Camera Battery Voltage", *it);
      //  camera = true;
      } else if(*it == "rc")
        if(++it == tok.end()) break;
        servos->throttle = atof(it->c_str());

        if(++it == tok.end()) break;
        servos->steering = atof(it->c_str());
        rc = true;
      } else
        NODELET_ERROR("ArduinoOnboard: Bad token %s", it->c_str());
        m_port.diag_warn("ArduinoOnboard got a bad token");

    if(!(wheels && rc))
      NODELET_ERROR("ArduinoOnboard: Incomplete packet %d %d", wheels, rc);
      m_port.diag_warn("ArduinoOnboard: Incomplete packet");

    if(isnan(lf)) lf = 0.0;
    if(isnan(lb)) lb = 0.0;
    if(isnan(rf)) rf = 0.0;
    if(isnan(rb)) rb = 0.0;

    wheelSpeeds->lfSpeed = (lf)*m_wheelDiameter*PI;
    wheelSpeeds->lbSpeed = (lb)*m_wheelDiameter*PI;
    wheelSpeeds->rfSpeed = (rf)*m_wheelDiameter*PI;
    wheelSpeeds->rbSpeed = (rb)*m_wheelDiameter*PI;

    //check if one of the front rotation sensors is disabled
    if(m_lfEnabled && !m_rfEnabled)
      wheelSpeeds->rfSpeed = wheelSpeeds->lfSpeed;
    } else if(!m_lfEnabled && m_rfEnabled)
      wheelSpeeds->lfSpeed = wheelSpeeds->rfSpeed;

    //check if one of the back rotation sensors is disabled
    if(m_lbEnabled && !m_rbEnabled)
      wheelSpeeds->rbSpeed = wheelSpeeds->lbSpeed;
    } else if(!m_lbEnabled && m_rbEnabled)
      wheelSpeeds->lbSpeed = wheelSpeeds->rbSpeed;

    //Calculate servo commands
    //Raw data from arduino is in units of 500 ns.
    servos->throttle /= 2.0;
    servos->steering /= 2.0;
    std::map<std::string, ServoSettings>::const_iterator mapIt;

    if( (mapIt = m_servoSettings.find("steering")) != m_servoSettings.end())
      if(servos->steering > mapIt->second.center)
        servos->steering = (servos->steering - mapIt->second.center) / (mapIt->second.max-mapIt->second.center);
        if (servos->steering > 1.0)
            servos->steering = 1.0;
      } else if(servos->steering < mapIt->second.center)
        servos->steering = (servos->steering-mapIt->second.center)/(mapIt->second.center-mapIt->second.min);
        if (servos->steering < -1.0)
            servos->steering = -1.0;
      } else
        servos->steering = 0.0;

        servos->steering = -servos->steering;
    if( (mapIt = m_servoSettings.find("throttle")) != m_servoSettings.end())
      if(servos->throttle > mapIt->second.center)
        servos->throttle = (servos->throttle - mapIt->second.center) / (mapIt->second.max-mapIt->second.center);
        if (servos->throttle > 1.0)
            servos->throttle = 1.0;
      } else if(servos->throttle < mapIt->second.center)
        servos->throttle = (servos->throttle-mapIt->second.center)/(mapIt->second.center-mapIt->second.min);
        if (servos->throttle < -1.0)
            servos->throttle = -1.0;
      } else
        servos->throttle = 0.0;

        servos->throttle = -servos->throttle;

    servos->header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

    if (m_lastTime + ros::Duration(2.0) > ros::Time::now()) {
      m_lastTime = ros::Time::now();
      //set FPS
      int newFPS = 0;
      m_nhPvt.getParam("triggerFPS", newFPS);
      if(newFPS != m_triggerFPS)
        m_triggerFPS = newFPS;
        m_port.writePort("#fps:" + std::to_string(m_triggerFPS) + "\r\n");

    //publish data
    m_port.diag("Triggering FPS", std::to_string(m_triggerFPS));