Exemplo n.º 1
static int
reconfigureSerialResource (GioHandle *handle, const SerialParameters *parameters) {
  int ok = serialSetParameters(handle->device, parameters);

  if (ok) handle->parameters = *parameters;
  return ok;
Exemplo n.º 2
static GioHandle *
connectSerialResource (
  const char *identifier,
  const GioDescriptor *descriptor
) {
  GioHandle *handle = malloc(sizeof(*handle));

  if (handle) {
    memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));

    if ((handle->device = serialOpenDevice(identifier))) {
      if (serialSetParameters(handle->device, descriptor->serial.parameters)) {
        handle->parameters = *descriptor->serial.parameters;
        return handle;


  } else {

  return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	SerialPort SP;
	char buf[1025];
	int nr;

	if (argc<1) {
		printf("Usage: setupbluesmirf <device>\n");
		printf("  <device> must be your serial port, e.g, COM3: on Windows, or /dev/ttyS0 on Linux\n");
		return 0;
	if (!serialOpenByName(&SP, argv[1])) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open serial port %s\n", argv[1]);
		return 1;
	// last parameter is timeout in 1/10 of a second
	if (!serialSetParameters(&SP, 57600, 8, 0, 1, 1)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not modify serial port parameters\n");
		return 1;
	nr = serialRead(&SP, 1024, buf);
	serialWrite(&SP, 3, "$$$");
	nr = serialRead(&SP, 1024, buf);
	if (nr > 0) {
		printf("Received after $$$: %s", buf);
	} else {
		goto cleanup;
	serialWrite(&SP, 2, "D\r");
	nr = serialRead(&SP, 1024, buf);
	if (nr > 0) {
		printf("Received after D<cr>: %s", buf);
	} else {
		goto cleanup;
	serialWrite(&SP, 9, "U,576K,N\r");
	nr = serialRead(&SP, 1024, buf);
	if (nr > 0) {
		printf("Received after U,576K,N<cr>: %s", buf);
	} else {
		goto cleanup;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int n, i, c, count = 0, sample = 0, chan = 0, status = 0, verbose = 0, labelSize;
    unsigned char buf[OPENBCI_BUFLEN], byte;
    char *labelString;
    SerialPort SP;
    host_t host;
    struct timespec tic, toc;

    /* these represent the general acquisition system properties */
    int nchans         = OPENBCI_NCHANS;
    float fsample      = OPENBCI_FSAMPLE;

    /* these are used in the communication with the FT buffer and represent statefull information */
    int ftSocket           = -1;
    ft_buffer_server_t *ftServer;
    message_t     *request  = NULL;
    message_t     *response = NULL;
    header_t      *header   = NULL;
    data_t        *data     = NULL;
    ft_chunkdef_t *label    = NULL;

    /* this contains the configuration details */
    configuration config;

    /* configure the default settings */
    config.blocksize     = 10;
    config.port          = 1972;
    config.hostname      = strdup("-");
    config.serial        = strdup("/dev/tty.usbserial-DN0094FY");
    config.reset         = strdup("on");
    config.datalog       = strdup("off");
    config.testsignal    = strdup("off");
    config.timestamp     = strdup("on");
    config.timeref       = strdup("start");

    config.enable_chan1  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan2  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan3  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan4  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan5  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan6  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan7  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan8  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan9  = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan10 = strdup("on");
    config.enable_chan11 = strdup("on");

    config.label_chan1  = strdup("ADC1");
    config.label_chan2  = strdup("ADC2");
    config.label_chan3  = strdup("ADC3");
    config.label_chan4  = strdup("ADC4");
    config.label_chan5  = strdup("ADC5");
    config.label_chan6  = strdup("ADC6");
    config.label_chan7  = strdup("ADC7");
    config.label_chan8  = strdup("ADC8");
    config.label_chan9  = strdup("AccelerationX");
    config.label_chan10 = strdup("AccelerationY");
    config.label_chan11 = strdup("AccelerationZ");
    config.label_chan12 = strdup("TimeStamp");

    config.setting_chan1  = strdup("x1060110X");
    config.setting_chan2  = strdup("x2060110X");
    config.setting_chan3  = strdup("x3060110X");
    config.setting_chan4  = strdup("x4060110X");
    config.setting_chan5  = strdup("x5060110X");
    config.setting_chan6  = strdup("x6060110X");
    config.setting_chan7  = strdup("x7060110X");
    config.setting_chan8  = strdup("x8060110X");

    config.impedance_chan1  = strdup("z100Z");
    config.impedance_chan2  = strdup("z200Z");
    config.impedance_chan3  = strdup("z300Z");
    config.impedance_chan4  = strdup("z400Z");
    config.impedance_chan5  = strdup("z500Z");
    config.impedance_chan6  = strdup("z600Z");
    config.impedance_chan7  = strdup("z700Z");
    config.impedance_chan8  = strdup("z800Z");

    if (argc<2) {

    if (argc==2) {
        if (strncmp(argv[1], "/dev", 4)==0 || strncasecmp(argv[1], "COM", 3)==0)
            /* the second argument is the serial port */
            config.serial = strdup(argv[1]);
        else {
            /* the second argument is the configuration file */
            fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: loading configuration from '%s'\n", argv[1]);
            if (ini_parse(argv[1], iniHandler, &config) < 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Can't load '%s'\n", argv[1]);
                return 1;

    if (argc>2)
        strcpy(host.name, argv[2]);
    else {
        strcpy(host.name, config.hostname);

    if (argc>3)
        host.port = atoi(argv[3]);
    else {
        host.port = config.port;

#define ISTRUE(s) strcasecmp(s, "on")==0
    nchans = 0;
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan1))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan2))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan3))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan4))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan5))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan6))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan7))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan8))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan9))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan10))
    if (ISTRUE(config.enable_chan11))
    if (ISTRUE(config.timestamp))

    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: serial       =  %s\n", config.serial);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: hostname     =  %s\n", host.name);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: port         =  %d\n", host.port);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: blocksize    =  %d\n", config.blocksize);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: reset        =  %s\n", config.reset);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: datalog      =  %s\n", config.datalog);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: timestamp    =  %s\n", config.timestamp);
    fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: testsignal   =  %s\n", config.testsignal);

    /* Spawn tcpserver or connect to remote buffer */
    if (strcmp(host.name, "-") == 0) {
        ftServer = ft_start_buffer_server(host.port, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (ftServer==NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: could not start up a local buffer serving at port %i\n", host.port);
            return 1;
        ftSocket = 0;
        printf("openbci2ft: streaming to local buffer on port %i\n", host.port);
    else {
        ftSocket = open_connection(host.name, host.port);

        if (ftSocket < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: could not connect to remote buffer at %s:%i\n", host.name, host.port);
            return 1;
        printf("openbci2ft: streaming to remote buffer at %s:%i\n", host.name, host.port);

    /* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication to the FT buffer */
    request      = malloc(sizeof(message_t));
    request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t));
    request->buf = NULL;
    request->def->version = VERSION;
    request->def->bufsize = 0;

    header      = malloc(sizeof(header_t));
    header->def = malloc(sizeof(headerdef_t));
    header->buf = NULL;

    data      = malloc(sizeof(data_t));
    data->def = malloc(sizeof(datadef_t));
    data->buf = NULL;

    /* define the header */
    header->def->nchans    = nchans;
    header->def->fsample   = fsample;
    header->def->nsamples  = 0;
    header->def->nevents   = 0;
    header->def->data_type = DATATYPE_FLOAT32;
    header->def->bufsize   = 0;

    /* FIXME add the channel names */
    labelSize = 0; /* count the number of bytes required */
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan1))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan1) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan2))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan2) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan3))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan3) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan4))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan4) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan5))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan5) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan6))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan6) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan7))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan7) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan8))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan8) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan9))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan9) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan10))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan10) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan11))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan11) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.timestamp))
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan12) + 1;

    if (verbose > 0)
        fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: labelSize = %d\n", labelSize);

    /* go over all channels for a 2nd time, now copying the strings to the destination */
    labelString = (char *) malloc (labelSize * sizeof(char));
    labelSize   = 0; 
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan1)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan1);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan1) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan2)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan2);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan2) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan3)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan3);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan3) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan4)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan4);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan4) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan5)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan5);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan5) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan6)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan6);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan6) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan7)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan7);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan7) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan8)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan8);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan8) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan9)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan9);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan9) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan10)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan10);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan10) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan11)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan11);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan11) + 1;
    if (ISTRUE (config.timestamp)) {
        strcpy (labelString+labelSize, config.label_chan12);
        labelSize += strlen (config.label_chan12) + 1;

    /* add the channel label chunk to the header */
    label = (ft_chunkdef_t *) malloc (sizeof (ft_chunkdef_t));
    label->type = FT_CHUNK_CHANNEL_NAMES;
    label->size = labelSize;
    header->def->bufsize = append (&header->buf, header->def->bufsize, label, sizeof (ft_chunkdef_t));
    header->def->bufsize = append (&header->buf, header->def->bufsize, labelString, labelSize);
    FREE (label);
    FREE (labelString);

    /* define the constant part of the data and allocate space for the variable part */
    data->def->nchans = nchans;
    data->def->nsamples = config.blocksize;
    data->def->data_type = DATATYPE_FLOAT32;
    data->def->bufsize = WORDSIZE_FLOAT32 * nchans * config.blocksize;
    data->buf = malloc (data->def->bufsize);

    /* initialization phase, send the header */
    request->def->command = PUT_HDR;
    request->def->bufsize = append (&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, header->def, sizeof (headerdef_t));
    request->def->bufsize = append (&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, header->buf, header->def->bufsize);

    /* this is not needed any more */
    cleanup_header (&header);

    status = clientrequest (ftSocket, request, &response);
    if (verbose > 0)
        fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: clientrequest returned %d\n", status);
    if (status)
        fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: could not send request to buffer\n");
        exit (1);

    if (status || response == NULL || response->def == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: error in %s on line %d\n", __FILE__,
        exit (1);

    cleanup_message (&request);

    if (response->def->command != PUT_OK)
        fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: error in 'put header' request.\n");
        exit (1);

    cleanup_message (&response);

    /* open the serial port */
    fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: opening serial port ...\n");
    if (!serialOpenByName (&SP, config.serial))
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not open serial port %s\n", config.serial);
        return 1;

    if (!serialSetParameters (&SP, 115200, 8, 0, 0, 0))
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not modify serial port parameters\n");
        return 1;

    fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: opening serial port ... ok\n");

    /* 8-bit board will always be initialized upon opening serial port, 32-bit board needs explicit initialization */

    fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: initializing ...\n");
    fprintf (stderr,
            "openbci2ft: press reset on the OpenBCI board if this takes too long\n");

    if (ISTRUE (config.reset))
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "v");	/* soft reset, this will return $$$ */
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "D");	/* query default channel settings, this will also return $$$ */

    /* wait for '$$$' which indicates that the OpenBCI has been initialized */
    c = 0;
    while (c != 3)
        usleep (1000);
        n = serialRead (&SP, 1, &byte);
        if (n == 1)
            if (byte == '$')
                c = 0;
    }				/* while waiting for '$$$' */

    if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "14s") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "a");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "5min") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "A");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "15min") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "S");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "30min") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "F");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "1hr") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "G");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "2hr") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "H");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "4hr") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "J");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "12hr") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "K");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "24hr") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "L");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.datalog, "off") != 0)
        fprintf (stderr, "Incorrect specification of datalog\n");
        return 1;

    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan1), config.setting_chan1);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan2), config.setting_chan2);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan3), config.setting_chan3);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan4), config.setting_chan4);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan5), config.setting_chan5);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan6), config.setting_chan6);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan7), config.setting_chan7);
    serialWriteSlow (&SP, strlen (config.setting_chan8), config.setting_chan8);

    if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "gnd") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "0");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "dc") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "-");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "1xSlow") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "=");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "1xFast") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "p");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "2xSlow") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "[");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "2xFast") == 0)
        serialWrite (&SP, 1, "]");
    else if (strcasecmp (config.testsignal, "off") != 0)
        fprintf (stderr, "Incorrect specification of testsignal\n");
        return 1;

    fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: initializing ... ok\n");

    printf ("Starting to listen - press CTRL-C to quit\n");

    /* register CTRL-C handler */
    signal (SIGINT, abortHandler);

    /* start streaming data */
    serialWrite (&SP, 1, "b");

    /* determine the reference time for the timestamps */
    if (strcasecmp (config.timeref, "start") == 0)
        /* since the start of the acquisition */
        get_monotonic_time (&tic, TIMESTAMP_REF_BOOT);
    else if (strcasecmp (config.timeref, "boot") == 0)
        /* since the start of the day */
        tic.tv_sec = 0;
        tic.tv_nsec = 0;
    else if (strcasecmp (config.timeref, "epoch") == 0)
        /* since the start of the epoch, i.e. 1-1-1970 */
        tic.tv_sec = 0;
        tic.tv_nsec = 0;
        fprintf (stderr,
                "Incorrect specification of timeref, should be 'start', 'day' or 'epoch'\n");
        return 1;

    while (keepRunning)

        sample = 0;
        while (sample < config.blocksize)
            /* wait for the first byte of the following packet */
            buf[0] = 0;
            while (buf[0] != 0xA0)
                if (serialInputPending (&SP))
                    n = serialRead (&SP, 1, buf);
                    usleep (1000);
            }			/* while */

             * Header
             *   Byte 1: 0xA0
             *   Byte 2: Sample Number
             * EEG Data
             * Note: values are 24-bit signed, MSB first
             *   Bytes 3-5: Data value for EEG channel 1
             *   Bytes 6-8: Data value for EEG channel 2
             *   Bytes 9-11: Data value for EEG channel 3
             *   Bytes 12-14: Data value for EEG channel 4
             *   Bytes 15-17: Data value for EEG channel 5
             *   Bytes 18-20: Data value for EEG channel 6
             *   Bytes 21-23: Data value for EEG channel 6
             *   Bytes 24-26: Data value for EEG channel 8
             * Accelerometer Data
             * Note: values are 16-bit signed, MSB first
             *   Bytes 27-28: Data value for accelerometer channel X
             *   Bytes 29-30: Data value for accelerometer channel Y
             *   Bytes 31-32: Data value for accelerometer channel Z
             * Footer
             *   Byte 33: 0xC0

            /* read the remaining 32 bytes of the packet */
            while (n < OPENBCI_BUFLEN)
                if (serialInputPending (&SP))
                    n += serialRead (&SP, (OPENBCI_BUFLEN - n), buf + n);
                    usleep (1000);

            if (verbose > 1)
                for (i = 0; i < OPENBCI_BUFLEN; i++)
                    printf ("%02x ", buf[i]);
                printf ("\n");

            chan = 0;
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan1))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[2] << 24 | buf[3] << 16 | buf[4] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan2))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[5] << 24 | buf[6] << 16 | buf[7] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan3))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[8] << 24 | buf[9] << 16 | buf[10] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan4))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[11] << 24 | buf[12] << 16 | buf[13] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan5))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[14] << 24 | buf[15] << 16 | buf[16] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan6))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[17] << 24 | buf[18] << 16 | buf[19] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan7))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[20] << 24 | buf[21] << 16 | buf[22] << 8) /
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan8))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[23] << 24 | buf[24] << 16 | buf[25] << 8) /

            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan9))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB2 * (buf[26] << 24 | buf[27] << 16) / 32767;
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan10))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB2 * (buf[28] << 24 | buf[29] << 16) / 32767;
            if (ISTRUE (config.enable_chan11))
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    OPENBCI_CALIB2 * (buf[28] << 24 | buf[31] << 16) / 32767;

            if (ISTRUE (config.timestamp))
                if (strcasecmp (config.timeref, "start") == 0)
                    get_monotonic_time (&toc, TIMESTAMP_REF_BOOT);
                else if (strcasecmp (config.timeref, "boot") == 0)
                    get_monotonic_time (&toc, TIMESTAMP_REF_BOOT);
                else if (strcasecmp (config.timeref, "epoch") == 0)
                    get_monotonic_time (&toc, TIMESTAMP_REF_EPOCH);
                ((FLOAT32_T *) (data->buf))[nchans * sample + (chan++)] =
                    get_elapsed_time (&tic, &toc);

        }				/* while c<config.blocksize */

        count += sample;
        printf ("openbci2ft: sample count = %i\n", count);

        /* create the request */
        request = malloc (sizeof (message_t));
        request->def = malloc (sizeof (messagedef_t));
        request->buf = NULL;
        request->def->version = VERSION;
        request->def->bufsize = 0;
        request->def->command = PUT_DAT;

        request->def->bufsize = append (&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, data->def, sizeof (datadef_t));
        request->def->bufsize = append (&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, data->buf, data->def->bufsize);

        status = clientrequest (ftSocket, request, &response);
        if (verbose > 0)
            fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: clientrequest returned %d\n", status);
        if (status)
            fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: error in %s on line %d\n", __FILE__,
            exit (1);

        if (status)
            fprintf (stderr, "openbci2ft: error in %s on line %d\n", __FILE__,
            exit (1);

        /* FIXME do someting with the response, i.e. check that it is OK */
        cleanup_message (&request);

        if (response == NULL || response->def == NULL
                || response->def->command != PUT_OK)
            fprintf (stderr, "Error when writing samples.\n");
        cleanup_message (&response);

    }				/* while keepRunning */

    /* stop streaming data */
    serialWrite (&SP, 1, "s");

    cleanup_data (&data);

    if (ftSocket > 0)
        close_connection (ftSocket);
        ft_stop_buffer_server (ftServer);

    return 0;
}				/* main */
Exemplo n.º 5
GioEndpoint *
gioConnectResource (
  const char *identifier,
  const GioDescriptor *descriptor
) {
  GioEndpoint *endpoint;

  if ((endpoint = malloc(sizeof(*endpoint)))) {
    endpoint->bytesPerSecond = 0;

    endpoint->input.error = 0;
    endpoint->input.from = 0;
    endpoint->input.to = 0;

    endpoint->hidReportItems.address = NULL;
    endpoint->hidReportItems.size = 0;

    if (descriptor->serial.parameters) {
      if (isSerialDevice(&identifier)) {
        if ((endpoint->handle.serial.device = serialOpenDevice(identifier))) {
          if (serialSetParameters(endpoint->handle.serial.device, descriptor->serial.parameters)) {
            endpoint->methods = &serialMethods;
            endpoint->options = descriptor->serial.options;
            setBytesPerSecond(endpoint, descriptor->serial.parameters);
            goto connectSucceeded;


        goto connectFailed;

    if (descriptor->usb.channelDefinitions) {
      if (isUsbDevice(&identifier)) {
        if ((endpoint->handle.usb.channel = usbFindChannel(descriptor->usb.channelDefinitions, identifier))) {
          endpoint->methods = &usbMethods;
          endpoint->options = descriptor->usb.options;

          if (!endpoint->options.applicationData) {
            endpoint->options.applicationData = endpoint->handle.usb.channel->definition.data;

            UsbChannel *channel = endpoint->handle.usb.channel;
            const SerialParameters *parameters = channel->definition.serial;
            if (parameters) setBytesPerSecond(endpoint, parameters);

          goto connectSucceeded;

        goto connectFailed;

    if (descriptor->bluetooth.channelNumber) {
      if (isBluetoothDevice(&identifier)) {
        if ((endpoint->handle.bluetooth.connection = bthOpenConnection(identifier, descriptor->bluetooth.channelNumber, 0))) {
          endpoint->methods = &bluetoothMethods;
          endpoint->options = descriptor->bluetooth.options;
          goto connectSucceeded;

        goto connectFailed;

    errno = ENOSYS;
    logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported input/output resource identifier: %s", identifier);

  } else {

  return NULL;

    int delay = endpoint->options.readyDelay;
    if (delay) approximateDelay(delay);

  if (!gioDiscardInput(endpoint)) {
    int originalErrno = errno;
    errno = originalErrno;
    return NULL;

  return endpoint;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int
reconfigureSerialResource (GioHandle *handle, const SerialParameters *parameters) {
  return serialSetParameters(handle->serial.device, parameters);
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
		int n, i, c, sample = 0, status = 0, verbose = 0;
		unsigned char buf[BUFLEN], byte;
		SerialPort SP;
		host_t host;

		/* these represent the acquisition system properties */
		int nchans         = OPENBCI_NCHANS;
		int blocksize      = BLOCKSIZE;
		float fsample      = OPENBCI_FSAMPLE;

		/* these are used in the communication with the FT buffer and represent statefull information */
		int ftSocket           = -1;
		ft_buffer_server_t *ftServer;
		message_t    *request  = NULL;
		message_t    *response = NULL;
		header_t     *header   = NULL;
		data_t       *data     = NULL;

		if (argc<2) {

		if (argc>2)
				strcpy(host.name, argv[2]);
		else {
				strcpy(host.name, FTHOST);

		if (argc>3)
				host.port = atoi(argv[3]);
		else {
				host.port = FTPORT;

		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: device       =  %s\n", argv[1]);
		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: hostname     =  %s\n", host.name);
		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: port         =  %d\n", host.port);

		/* Spawn tcpserver or connect to remote buffer */
		if (strcmp(host.name, "-") == 0) {
				ftServer = ft_start_buffer_server(host.port, NULL, NULL, NULL);
				if (ftServer==NULL) {
						fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: could not start up a local buffer serving at port %i\n", host.port);
						return 1;
				ftSocket = 0;
				printf("openbci2ft: streaming to local buffer on port %i\n", host.port);
		else {
				ftSocket = open_connection(host.name, host.port);

				if (ftSocket < 0) {
						fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: could not connect to remote buffer at %s:%i\n", host.name, host.port);
						return 1;
				printf("openbci2ft: streaming to remote buffer at %s:%i\n", host.name, host.port);

		/* allocate the elements that will be used in the communication to the FT buffer */
		request      = malloc(sizeof(message_t));
		request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t));
		request->buf = NULL;
		request->def->version = VERSION;
		request->def->bufsize = 0;

		header      = malloc(sizeof(header_t));
		header->def = malloc(sizeof(headerdef_t));
		header->buf = NULL;

		data      = malloc(sizeof(data_t));
		data->def = malloc(sizeof(datadef_t));
		data->buf = NULL;

		/* define the header */
		header->def->nchans    = nchans;
		header->def->fsample   = fsample;
		header->def->nsamples  = 0;
		header->def->nevents   = 0;
		header->def->data_type = DATATYPE_FLOAT32;
		header->def->bufsize   = 0;

		/* define the constant part of the data and allocate space for the variable part */
		data->def->nchans    = nchans;
		data->def->nsamples  = blocksize;
		data->def->data_type = DATATYPE_FLOAT32;
		data->def->bufsize   = WORDSIZE_FLOAT32*nchans*blocksize;
		data->buf            = malloc(data->def->bufsize);

		/* initialization phase, send the header */
		request->def->command = PUT_HDR;
		request->def->bufsize = append(&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, header->def, sizeof(headerdef_t));
		request->def->bufsize = append(&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, header->buf, header->def->bufsize);

		/* this is not needed any more */

		status = clientrequest(ftSocket, request, &response);
		if (verbose>0)
				fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: clientrequest returned %d\n", status);
		if (status) {
				fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: could not send request to buffer\n");

		if (status || response==NULL || response->def == NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: error in %s on line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);


		if (response->def->command != PUT_OK) {
				fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: error in 'put header' request.\n");


		/* open the serial port */
		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: opening serial port ...\n");
		if (!serialOpenByName(&SP, argv[1])) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Could not open serial port %s\n", argv[1]);
				return 1;

		if (!serialSetParameters(&SP, 115200, 8, 0, 0, 0)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Could not modify serial port parameters\n");
				return 1;

		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: opening serial port ... ok\n");

		/* 8-bit board will always be initialized upon opening serial port, 32-bit board needs explicit initialization */
		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: initializing ...\n");

		serialWrite(&SP, 1, "v");
		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: press reset on the OpenBCI board if this takes too long\n");

		/* wait for '$$$' which indicates that the OpenBCI has been initialized */
		c = 0;
		while (c!=3) {
				n = serialRead(&SP, 1, &byte);
				if (n==1) {
						if (byte=='$')
								c = 0;
		} /* while waiting for '$$$' */

		fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: initializing ... ok\n");

		printf("Starting to listen - press CTRL-C to quit\n");

		/* register CTRL-C handler */
		signal(SIGINT, abortHandler);

		/* start streaming data */
		serialWrite(&SP, 1, "b");

		while (keepRunning) {

				c = 0;
				while (c<blocksize) {
						/* wait for the first byte of the packet */
						while (buf[0]!=0xA0) {
								if (serialInputPending(&SP))
										n = serialRead(&SP, 1, buf);
						} /* while */

						/* read the remaining 32 bytes of the packet */
						while (n<BUFLEN)
								if (serialInputPending(&SP))
										n += serialRead(&SP, (BUFLEN-n), buf+n);

						if (verbose>1) {
								for (i=0; i<BUFLEN; i++)
										printf("%02x ", buf[i]);

						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 0] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[ 2]<<24 | buf[ 3]<<16 | buf[ 4]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 1] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[ 5]<<24 | buf[ 6]<<16 | buf[ 7]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 2] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[ 8]<<24 | buf[ 9]<<16 | buf[10]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 3] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[11]<<24 | buf[12]<<16 | buf[13]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 4] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[14]<<24 | buf[15]<<16 | buf[16]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 5] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[17]<<24 | buf[18]<<16 | buf[19]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 6] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[20]<<24 | buf[21]<<16 | buf[22]<<8)/255;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 7] = OPENBCI_CALIB1 * (buf[23]<<24 | buf[24]<<16 | buf[25]<<8)/255;

						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 8] = OPENBCI_CALIB2 * (buf[26]<<24 | buf[27]<<16)/32767;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c + 9] = OPENBCI_CALIB2 * (buf[28]<<24 | buf[29]<<16)/32767;
						((FLOAT32_T *)(data->buf))[nchans*c +10] = OPENBCI_CALIB2 * (buf[28]<<24 | buf[31]<<16)/32767;

				} /* while c<blocksize */

				sample += blocksize;
				printf("openbci2ft: sample count = %i\n", sample);

				 * Header
				 *   Byte 1: 0xA0
				 *   Byte 2: Sample Number
				 * EEG Data
				 * Note: values are 24-bit signed, MSB first
				 *   Bytes 3-5: Data value for EEG channel 1
				 *   Bytes 6-8: Data value for EEG channel 2
				 *   Bytes 9-11: Data value for EEG channel 3
				 *   Bytes 12-14: Data value for EEG channel 4
				 *   Bytes 15-17: Data value for EEG channel 5
				 *   Bytes 18-20: Data value for EEG channel 6
				 *   Bytes 21-23: Data value for EEG channel 6
				 *   Bytes 24-26: Data value for EEG channel 8
				 * Accelerometer Data
				 * Note: values are 16-bit signed, MSB first
				 *   Bytes 27-28: Data value for accelerometer channel X
				 *   Bytes 29-30: Data value for accelerometer channel Y
				 *   Bytes 31-32: Data value for accelerometer channel Z
				 * Footer
				 *   Byte 33: 0xC0

				/* create the request */
				request      = malloc(sizeof(message_t));
				request->def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t));
				request->buf = NULL;
				request->def->version = VERSION;
				request->def->bufsize = 0;
				request->def->command = PUT_DAT;
				request->def->bufsize = append(&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, data->def, sizeof(datadef_t));
				request->def->bufsize = append(&request->buf, request->def->bufsize, data->buf, data->def->bufsize);

				status = clientrequest(ftSocket, request, &response);
				if (verbose>0)
						fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: clientrequest returned %d\n", status);
				if (status) {
						fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: error in %s on line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

				if (status) {
						fprintf(stderr, "openbci2ft: error in %s on line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

				/* FIXME do someting with the response, i.e. check that it is OK */

				if (response == NULL || response->def == NULL || response->def->command!=PUT_OK) {
						fprintf(stderr, "Error when writing samples.\n");

		} /* while keepRunning */

		/* stop streaming data */
		serialWrite(&SP, 1, "s");


		if (ftSocket > 0) {
		} else {
		return 0;
} /* main */
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	SerialPort SP;
	int ftBuffer = -1;
	eventdef_t *evdef;
	UINT32_T sizetype, sizevalue, bufsize;
	char *valBuf;
	messagedef_t reqdef;
	message_t request, *response;
	char *confname;
	if (argc < 2) {
		confname = "serial_event.conf";
	} else {
		confname = argv[1];
	if (parseConfig(&conf, confname) != 0) {
		printf("Errors during parsing the configuration file\n");
	sizetype = wordsize_from_type(conf.type_type) * conf.type_numel;
	sizevalue = wordsize_from_type(conf.value_type) * conf.value_numel;
	bufsize = sizeof(eventdef_t) + sizetype + sizevalue;
	evdef = (eventdef_t *) malloc(bufsize);
	if (evdef == NULL) {
		printf("Out of memory\n");
	/* prepare fixed fields */
	reqdef.version = VERSION;
	reqdef.bufsize = bufsize;
	reqdef.command = PUT_EVT;
	request.def = &reqdef;
	request.buf = evdef;
	evdef->offset = conf.offset;
	evdef->duration = conf.duration;
	evdef->type_type = conf.type_type;
	evdef->type_numel = conf.type_numel;
	evdef->value_type = conf.value_type;
	evdef->value_numel = conf.value_numel;
	evdef->bufsize = sizetype + sizevalue;
	valBuf = (char *) evdef + sizeof(eventdef_t);
	memcpy(valBuf, conf.type_buf, sizetype);
	valBuf += sizetype;
	memcpy(valBuf, conf.value_buf, sizevalue);
	if (!serialOpenByName(&SP, conf.comport)) {
		printf("Could not open serial port.\n");
	/* timeout = 1 decisecond (least common denominator) = 100 ms */
	if (!serialSetParameters(&SP, conf.baudrate, conf.databits, conf.parity, conf.stopbits, 1)) {
		printf("Could not modify serial port parameters\n");
	ftBuffer = open_connection(conf.hostname, conf.port);
	if (ftBuffer < 0) {
		printf("Connection to FieldTrip buffer failed.\n");
	sample = conf.sample_start;
	udp_socket = create_udp_receiver(conf.udp_port);
	if (udp_socket != -1) {
		if (pthread_create(&udpThread, NULL, _udp_thread, NULL)) {
			printf("Warning: UDP socket thread could not be spawned.\n");
			udp_socket = -1;
	/* register CTRL-C handler */
	signal(SIGINT, abortHandler);
	printf("Starting to listen - press CTRL-C to quit\n");
	while (keepRunning) {
		char input;
		int n;
		n = serialRead(&SP, 1, &input);
		if (n<0) {
			printf("Error while reading from serial port - exiting\n");
		if (n==0) continue; /* timeout - just wait longer */
		/* we got one */
		if (conf.character != -1 && conf.character != input) {
			printf("Ignoring input %c\n", input);
		if (conf.set_value) *valBuf = input;
		evdef->sample = sample;
		if (evdef->sample < 0) {
			printf("Ignoring negative sample (%i) event...\n", evdef->sample);
		} else {
			n = tcprequest(ftBuffer, &request, &response);
			if (n<0 || response == NULL) {
				printf("Error in FieldTrip connection\n");
			} else {
				if (response->def == NULL || response->def->command != PUT_OK) {
					printf("FieldTrip server returned an error\n");
				} else {
					printf("Sent off event (sample = %i, input = %c)\n", evdef->sample, input);
		sample += conf.sample_increase;
	if (udp_socket!=-1) {
		pthread_join(udpThread, NULL);

	return 0;