Exemplo n.º 1
xmlnode * _h_elim_send_file ( const char *name ,
                              const char *id   ,
                              SEXP_VALUE *args ,
                              gpointer data    )
    ASSERT_ALISTP( args, id, name );

    const char *aname = ALIST_VAL_STR( args, "account-name" );
    const char *proto = ALIST_VAL_STR( args, "im-protocol"  );
    gpointer    auid  = ALIST_VAL_PTR( args, "account-uid"  );
    PurpleAccount *acct = 
      auid ? find_acct_by_uid( auid ) : purple_accounts_find( aname, proto );

    if( !acct )
        sexp_val_free( args );
        return response_error( ENXIO, id, name, "unknown account" );

    PurpleConnection *conn = purple_account_get_connection( acct );

    if( !conn )
        sexp_val_free( args );
        return response_error( ENXIO, id, name, "account not online" );

    // file can be NULL, but that's Ok, it just triggers a req to the user:
    const char *b_arg = ALIST_VAL_STRING( args, "recipient" );
    const char *file  = ALIST_VAL_STRING( args, "filename"  );

    serv_send_file( conn, b_arg, file );

    // bname is a static buf allocated in purple_normalize: don't free it!
    // also, this means that bname is volatile, so use it immediately after
    // acquiring it, if you make any calls into libpurple they might invalidate
    // its state:
    const char *bname = purple_normalize( acct, b_arg );
    xmlnode    *rval  = xnode_new( "alist" );
    AL_PTR( rval, "account-uid" , acct  );
    AL_STR( rval, "recipient"   , bname );

    sexp_val_free( args );
    return response_value( 0, id, name, rval );
Exemplo n.º 2
void purple_transfer_request( struct im_connection *ic, file_transfer_t *ft, char *handle )
	PurpleAccount *pa = ic->proto_data;
	struct prpl_xfer_data *px;
	/* xfer_new() will pick up this variable. It's a hack but we're not
	   multi-threaded anyway. */
	next_ft = ft;
	serv_send_file( purple_account_get_connection( pa ), handle, ft->file_name );
	ft->write = prpl_xfer_write;
	px = ft->data;
	imcb_file_recv_start( ft );
	px->ready_timer = b_timeout_add( 100, prplcb_xfer_send_cb, px );
Exemplo n.º 3
void IMInvoker::send(void *userdata, const std::string event) {
	// we are in the thread that manages all of libpurple
	EventContext* ctx = (EventContext*)userdata;

	if (!ctx)

	if (!ctx->instance || !ctx->instance->_account) {
		ctx->instance->returnErrorExecution("No account available");

	if (iequals(ctx->sendReq.name, "im.send")) {
		std::string receiver;
		Event::getParam(ctx->sendReq.params, "receiver", receiver);

		Data data;
		Event::getParam(ctx->sendReq.params, "data", data);

		PurpleIMConversation* conv = purple_im_conversation_new(ctx->instance->_account, receiver.c_str());
		if (ctx->sendReq.content.length() > 0)
			purple_conversation_send(PURPLE_CONVERSATION(conv), ctx->sendReq.content.c_str());
		PurpleConversation* conv = purple_conversation_new(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, ctx->instance->_account, receiver.c_str());
		if (ctx->sendReq.content.length() > 0)
			purple_conv_im_send(purple_conversation_get_im_data(conv), ctx->sendReq.content.c_str());

#if 0
		if (data.binary) {
			PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(ctx->instance->_account);
			PurplePlugin *prpl;
			PurplePluginProtocolInfo *prpl_info;

			if (gc) {
				prpl = purple_connection_get_prpl(gc);
				prpl_info = PURPLE_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL_INFO(prpl);

//					if (prpl_info && prpl_info->new_xfer) {
//						PurpleXfer* xfer = (prpl_info->new_xfer)(purple_account_get_connection(ctx->instance->_account), receiver.c_str());
//						purple_xfer_set_local_filename(xfer, "/Users/sradomski/Documents/W3C Standards.pdf");
//						purple_xfer_set_filename(xfer, "asdfadsf.pdf");
//						purple_xfer_request(xfer);
//						purple_xfer_request_accepted(xfer, "/Users/sradomski/Documents/W3C Standards.pdf");
//					}

				//Set the filename
//					purple_xfer_set_local_filename(xfer, [[fileTransfer localFilename] UTF8String]);
//					purple_xfer_set_filename(xfer, [[[fileTransfer localFilename] lastPathComponent] UTF8String]);
//					xfer->ui_data
//					purple_xfer_request(xfer);

				serv_send_file(gc, "sradomski@localhost", "/Users/sradomski/Documents/W3C Standards.pdf");
//					if (prpl_info->send_file && (prpl_info->can_receive_file && prpl_info->can_receive_file(gc, receiver.c_str()))) {
//						prpl_info->send_file(gc, receiver.c_str(), "/Users/sradomski/Documents/W3C Standards.pdf");
//					}
//						prpl_info->send_raw(gc, data.binary->data, data.binary->size);

	} else if (iequals(ctx->sendReq.name, "im.buddy.add")) {
		std::string buddyName;
		Event::getParam(ctx->sendReq.params, "name", buddyName);

		std::string reqMsg;
		Event::getParam(ctx->sendReq.params, "msg", reqMsg);

		PurpleBuddy* buddy = purple_buddy_new(ctx->instance->_account, buddyName.c_str(), NULL);
		purple_blist_add_buddy(buddy, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		purple_account_add_buddy(ctx->instance->_account, buddy, reqMsg.c_str());
		purple_account_add_buddy(ctx->instance->_account, buddy);

	} else if (iequals(ctx->sendReq.name, "im.buddy.remove")) {
		std::string buddyName;
		Event::getParam(ctx->sendReq.params, "name", buddyName);

		PurpleBuddy* buddy = purple_blist_find_buddy(ctx->instance->_account, buddyName.c_str());
		if (PURPLE_IS_BUDDY(buddy)) {
			purple_account_remove_buddy(ctx->instance->_account, buddy, purple_buddy_get_group(buddy));
		PurpleBuddy* buddy = purple_find_buddy(ctx->instance->_account, buddyName.c_str());
		purple_account_remove_buddy(ctx->instance->_account, buddy, purple_buddy_get_group(buddy));

