void operator()(int) const { TestBlock blocks[ITERS]; for (int i=0; i<ITERS; i++) { blocks[i].idx = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/false); setBackRef(blocks[i].idx, &blocks[i].data); } for (int i=0; i<ITERS; i++) ASSERT((Block*)&blocks[i].data == getBackRef(blocks[i].idx), NULL); for (int i=ITERS-1; i>=0; i--) removeBackRef(blocks[i].idx); }
void *ExtMemoryPool::mallocLargeObject(size_t size, size_t alignment) { size_t headersSize = sizeof(LargeMemoryBlock)+sizeof(LargeObjectHdr); // TODO: take into account that they are already largeObjectAlignment-aligned size_t allocationSize = alignUp(size+headersSize+alignment, largeBlockCacheStep); if (allocationSize < size) // allocationSize is wrapped around after alignUp return NULL; LargeMemoryBlock* lmb = loc.get(this, allocationSize); if (!lmb) { BackRefIdx backRefIdx = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/true); if (backRefIdx.isInvalid()) return NULL; // unalignedSize is set in getLargeBlock lmb = backend.getLargeBlock(allocationSize); if (!lmb) { removeBackRef(backRefIdx); return NULL; } lmb->backRefIdx = backRefIdx; STAT_increment(getThreadId(), ThreadCommonCounters, allocNewLargeObj); } void *alignedArea = (void*)alignUp((uintptr_t)lmb+headersSize, alignment); LargeObjectHdr *header = (LargeObjectHdr*)alignedArea-1; header->memoryBlock = lmb; header->backRefIdx = lmb->backRefIdx; setBackRef(header->backRefIdx, header); lmb->objectSize = size; MALLOC_ASSERT( isLargeObject(alignedArea), ASSERT_TEXT ); return alignedArea; }
void TestObjectRecognition() { size_t headersSize = sizeof(LargeMemoryBlock)+sizeof(LargeObjectHdr); unsigned falseObjectSize = 113; // unsigned is the type expected by getObjectSize size_t obtainedSize; ASSERT(sizeof(BackRefIdx)==4, "Unexpected size of BackRefIdx"); ASSERT(getObjectSize(falseObjectSize)!=falseObjectSize, "Error in test: bad choice for false object size"); void* mem = scalable_malloc(2*slabSize); ASSERT(mem, "Memory was not allocated"); Block* falseBlock = (Block*)alignUp((uintptr_t)mem, slabSize); falseBlock->objectSize = falseObjectSize; char* falseSO = (char*)falseBlock + falseObjectSize*7; ASSERT(alignDown(falseSO, slabSize)==(void*)falseBlock, "Error in test: false object offset is too big"); void* bufferLOH = scalable_malloc(2*slabSize + headersSize); ASSERT(bufferLOH, "Memory was not allocated"); LargeObjectHdr* falseLO = (LargeObjectHdr*)alignUp((uintptr_t)bufferLOH + headersSize, slabSize); LargeObjectHdr* headerLO = (LargeObjectHdr*)falseLO-1; headerLO->memoryBlock = (LargeMemoryBlock*)bufferLOH; headerLO->memoryBlock->unalignedSize = 2*slabSize + headersSize; headerLO->memoryBlock->objectSize = slabSize + headersSize; headerLO->backRefIdx = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/true); setBackRef(headerLO->backRefIdx, headerLO); ASSERT(scalable_msize(falseLO) == slabSize + headersSize, "Error in test: LOH falsification failed"); removeBackRef(headerLO->backRefIdx); const int NUM_OF_IDX = BR_MAX_CNT+2; BackRefIdx idxs[NUM_OF_IDX]; for (int cnt=0; cnt<2; cnt++) { for (int master = -10; master<10; master++) { falseBlock->backRefIdx.master = (uint16_t)master; headerLO->backRefIdx.master = (uint16_t)master; for (int bl = -10; bl<BR_MAX_CNT+10; bl++) { falseBlock->backRefIdx.offset = (uint16_t)bl; headerLO->backRefIdx.offset = (uint16_t)bl; for (int largeObj = 0; largeObj<2; largeObj++) { falseBlock->backRefIdx.largeObj = largeObj; headerLO->backRefIdx.largeObj = largeObj; obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(falseSO, NULL); ASSERT(obtainedSize==0, "Incorrect pointer accepted"); obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(falseLO, NULL); ASSERT(obtainedSize==0, "Incorrect pointer accepted"); } } } if (cnt == 1) { for (int i=0; i<NUM_OF_IDX; i++) removeBackRef(idxs[i]); break; } for (int i=0; i<NUM_OF_IDX; i++) { idxs[i] = BackRefIdx::newBackRef(/*largeObj=*/false); setBackRef(idxs[i], NULL); } } char *smallPtr = (char*)scalable_malloc(falseObjectSize); obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(smallPtr, NULL); ASSERT(obtainedSize==getObjectSize(falseObjectSize), "Correct pointer not accepted?"); scalable_free(smallPtr); obtainedSize = safer_scalable_msize(mem, NULL); ASSERT(obtainedSize>=2*slabSize, "Correct pointer not accepted?"); scalable_free(mem); scalable_free(bufferLOH); }