bool EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvSetCells(epic::SetCells::Request &req, epic::SetCells::Response &res) { if (!init_alg) { ROS_WARN("Warning[EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvSetCells]: Algorithm was not initialized."); res.success = false; return false; } std::vector<unsigned int> v; std::vector<unsigned int> types; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < req.types.size(); i++) { // Note: For the SetCells service, these are assigning the raw cells, not picking world coordinates. // Thus, no worldToMap translation is required. unsigned int x = req.v[2 * i + 0]; unsigned int y = req.v[2 * i + 1]; if (x >= width || y >= height) { continue; } v.push_back((unsigned int)req.v[2 * i + 0]); v.push_back((unsigned int)req.v[2 * i + 1]); types.push_back((unsigned int)req.types[i]); } setCells(v, types); v.clear(); types.clear(); res.success = true; return true; }
bool EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvResetFreeCells(epic::ResetFreeCells::Request &req, epic::ResetFreeCells::Response &res) { if (!init_alg) { ROS_WARN("Warning[EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvResetFreeCells]: Algorithm was not initialized."); res.success = false; return false; } std::vector<unsigned int> v; std::vector<unsigned int> types; for (unsigned int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++) { for (unsigned int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++) { if (harmonic.locked[y * width + x] == 0) { v.push_back(x); v.push_back(y); types.push_back(EPIC_CELL_TYPE_FREE); } } } setCells(v, types); v.clear(); types.clear(); res.success = true; return true; }
/** * Initialize SDL * * @param int rows the number of rows that will be displayed * @param int cols the number of columns that will be displayed * @param int i the time interval in milliseconds after which the next * generation is drawn * @param ConwaysGameOfLife *cgol pointer to the object that encapsulates the * game's actual logic * @param positions_t positions the first generation of cells to be displayed * * @throws SDLException if SDL coudn't be initialized * * @see{ * game::getWindowSize * } * * TODO: allow the user to draw his own pattern using the mouse at the start * A nice feature for this would be to highlight the cell under the and only * set it if the user clicks on it */ Game::Game(int rows, int cols, unsigned int i, SDL_Color acolor, SDL_Color dcolor, ConwaysGameOfLife *cgol, positions_t pos) : no_rows(rows), no_columns(cols), interval(i), life(cgol){ if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0){ throw SDLException("Couldn't initialize SDL!"); } const SDL_VideoInfo* vinfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); unsigned int length = std::min(vinfo->current_w, vinfo->current_h) - 50; setCellSideLength(length); SDL_Rect size = getWindowSize(length); screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(size.w, size.h, vinfo->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags); if(screen == nullptr){ throw SDLException("Couldn't set SDL video mode!"); } alive_color = SDL_MapRGB(vinfo->vfmt, acolor.r, acolor.g, acolor.b); dead_color = SDL_MapRGB(vinfo->vfmt, dcolor.r, dcolor.g, dcolor.b); std::vector<SDL_Rect> rects = setCells(pos, alive_color); SDL_UpdateRects(screen, rects.size(),; running = true; }
bool EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvRemoveGoals(epic::ModifyGoals::Request &req, epic::ModifyGoals::Response &res) { if (!init_alg) { ROS_WARN("Warning[EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvRemoveGoals]: Algorithm was not initialized."); res.success = false; return false; } std::vector<unsigned int> v; std::vector<unsigned int> types; // Note: Removing goals turns them into free space. Recall, however, that goals can // only be added on free space (above). for (unsigned int i = 0; i < req.goals.size(); i++) { float x = 0.0f; float y = 0.0f; if (!worldToMap(req.goals[i].pose.position.x, req.goals[i].pose.position.y, x, y)) { continue; } v.push_back((unsigned int) x); v.push_back((unsigned int) y); types.push_back(EPIC_CELL_TYPE_FREE); } setCells(v, types); v.clear(); types.clear(); res.success = true; return true; }
void MeshPartition::setRemainder(const MeshPartition& part) { setGrid(part.getGrid()); QVector<vtkIdType> rcells; getRestCells(m_Grid, part.m_Cells, rcells); setCells(rcells); }
void MeshPartition::setVolume(QString volume_name) { m_Grid = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getGrid(); resetOrientation(m_Grid); VolumeDefinition V = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getVol(volume_name); QList<vtkIdType> cls; EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_code, m_Grid, "cell_code"); EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_orgdir, m_Grid, "cell_orgdir"); EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_curdir, m_Grid, "cell_curdir"); EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_voldir, m_Grid, "cell_voldir"); for (vtkIdType id_cell = 0; id_cell < m_Grid->GetNumberOfCells(); ++id_cell) { if (isSurface(id_cell, m_Grid)) { int bc = cell_code->GetValue(id_cell); cell_voldir->SetValue(id_cell, 0); if (V.getSign(bc) != 0) { cls.append(id_cell); if (V.getSign(bc) == -1) { cell_voldir->SetValue(id_cell, 1); } } } else { if (cell_code->GetValue(id_cell) == V.getVC()) { cls.append(id_cell); } } } setCells(cls); }
void HTMLTable::addCell( HTMLTableCell *cell ) { while ( col < totalCols && cells[row][col] != 0L ) col++; setCells( row, col, cell ); col++; }
SpriteSheet::SpriteSheet(const std::string& filename, unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns) : Picture{filename} { m_callback.widgetType = "SpriteSheet"; setCells(rows, columns); if ((rows > 1) || (columns > 1)) setSize(m_texture.getImageSize().x / columns, m_texture.getImageSize().y / rows); }
void CellsMover::undoMoveCells(const TPoint &pos) const { TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); int r = pos.y; int c = pos.x; if (m_qualifiers & eInsertCells) { for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) xsh->removeCells(r, c + i, m_rowCount); } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) xsh->clearCells(r, c + i, m_rowCount); if (m_qualifiers & eOverwriteCells) setCells(m_oldCells, r, c); } }
/****************************************************************************** * Class AccountPage :: AccountPage - Constructor for the account page * * * * Define yourself as an IMultiCellCanvas * * Create generic page buttons * * Create generic page container buttons * * Create static text for the user ID * * Create static text for the node * * Create entryfield for the user ID * * Create entryfield for the node * * Define a null container pointer * * Define a null container object pointer * * Define a null container column pointer * * Define a null container column pointer * * Create an account data object given the key * * Create a empty account data object * * Set the key in your private data * * Set the isQuery in your private data * * Create the notebook page settings * * Create a select handler and later attach to the container * ******************************************************************************/ AccountPage::AccountPage( IWindow* pParent, const IString& aKey ) :IMultiCellCanvas ( ID_ACCOUNT_PAGE, pParent, pParent ), pageButtons ( ID_ACCOUNT_PAGE_BUTTONS, this, this, false ), pageCnrButtons ( ID_ACCOUNT_PAGE_CNRBUTTONS, this, this, false ), userIdText ( ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), nodeSysText ( ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), userId ( ID_ACC_USERID_EF, this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), nodeSys ( ID_ACC_NODESYS_EF, this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop ), pCnr ( (IContainerControl*) NULL ), pAcctCnrObj ( (AcctCnrObj*) NULL ), pColUserID ( (IContainerColumn*) NULL ), pColNodeSys ( (IContainerColumn*) NULL ), acctData ( aKey ), origAcctData (), Key ( aKey ), isAquery ( false ), thePageSettings ( IApplication::current().userResourceLibrary(). loadString( STR_ACC_ACCOUNT_TAB ), NULL, INotebook::PageSettings::autoPageSize | INotebook::PageSettings::majorTab ), cnrSelHandler ( this ) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Save the account data to another object in case the user wishes to | | undo any changes. | | Label the static text objects. | | Set the limit for the entryfields. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ origAcctData = acctData; userIdText.setText( STR_ACC_USERID ); nodeSysText.setText( STR_ACC_NODESYS ); userId.setLimit( DISPLAY_LARGE ); nodeSys.setLimit( DISPLAY_LARGE ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Fill the container from the database. | | Set the objects on yourself (IMultiCellCanvas). | | Start handling the events. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fillCnr(); setCells(); handleIt(); };
void MeshPartition::setGrid(vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, bool use_all_cells) { m_TrackGrid = false; resetTimeStamps(); m_Grid = grid; if (use_all_cells) { QVector<vtkIdType> cls(grid->GetNumberOfCells()); for (vtkIdType id_cell = 0; id_cell < cls.size(); ++id_cell) { cls[id_cell] = id_cell; } setCells(cls); } }
/** * Actually run the game: * process events, advance through generations and draw the cells * * @see{ * Game::setCell * Game::setCells * Game::processEvent * } */ void Game::run(){ SDL_Event event; while(running){ while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)){ processEvent(&event); } std::pair<positions_t, positions_t> positions = life->evolve(); std::vector<SDL_Rect> cell_rects(setCells(positions.first, alive_color)); std::vector<SDL_Rect> dead_cell_rects( setCells(positions.second, dead_color)); cell_rects.insert(cell_rects.end(), dead_cell_rects.begin(), dead_cell_rects.end()); SDL_UpdateRects(screen, cell_rects.size(),; SDL_Delay(interval); } }
// // xsheet <- m_cells; insert cells if qualifiers contain eInsertCells // void CellsMover::moveCells(const TPoint &pos) const { int r = pos.y; int c = pos.x; TXsheet *xsh = getXsheet(); if (m_qualifiers & eInsertCells) { for (int i = 0; i < m_colCount; i++) { TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(c + i); if (column) { if (column->getCellColumn() == 0 || column->isLocked()) continue; xsh->insertCells(r, c + i, m_rowCount); } } } setCells(m_cells, r, c); }
void EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::subOccupancyGrid(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &msg) { // If the size changed, then free everything and start over. // Note we don't care if the resolution or offsets change. if (msg->info.width != width || msg->info.height != height) { uninitAlg(); initAlg(msg->info.width, msg->info.height); } if (!init_alg) { ROS_WARN("Warning[EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::subOccupancyGrid]: Algorithm was not initialized."); return; } // These only affect the final path, not the path computation. x_origin = msg->info.origin.position.x; y_origin = msg->info.origin.position.y; resolution = msg->info.resolution; // Copy the data to the Harmonic object. std::vector<unsigned int> v; std::vector<unsigned int> types; for (unsigned int y = 1; y < height - 1; y++) { for (unsigned int x = 1; x < width - 1; x++) { if (msg->data[y * width + x] == EPIC_OCCUPANCY_GRID_NO_CHANGE || isCellGoal(x, y)) { // Do nothing. } else if (msg->data[y * width + x] >= EPIC_OCCUPANCY_GRID_OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD) { v.push_back(x); v.push_back(y); types.push_back(EPIC_CELL_TYPE_OBSTACLE); } else { v.push_back(x); v.push_back(y); types.push_back(EPIC_CELL_TYPE_FREE); } } } setCells(v, types); v.clear(); types.clear(); }
bool EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvAddGoals(epic::ModifyGoals::Request &req, epic::ModifyGoals::Response &res) { if (!init_alg) { ROS_WARN("Warning[EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvAddGoals]: Algorithm was not initialized."); res.success = false; return false; } std::vector<unsigned int> v; std::vector<unsigned int> types; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < req.goals.size(); i++) { float x = 0.0f; float y = 0.0f; worldToMap(req.goals[i].pose.position.x, req.goals[i].pose.position.y, x, y); // If the goal location is an obstacle, then do not let it add a goal here. if (isCellObstacle((unsigned int)(x + 0.5f), (unsigned int)(y + 0.5f))) { continue; } v.push_back((unsigned int) x); v.push_back((unsigned int) y); types.push_back(EPIC_CELL_TYPE_GOAL); } if (v.size() == 0) { ROS_WARN("Warning[EpicNavigationNodeHarmonic::srvAddGoals]: Attempted to add goal(s) inside obstacles. No goals added."); res.success = false; return false; } setCells(v, types); v.clear(); types.clear(); res.success = true; return true; }
//***************************************************************************** // CLASS GeneralPage - Contructor //***************************************************************************** GeneralPage :: GeneralPage(IWindow* pParent, const IString empNum) : IMultiCellCanvas(ID_GENERAL_PAGE, pParent, pParent), employeeData(empNum ), pageButtons(ID_GENERAL_PAGE_BUTTONS, this,this, false), employeeIdText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), lastNameText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), firstNameText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), middleNameText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), intPhoneText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), extPhoneText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), roomText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), deptText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), bldgText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), divText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), mgrEmpNumText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), mgrEmpNameText (ID_NO_ITEM, this, this ), employeeId (ID_GEN_EMPLOYEE_ID_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), lastName (ID_GEN_LAST_NAME_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), firstName (ID_GEN_FIRST_NAME_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), middleInitial (ID_GEN_MIDDLE_INITIAL_EF, this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), intPhone (ID_GEN_INT_PHONE_EF, this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), extPhone (ID_GEN_EXT_PHONE_EF, this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), room (ID_GEN_ROOM_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), building (ID_GEN_BUILDING_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), deptName (ID_GEN_DEPT_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), division (ID_GEN_DIVISION_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), employeeType (this), mgrEmpId (ID_GEN_MGR_EMP_ID_EF, this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), mgrName (ID_GEN_MGR_NAME_EF , this, this, IRectangle(), IEntryField::classDefaultStyle | IControl::tabStop), Key(empNum), thePageSettings( IApplication::current().userResourceLibrary().loadString( STR_GEN_GENERAL_TAB), NULL, INotebook::PageSettings::autoPageSize | INotebook::PageSettings::majorTab ), isAquery(false) { // set up the fields setUp(); if ( employeeId.text().length() ) employeeId.disableDataUpdate(); // set up the page setCells(); // populate the page from any database info displayData(); handleIt(); }
void SpriteSheet::setColumns(unsigned int columns) { setCells(m_Rows, columns); }
AbstractGrid::AbstractGrid(int nbCells) { setNbCells(nbCells); setCells(); }
void SpriteSheet::setRows(unsigned int rows) { setCells(rows, m_Columns); }