    Document& document,
    FieldOwner& fieldOwner,
    const Range& range,
    const Range& hardLimits,
    const String& placeholder,
    const DateTimeNumericFieldElement::Step& step)
    : DateTimeFieldElement(document, fieldOwner),
      m_hasValue(false) {
  DCHECK_NE(m_step.step, 0);
  DCHECK_LE(m_range.minimum, m_range.maximum);
  DCHECK_LE(m_hardLimits.minimum, m_hardLimits.maximum);

  // We show a direction-neutral string such as "--" as a placeholder. It
  // should follow the direction of numeric values.
  if (localeForOwner().isRTL()) {
    CharDirection dir = direction(formatValue(this->maximum())[0]);
    if (dir == LeftToRight || dir == EuropeanNumber || dir == ArabicNumber) {
      setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, CSSValueBidiOverride);
      setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDirection, CSSValueLtr);
Exemplo n.º 2
void MediaControlPanelElement::makeTransparent()
    if (!m_opaque)

    double duration = document()->page() ? document()->page()->theme()->mediaControlsFadeOutDuration() : 0;

    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionProperty, CSSPropertyOpacity);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDuration, duration, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyOpacity, 0.0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER);

    m_opaque = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void MediaControlPanelElement::setPosition(const LayoutPoint& position)
    double left = position.x();
    double top = position.y();

    // Set the left and top to control the panel's position; this depends on it being absolute positioned.
    // Set the margin to zero since the position passed in will already include the effect of the margin.
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, left, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, top, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMarginLeft, 0.0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMarginTop, 0.0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);

    ExceptionCode ignored;
    classList()->add("dragged", ignored);
Exemplo n.º 4
RefPtr<ImageControlsButtonElementMac> ImageControlsButtonElementMac::tryCreate(Document& document)
    if (!
        return nullptr;

    auto button = adoptRef(*new ImageControlsButtonElementMac(document));
    button->setAttributeWithoutSynchronization(HTMLNames::classAttr, AtomicString("x-webkit-image-controls-button", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));

    IntSize positionOffset =>theme().imageControlsButtonPositionOffset();
    button->setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, positionOffset.height(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);

    // FIXME: Why is right: 0px off the right edge of the parent?
    button->setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyRight, positionOffset.width(), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);

    return WTFMove(button);
Exemplo n.º 5
void MediaControlPanelElement::makeOpaque()
    if (m_opaque)

    double duration = document()->page() ? document()->page()->theme()->mediaControlsFadeInDuration() : 0;

    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionProperty, CSSPropertyOpacity);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitTransitionDuration, duration, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_S);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyOpacity, 1.0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER);

    m_opaque = true;

    if (m_isDisplayed)
Exemplo n.º 6
DateTimeNumericFieldElement::DateTimeNumericFieldElement(Document* document, FieldOwner& fieldOwner, int minimum, int maximum, const String& placeholder)
    : DateTimeFieldElement(document, fieldOwner)
    , m_lastDigitCharTime(0)
    , m_placeholder(placeholder)
    , m_range(minimum, maximum)
    , m_value(0)
    , m_hasValue(false)
    // We show a direction-neutral string such as "--" as a placeholder. It
    // should follow the direction of numeric values.
    if (localeForOwner().isRTL()) {
        Direction dir = direction(formatValue(this->maximum())[0]);
        if (dir == LeftToRight || dir == EuropeanNumber || dir == ArabicNumber) {
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, CSSValueBidiOverride);
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDirection, CSSValueLtr);
Exemplo n.º 7
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateSizes()
    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = toParentMediaElement(this);
    if (!mediaElement)

    if (!document()->page())

    IntRect videoBox;

    if (m_textTrackRepresentation)
        videoBox = m_textTrackRepresentation->bounds();
    else {
        if (!mediaElement->renderer() || !mediaElement->renderer()->isVideo())
        videoBox = toRenderVideo(mediaElement->renderer())->videoBox();

    if (m_videoDisplaySize == videoBox)
    m_videoDisplaySize = videoBox;

    if (m_textTrackRepresentation) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, String::number(m_videoDisplaySize.size().width()) + "px");
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, String::number(m_videoDisplaySize.size().height()) + "px");

    float smallestDimension = std::min(m_videoDisplaySize.size().height(), m_videoDisplaySize.size().width());

    float fontSize = smallestDimension * (document()->page()->group().captionFontSizeScale());
    if (fontSize != m_fontSize) {
        m_fontSize = fontSize;
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyFontSize, String::number(fontSize) + "px");
Exemplo n.º 8
void VTTCueBox::applyCSSProperties(const IntSize&)
    // FIXME: Apply all the initial CSS positioning properties.
    if (!m_cue->regionId().isEmpty()) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueRelative);

    // 3.5.1 On the (root) List of WebVTT Node Objects:

    // the 'position' property must be set to 'absolute'
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueAbsolute);

    //  the 'unicode-bidi' property must be set to 'plaintext'
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, CSSValueWebkitPlaintext);

    // the 'direction' property must be set to direction
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDirection, m_cue->getCSSWritingDirection());

    // the 'writing-mode' property must be set to writing-mode
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode, m_cue->getCSSWritingMode());

    std::pair<float, float> position = m_cue->getCSSPosition();

    // the 'top' property must be set to top,
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, position.second, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    // the 'left' property must be set to left
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, position.first, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    // the 'width' property must be set to width, and the 'height' property  must be set to height
    if (m_cue->vertical() == horizontalKeyword()) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, static_cast<double>(m_cue->getCSSSize()), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, CSSValueAuto);
    } else {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, CSSValueAuto);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, static_cast<double>(m_cue->getCSSSize()),  CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    // The 'text-align' property on the (root) List of WebVTT Node Objects must
    // be set to the value in the second cell of the row of the table below
    // whose first cell is the value of the corresponding cue's text track cue
    // alignment:
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTextAlign, m_cue->getCSSAlignment());

    if (!m_cue->snapToLines()) {
        // 10.13.1 Set up x and y:
        // Note: x and y are set through the CSS left and top above.

        // 10.13.2 Position the boxes in boxes such that the point x% along the
        // width of the bounding box of the boxes in boxes is x% of the way
        // across the width of the video's rendering area, and the point y%
        // along the height of the bounding box of the boxes in boxes is y%
        // of the way across the height of the video's rendering area, while
        // maintaining the relative positions of the boxes in boxes to each
        // other.
            String::format("translate(-%.2f%%, -%.2f%%)", position.first, position.second));

        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWhiteSpace, CSSValuePre);
Exemplo n.º 9
void VTTCueBox::applyCSSProperties(const IntSize& videoSize)
    // FIXME: Apply all the initial CSS positioning properties.
    if (!m_cue.regionId().isEmpty()) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueRelative);

    // 3.5.1 On the (root) List of WebVTT Node Objects:

    // the 'position' property must be set to 'absolute'
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueAbsolute);

    //  the 'unicode-bidi' property must be set to 'plaintext'
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, CSSValueWebkitPlaintext);

    // the 'direction' property must be set to direction
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDirection, m_cue.getCSSWritingDirection());

    // the 'writing-mode' property must be set to writing-mode
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode, m_cue.getCSSWritingMode(), false);

    std::pair<float, float> position = m_cue.getCSSPosition();

    // the 'top' property must be set to top,
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, static_cast<double>(position.second), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    // the 'left' property must be set to left
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, static_cast<double>(position.first), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    double authorFontSize = std::min(videoSize.width(), videoSize.height()) * DEFAULTCAPTIONFONTSIZEPERCENTAGE / 100.0;
    double multiplier = 1.0;
    if (authorFontSize)
        multiplier = m_fontSizeFromCaptionUserPrefs / authorFontSize;

    double textPosition = m_cue.position();
    double maxSize = 100.0;
    CSSValueID alignment = m_cue.getCSSAlignment();
    if (alignment == CSSValueEnd || alignment == CSSValueRight)
        maxSize = textPosition;
    else if (alignment == CSSValueStart || alignment == CSSValueLeft)
        maxSize = 100.0 - textPosition;

    double newCueSize = std::min(m_cue.getCSSSize() * multiplier, 100.0);
    // the 'width' property must be set to width, and the 'height' property  must be set to height
    if (m_cue.vertical() == horizontalKeyword()) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, newCueSize, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, CSSValueAuto);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMinWidth, "-webkit-min-content");
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMaxWidth, maxSize, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
        if ((alignment == CSSValueMiddle || alignment == CSSValueCenter) && multiplier != 1.0)
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, static_cast<double>(position.first - (newCueSize - m_cue.getCSSSize()) / 2), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
    } else {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, CSSValueAuto);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, newCueSize, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMinHeight, "-webkit-min-content");
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMaxHeight, maxSize, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
        if ((alignment == CSSValueMiddle || alignment == CSSValueCenter) && multiplier != 1.0)
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, static_cast<double>(position.second - (newCueSize - m_cue.getCSSSize()) / 2), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    // The 'text-align' property on the (root) List of WebVTT Node Objects must
    // be set to the value in the second cell of the row of the table below
    // whose first cell is the value of the corresponding cue's text track cue
    // alignment:
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTextAlign, m_cue.getCSSAlignment());
    if (!m_cue.snapToLines()) {
        // 10.13.1 Set up x and y:
        // Note: x and y are set through the CSS left and top above.

        // 10.13.2 Position the boxes in boxes such that the point x% along the
        // width of the bounding box of the boxes in boxes is x% of the way
        // across the width of the video's rendering area, and the point y%
        // along the height of the bounding box of the boxes in boxes is y%
        // of the way across the height of the video's rendering area, while
        // maintaining the relative positions of the boxes in boxes to each
        // other.
            String::format("translate(-%.2f%%, -%.2f%%)", position.first, position.second));

        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWhiteSpace, CSSValuePre);
Exemplo n.º 10
void TextTrackCueGenericBoxElement::applyCSSProperties(const IntSize& videoSize)
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueAbsolute);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, CSSValueWebkitPlaintext);
    TextTrackCueGeneric* cue = static_cast<TextTrackCueGeneric*>(getCue());
    RefPtr<HTMLSpanElement> cueElement = cue->element();

    float size = static_cast<float>(cue->getCSSSize());
    if (cue->useDefaultPosition()) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyBottom, 0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMarginBottom, 1.0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
    } else {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, static_cast<float>(cue->position()), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, static_cast<float>(cue->line()), CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

        if (cue->getWritingDirection() == VTTCue::Horizontal)
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, size, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, size,  CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);

    if (cue->getWritingDirection() == VTTCue::Horizontal)
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMinWidth, "-webkit-min-content");
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyMinHeight, "-webkit-min-content");

    if (cue->foregroundColor().isValid())
        cueElement->setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyColor, cue->foregroundColor().serialized());
    if (cue->highlightColor().isValid())
        cueElement->setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, cue->highlightColor().serialized());

    if (cue->getWritingDirection() == VTTCue::Horizontal)
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, CSSValueAuto);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, CSSValueAuto);

    if (cue->baseFontSizeRelativeToVideoHeight())
        cue->setFontSize(cue->baseFontSizeRelativeToVideoHeight(), videoSize, false);

    if (cue->getAlignment() == VTTCue::Middle)
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTextAlign, CSSValueCenter);
    else if (cue->getAlignment() == VTTCue::End)
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTextAlign, CSSValueEnd);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTextAlign, CSSValueStart);

    if (cue->backgroundColor().isValid())
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, cue->backgroundColor().serialized());
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode, cue->getCSSWritingMode(), false);
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWhiteSpace, CSSValuePreWrap);
Exemplo n.º 11
void VTTCueBox::applyCSSProperties(const VTTDisplayParameters& displayParameters)

    // Initialize the (root) list of WebVTT Node Objects with the following CSS settings:

    // the 'position' property must be set to 'absolute'
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyPosition, CSSValueAbsolute);

    //  the 'unicode-bidi' property must be set to 'plaintext'
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, CSSValueWebkitPlaintext);

    // the 'direction' property must be set to direction
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyDirection, displayParameters.direction);

    // the 'writing-mode' property must be set to writing-mode
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitWritingMode, displayParameters.writingMode);

    const FloatPoint& position = displayParameters.position;

    // the 'top' property must be set to top,
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTop, position.y(), CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Percentage);

    // the 'left' property must be set to left
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, position.x(), CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Percentage);

    // the 'width' property must be set to width, and the 'height' property  must be set to height
    if (displayParameters.writingMode == CSSValueHorizontalTb) {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, displayParameters.size, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Percentage);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, CSSValueAuto);
    } else {
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, CSSValueAuto);
        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, displayParameters.size,  CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Percentage);

    // The 'text-align' property on the (root) List of WebVTT Node Objects must
    // be set to the value in the second cell of the row of the table below
    // whose first cell is the value of the corresponding cue's WebVTT cue
    // text alignment:
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyTextAlign, displayParameters.textAlign);

    // TODO(philipj): The position adjustment for non-snap-to-lines cues has
    // been removed from the spec:
    if (std::isnan(displayParameters.snapToLinesPosition)) {
        // 10.13.1 Set up x and y:
        // Note: x and y are set through the CSS left and top above.

        // 10.13.2 Position the boxes in boxes such that the point x% along the
        // width of the bounding box of the boxes in boxes is x% of the way
        // across the width of the video's rendering area, and the point y%
        // along the height of the bounding box of the boxes in boxes is y%
        // of the way across the height of the video's rendering area, while
        // maintaining the relative positions of the boxes in boxes to each
        // other.
            String::format("translate(-%.2f%%, -%.2f%%)", position.x(), position.y()));

        setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWhiteSpace, CSSValuePre);

    // The snap-to-lines position is propagated to LayoutVTTCue.
    m_snapToLinesPosition = displayParameters.snapToLinesPosition;
Exemplo n.º 12
void MediaControlTextTrackContainerElement::updateDisplay()
    if (!mediaController()->closedCaptionsVisible()) {

    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = toParentMediaElement(this);
    // 1. If the media element is an audio element, or is another playback
    // mechanism with no rendering area, abort these steps. There is nothing to
    // render.
    if (!mediaElement || !mediaElement->isVideo())

    // 2. Let video be the media element or other playback mechanism.
    HTMLVideoElement* video = static_cast<HTMLVideoElement*>(mediaElement);

    // 3. Let output be an empty list of absolutely positioned CSS block boxes.
    Vector<RefPtr<HTMLDivElement> > output;

    // 4. If the user agent is exposing a user interface for video, add to
    // output one or more completely transparent positioned CSS block boxes that
    // cover the same region as the user interface.

    // 5. If the last time these rules were run, the user agent was not exposing
    // a user interface for video, but now it is, let reset be true. Otherwise,
    // let reset be false.

    // There is nothing to be done explicitly for 4th and 5th steps, as
    // everything is handled through CSS. The caption box is on top of the
    // controls box, in a container set with the -webkit-box display property.

    // 6. Let tracks be the subset of video's list of text tracks that have as
    // their rules for updating the text track rendering these rules for
    // updating the display of WebVTT text tracks, and whose text track mode is
    // showing or showing by default.
    // 7. Let cues be an empty list of text track cues.
    // 8. For each track track in tracks, append to cues all the cues from
    // track's list of cues that have their text track cue active flag set.
    CueList activeCues = video->currentlyActiveCues();

    // 9. If reset is false, then, for each text track cue cue in cues: if cue's
    // text track cue display state has a set of CSS boxes, then add those boxes
    // to output, and remove cue from cues.

    // There is nothing explicitly to be done here, as all the caching occurs
    // within the TextTrackCue instance itself. If parameters of the cue change,
    // the display tree is cleared.

    // 10. For each text track cue cue in cues that has not yet had
    // corresponding CSS boxes added to output, in text track cue order, run the
    // following substeps:
    for (size_t i = 0; i < activeCues.size(); ++i) {
        TextTrackCue* cue = activeCues[i].data();

        if (!cue->track() || !cue->track()->isRendered())

        RefPtr<TextTrackCueBox> displayBox = cue->getDisplayTree();

        if (displayBox->hasChildNodes() && !contains(static_cast<Node*>(displayBox.get())))
            // Note: the display tree of a cue is removed when the active flag of the cue is unset.
            m_cueContainer->appendChild(displayBox, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION, false);

    // 11. Return output.
    if (hasChildNodes()) {
        if (mediaElement->requiresTextTrackRepresentation()) {
            if (!m_textTrackRepresentation)
                m_textTrackRepresentation = TextTrackRepresentation::create(this);

            if (Page* page = document()->page())

            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, String::number(m_videoDisplaySize.size().width()) + "px");
            setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyHeight, String::number(m_videoDisplaySize.size().height()) + "px");
    } else {
        m_textTrackRepresentation = nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 13
void ProgressValueElement::setWidthPercentage(double width)
    setInlineStyleProperty(CSSPropertyWidth, width, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);