Exemplo n.º 1
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsPGConnectionItem::createChildren()
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
  QVector<QgsDataItem*> children;
  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsPostgresConn::connUri( mName );

  mConn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo(), true );
  if ( !mConn )
    return children;

  QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !mConn->supportedLayers( layerProperties, false, true, false ) )
    children.append( new QgsErrorItem( this, tr( "Failed to retrieve layers" ), mPath + "/error" ) );
    return children;

  QgsGeomColumnTypeThread *columnTypeThread = 0;

  foreach( QgsPostgresLayerProperty layerProperty, layerProperties )
    QgsPGSchemaItem *schemaItem = mSchemaMap.value( layerProperty.schemaName, 0 );
    if ( !schemaItem )
      schemaItem = new QgsPGSchemaItem( this, layerProperty.schemaName, mPath + "/" + layerProperty.schemaName );
      children.append( schemaItem );
      mSchemaMap[ layerProperty.schemaName ] = schemaItem;

    if ( layerProperty.type == "GEOMETRY" )
      if ( !columnTypeThread )
        QgsPostgresConn *conn = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo(), true /* readonly */ );
        if ( conn )
          columnTypeThread = new QgsGeomColumnTypeThread( conn, true /* use estimated metadata */ );

          connect( columnTypeThread, SIGNAL( setLayerType( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ),
                   this, SLOT( setLayerType( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ) );
          connect( this, SIGNAL( addGeometryColumn( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ),
                   columnTypeThread, SLOT( addGeometryColumn( QgsPostgresLayerProperty ) ) );

      emit addGeometryColumn( layerProperty );


    schemaItem->addLayer( layerProperty );
void QgsGeomColumnTypeThread::run()
  if ( !mConn )

  mStopped = false;

  int i = 0;
  foreach ( QgsPostgresLayerProperty layerProperty, layerProperties )
    if ( !mStopped )
      emit progress( i++, layerProperties.size() );
      emit progressMessage( tr( "Scanning column %1.%2.%3..." ).arg( layerProperty.schemaName ).arg( layerProperty.tableName ).arg( layerProperty.geometryColName ) );
      mConn->retrieveLayerTypes( layerProperty, mUseEstimatedMetadata );

    if ( mStopped )
      layerProperty.type = "";
      layerProperty.srid = "";

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );

  mConn = 0;
void QgsOracleColumnTypeThread::run()
  mStopped = false;

  QString conninfo = QgsOracleConn::toPoolName( QgsOracleConn::connUri( mName ) );
  QgsOracleConn *conn = QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( conninfo );
  if ( !conn )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + conninfo );
    mStopped = true;

  emit progressMessage( tr( "Retrieving tables of %1…" ).arg( mName ) );
  QVector<QgsOracleLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !conn->supportedLayers( layerProperties,
                               QgsOracleConn::geometryColumnsOnly( mName ),
                               QgsOracleConn::userTablesOnly( mName ),
                               mAllowGeometrylessTables ) ||
       layerProperties.isEmpty() )

  int i = 0, n = layerProperties.size();
  for ( QVector<QgsOracleLayerProperty>::iterator it = layerProperties.begin(),
        end = layerProperties.end();
        it != end; ++it )
    QgsOracleLayerProperty &layerProperty = *it;
    if ( !mStopped )
      emit progress( i++, n );
      emit progressMessage( tr( "Scanning column %1.%2.%3…" )
                            .arg( layerProperty.ownerName,
                                  layerProperty.geometryColName ) );
      conn->retrieveLayerTypes( layerProperty, mUseEstimatedMetadata, QgsOracleConn::onlyExistingTypes( mName ) );

    if ( mStopped )

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );

  // store the list for later use (cache)
  if ( !mStopped )
    mLayerProperties = layerProperties;

  emit progress( 0, 0 );
  emit progressMessage( tr( "Table retrieval finished." ) );

  QgsOracleConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( conn );
void QgsOracleColumnTypeThread::run()
  QgsDataSourceURI uri = QgsOracleConn::connUri( mName );
  QgsOracleConn *conn = QgsOracleConn::connectDb( uri.connectionInfo() );
  if ( !conn )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + uri.connectionInfo() );

  mStopped = false;

  emit progressMessage( tr( "Retrieving tables of %1..." ).arg( mName ) );
  QVector<QgsOracleLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !conn->supportedLayers( layerProperties,
                               QgsOracleConn::geometryColumnsOnly( mName ),
                               QgsOracleConn::userTablesOnly( mName ),
                               mAllowGeometrylessTables ) ||
       layerProperties.isEmpty() )

  int i = 0, n = layerProperties.size();
  for ( QVector<QgsOracleLayerProperty>::iterator it = layerProperties.begin(),
        end = layerProperties.end();
        it != end; ++it )
    QgsOracleLayerProperty &layerProperty = *it;
    if ( !mStopped )
      emit progress( i++, n );
      emit progressMessage( tr( "Scanning column %1.%2.%3..." )
                            .arg( layerProperty.ownerName )
                            .arg( layerProperty.tableName )
                            .arg( layerProperty.geometryColName ) );
      conn->retrieveLayerTypes( layerProperty, mUseEstimatedMetadata, QgsOracleConn::onlyExistingTypes( mName ) );

    if ( mStopped )

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );

  emit progress( 0, 0 );
  emit progressMessage( tr( "Table retrieval finished." ) );

void QgsMssqlGeomColumnTypeThread::run()
  mStopped = false;

  for ( QList<QgsMssqlLayerProperty>::iterator it = layerProperties.begin(),
        end = layerProperties.end();
        it != end; ++it )
    QgsMssqlLayerProperty &layerProperty = *it;

    if ( !mStopped )
      QString table;
      table = QStringLiteral( "%1[%2]" )
              .arg( layerProperty.schemaName.isEmpty() ? QString() : QStringLiteral( "[%1]." ).arg( layerProperty.schemaName ),
                    layerProperty.tableName );

      QString query = QString( "SELECT %3"
                               " UPPER([%1].STGeometryType()),"
                               " [%1].STSrid"
                               " FROM %2"
                               " WHERE [%1] IS NOT NULL %4"
                               " GROUP BY [%1].STGeometryType(), [%1].STSrid" )
                      .arg( layerProperty.geometryColName,
                            mUseEstimatedMetadata ? "TOP 1" : "",
                            layerProperty.sql.isEmpty() ? QString() : QStringLiteral( " AND %1" ).arg( layerProperty.sql ) );

      // issue the sql query
      QSqlDatabase db = QgsMssqlConnection::getDatabase( mService, mHost, mDatabase, mUsername, mPassword );
      if ( !QgsMssqlConnection::openDatabase( db ) )
        QgsDebugMsg( db.lastError().text() );

      QSqlQuery q = QSqlQuery( db );
      q.setForwardOnly( true );
      if ( !q.exec( query ) )
        QgsDebugMsg( q.lastError().text() );

      QString type;
      QString srid;

      if ( q.isActive() )
        QStringList types;
        QStringList srids;

        while ( q.next() )
          QString type = q.value( 0 ).toString().toUpper();
          QString srid = q.value( 1 ).toString();

          if ( type.isEmpty() )

          types << type;
          srids << srid;

        type = types.join( QStringLiteral( "," ) );
        srid = srids.join( QStringLiteral( "," ) );

      layerProperty.type = type;
      layerProperty.srid = srid;

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );
Exemplo n.º 6
void QgsGeomColumnTypeThread::run()
  QgsDataSourceUri uri = QgsPostgresConn::connUri( mName );
  mConn = QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( uri.connectionInfo( false ) );
  if ( !mConn )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Connection failed - " + uri.connectionInfo( false ) );

  mStopped = false;

  bool dontResolveType = QgsPostgresConn::dontResolveType( mName );

  emit progressMessage( tr( "Retrieving tables of %1…" ).arg( mName ) );
  QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty> layerProperties;
  if ( !mConn->supportedLayers( layerProperties,
                                QgsPostgresConn::geometryColumnsOnly( mName ),
                                QgsPostgresConn::publicSchemaOnly( mName ),
                                mAllowGeometrylessTables ) ||
       layerProperties.isEmpty() )
    QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( mConn );
    mConn = nullptr;

  int i = 0, n = layerProperties.size();
  for ( QVector<QgsPostgresLayerProperty>::iterator it = layerProperties.begin(),
        end = layerProperties.end();
        it != end; ++it )
    QgsPostgresLayerProperty &layerProperty = *it;
    if ( !mStopped )
      emit progress( i++, n );
      emit progressMessage( tr( "Scanning column %1.%2.%3…" )
                            .arg( layerProperty.schemaName,
                                  layerProperty.geometryColName ) );

      if ( !layerProperty.geometryColName.isNull() &&
           ( layerProperty.types.value( 0, QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ) == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ||
             layerProperty.srids.value( 0, std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ) == std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ) )
        if ( dontResolveType )
          QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "skipping column %1.%2 without type constraint" ).arg( layerProperty.schemaName, layerProperty.tableName ) );

        mConn->retrieveLayerTypes( layerProperty, mUseEstimatedMetadata );

    if ( mStopped )

    // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
    emit setLayerType( layerProperty );

  emit progress( 0, 0 );
  emit progressMessage( mStopped ? tr( "Table retrieval stopped." ) : tr( "Table retrieval finished." ) );

  QgsPostgresConnPool::instance()->releaseConnection( mConn );
  mConn = nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 7
void SaGeomColTypeThread::getLayerTypes()
  mStopped = false;

  // establish read-only connection to the database
  char  errbuf[SACAPI_ERROR_SIZE];
  sacapi_i32  code;
  SqlAnyConnection *conn = SqlAnyConnection::connect( mConnInfo, true, code, errbuf, sizeof( errbuf ) );

  if ( conn )
    for ( uint i = 0; i < schemas.size() && !mStopped; i++ )
      QString geomtype = geomtypes[i];
      QString sridstr = sridstrs[i];
      QString lineinterp = lineinterps[i];

      QString sql;
      QString quotedTableName;
      QString fromStr;
      SqlAnyStatement *stmt;

      quotedTableName = QString( "%1.%2" )
                        .arg( quotedIdentifier( schemas[i] ) )
                        .arg( quotedIdentifier( tables[i] ) );
      if ( mEstimateMetadata )
        fromStr = QString( "(SELECT TOP %1 %2 FROM %3 WHERE %2 IS NOT NULL ) AS sampleGeoms " )
                  .arg( sGeomTypeSelectLimit )
                  .arg( quotedIdentifier( columns[i] ) )
                  .arg( quotedTableName );
        fromStr = quotedTableName;

      // retrieve distinct geometry types
      if ( geomtype == "WAITING" )
        QStringList types;

        sql = QString(
                "SELECT DISTINCT "
                "CASE "
                "WHEN UCASE(%1.ST_GeometryType()) IN ('ST_POINT','ST_MULTIPOINT') THEN 'ST_POINT' "
                "WHEN UCASE(%1.ST_GeometryType()) IN ('ST_POLYGON','ST_MULTIPOLYGON') THEN 'ST_POLYGON' "
                "ELSE 'ST_GEOMETRY' "
                "END "
                "FROM %2 " )
              .arg( quotedIdentifier( columns[i] ) )
              .arg( fromStr );

        stmt = conn->execute_direct( sql );
        if ( stmt->isValid() )
          while ( stmt->fetchNext() )
            QString type;
            stmt->getString( 0, type );
            types += type;
        delete stmt;

        if ( types.isEmpty() )
          geomtype = "ST_GEOMETRY";
          geomtype = types.join( "," );

      // retrieve distinct srids
      if ( sridstr == "WAITING" )
        QStringList srids;
        QStringList interps;

        sql = QString(
                "SELECT srid, "
                "IF round_earth = 'Y' THEN 'ROUND EARTH' ELSE 'PLANAR' ENDIF "
                "FROM ( "
                "SELECT DISTINCT %1.ST_SRID() AS srid FROM %2 "
                ") AS sridlist, SYS.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS "
                "WHERE srid = srs_id " )
              .arg( quotedIdentifier( columns[i] ) )
              .arg( fromStr );

        stmt = conn->execute_direct( sql );
        if ( stmt->isValid() )
          while ( stmt->fetchNext() )
            int srid;
            QString interp;
            stmt->getInt( 0, srid );
            stmt->getString( 1, interp );
            srids += QString::number( srid );
            if ( !interps.contains( interp ) )
              interps += interp;
        delete stmt;

        if ( srids.isEmpty() )
          sridstr = "UNKNOWN";
          lineinterp = "UNKNOWN";
          sridstr = srids.join( "," );
          lineinterp = interps.join( "," );

      // Now tell the layer list dialog box...
      emit setLayerType( schemas[i], tables[i], columns[i], geomtype, sridstr, lineinterp );

Exemplo n.º 8
void SaSourceSelect::on_btnConnect_clicked()
  if ( mColumnTypeThread )
    mColumnTypeThread = 0;

  QModelIndex rootItemIndex = mTableModel.indexFromItem( mTableModel.invisibleRootItem() );
  mTableModel.removeRows( 0, mTableModel.rowCount( rootItemIndex ), rootItemIndex );

  // populate the table list
  QSettings settings;

  // load the SQL Anywhere interface
  if ( !SqlAnyConnection::initApi() )
    QMessageBox::information( this,
                              tr( "Failed to load interface" ),
                              tr( SqlAnyConnection::failedInitMsg() ) );

  // compute connection information
  QString key = "/SQLAnywhere/connections/" + cmbConnections->currentText();
  mEstimateMetadata = settings.value( key + "/estimateMetadata", false ).toBool();
  mOtherSchemas = settings.value( key + "/otherSchemas", false ).toBool();
  mConnInfo = SqlAnyConnection::makeUri( key
                                         , settings.value( key + "/host" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/port" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/server" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/database" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/parameters" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/username" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/password" ).toString()
                                         , settings.value( key + "/simpleEncryption", false ).toBool()
                                         , mEstimateMetadata );
  SaDebugMsg( "Connection info: " + mConnInfo );

  // establish read-only connection to the database
  char      errbuf[SACAPI_ERROR_SIZE];
  sacapi_i32     code;
  SqlAnyConnection  *conn = SqlAnyConnection::connect( mConnInfo, true, code, errbuf, sizeof( errbuf ) );

  if ( conn )
    // get the list of suitable tables and columns and populate the UI
    geomCol details;

    if ( getTableInfo( conn->addRef(), mOtherSchemas ) )
      // Start the thread that gets the geometry type for relations that
      // may take a long time to return
      if ( mColumnTypeThread != NULL )
        connect( mColumnTypeThread, SIGNAL( setLayerType( QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString ) ),
                 this, SLOT( setLayerType( QString, QString, QString, QString, QString, QString ) ) );

        // Do it in a thread.

      SaDebugMsg( "Unable to get list of spatially enabled tables "
                  "from the database" );
    if ( cmbConnections->count() > 0 ) mAddButton->setEnabled( true );


    QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Connection failed" ),
                          tr( "Connection to database %1 failed. "
                              "Check settings and try again.\n\n"
                              "SQL Anywhere error code: %2\n"
                              "Description: %3" )
                          .arg( settings.value( key + "/database" ).toString() )
                          .arg( code )
                          .arg( errbuf ) );

  mTablesTreeView->sortByColumn( SaDbTableModel::dbtmTable, Qt::AscendingOrder );
  mTablesTreeView->sortByColumn( SaDbTableModel::dbtmSchema, Qt::AscendingOrder );

  //if we have only one schema item, expand it by default
  int numTopLevelItems = mTableModel.invisibleRootItem()->rowCount();
  if ( numTopLevelItems < 2 || mTableModel.tableCount() < 20 )
    //expand all the toplevel items
    for ( int i = 0; i < numTopLevelItems; ++i )
      mTablesTreeView->expand( mProxyModel.mapFromSource( mTableModel.indexFromItem( mTableModel.invisibleRootItem()->child( i ) ) ) );