Exemplo n.º 1
	void LinkPointActor::setSize(osg::Vec3 size)
		_size = size;
		if (_transformNode.valid())
Exemplo n.º 2
/// @todo verify that the ordering of the jacobian returned is accurate against VrepVFController.hpp
/// @return jacobian in ColumnMajor format where each row is a joint from base to tip, first 3 columns are translation component, last 3 columns are rotation component
Eigen::MatrixXf getJacobian(vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver& driver)

        // Initialize Variables for update
        auto jointHandles_ = driver.getJointHandles();
        int numJoints =jointHandles_.size();
        std::vector<float> ikCalculatedJointValues(numJoints,0);
        vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::State currentArmState_;
        /// @todo get target position, probably relative to base
        const auto& handleParams = driver.getVrepHandleParams();
        auto ikGroupHandle_ = std::get<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::RobotIkGroup>(handleParams);
        auto target = std::get<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::RobotTargetName>(handleParams);
        auto tip = std::get<vrep::VrepRobotArmDriver::RobotTipName>(handleParams);
        // save the current tip to target transform
        Eigen::Affine3d tipToTarget =getObjectTransform( target,tip);
        // set the current transform to the identity so simCheckIkGroup won't fail
        // @see http://www.forum.coppeliarobotics.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3967
        // for details about this issue.
        setObjectTransform( target,tip,Eigen::Affine3d::Identity());
        // debug:
        // std::cout << "TipToTargetTransform:\n" << tipToTarget.matrix() << "\n";
        /// Run inverse kinematics, but all we really want is the jacobian
        /// @todo find version that only returns jacobian
        /// @see http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/apiFunctions.htm#simCheckIkGroup
        auto ikcalcResult =
                       ,NULL /// @todo do we need to use these options?
        /// @see http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/apiConstants.htm#ikCalculationResults
        if(ikcalcResult!=sim_ikresult_success && ikcalcResult != sim_ikresult_not_performed)
            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "VrepInverseKinematicsController: didn't run inverse kinematics";
            return Eigen::MatrixXf();
        setObjectTransform( target,tip,tipToTarget);
        // debug verifying that get and set object transform don't corrupt underlying data
//        Eigen::Affine3d tipToTarget2 =getObjectTransform( target,tip);
//        std::cout << "\ntiptotarget\n" << tipToTarget.matrix();
//        std::cout << "\ntiptotarget2\n" << tipToTarget2.matrix();
        // Get the Jacobian
        int jacobianSize[2];
        float* jacobian=simGetIkGroupMatrix(ikGroupHandle_,0,jacobianSize);
        /// @todo FIX HACK jacobianSize include orientation component, should be 7x6 instead of 7x3
        jacobianSize[1] = 3;
        // Transfer the Jacobian to cisst

        // jacobianSize[1] represents the row count of the Jacobian
        // (i.e. the number of equations or the number of joints involved
        // in the IK resolution of the given kinematic chain)
        // Joints appear from tip to base.

        // jacobianSize[0] represents the column count of the Jacobian
        // (i.e. the number of constraints, e.g. x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma,jointDependency)

        // The Jacobian data is in RowMajor order, i.e.:
        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order

        std::string str;
        // jacobianSize[1] == eigen ColMajor "rows" , jacobianSize[0] == eigen ColMajor "cols"
        Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<float,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::RowMajor> > mtestjacobian(jacobian,jacobianSize[1],jacobianSize[0]);
        Eigen::MatrixXf eigentestJacobian = mtestjacobian.rowwise().reverse().transpose();
        return eigentestJacobian;