void Geometry::loadIniFile(IniFile *iniFile) { QFileInfo fileInfo(QString("%1/geometry.txt").arg(m_filePath)); int planesPerDimension = iniFile->getInt("planesPerDimension"); bool loadPrevious = iniFile->getBool("loadPrevious") && fileInfo.exists(); setRandomWalkFraction(iniFile->getDouble("randomWalkFraction")); setIsValid(true); setMode(iniFile->getInt("mode")); setVerbose(iniFile->getBool("verbose")); if(loadPrevious) { load(QString("%1/geometry.txt").arg(m_filePath)); if(this->planesPerDimension() != planesPerDimension) { if(m_verbose) qDebug() << "Resizing from " << this->planesPerDimension() << " planes per dimension to " << planesPerDimension; resize(planesPerDimension); } } else { setPlanesPerDimension(planesPerDimension); reset(2, 19); } qDebug() << "Geometry loaded ini file with "; qDebug() << " Mode: " << m_mode; qDebug() << " Verbose: " << m_verbose; qDebug() << " Planes per dimension: " << m_planesPerDimension; qDebug() << " Load previous: " << (loadPrevious ? "true" : "false"); qDebug() << " Random walk fraction: " << m_randomWalkFraction; }
bool TR::CompilationController::init(TR::CompilationInfo *compInfo) { TR::Options *options = TR::Options::getCmdLineOptions(); char *strategyName = options->getCompilationStrategyName(); { _compInfo = compInfo; _compilationStrategy = new (PERSISTENT_NEW) TR::DefaultCompilationStrategy(); { TR_OptimizationPlan::_optimizationPlanMonitor = TR::Monitor::create("OptimizationPlanMonitor"); _useController = (TR_OptimizationPlan::_optimizationPlanMonitor != 0); if (_useController) { static char *verboseController = feGetEnv("TR_VerboseController"); if (verboseController) setVerbose(atoi(verboseController)); if (verbose() >= LEVEL1) fprintf(stderr, "Using %s comp strategy\n", strategyName); } } } tlsAlloc(OMR::compilation); return _useController; }
FileServer::FileServer() { setPort(uHTTP::HTTP::DEFAULT_PORT); setRootDirectory("."); setVerbose(false); addRequestListener(this); }
void NoGUI::loadIniFile(IniFile *iniFile) { QFileInfo fileInfo(iniFile->filename()); setFilePath(fileInfo.absolutePath()); setMode(iniFile->getInt("mode")); Random::seed(iniFile->getInt("seed")); m_log.setFileName(QString("%1/log.txt").arg(m_filePath)); if (!m_log.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug() << "Could not open file " << QString("%1/log.txt").arg(m_filePath); exit(1); } setVisualize(iniFile->getBool("visualize")); setTimesteps(iniFile->getInt("mcSteps")); setPrintEvery(iniFile->getInt("printEvery")); setVerbose(iniFile->getBool("verbose")); qDebug() << "NoGUI loaded ini file with "; qDebug() << " Log file: " << m_log.fileName(); qDebug() << " Mode: " << m_mode; qDebug() << " Verbose: " << m_verbose; qDebug() << " Seed: " << iniFile->getInt("seed"); qDebug() << " Visualize: " << m_visualize; qDebug() << " Timesteps: " << m_timesteps; qDebug() << " Print every: " << m_printEvery; }
void SpaceReporter::setup() { if (XML.loadFile("mySettings.xml")) { serverAddress = XML.getValue("NETWORK:SERVER_ADDRESS", "localhost"); updateTime = XML.getValue("NETWORK:UPDATE_INTERVAL", 1000); serverPort = XML.getValue("NETWORK:SERVER_PORT", 11999); } //are we connected to the server - if this fails we //will check every few seconds to see if the server exists // weConnected = ofxTCPClient::setup("", 11999); weConnected = ofxTCPClient::setup(serverAddress, serverPort); setVerbose(true); }
QFormulatorEditWidget::QFormulatorEditWidget( QWidget *parent, QObject *uiUpdater ) : QFormulatorWidget( parent, uiUpdater ) { setCursor(Qt::IBeamCursor); setMouseTracking( true ); setAcceptDrops( true ); m_cursorBlinkTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect(m_cursorBlinkTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(switchCursor())); clearRemovedSelection(); setVerbose( true ); setPrintingMode( false ); setBlinkingCursorEnabled( true ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxKeyFrameInterpolator::init(ofPoint _startPoint, ofPoint _endPoint) { reserve(DEFAULT_NUM_ITEMS); // not essential, but good habit if you know how big its gonna be setVerbose(true); // setLinearInterpolation(); setCubicInterpolation(); MSA::Vec2f sp = MSA::Vec2f(startPoint.x, startPoint.y); MSA::Vec2f ep = MSA::Vec2f(endPoint.x, endPoint.y); clear(); push_back(sp); push_back(ep); setUseLength(false); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BFReconstructionEngine::BFReconstructionEngine() { #if defined (OpenMBIR_USE_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS) tbb::task_scheduler_init init; m_NumThreads = init.default_num_threads(); #else m_NumThreads = 1; #endif m_HammingWindow[0][0] = 0.0013; m_HammingWindow[0][1] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[0][2] = 0.0159; m_HammingWindow[0][3] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[0][4] = 0.0013; m_HammingWindow[1][0] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[1][1] = 0.0581; m_HammingWindow[1][2] = 0.1076; m_HammingWindow[1][3] = 0.0581; m_HammingWindow[1][4] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[2][0] = 0.0159; m_HammingWindow[2][1] = 0.1076; m_HammingWindow[2][2] = 0.1993; m_HammingWindow[2][3] = 0.1076; m_HammingWindow[2][4] = 0.0159; m_HammingWindow[3][0] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[3][1] = 0.0581; m_HammingWindow[3][2] = 0.1076; m_HammingWindow[3][3] = 0.0581; m_HammingWindow[3][4] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[4][0] = 0.0013; m_HammingWindow[4][1] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[4][2] = 0.0159; m_HammingWindow[4][3] = 0.0086; m_HammingWindow[4][4] = 0.0013; setVerbose(true); //set this to enable cout::'s setVeryVerbose(true); //set this to ennable even more cout:: s }
GSVWrapper::GSVWrapper(QObject *parent): QObject(parent) { setVerbose(false); myThread = new QThread(); moveToThread(myThread); printThreads(); myThread->start(); // Connect signals QObject::connect(¤tPanorama, SIGNAL(zoomLevelReady(int)), this, SLOT(panoramasZoomLevelReady(int))); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(newRequest()), this, SLOT(processQueue()), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(&networkhandler, SIGNAL(networkState(int,QString)), this, SLOT(networkStateChanged(int,QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(&networkhandler, SIGNAL(tileReady(QImage, QString, int, int)), this, SLOT(imageDataReady(QImage, QString, int, int))); QObject::connect(&networkhandler, SIGNAL(metaReady(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleMetadata(QString, QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(getTile(QString,QString,int,int,int,int)), &networkhandler, SLOT(getTile(QString,QString,int,int,int,int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); // Error signals QObject::connect(&filehandler, SIGNAL(fileHandlerError(int,QString)), this, SLOT(handleFileError(int,QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QObject::connect(&networkhandler, SIGNAL(networkHandlerError(int,QString)), this, SLOT(handleNetworkError(int,QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection); }
LogType::LogType(LogType& copy): LogSyslog(false) { copy.closeUdp(); setVerbose(copy.getVerbose()); setConfigFile(copy.getConfigFile()); setStorageType(copy.getStorageType()); setIpAddress(copy.getIpAddress()); setRemotePort(copy.getRemotePort()); setSourcePort(copy.getSourcePort()); setUdpBufferSize(copy.getUdpBufferSize()); __swaParser = boost::make_shared<SWAParser>( boost::bind(&LogType::callbackSWA, this, _1, _2, _3)); if (!__swaParser) { writeError ("SWA Parser not allocated"); // impossible, but if something corrupt memory. throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong log priority." ); } // check if config file exists if( !iniParse(getConfigFile()) ) { writeError ("Can't parse config FILE = %s", getConfigFile().c_str()); // impossible, but if something corrupt memory. throw std::runtime_error( "Wrong log priority." ); } __threadRun = false; __swaHelloReceive = false; __terminate = false; __udp_socket = NULL; __udp_remote_endpoint = NULL; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *arg = NULL; const char *outputDir = NULL; /* NULL = no output directory, use current */ const char *inputDir = NULL; const char *encoding = ""; int i; U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv); argc = u_parseArgs(argc, argv, (int32_t)(sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0])), options); /* error handling, printing usage message */ if(argc<0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n", argv[0], argv[-argc]); } else if(argc<2) { argc = -1; } if(options[VERSION].doesOccur) { fprintf(stderr, "%s version %s (ICU version %s).\n" "%s\n", argv[0], GENRB_VERSION, U_ICU_VERSION, U_COPYRIGHT_STRING); return U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(argc<0 || options[HELP1].doesOccur || options[HELP2].doesOccur) { /* * Broken into chucks because the C89 standard says the minimum * required supported string length is 509 bytes. */ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n" "\tReads the list of resource bundle source files and creates\n" "\tbinary version of reosurce bundles (.res files)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n" "\t-h or -? or --help this usage text\n" "\t-q or --quiet do not display warnings\n" "\t-v or --verbose print extra information when processing files\n" "\t-V or --version prints out version number and exits\n" "\t-c or --copyright include copyright notice\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-e or --encoding encoding of source files\n" "\t-d of --destdir destination directory, followed by the path, defaults to %s\n" "\t-s or --sourcedir source directory for files followed by path, defaults to %s\n" "\t-i or --icudatadir directory for locating any needed intermediate data files,\n" "\t followed by path, defaults to %s\n", u_getDataDirectory(), u_getDataDirectory(), u_getDataDirectory()); fprintf(stderr, "\t-j or --write-java write a Java ListResourceBundle for ICU4J, followed by optional encoding\n" "\t defaults to ASCII and \\uXXXX format.\n" "\t-p or --package-name For ICU4J: package name for writing the ListResourceBundle for ICU4J,\n" "\t defaults to com.ibm.icu.impl.data\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-b or --bundle-name bundle name for writing the ListResourceBundle for ICU4J,\n" "\t defaults to LocaleElements\n" "\t-x or --write-xliff write a XLIFF file for the resource bundle. Followed by an optional output file name.\n" "\t-k or --strict use pedantic parsing of syntax\n" /*added by Jing*/ "\t-l or --language For XLIFF: language code compliant with ISO 639.\n"); return argc < 0 ? U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR : U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(options[VERBOSE].doesOccur) { setVerbose(TRUE); } if(options[QUIET].doesOccur) { setShowWarning(FALSE); } if(options[STRICT].doesOccur) { setStrict(TRUE); } if(options[COPYRIGHT].doesOccur){ setIncludeCopyright(TRUE); } if(options[SOURCEDIR].doesOccur) { inputDir = options[SOURCEDIR].value; } if(options[DESTDIR].doesOccur) { outputDir = options[DESTDIR].value; } if(options[PACKAGE_NAME].doesOccur) { gPackageName = options[PACKAGE_NAME].value; if(!strcmp(gPackageName, "ICUDATA")) { gPackageName = U_ICUDATA_NAME; } if(gPackageName[0] == 0) { gPackageName = NULL; } } if(options[ENCODING].doesOccur) { encoding = options[ENCODING].value; } if(options[ICUDATADIR].doesOccur) { u_setDataDirectory(options[ICUDATADIR].value); } /* Initialize ICU */ u_init(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status) && status != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { /* Note: u_init() will try to open ICU property data. * failures here are expected when building ICU from scratch. * ignore them. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: can not initialize ICU. status = %s\n", argv[0], u_errorName(status)); exit(1); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(options[WRITE_JAVA].doesOccur) { write_java = TRUE; outputEnc = options[WRITE_JAVA].value; } if(options[BUNDLE_NAME].doesOccur) { bundleName = options[BUNDLE_NAME].value; } if(options[WRITE_XLIFF].doesOccur) { write_xliff = TRUE; if(options[WRITE_XLIFF].value != NULL){ xliffOutputFileName = options[WRITE_XLIFF].value; } } if(options[NO_BINARY_COLLATION].doesOccur) { initParser(FALSE); } else { initParser(TRUE); } /*added by Jing*/ if(options[LANGUAGE].doesOccur) { language = options[LANGUAGE].value; } /* generate the binary files */ for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; arg = getLongPathname(argv[i]); if (inputDir) { uprv_strcpy(theCurrentFileName, inputDir); uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, U_FILE_SEP_STRING); } else { *theCurrentFileName = 0; } uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, arg); if (isVerbose()) { printf("Processing file \"%s\"\n", theCurrentFileName); } processFile(arg, encoding, inputDir, outputDir, gPackageName, &status); } /* Dont return warnings as a failure */ if (! U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; } return status; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int verbose = 0; int useProxy = 0; int i, j; char usernameLivedoor[80]; char passwordLivedoor[80]; char usernameFC2N[80]; char passwordFC2N[80]; char editorPath[MAX_PATH]; int ret = 0; char *p; FILE *fp; usernameLivedoor[0] = NUL; passwordLivedoor[0] = NUL; usernameFC2N[0] = NUL; passwordFC2N[0] = NUL; editorPath[0] = NUL; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( argv[i][0] != '-' ) break; for ( j = 1; argv[i][j]; j++ ) { switch ( argv[i][j] ) { case 'v': verbose = !verbose; break; case 'p': useProxy = !useProxy; break; case 'e': if ( argv[i][j + 1] ) strcpy( editorPath, &(argv[i][j + 1]) ); else if ( i + 1 < argc ) strcpy( editorPath, argv[++i] ); else continue; j = strlen( argv[i] ) - 1; break; } } } fp = fopen( "setting.inf", "r" ); if ( fp ) { char buf[BUFSIZ], *q; int cnt = 0; while ( ( p = fgets( buf, BUFSIZ - 1, fp ) ) != NULL ) { while ( (*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t') ) p++; if ( (*p == '#') || (*p == '\n') || (*p == '\r') ) continue; q = p + strlen( p ); while ( --q > p ) { if ( (*q == '\n') || (*q == '\r') || (*q == ' ') || (*q == '\t') ) *q = NUL; else break; } if ( !(*p) || (p == q) ) continue; switch ( cnt ) { case 0: strcpy( usernameLivedoor, p ); break; case 1: strcpy( passwordLivedoor, p ); break; case 2: strcpy( usernameFC2N, p ); break; case 3: strcpy( passwordFC2N, p ); break; } if ( ++cnt >= 4 ) break; } fclose( fp ); } /* livedoor Blog */ if ( usernameLivedoor[0] == NUL ) { do { fputs( "[livedoor Blog] Username: "******"[livedoor Blog] Password: "******"[FC2NETWORK] Username: "******"[FC2NETWORK] Password: ", stderr ); p = fgets( passwordFC2N, 79, stdin ); if ( !p ) { clearerr( stdin ); passwordFC2N[0] = '\0'; } while ( passwordFC2N[strlen(passwordFC2N) - 1] == '\n' ) { passwordFC2N[strlen(passwordFC2N) - 1] = '\0'; if ( passwordFC2N[0] == '\0' ) break; } } while ( passwordFC2N[0] == '\0' ); } setUserInfo( usernameLivedoor, passwordLivedoor ); setVerbose( verbose, stderr ); setUseProxy( useProxy ); ret = interDiary( usernameLivedoor, usernameFC2N, passwordFC2N, editorPath ); return ( ret ); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *arg = NULL; const char *outputDir = NULL; /* NULL = no output directory, use current */ const char *inputDir = NULL; const char *encoding = ""; int i; U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv); argc = u_parseArgs(argc, argv, (int32_t)(sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0])), options); /* error handling, printing usage message */ if(argc<0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n", argv[0], argv[-argc]); } else if(argc<2) { argc = -1; } if(options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur && options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot combine --writePoolBundle and --usePoolBundle\n", argv[0]); argc = -1; } if(options[FORMAT_VERSION].doesOccur) { const char *s = options[FORMAT_VERSION].value; if(uprv_strlen(s) != 1 || (s[0] != '1' && s[0] != '2')) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported --formatVersion %s\n", argv[0], s); argc = -1; } else if(s[0] == '1' && (options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur || options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot combine --formatVersion 1 with --writePoolBundle or --usePoolBundle\n", argv[0]); argc = -1; } else { setFormatVersion(s[0] - '0'); } } if(options[VERSION].doesOccur) { fprintf(stderr, "%s version %s (ICU version %s).\n" "%s\n", argv[0], GENRB_VERSION, U_ICU_VERSION, U_COPYRIGHT_STRING); return U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(argc<0 || options[HELP1].doesOccur || options[HELP2].doesOccur) { /* * Broken into chunks because the C89 standard says the minimum * required supported string length is 509 bytes. */ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n" "\tReads the list of resource bundle source files and creates\n" "\tbinary version of reosurce bundles (.res files)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n" "\t-h or -? or --help this usage text\n" "\t-q or --quiet do not display warnings\n" "\t-v or --verbose print extra information when processing files\n" "\t-V or --version prints out version number and exits\n" "\t-c or --copyright include copyright notice\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-e or --encoding encoding of source files\n" "\t-d of --destdir destination directory, followed by the path, defaults to %s\n" "\t-s or --sourcedir source directory for files followed by path, defaults to %s\n" "\t-i or --icudatadir directory for locating any needed intermediate data files,\n" "\t followed by path, defaults to %s\n", u_getDataDirectory(), u_getDataDirectory(), u_getDataDirectory()); fprintf(stderr, "\t-j or --write-java write a Java ListResourceBundle for ICU4J, followed by optional encoding\n" "\t defaults to ASCII and \\uXXXX format.\n"); /* This option is deprecated and should not be used ever. "\t-p or --package-name For ICU4J: package name for writing the ListResourceBundle for ICU4J,\n" "\t defaults to com.ibm.icu.impl.data\n"); */ fprintf(stderr, "\t-b or --bundle-name bundle name for writing the ListResourceBundle for ICU4J,\n" "\t defaults to LocaleElements\n" "\t-x or --write-xliff write an XLIFF file for the resource bundle. Followed by\n" "\t an optional output file name.\n" "\t-k or --strict use pedantic parsing of syntax\n" /*added by Jing*/ "\t-l or --language for XLIFF: language code compliant with BCP 47.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-C or --noBinaryCollation do not generate binary collation image;\n" "\t makes .res file smaller but collator instantiation much slower;\n" "\t maintains ability to get tailoring rules\n" "\t-R or --omitCollationRules do not include collation (tailoring) rules;\n" "\t makes .res file smaller and maintains collator instantiation speed\n" "\t but tailoring rules will not be available (they are rarely used)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t --formatVersion write a .res file compatible with the requested formatVersion (single digit);\n" "\t for example, --formatVersion 1\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t --writePoolBundle write a pool.res file with all of the keys of all input bundles\n" "\t --usePoolBundle [path-to-pool.res] point to keys from the pool.res keys pool bundle if they are available there;\n" "\t makes .res files smaller but dependent on the pool bundle\n" "\t (--writePoolBundle and --usePoolBundle cannot be combined)\n"); return argc < 0 ? U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR : U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(options[VERBOSE].doesOccur) { setVerbose(TRUE); } if(options[QUIET].doesOccur) { setShowWarning(FALSE); } if(options[STRICT].doesOccur) { setStrict(TRUE); } if(options[COPYRIGHT].doesOccur){ setIncludeCopyright(TRUE); } if(options[SOURCEDIR].doesOccur) { inputDir = options[SOURCEDIR].value; } if(options[DESTDIR].doesOccur) { outputDir = options[DESTDIR].value; } /* This option is deprecated and should never be used. if(options[PACKAGE_NAME].doesOccur) { gPackageName = options[PACKAGE_NAME].value; if(!strcmp(gPackageName, "ICUDATA")) { gPackageName = U_ICUDATA_NAME; } if(gPackageName[0] == 0) { gPackageName = NULL; } }*/ if(options[ENCODING].doesOccur) { encoding = options[ENCODING].value; } if(options[ICUDATADIR].doesOccur) { u_setDataDirectory(options[ICUDATADIR].value); } /* Initialize ICU */ u_init(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status) && status != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { /* Note: u_init() will try to open ICU property data. * failures here are expected when building ICU from scratch. * ignore them. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: can not initialize ICU. status = %s\n", argv[0], u_errorName(status)); exit(1); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(options[WRITE_JAVA].doesOccur) { write_java = TRUE; outputEnc = options[WRITE_JAVA].value; } if(options[BUNDLE_NAME].doesOccur) { bundleName = options[BUNDLE_NAME].value; } if(options[WRITE_XLIFF].doesOccur) { write_xliff = TRUE; if(options[WRITE_XLIFF].value != NULL){ xliffOutputFileName = options[WRITE_XLIFF].value; } } initParser(options[NO_BINARY_COLLATION].doesOccur, options[NO_COLLATION_RULES].doesOccur); /*added by Jing*/ if(options[LANGUAGE].doesOccur) { language = options[LANGUAGE].value; } if(options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { newPoolBundle = bundle_open(NULL, TRUE, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to create an empty bundle for the pool keys: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); return status; } else { const char *poolResName = "pool.res"; char *nameWithoutSuffix = uprv_malloc(uprv_strlen(poolResName) + 1); if (nameWithoutSuffix == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory error\n"); return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } uprv_strcpy(nameWithoutSuffix, poolResName); *uprv_strrchr(nameWithoutSuffix, '.') = 0; newPoolBundle->fLocale = nameWithoutSuffix; } } if(options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { const char *poolResName = "pool.res"; FileStream *poolFile; int32_t poolFileSize; int32_t indexLength; /* * TODO: Consolidate inputDir/filename handling from main() and processFile() * into a common function, and use it here as well. * Try to create toolutil functions for dealing with dir/filenames and * loading ICU data files without udata_open(). * Share code with icupkg? * Also, make_res_filename() seems to be unused. Review and remove. */ if (options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].value!=NULL) { uprv_strcpy(theCurrentFileName, options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].value); uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, U_FILE_SEP_STRING); } else if (inputDir) { uprv_strcpy(theCurrentFileName, inputDir); uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, U_FILE_SEP_STRING); } else { *theCurrentFileName = 0; } uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, poolResName); poolFile = T_FileStream_open(theCurrentFileName, "rb"); if (poolFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open pool bundle file %s\n", theCurrentFileName); return 1; } poolFileSize = T_FileStream_size(poolFile); if (poolFileSize < 32) { fprintf(stderr, "the pool bundle file %s is too small\n", theCurrentFileName); return 1; } poolBundle.fBytes = (uint8_t *)uprv_malloc((poolFileSize + 15) & ~15); if (poolFileSize > 0 && poolBundle.fBytes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for the pool bundle file %s\n", theCurrentFileName); return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } else { UDataSwapper *ds; const DataHeader *header; int32_t bytesRead = T_FileStream_read(poolFile, poolBundle.fBytes, poolFileSize); int32_t keysBottom; if (bytesRead != poolFileSize) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to read the pool bundle file %s\n", theCurrentFileName); return 1; } /* * Swap the pool bundle so that a single checked-in file can be used. * The swapper functions also test that the data looks like * a well-formed .res file. */ ds = udata_openSwapperForInputData(poolBundle.fBytes, bytesRead, U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN, U_CHARSET_FAMILY, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "udata_openSwapperForInputData(pool bundle %s) failed: %s\n", theCurrentFileName, u_errorName(status)); return status; } ures_swap(ds, poolBundle.fBytes, bytesRead, poolBundle.fBytes, &status); udata_closeSwapper(ds); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "ures_swap(pool bundle %s) failed: %s\n", theCurrentFileName, u_errorName(status)); return status; } header = (const DataHeader *)poolBundle.fBytes; if (header->info.formatVersion[0]!=2) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid format of pool bundle file %s\n", theCurrentFileName); return U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } poolBundle.fKeys = (const char *)header + header->dataHeader.headerSize; poolBundle.fIndexes = (const int32_t *)poolBundle.fKeys + 1; indexLength = poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_LENGTH] & 0xff; if (indexLength <= URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM) { fprintf(stderr, "insufficient indexes[] in pool bundle file %s\n", theCurrentFileName); return U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } keysBottom = (1 + indexLength) * 4; poolBundle.fKeys += keysBottom; poolBundle.fKeysLength = (poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_KEYS_TOP] * 4) - keysBottom; poolBundle.fChecksum = poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM]; } for (i = 0; i < poolBundle.fKeysLength; ++i) { if (poolBundle.fKeys[i] == 0) { ++poolBundle.fKeysCount; } } T_FileStream_close(poolFile); setUsePoolBundle(TRUE); } if(options[INCLUDE_UNIHAN_COLL].doesOccur) { gIncludeUnihanColl = TRUE; } if((argc-1)!=1) { printf("genrb number of files: %d\n", argc - 1); } /* generate the binary files */ for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; arg = getLongPathname(argv[i]); if (inputDir) { uprv_strcpy(theCurrentFileName, inputDir); uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, U_FILE_SEP_STRING); } else { *theCurrentFileName = 0; } uprv_strcat(theCurrentFileName, arg); if (isVerbose()) { printf("Processing file \"%s\"\n", theCurrentFileName); } processFile(arg, encoding, inputDir, outputDir, gPackageName, &status); } uprv_free(poolBundle.fBytes); if(options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { char outputFileName[256]; bundle_write(newPoolBundle, outputDir, NULL, outputFileName, sizeof(outputFileName), &status); bundle_close(newPoolBundle, &status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to write the pool bundle: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } } /* Dont return warnings as a failure */ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { return 0; } return status; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *arg = NULL; const char *outputDir = NULL; /* NULL = no output directory, use current */ const char *inputDir = NULL; const char *encoding = ""; int i; UBool illegalArg = FALSE; U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv); options[JAVA_PACKAGE].value = "com.ibm.icu.impl.data"; options[BUNDLE_NAME].value = "LocaleElements"; argc = u_parseArgs(argc, argv, UPRV_LENGTHOF(options), options); /* error handling, printing usage message */ if(argc<0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n", argv[0], argv[-argc]); illegalArg = TRUE; } else if(argc<2) { illegalArg = TRUE; } if(options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur && options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot combine --writePoolBundle and --usePoolBundle\n", argv[0]); illegalArg = TRUE; } if(options[FORMAT_VERSION].doesOccur) { const char *s = options[FORMAT_VERSION].value; if(uprv_strlen(s) != 1 || (s[0] < '1' && '3' < s[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported --formatVersion %s\n", argv[0], s); illegalArg = TRUE; } else if(s[0] == '1' && (options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur || options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot combine --formatVersion 1 with --writePoolBundle or --usePoolBundle\n", argv[0]); illegalArg = TRUE; } else { setFormatVersion(s[0] - '0'); } } if((options[JAVA_PACKAGE].doesOccur || options[BUNDLE_NAME].doesOccur) && !options[WRITE_JAVA].doesOccur) { fprintf(stderr, "%s error: command line argument --java-package or --bundle-name " "without --write-java\n", argv[0]); illegalArg = TRUE; } if(options[VERSION].doesOccur) { fprintf(stderr, "%s version %s (ICU version %s).\n" "%s\n", argv[0], GENRB_VERSION, U_ICU_VERSION, U_COPYRIGHT_STRING); if(!illegalArg) { return U_ZERO_ERROR; } } if(illegalArg || options[HELP1].doesOccur || options[HELP2].doesOccur) { /* * Broken into chunks because the C89 standard says the minimum * required supported string length is 509 bytes. */ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n" "\tReads the list of resource bundle source files and creates\n" "\tbinary version of resource bundles (.res files)\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n" "\t-h or -? or --help this usage text\n" "\t-q or --quiet do not display warnings\n" "\t-v or --verbose print extra information when processing files\n" "\t-V or --version prints out version number and exits\n" "\t-c or --copyright include copyright notice\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-e or --encoding encoding of source files\n" "\t-d of --destdir destination directory, followed by the path, defaults to %s\n" "\t-s or --sourcedir source directory for files followed by path, defaults to %s\n" "\t-i or --icudatadir directory for locating any needed intermediate data files,\n" "\t followed by path, defaults to %s\n", u_getDataDirectory(), u_getDataDirectory(), u_getDataDirectory()); fprintf(stderr, "\t-j or --write-java write a Java ListResourceBundle for ICU4J, followed by optional encoding\n" "\t defaults to ASCII and \\uXXXX format.\n" "\t --java-package For --write-java: package name for writing the ListResourceBundle,\n" "\t defaults to com.ibm.icu.impl.data\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-b or --bundle-name For --write-java: root resource bundle name for writing the ListResourceBundle,\n" "\t defaults to LocaleElements\n" "\t-x or --write-xliff write an XLIFF file for the resource bundle. Followed by\n" "\t an optional output file name.\n" "\t-k or --strict use pedantic parsing of syntax\n" /*added by Jing*/ "\t-l or --language for XLIFF: language code compliant with BCP 47.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-C or --noBinaryCollation do not generate binary collation image;\n" "\t makes .res file smaller but collator instantiation much slower;\n" "\t maintains ability to get tailoring rules\n" "\t-R or --omitCollationRules do not include collation (tailoring) rules;\n" "\t makes .res file smaller and maintains collator instantiation speed\n" "\t but tailoring rules will not be available (they are rarely used)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t --formatVersion write a .res file compatible with the requested formatVersion (single digit);\n" "\t for example, --formatVersion 1\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t --writePoolBundle write a pool.res file with all of the keys of all input bundles\n" "\t --usePoolBundle [path-to-pool.res] point to keys from the pool.res keys pool bundle if they are available there;\n" "\t makes .res files smaller but dependent on the pool bundle\n" "\t (--writePoolBundle and --usePoolBundle cannot be combined)\n"); return illegalArg ? U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR : U_ZERO_ERROR; } if(options[VERBOSE].doesOccur) { setVerbose(TRUE); } if(options[QUIET].doesOccur) { setShowWarning(FALSE); } if(options[STRICT].doesOccur) { setStrict(TRUE); } if(options[COPYRIGHT].doesOccur){ setIncludeCopyright(TRUE); } if(options[SOURCEDIR].doesOccur) { inputDir = options[SOURCEDIR].value; } if(options[DESTDIR].doesOccur) { outputDir = options[DESTDIR].value; } if(options[ENCODING].doesOccur) { encoding = options[ENCODING].value; } if(options[ICUDATADIR].doesOccur) { u_setDataDirectory(options[ICUDATADIR].value); } /* Initialize ICU */ u_init(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status) && status != U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) { /* Note: u_init() will try to open ICU property data. * failures here are expected when building ICU from scratch. * ignore them. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: can not initialize ICU. status = %s\n", argv[0], u_errorName(status)); exit(1); } status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if(options[WRITE_JAVA].doesOccur) { write_java = TRUE; outputEnc = options[WRITE_JAVA].value; } if(options[WRITE_XLIFF].doesOccur) { write_xliff = TRUE; if(options[WRITE_XLIFF].value != NULL){ xliffOutputFileName = options[WRITE_XLIFF].value; } } initParser(); /*added by Jing*/ if(options[LANGUAGE].doesOccur) { language = options[LANGUAGE].value; } LocalPointer<SRBRoot> newPoolBundle; if(options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { newPoolBundle.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new SRBRoot(NULL, TRUE, status), status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to create an empty bundle for the pool keys: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); return status; } else { const char *poolResName = "pool.res"; char *nameWithoutSuffix = static_cast<char *>(uprv_malloc(uprv_strlen(poolResName) + 1)); if (nameWithoutSuffix == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory error\n"); return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } uprv_strcpy(nameWithoutSuffix, poolResName); *uprv_strrchr(nameWithoutSuffix, '.') = 0; newPoolBundle->fLocale = nameWithoutSuffix; } } if(options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { const char *poolResName = "pool.res"; FileStream *poolFile; int32_t poolFileSize; int32_t indexLength; /* * TODO: Consolidate inputDir/filename handling from main() and processFile() * into a common function, and use it here as well. * Try to create toolutil functions for dealing with dir/filenames and * loading ICU data files without udata_open(). * Share code with icupkg? * Also, make_res_filename() seems to be unused. Review and remove. */ CharString poolFileName; if (options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].value!=NULL) { poolFileName.append(options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].value, status); } else if (inputDir) { poolFileName.append(inputDir, status); } poolFileName.appendPathPart(poolResName, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return status; } poolFile = T_FileStream_open(poolFileName.data(), "rb"); if (poolFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open pool bundle file %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return 1; } poolFileSize = T_FileStream_size(poolFile); if (poolFileSize < 32) { fprintf(stderr, "the pool bundle file %s is too small\n", poolFileName.data()); return 1; } poolBundle.fBytes = new uint8_t[(poolFileSize + 15) & ~15]; if (poolFileSize > 0 && poolBundle.fBytes == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for the pool bundle file %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } UDataSwapper *ds; const DataHeader *header; int32_t bytesRead = T_FileStream_read(poolFile, poolBundle.fBytes, poolFileSize); if (bytesRead != poolFileSize) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to read the pool bundle file %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return 1; } /* * Swap the pool bundle so that a single checked-in file can be used. * The swapper functions also test that the data looks like * a well-formed .res file. */ ds = udata_openSwapperForInputData(poolBundle.fBytes, bytesRead, U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN, U_CHARSET_FAMILY, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "udata_openSwapperForInputData(pool bundle %s) failed: %s\n", poolFileName.data(), u_errorName(status)); return status; } ures_swap(ds, poolBundle.fBytes, bytesRead, poolBundle.fBytes, &status); udata_closeSwapper(ds); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "ures_swap(pool bundle %s) failed: %s\n", poolFileName.data(), u_errorName(status)); return status; } header = (const DataHeader *)poolBundle.fBytes; if (header->info.formatVersion[0] < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid format of pool bundle file %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } const int32_t *pRoot = (const int32_t *)( (const char *)header + header->dataHeader.headerSize); poolBundle.fIndexes = pRoot + 1; indexLength = poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_LENGTH] & 0xff; if (indexLength <= URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM) { fprintf(stderr, "insufficient indexes[] in pool bundle file %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } int32_t keysBottom = 1 + indexLength; int32_t keysTop = poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_KEYS_TOP]; poolBundle.fKeys = (const char *)(pRoot + keysBottom); poolBundle.fKeysLength = (keysTop - keysBottom) * 4; poolBundle.fChecksum = poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM]; for (i = 0; i < poolBundle.fKeysLength; ++i) { if (poolBundle.fKeys[i] == 0) { ++poolBundle.fKeysCount; } } // 16BitUnits[] begins with strings-v2. // The strings-v2 may optionally be terminated by what looks like // an explicit string length that exceeds the number of remaining 16-bit units. int32_t stringUnitsLength = (poolBundle.fIndexes[URES_INDEX_16BIT_TOP] - keysTop) * 2; if (stringUnitsLength >= 2 && getFormatVersion() >= 3) { poolBundle.fStrings = new PseudoListResource(NULL, status); if (poolBundle.fStrings == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for the pool bundle strings %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } // The PseudoListResource constructor call did not allocate further memory. assert(U_SUCCESS(status)); const UChar *p = (const UChar *)(pRoot + keysTop); int32_t remaining = stringUnitsLength; do { int32_t first = *p; int8_t numCharsForLength; int32_t length; if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(first)) { // NUL-terminated numCharsForLength = 0; for (length = 0; length < remaining && p[length] != 0; ++length) {} } else if (first < 0xdfef) { numCharsForLength = 1; length = first & 0x3ff; } else if (first < 0xdfff && remaining >= 2) { numCharsForLength = 2; length = ((first - 0xdfef) << 16) | p[1]; } else if (first == 0xdfff && remaining >= 3) { numCharsForLength = 3; length = ((int32_t)p[1] << 16) | p[2]; } else { break; // overrun } // Check for overrun before changing remaining, // so that it is always accurate after the loop body. if ((numCharsForLength + length) >= remaining || p[numCharsForLength + length] != 0) { break; // overrun or explicitly terminated } int32_t poolStringIndex = stringUnitsLength - remaining; // Maximum pool string index when suffix-sharing the last character. int32_t maxStringIndex = poolStringIndex + numCharsForLength + length - 1; if (maxStringIndex >= RES_MAX_OFFSET) { // pool string index overrun break; } p += numCharsForLength; remaining -= numCharsForLength; if (length != 0) { StringResource *sr = new StringResource(poolStringIndex, numCharsForLength, p, length, status); if (sr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for a pool bundle string %s\n", poolFileName.data()); return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } poolBundle.fStrings->add(sr); poolBundle.fStringIndexLimit = maxStringIndex + 1; // The StringResource constructor did not allocate further memory. assert(U_SUCCESS(status)); } p += length + 1; remaining -= length + 1; } while (remaining > 0); if (poolBundle.fStrings->fCount == 0) { delete poolBundle.fStrings; poolBundle.fStrings = NULL; } } T_FileStream_close(poolFile); setUsePoolBundle(TRUE); if (isVerbose() && poolBundle.fStrings != NULL) { printf("number of shared strings: %d\n", (int)poolBundle.fStrings->fCount); int32_t length = poolBundle.fStringIndexLimit + 1; // incl. last NUL printf("16-bit units for strings: %6d = %6d bytes\n", (int)length, (int)length * 2); } } if(!options[FORMAT_VERSION].doesOccur && getFormatVersion() == 3 && poolBundle.fStrings == NULL && !options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { // If we just default to formatVersion 3 // but there are no pool bundle strings to share // and we do not write a pool bundle, // then write formatVersion 2 which is just as good. setFormatVersion(2); } if(options[INCLUDE_UNIHAN_COLL].doesOccur) { puts("genrb option --includeUnihanColl ignored: \n" "CLDR 26/ICU 54 unihan data is small, except\n" "the ucadata-unihan.icu version of the collation root data\n" "is about 300kB larger than the ucadata-implicithan.icu version."); } if((argc-1)!=1) { printf("genrb number of files: %d\n", argc - 1); } /* generate the binary files */ for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; arg = getLongPathname(argv[i]); CharString theCurrentFileName; if (inputDir) { theCurrentFileName.append(inputDir, status); } theCurrentFileName.appendPathPart(arg, status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { break; } gCurrentFileName = theCurrentFileName.data(); if (isVerbose()) { printf("Processing file \"%s\"\n", theCurrentFileName.data()); } processFile(arg, encoding, inputDir, outputDir, NULL, newPoolBundle.getAlias(), options[NO_BINARY_COLLATION].doesOccur, status); } poolBundle.close(); if(U_SUCCESS(status) && options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) { char outputFileName[256]; newPoolBundle->write(outputDir, NULL, outputFileName, sizeof(outputFileName), status); if(U_FAILURE(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to write the pool bundle: %s\n", u_errorName(status)); } } u_cleanup(); /* Dont return warnings as a failure */ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { return 0; } return status; }
ISSOptions::ISSOptions(int argc, char* argv[]) : recursive(false), verbose(false), speed(5), fullscreen(false) { int c; int digit_optind = 0; enum long_options_enum { OPT_PATH = 1, OPT_RECURSIVE, OPT_VERBOSE, OPT_SPEED, OPT_FULLSCREEN }; while (1) { int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1; int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"path", required_argument, 0, OPT_PATH }, {"recursive", no_argument, 0, OPT_RECURSIVE }, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, OPT_VERBOSE }, {"speed", required_argument, 0, OPT_SPEED }, {"fullscreen", no_argument, 0, OPT_FULLSCREEN }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:rvs:f", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'v': case OPT_VERBOSE: printf("Verbose\n"); setVerbose(true); break; case 'p': case OPT_PATH: printf("Path: '%s'\n", optarg); setPath(optarg); break; case 'r': case OPT_RECURSIVE: printf("Recursive\n"); setRecursive(true); break; case 's': case OPT_SPEED: printf("Speed: '%s'\n", optarg); setSpeed(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'f': case OPT_FULLSCREEN: printf("Fullscreen\n"); setFullscreen(true); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing arguments!\n"); return; } } if (optind < argc) { printf("non-option ARGV-elements: "); while (optind < argc) printf("%s ", argv[optind++]); printf("\n"); } }