device_status mock_depth_stream::on_initialize()
        // Populate modes
        add_available_mode(stream_mode(320, 240, 30, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_MM));
        add_available_mode(stream_mode(320, 240, 60, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_MM));

        add_available_mode(stream_mode(640, 480, 30, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_MM));
        add_available_mode(stream_mode(640, 480, 60, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_MM));


        generator_ = std::make_unique<depth_generator>(active_mode().width(), active_mode().height());

        return device_status_value::ok;
Exemplo n.º 2
    device_status mock_ir_stream::on_initialize()
        // Populate modes
        add_available_mode(stream_mode(320, 240, 30, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888));
        add_available_mode(stream_mode(320, 240, 60, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888));

        add_available_mode(stream_mode(640, 480, 30, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888));
        add_available_mode(stream_mode(640, 480, 60, ASTRA_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888));


        generator_ = astra::make_unique<infrared_generator>(active_mode().width(), active_mode().height());

        return device_status_value::ok;
Exemplo n.º 3
//Main Program
int main(void)
	uint8_t b_prev=0xFF, c_prev=0xFF, d_prev=0xFF;

	// set for 16 MHz clock
	CLKPR = 0x80, CLKPR = 0;

	// Configure all ports as inputs with pullup resistors.
	DDRB = 0x00;
	DDRC = 0x00;
	DDRD = 0x00; 
	PORTB = 0xFF; 
	PORTC = 0xFF;
	PORTD = 0xFF;

	//Initialise LED timings (added v1.1)
	MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF);

	//Read eeprom to get active group and mode

	// Initialize the USB

    //flash them leds
	#include "../shared/disco.c"


	// Wait for host to load drivers

	while(1) {
		uint8_t b = PINB;
		uint8_t c = PINC;
		uint8_t d = PIND;

		if(b != b_prev || c != c_prev || d != d_prev ) {
		  keycount = 0;
		  modecount = 0;  //HWB to toggle active mode

		  //if(!(c & 0x10)) //Pin B10 can be connected to external LED indicator
		  if(!(c & 0x20)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[18]; } //PIN B9
		  if(!(c & 0x40)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[17]; } //PIN B8
		  if(!(c & 0x80)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[16]; } //PIN B7
		  if(!(b & 0x80)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[15]; } //PIN B6
		  if(!(b & 0x40)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[14]; } //PIN B5
		  if(!(b & 0x20)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[13]; } //PIN B4
		  if(!(b & 0x10)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[12]; } //PIN B3
		  if(!(b & 0x08)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[11]; } //PIN B2
		  if(!(b & 0x04)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[10]; } //PIN B1
		  if(!(b & 0x02)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[9]; }  //PIN A10
		  if(!(b & 0x01)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[8]; }  //PIN A9
		  if(!(d & 0x40)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[7]; }  //PIN A8
		  if(!(d & 0x20)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[6]; }  //PIN A7
		  if(!(d & 0x10)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[5]; }  //PIN A6
		  if(!(d & 0x08)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[4]; }  //PIN A5
		  if(!(d & 0x04)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[3]; }  //PIN A4
		  if(!(d & 0x02)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[2]; }  //PIN A3
		  if(!(d & 0x01)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[1]; }  //PIN A2
		  if(!(c & 0x04)) { keyboard_keys[keycount++] = map[0]; }  //PIN A1
		  if(!(d & 0x80)) {                                         //HWB PIN 
		  while(keycount < sizeof(keyboard_keys)) {
			keyboard_keys[keycount++] = KEY_NONE;


		  b_prev = b;
		  c_prev = c;
		  d_prev = d;
		  if (modecount>0){

		_delay_ms(2); // Debounce