Exemplo n.º 1
u8 set_802_11_authentication_mode(_adapter *padapter, NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE authmode)
	struct security_priv *psecuritypriv = &padapter->securitypriv;
	u8 ret;


	RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_, _drv_notice_,("+set_802_11_auth_mode: mode=%d\n", authmode));

	psecuritypriv->ndisauthtype = authmode;

	if (psecuritypriv->ndisauthtype > 3)
		psecuritypriv->dot11AuthAlgrthm = 2; // 802.1x

	if (set_auth(padapter, psecuritypriv) == _SUCCESS)
		ret = _TRUE;
	else {
		ret = _FALSE;
		RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_ioctl_set_c_, _drv_err_,("!set_802_11_auth_mode: fail!!\n"));


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    /* read command line arguments */
    int c;
    char *err = NULL;
    char *p, *q;

    int auth_mode = AUTH_OFF;
    char *auth_username = NULL;
    char *auth_password = NULL;
    char *auth_realm = NULL;

    opterr = 0;
    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:c:dhlm:p:qs:t:")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'a': /* authentication */
                if (!strcmp(optarg, "basic")) {
                    auth_mode = AUTH_BASIC;

            case 'c': /* credentials */
                p = q = optarg;
                while (*q && *q != ':') {
                auth_username = strndup(p, q - p);

                if (!*q) {
                    ERROR("invalid credentials");
                    return -1;
                p = q = q + 1;
                while (*q && *q != ':') {
                auth_password = strndup(p, q - p);

                if (!*q) {
                    ERROR("invalid credentials");
                    return -1;
                p = q = q + 1;
                while (*q && *q != ':') {
                auth_realm = strndup(p, q - p);


            case 'd': /* debug */
                log_level = 2;

            case 'h': /* help */
                return 0;

            case 'l': /* listen on localhost */
                listen_localhost = 1;

            case 'm': /* max clients */
                max_clients = strtol(optarg, &err, 10);
                if (*err != 0) {
                    ERROR("invalid clients number \"%s\"", optarg);
                    return -1;

            case 'p': /* tcp port */
                tcp_port = strtol(optarg, &err, 10);
                if (*err != 0) {
                    ERROR("invalid port \"%s\"", optarg);
                    return -1;

            case 'q': /* quiet */
                log_level = 0;

            case 's': /* input separator */
                input_separator = strdup(optarg);

            case 't': /* client timeout */
                client_timeout = strtol(optarg, &err, 10);
                if (*err != 0) {
                    ERROR("invalid client timeout \"%s\"", optarg);
                    return -1;

            case '?':
                ERROR("unknown or incomplete option \"-%c\"", optopt);
                return -1;

                return -1;

    if (auth_mode) {
        if (!auth_username || !auth_password || !auth_realm) {
            ERROR("credentials are required when using authentication");
            return -1;

        set_auth(auth_mode, auth_username, auth_password, auth_realm);

    if (!tcp_port) {
        tcp_port = DEF_TCP_PORT;

    INFO("streamEye %s", STREAM_EYE_VERSION);

    if (input_separator && strlen(input_separator) < 4) {
        INFO("the input separator supplied is very likely to appear in the actual frame data (consider a longer one)");

    /* signals */
    DEBUG("installing signal handlers");
    struct sigaction act;
    act.sa_handler = bye_handler;
    act.sa_flags = 0;

    if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL) < 0) {
        ERRNO("sigaction() failed");
        return -1;
    if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL) < 0) {
        ERRNO("sigaction() failed");
        return -1;
    if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) {
        ERRNO("signal() failed");
        return -1;

    /* threading */
    DEBUG("initializing thread synchronization");
    if (pthread_cond_init(&jpeg_cond, NULL)) {
        ERROR("pthread_cond_init() failed");
        return -1;
    if (pthread_mutex_init(&jpeg_mutex, NULL)) {
        ERROR("pthread_mutex_init() failed");
        return -1;
    if (pthread_mutex_init(&clients_mutex, NULL)) {
        ERROR("pthread_mutex_init() failed");
        return -1;

    /* tcp server */
    DEBUG("starting server");
    int socket_fd = init_server();
    if (socket_fd < 0) {
        ERROR("failed to start server");
        return -1;

    INFO("listening on %s:%d", listen_localhost ? "" : "", tcp_port);

    /* main loop */
    char input_buf[INPUT_BUF_LEN];
    char *sep = NULL;
    int size, rem_len = 0, i;

    double now, min_client_frame_int;
    double frame_int_adj;
    double frame_int = 0;
    double last_frame_time = get_now();

    int auto_separator = 0;
    int input_separator_len;
    if (!input_separator) {
        auto_separator = 1;
        input_separator_len = 4; /* strlen(JPEG_START) + strlen(JPEG_END) */;
        input_separator = malloc(input_separator_len + 1);
        snprintf(input_separator, input_separator_len + 1, "%s%s", JPEG_END, JPEG_START);
    else {
        input_separator_len = strlen(input_separator);

    while (running) {
        size = read(STDIN_FILENO, input_buf, INPUT_BUF_LEN);
        if (size < 0) {
            if (errno == EINTR) {

            ERRNO("input: read() failed");
            return -1;
        else if (size == 0) {
            DEBUG("input: end of stream");
            running = 0;

        if (size > JPEG_BUF_LEN - 1 - jpeg_size) {
            ERROR("input: jpeg size too large, discarding buffer");
            jpeg_size = 0;

        if (pthread_mutex_lock(&jpeg_mutex)) {
            ERROR("pthread_mutex_lock() failed");
            return -1;

        /* clear the ready flag for all clients,
         * as we start building the next frame */
        for (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
            clients[i]->jpeg_ready = 0;

        if (rem_len) {
            /* copy the remainder of data from the previous iteration back to the jpeg buffer */
            memmove(jpeg_buf, sep + (auto_separator ? 2 /* strlen(JPEG_END) */ : input_separator_len), rem_len);
            jpeg_size = rem_len;

        memcpy(jpeg_buf + jpeg_size, input_buf, size);
        jpeg_size += size;

        /* look behind at most 2 * INPUT_BUF_LEN for a separator */
        sep = (char *) memmem(jpeg_buf + jpeg_size - MIN(2 * INPUT_BUF_LEN, jpeg_size), MIN(2 * INPUT_BUF_LEN, jpeg_size),
                input_separator, input_separator_len);

        if (sep) { /* found a separator, jpeg frame is ready */
            if (auto_separator) {
                rem_len = jpeg_size - (sep - jpeg_buf) - 2 /* strlen(JPEG_START) */;
                jpeg_size = sep - jpeg_buf + 2 /* strlen(JPEG_END) */;
            else {
                rem_len = jpeg_size - (sep - jpeg_buf) - input_separator_len;
                jpeg_size = sep - jpeg_buf;

            DEBUG("input: jpeg buffer ready with %d bytes", jpeg_size);

            /* set the ready flag and notify all client threads about it */
            for (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
                clients[i]->jpeg_ready = 1;
            if (pthread_cond_broadcast(&jpeg_cond)) {
                ERROR("pthread_cond_broadcast() failed");
                return -1;

            now = get_now();
            frame_int = frame_int * 0.7 + (now - last_frame_time) * 0.3;
            last_frame_time = now;
        else {
            rem_len = 0;

        if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&jpeg_mutex)) {
            ERROR("pthread_mutex_unlock() failed");
            return -1;

        if (sep) {
            DEBUG("current fps: %.01lf", 1 / frame_int);

            if (num_clients) {
                min_client_frame_int = clients[0]->frame_int;
                for (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
                    if (clients[i]->frame_int < min_client_frame_int) {
                        min_client_frame_int = clients[i]->frame_int;

                frame_int_adj = (min_client_frame_int - frame_int) * 1000000;
                if (frame_int_adj > 0) {
                    DEBUG("input frame int.: %.0lf us, client frame int.: %.0lf us, frame int. adjustment: %.0lf us",
                            frame_int * 1000000, min_client_frame_int * 1000000, frame_int_adj);

                    /* sleep between 1000 and 50000 us, depending on the frame interval adjustment */
                    usleep(MAX(1000, MIN(4 * frame_int_adj, 50000)));

            /* check for incoming clients;
             * placing this code inside the if (sep) will simply
             * reduce the number of times we check for incoming clients,
             * with no particular relation to the frame separator we've just found */
            client_t *client = NULL;

            if (!max_clients || num_clients < max_clients) {
                client = wait_for_client(socket_fd);

            if (client) {
                if (pthread_create(&client->thread, NULL, (void *(*) (void *)) handle_client, client)) {
                    ERROR("pthread_create() failed");
                    return -1;

                if (pthread_mutex_lock(&clients_mutex)) {
                    ERROR("pthread_mutex_lock() failed");
                    return -1;

                clients = realloc(clients, sizeof(client_t *) * (num_clients + 1));
                clients[num_clients++] = client;

                DEBUG("current clients: %d", num_clients);

                if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&clients_mutex)) {
                    ERROR("pthread_mutex_unlock() failed");
                    return -1;
    running = 0;

    DEBUG("closing server");

    DEBUG("waiting for clients to finish");
    for (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
        clients[i]->jpeg_ready = 1;
    if (pthread_cond_broadcast(&jpeg_cond)) {
        ERROR("pthread_cond_broadcast() failed");
        return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {
        pthread_join(clients[i]->thread, NULL);

    if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&clients_mutex)) {
        ERROR("pthread_mutex_destroy() failed");
        return -1;
    if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&jpeg_mutex)) {
        ERROR("pthread_mutex_destroy() failed");
        return -1;
    if (pthread_cond_destroy(&jpeg_cond)) {
        ERROR("pthread_cond_destroy() failed");
        return -1;


    return 0;