Exemplo n.º 1
 virtual BOOL on_key(HELEMENT he, HELEMENT target, UINT event_type, UINT code, UINT keyboardStates ) 
   if( event_type == KEY_DOWN )
     dom::element ctl = he;
     switch( code )
       case VK_DOWN: 
            dom::element c = ctl.find_first(":current");
            int idx = c.is_valid()? (c.index() + 1):0;
            if( idx < (int)ctl.children_count() )
                dom::element nc = ctl.child(idx);
                set_current_item(ctl, nc); 
         return TRUE;
       case VK_UP:             
            dom::element c = ctl.find_first(":current");
            int idx = c.is_valid()? (c.index() - 1):(ctl.children_count() - 1);
            if( idx >= 0 )
                dom::element nc = ctl.child(idx);
                set_current_item(ctl, nc); 
         return TRUE;
   return FALSE; 
Exemplo n.º 2
void enable_find(struct NBT_Window* window) {
  move(LINES - 1, 0);
  printw("Search: ");
  int ch = 0;
  char searchbuf[BUFSIZ];
  bzero(searchbuf, sizeof(searchbuf));
  const char* s = searchbuf; /* Begin pointer */
  char* c = searchbuf; /* Current location */
  const char* end = s + sizeof(searchbuf) - 1; /* Max location */
  int found = -1;
  while((ch = getch()) != 27) {
    if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || isalnum(ch)) {
      if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE) {
        *c = '\0';
        if (c != s)
      } else {
        if (c < end)
          *c++ = ch;
      move(LINES - 1, 0);
      printw("Search: %s", searchbuf);
      found = search_item(searchbuf, 0, window);
      if (found >= 0)
        set_current_item(window->menu, window->items[found]);
    } else if (KEY_F(3)) {
      found = search_item(searchbuf, found + 1, window);
      if (found >= 0)
        set_current_item(window->menu, window->items[found]);
      else {
        move(LINES - 1, 0);
        printw("Search: %s [No more results]", searchbuf);
Exemplo n.º 3
 virtual BOOL on_event (HELEMENT he, HELEMENT target, BEHAVIOR_EVENTS type, UINT_PTR reason ) 
   if( type == ACTIVATE_CHILD )
     dom::element item = target_item(dom::element(he), target);
     if(item.is_valid()) // click on the item caption
       set_current_item(he, item);
       return TRUE; 
   return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4
    virtual BOOL on_mouse(HELEMENT he, HELEMENT target, UINT event_type, POINT pt, UINT mouseButtons, UINT keyboardStates )
      if( event_type != MOUSE_DOWN && event_type != MOUSE_DCLICK )
        return false;

      if(mouseButtons != MAIN_MOUSE_BUTTON) 
        return false;

      // el is presumably <li>;
      dom::element ctl = he;
      dom::element item = target_item(ctl, target);

      if(item.is_valid()) // click on the item caption
        set_current_item(ctl, item);

      return true; // as it is always ours then stop event bubbling
Exemplo n.º 5
column_select_update_menu(ui_t *ui)
    // Get panel information
    column_select_info_t *info = column_select_info(ui);
    ITEM *current = current_item(info->menu);
    int top_idx = top_row(info->menu);

    // Remove the menu from the subwindow
    // Set menu items
    set_menu_items(info->menu, info->items);
    // Put the menu agin into its subwindow

    // Move until the current position is set
    set_top_row(info->menu, top_idx);
    set_current_item(info->menu, current);
Exemplo n.º 6
static struct result
get_selection(struct selection *selection)
    while (true) {
        int ch = wgetch(selection->window);
        if (ERR == ch) return result_ncurses_err();
        if (KEY_DOWN == ch) {
            int result = menu_driver(selection->menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM);
            if (E_OK != result && E_REQUEST_DENIED != result) {
                return result_ncurses_error(result);
        if (KEY_UP == ch) {
            int result = menu_driver(selection->menu, REQ_UP_ITEM);
            if (E_OK != result && E_REQUEST_DENIED != result) {
                return result_ncurses_error(result);
        if ('\r' == ch) break;
        if (!isalnum(ch)) continue;
        for (int i = 0; i < selection->items_count; ++i) {
            char const *name = item_name(selection->items[i]);
            if (name && ch == name[0]) {
                set_current_item(selection->menu, selection->items[i]);
                return result_success();
    return result_success();
Exemplo n.º 7
void display_execution(int num_instruction, mot * tab_mot_instruction, int nb_instruction, int* registres,int nb_reg, int PC, int SP, int SR){
        ITEM *item_en_cour = NULL; 
        char ** tab_instruction;
        // for instructions
        ITEM **instructions_items;
	int c;		
        WINDOW *instructions_win;
	MENU *instruction_menu;
	int i;
	instructions_items = (ITEM **)calloc(nb_instruction + 1, sizeof(ITEM *));
        int menu_instruction_alrdy_dlt = 0; //pour ne pas supprimer le menu 2 fois --> évite les erreur de segmentation lorsqu'on quitte
        char ** files;  //in case of F2
        // for register
        char  ** tab_register;
        ITEM **register_items;
	WINDOW *register_win;
	MENU *register_menu;
	register_items = (ITEM **)calloc(nb_reg + 1 +3, sizeof(ITEM *)); //+3 pour PC SP et SR
        int menu_register_alrdy_dlt = 0; //pour ne pas supprimer le menu 2 fois --> évite les erreur de segmentation lorsqu'on quitte
        char dest_string[5];
        char source_string[5];
        char brut_string[10];
        char pc_string[6], sp_string[6], sr_string[6];
        int is_brut = 0; //si le mot précedent contient un mode direct, alors le mot suivant est un brut //si DIRIMM les 2 suivant sont des brut
        //allocation de mémoire pour les insctruction sous forme de chaine
        tab_instruction = (char**) malloc (nb_instruction* sizeof(char*));
        //allocation de mémoire pour le tabeau de registre sous forme de string
        tab_register = (char**) malloc (nb_reg* sizeof(char *));
        int num_choix;
        char * choix = NULL;

	for(i = 0; i < nb_instruction; ++i){
            tab_instruction[i] = malloc(50 * sizeof(char)); //plus simple pour le moment, une instruction ne peut dépasser 50caractères ... a améliorer si assez de temps
            if(is_brut == 0){
                sprintf(dest_string, "%d", tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.dest);
                sprintf(source_string, "%d", tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.source);
                //si l'instruction contient une source ou destination en mode immediat ou direct, la prochaine instruction sera un brut
                if(is_brut==2 || tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.mode == REGIMM || tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.mode == INDIMM || tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.mode == REGDIR || tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.mode ==  DIRREG){
                    is_brut = 1;
                if(tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.mode == DIRIMM){
                    is_brut = 2;
                strcpy(tab_instruction[i], codeop_tostring(tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.codeop) ); //on met tout les élément sous forme de string concaténé et espacé
                strcat(tab_instruction[i], "    "); 
                strcat(tab_instruction[i], mode_tostring(tab_mot_instruction[i].codage.mode));
                strcat(tab_instruction[i], "    "); 
                strcat(tab_instruction[i], dest_string);
                strcat(tab_instruction[i], "    "); 
                strcat(tab_instruction[i], source_string);
               sprintf(brut_string, "%d", tab_mot_instruction[i].brut); 
               strcpy(tab_instruction[i], brut_string ); 
               if(is_brut == 2){
                   is_brut = 1; // cas du DIRIMM
               } else{
                   is_brut = 0;

                //mvprintw(i+2, 0, "%s", tab_instruction[i]);
                instructions_items[i] = new_item(tab_instruction[i], ""); //ajoute les éléments dans mon tableau d'item
                if(i == num_instruction){
                        //on sauvegarde l'adresse de l'item que l'on est entrain de traiter (celui donner par num_instruction)
                        item_en_cour = instructions_items[i];
                        //n le desactive, cela permet de lui doonner une autre apparence pur le repérer
                        item_opts_off(instructions_items[i], O_SELECTABLE);
        for(i = 0; i < nb_reg; ++i){
                //contient le registre sous forme de string par exemple R1 ou PC
                tab_register[i] = malloc(3 * sizeof(char));
                sprintf(tab_register[i], "R%i: %d",i, registres[i]);
                //mvprintw(i+2, 0, "%s", tab_instruction[i]);
                register_items[i] = new_item(tab_register[i], ""); //ajoute les éléments dans mon tableau d'item
                sprintf(pc_string, "%d", PC);
                sprintf(sp_string, "%d", SP);
                sprintf(sr_string, "%d", SR);
                register_items[nb_reg] = new_item("PC:", pc_string); //register_items[8]
                register_items[nb_reg+1] = new_item("SP:", sp_string); //register_items[9]
                register_items[nb_reg+2] = new_item("SR:", sr_string);  //register_items[10]
                //pour cacher la selection du premier registre
                item_opts_off(register_items[0], O_SELECTABLE);
	instruction_menu = new_menu((ITEM **)instructions_items); //creer un menu contenant les instructions
        register_menu = new_menu((ITEM **)register_items); //creer un menu contenant les registres
	mvprintw(LINES - 2, 0, "F9 to close the menu"); 
        instructions_win = newwin((LINES-4)/2, 40 , 3, (COLS/2)- (COLS-4)/4); //créer une nouvelle fenetre pour les instructions
        register_win = newwin(16, 20 , 3, (COLS/2) + 10); //créer une nouvelle fenetre pour les registres
        keypad(instructions_win, TRUE); //active le clavier sur les instructions
        /* Set main window and sub window */
        set_menu_win(instruction_menu, instructions_win); //set main menu
        set_menu_sub(instruction_menu, derwin(instructions_win, ((LINES-4)/2)-4, 38, 3, 1)); // set sub window
        set_menu_format(instruction_menu, ((LINES-4)/2)-4, 1);
        set_menu_win(register_menu, register_win); //set main menu
        set_menu_sub(register_menu, derwin(register_win, 13, 18, 3, 1)); // set sub window
        set_menu_format(register_menu, 13, 1);
       /* Set menu mark to the string " * " */
        set_menu_mark(instruction_menu, " * ");
        set_menu_mark(register_menu, "");
        /* Print a border around the main window and print a title */
        box(instructions_win, 0, 0);
        print_in_middle(instructions_win, 1, 0, 40, "liste des instructions", COLOR_PAIR(1));
	mvwaddch(instructions_win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE);
	mvwhline(instructions_win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, 43);
	mvwaddch(instructions_win, 2, 39, ACS_RTEE);
        box(register_win, 0, 0);
        print_in_middle(register_win, 1, 0, 20, "Registres", COLOR_PAIR(1));
	mvwaddch(register_win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE);
	mvwhline(register_win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, 22);
	mvwaddch(register_win, 2, 19, ACS_RTEE);
        //on se place sur l'instruction en cour
        set_current_item (instruction_menu, item_en_cour);

	while((c = getch()) != KEY_F(9) && c != 32)
	{   switch(c)
	    {	case KEY_F(5):
                mvprintw(LINES-2, 0, "Exiting...");
                endwin();			/* End curses mode		  */
                case KEY_F(2):
                        files = list_file("", &i);
                        draw_menu(files, execute_file_menu, "", i);
                case KEY_DOWN:
		        menu_driver(instruction_menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM);
		case KEY_UP:
			menu_driver(instruction_menu, REQ_UP_ITEM);
                //case KEY_NPAGE:
		//	menu_driver(my_menu, REQ_SCR_DPAGE);
		//	break;
                //case KEY_PPAGE:
		//	menu_driver(my_menu, REQ_SCR_UPAGE);
		//	break;
                case 10:
                        move(20, 0);

        if(menu_instruction_alrdy_dlt == 0){
                if(menu_register_alrdy_dlt == 0){
Exemplo n.º 8
static void cui_boot_editor_on_exit(struct cui *cui,
		struct pmenu_item *item,
		struct pb_boot_data *bd)
	struct pmenu *menu = cui->main;
	struct cui_opt_data *cod;
	int idx, top, rows, cols;
	static int user_idx = 0;

	/* Was the edit cancelled? */
	if (!bd) {
		cui_set_current(cui, &cui->main->scr);
		cui->boot_editor = NULL;

	/* Is this was a new item, we'll need to update the menu */
	if (!item) {
		int insert_pt;

		cod = talloc_zero(NULL, struct cui_opt_data);
		cod->name = talloc_asprintf(cod, _("User item %u"), ++user_idx);

		item = pmenu_item_create(menu, cod->name);
		if (!item) {
			goto out;

		item->on_edit = cui_item_edit;
		item->on_execute = cui_boot;
		item->data = cod;

		talloc_steal(item, cod);

		/* Detach the items array. */
		set_menu_items(menu->ncm, NULL);

		/* Insert new item at insert_pt. */
		insert_pt = pmenu_grow(menu, 1);
		pmenu_item_insert(menu, item, insert_pt);

		/* Re-attach the items array. */
		set_menu_items(menu->ncm, menu->items);

		/* If our index is above the current top row, align
		 * us to the new top. Otherwise, align us to the new
		 * bottom */
		menu_format(cui->main->ncm, &rows, &cols);
		top = top_row(cui->main->ncm);
		idx = item_index(item->nci);

		if (top >= idx)
			top = idx;
			top = idx < rows ? 0 : idx - rows + 1;

		set_top_row(cui->main->ncm, top);
		set_current_item(item->pmenu->ncm, item->nci);

	} else {
Exemplo n.º 9
static VALUE rbncurs_c_set_current_item(VALUE rb_menu, VALUE rb_item)
  MENU *menu = get_menu(rb_menu);
  ITEM *item = get_item(rb_item);
  return INT2NUM(set_current_item(menu, item));