Exemplo n.º 1
// GmoBoxLink
void GmoBoxLink::notify_event(SpEventInfo pEvent)
    if (pEvent->is_mouse_in_event())
        LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_events, "set hover true");
    else if (pEvent->is_mouse_out_event())
        LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_events, "set hover false");
    else if (pEvent->is_on_click_event())
        LOMSE_LOG_ERROR("is_on_click_event: TODO");
        //TODO: GmoBoxLink::notify_event, on_click_event
//        m_visited = true;
//        m_prevColor = m_visitedColor;
        LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_events, "event ignored");
Exemplo n.º 2
static gboolean
shell_button_box_leave_event (ClutterActor         *actor,
                              ClutterCrossingEvent *event)
  ShellButtonBox *box = SHELL_BUTTON_BOX (actor);

  if (shell_button_box_contains (box, event->related))
    return TRUE;

  set_hover (box, FALSE);
  set_pressed (box, FALSE);

  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CoaxVisionControl::controlPublisher(size_t rate) {
    ros::Rate loop_rate(rate);

    while(ros::ok()) {

        if (rotorReady()) {
            if(stage==1) {
            if(stage==2) {

Exemplo n.º 4
static gboolean
shell_button_box_enter_event (ClutterActor         *actor,
                              ClutterCrossingEvent *event)
  ShellButtonBox *box = SHELL_BUTTON_BOX (actor);

  if (shell_button_box_contains (box, event->related))
    return TRUE;
  if (!shell_button_box_contains (box, event->source))
    return TRUE;

  g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (actor));

  if (box->priv->held)
    set_pressed (box, TRUE);
  set_hover (box, TRUE);

  g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (actor));

  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 5
void ControlNode::velocity_control(void) {
  double p_term_x, d_term_x;
  double p_term_y, d_term_y;

  double error_x, acc_error_x;
  double error_y, acc_error_y;

  geometry_msgs::Twist cmd_vel_out;

  // We limit the maximum reference speed of the quadcopter
  //! TODO: Change this into ROS parameters
  double max_vel = 0.6;
  m_current_command.linear.x = std::min(max_vel, m_current_command.linear.x);
  m_current_command.linear.y = std::min(max_vel, m_current_command.linear.y);

  m_current_command.linear.x = std::max(-max_vel, m_current_command.linear.x);
  m_current_command.linear.y = std::max(-max_vel, m_current_command.linear.y);

  // We are only going to change linear.x and linear.y of this command
  // The rest of the values are the same
  cmd_vel_out = m_current_command;

  // In case that we receive a special command to hover
  if (cmd_vel_out.angular.x == 0 && cmd_vel_out.angular.y == 0 &&
      cmd_vel_out.angular.z == 0 && cmd_vel_out.linear.x == 0 &&
      cmd_vel_out.linear.y == 0 && cmd_vel_out.linear.z == 0) {
    // reset iterm
    m_i_term_x = 0.0;
    m_i_term_y = 0.0;

  // otherwise we dont want to hover.
  cmd_vel_out.angular.x = 1;
  cmd_vel_out.angular.y = 1;

  // Control starts here
  //!TODO: Separate filter for input of the derivative term.
  //!TODO: Consider measurement and controled variables delays.

  // We calculate the velocity error
  error_x = m_current_command.linear.x - m_odo_msg.twist.twist.linear.x;
  error_y = m_current_command.linear.y - m_odo_msg.twist.twist.linear.y;

  // The proportional term is directly the error
  p_term_x = error_x;
  p_term_y = error_y;
  // p_term_x = 0;
  // p_term_y = 0;

  // For derivative and integral we need the current time and timestep (dt)
  t = ros::Time::now();
  ros::Duration dt = t - old_t;
  old_t = t;

  // Derivative term (based on velocity change instead of error change)
  // Note that we put the negative part here
  // d_term_x = -(m_odo_msg.twist.twist.linear.x - m_last_vel_x)/dt.toSec();
  // d_term_y = -(m_odo_msg.twist.twist.linear.y - m_last_vel_y)/dt.toSec();
  d_term_x = -(m_filtered_vel_x - m_last_vel_x) / 0.004;
  d_term_y = -(m_filtered_vel_y - m_last_vel_y) / 0.004;

  std_msgs::Float64 debug_msg;
  debug_msg.data = d_term_x * m_Kp_x * m_Kd_x;
  // m_debug_pub.publish(debug_msg);

  m_last_vel_x = m_filtered_vel_x;
  m_last_vel_y = m_filtered_vel_y;

  //! You can use this version as well but it will have some discontinuities
  //! when the reference changes
  // d_term_x = (error_x - m_last_error_x)/dt.toSec();
  // d_term_y = (error_y - m_last_error_y)/dt.toSec();
  // m_last_error_x = error_x;
  // m_last_error_y = error_y;

  //! Taken from tum_autonomy package.
  //! This calculates and limits the integral term
  // m_i_term is a member of the class
  i_term_increase(m_i_term_x, error_x * dt.toSec(), 1.2);
  i_term_increase(m_i_term_y, error_y * dt.toSec(), 1.2);

  // m_i_term_x = m_i_term_x + error_x*dt.toSec();
  // m_i_term_y = m_i_term_y + error_y;//*dt.toSec();

  // Control command (PID)
  cmd_vel_out.linear.x =
      m_Kp_x * (p_term_x + m_Ki_x * m_i_term_x + m_Kd_x * d_term_x);
  cmd_vel_out.linear.y =
      m_Kp_y * (p_term_y + m_Ki_y * m_i_term_y + m_Kd_x * d_term_y);

  // Limit control command
  cmd_vel_out.linear.x = std::min(cmd_vel_out.linear.x, 1.0);
  cmd_vel_out.linear.y = std::min(cmd_vel_out.linear.y, 1.0);

  cmd_vel_out.linear.x = std::max(cmd_vel_out.linear.x, -1.0);
  cmd_vel_out.linear.y = std::max(cmd_vel_out.linear.y, -1.0);

  // Debugging information
  // ROS_INFO("d_Time  : %f", dt.toSec());
  // ROS_INFO("VelRef: %f", m_current_command.linear.x);
  // ROS_INFO("Vel   : %f", m_odo_msg.twist.twist.linear.x);
  // ROS_INFO("Error : %f", error_x);
  // ROS_INFO("Cmd   : %f", cmd_vel_out.angular.z);
  // ROS_INFO("pterm | iterm | dterm   : %f | %f | %f", m_Kp_x*p_term_x,
  // m_Kp_x*m_Ki_x*m_i_term_x, m_Kp_x*m_Kd_x*d_term_x);
  // ROS_INFO("------------------------------------------------------");

  // We publish the command