Exemplo n.º 1
void create() {
  set_day_sentances( ({
   "Walls are worn down to a smooth sheen.",
   "Damp grey limestone curves and twists far back into the watery cavern.",
   "Dead and rotting fish are scattered across the path.",
   "Swirling pools of azure and blue rise and fall in natural basins.",
   "Green kelp sticks to a few of the walls.",
   "A small hermit crab crawls along the path.",
   "Light filters up from the pools of water, casting shifting blue patterns"
       "all around.",
   "Neatly carved symbols line the smooth walls.",
   "A deep singsong thrumming echos from farther within the cavern.",
   "Sand and bits of shell glitter from where they lay on the ground.",
   "Seasalt forms spindly webs on the surface of the cavern walls.",
   "A form slips into a pool of blue water with a small kerplunk.",
   "Steam rises from the warm water.",
   "A cool breeze blows through the cave.",
   "The path slopes gently down, meandering nearer to the pools of water.",
   "Mud cakes the crevices and cracks on the path.",
   "Plant roots dangle from the ceiling.",
   "Water spills over onto the pathway, making footing a little precarious "
      "at times.",
   "The pathway curves around many deep basins of water.",
   "A small stream of water trickles down the wall.",
  }) );
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: server.c Projeto: ehershey/pd
void create() {
  set_day_sentances( ({
      "The thick underbrush makes travelling the path treacherous in places.",
      "The forest is dense from so many dfferent types of trees.",
      "The thick growth of the forest makes the surrounding area dark and omenous.",
      "The foilage of the trees grow together making a thick canopy that blocks out the sun.",
      "Thick vines of some plant grow up the trunks of neardy trees.",
      "Trees of all shapes and sized grow thick all around blocking any attempt to leave the path.",
      "The path is the only opening in the thick underbrush that allows passage.",
      "Tracks of a large feline run along the path for a ways then vear off into the forest.",
      "The humidity of the forest is thick enough to cause the nearby trees to sweat.",
      "A tree has fallen over the path long ago and is now rotting slowly.",
      "Vines, thornbushes, and ther plants grow thickly together between the trees.",
      "Broken branches and trampled grass in the underbrush mark the passage of some animal.",
      "A bird's nest in a nearby tree looks like it has weathered with age.",
      "A rotting stump nearby looks as if it was hollowed out by some animal.",
      "The remains of some kind of rodent are decaying near the path.",
      "Squirrels chatter at one another off in the distance.",
      "A fresh mound of dirt near the path looks to be freshly dug.",
      "Thick tree limbs hang low over the path.",
      "The branches on a nearby tree look like the hands of some skeleton in the poor light.",
      "Nearby, the leaves on a tree rustle as some animal makes it's way through the tree tops." 
  }) );
Exemplo n.º 3
void create() {
  set_properties( ([ "light" : 0, "night light" : 0,
    "town":1, "plain":1, "indoors":0 ]) );
  set_short("a dark pumpkin maze");
  set_listen("Eerie howling sounds float above the fog.");
  set_reset_list( ({
    H2K7MOBS"crow", H2K7MOBS"raven",
    H2K7MOBS"scarecrow", H2K7MOBS"jackolantern",
    H2K7MOBS"scarecrow", H2K7MOBS"jackolantern",
    H2K7MOBS"ghost", H2K7MOBS"ghost",
  }) );
Exemplo n.º 4
void create() {
    set_day_sentances( ({
	"The gardens seem full of life.  Several birds "
	"flutter around in the numerous bushes.  The "
	"path is made from a grey stone and is keep "
	"clean by the gardeners that watch over the "
	"numerous keep gardens.",
	"The path is made from a grey stone.  "
	"Surrounding the path is numerous types of "
	"trees and shrubs.  Small animals inhabit the "
	"most part of the trees.  The path is clean "
	"of any litter from the trees."
      }) );
Exemplo n.º 5
void create() {
    set_first_sentence("%^BOLD%^The planks of the docks seem to be very stable and preserved.%^RESET%^");
	  set_day_sentances( ({
      "The planks are wet in spots from waves crashing against the dock.",
      "There are wooden poles every few feet, holding the dock in place.",
      "There is a small canopy here, shaded by a roof made of long grass.",
      "Land can be seen in the ocean quite far in the distance.",
      "The sun reflects off the wet planks, making it difficult to see.",
      "Sand fills the gaps in the planks, and little bugs crawl through it.",
      "There are white stains here from pelicans and seagulls leaving their mark.",
      "A small dinghy is attached to a pole by rope, although it seems abandoned.",
      "A fish flops from the water onto the dock for a split second, before falling back in to the ocean.",
      "A warehouse worker's tools have been left here.",
  }) );
Exemplo n.º 6
void create() {

       "%^GREEN%^BOLD%^Small patches of green grass dot the landscape.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A small, thin pine tree stand here.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A small shrub sits here, it looks to have many thorns growing on its stems.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A small patch of dirt is here, the grasses of the plain seem to avoid it.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^Some strange rocks are scattered about, it looks like there may once have been a structure here.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A large patch of weeds grows up from the ground, choking off life from the grass near it.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^The grass of the plains sways in the breeze.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^Some of the grass seems to have been grazed on recently.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^Small hills can be seen far off to the east.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A tiny bit of water has pooled here, it looks murky.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A patch of yellow flowers blooms here, they sway with the grass.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A tall Prairie Sumac stands here, it reaches high into the sky.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^A strange haze covers the plains, it moves with the breeze.%^RESET%^",
       "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^Some grey dirt swells up here creating a small mound.%^RESET%^",
Exemplo n.º 7
void create() {
  set_day_sentances( ({
      "Howling winds make seeing and hearing almost impossible.",
      "Small animal tracks lead off the path in different directions.",
      "The mournful sound of a wolf's howl can be heard in the distance.",
      "The cold here is enough to numb unprotected extremities.",
      "A few of the trees have snow piled upon thier branchs."
      "Some of the hardier underbrush has grown up along the side of the path.",
      "An open tundra is to the north devoid of trees.",
      "Small marks have been carved in the wood of a small tree, they are too faint to make out.",
      "A thick forest to the south marks the end of the tundra.",
      "Snowdrifts line the path, gathered up on the small rocks placed there by other travelers.",
      "A tiny field mouse pokes its head out from its hiding place to see who is passing by.",
      "The remains of some kind of rodent are decaying near the path.",
      "A mound of dirt near the path looks to be freshly dug.",
      "The cairn of some unfortunate traveler rests some distance away from the path.",
      "Sparce trees litter the area.",
  }) );
Exemplo n.º 8
void create() {
    set_day_sentances( ({

	"The path running through the mountains is well worn from the tracks of many animals, birds and people.",
	"The Daroq Mountain Pass cuts through the tall mountain range like a stone gorge littered with foliage.",
	"Many caves, large and small, are scattered throughout the mountains above the path, though most are unreachable.",
	"Sparce weeds and shrubs grow scattered throught the mountains along and above the path.",
	"A large boulder sits next to the path, appearing to have fallen down from the mountain above.",
	"Rocks of all shapes and sizes litter the mountains and the path making the footing treacherous in places.",
	"A large rock overhangs the path, shading the pass from the sun.",
	"Tracks of a large feline run along the path for a ways then veer off up into the mountains.",
	"A stack of rocks on a nearby plateu looks to be laid out for a long extinguished campfire.",
	"A large bird nest is set into a nearby cliff. From this vantage point it is clear there are young present.",
	"The moutainside near the path is a sheer cliff going traight up.",
	"Gravel and small rocks make moving quietly through the pass almost impossible.",
	"A bird's nest in a nearby tree looks like it has weathered with age and is probably abandoned.",
	"The ground is uneven causing the path to be treacherous in places.",
	"The remains of some kind of animal are decaying near the path.",
	"Dirt and rocks tumble down the mountain side nearby.",
	"A mound of dirt near the path looks to be freshly dug.",
	"Goblin footprints run next to the path for a ways then vear off into one of the small caves.",
	"Great gouges in a nearby rock look like they were made from a large animals claws.",
	"Nearby, rocks slide off the path down into a deep gourge.",
	"A far-away column of smoke rising into the sky betrays a campfire some distance away.",
	"There are signs of a scuffle here, with the occasional broken weapon or drop of blood found along the path.",
	"A large, forked tree has fallen over the path here, likely the product of a recent storm.",
	"Some bright blue flowers appear to be growing on the edge of the path here.",
	"A mold-covered rock lies near the path here, playing host to a number of lizards and insects.",
	"High up the slope of one of the mountains, a family of goats grazes on shoots of grass.",
	"The body of an orc lies not far from here, the shafts of goblin spears protruding from his body.",
	"The path dips down here, then rises back up, following a natural depression in the earth.",
	"A rockslide occured here recently, damaging the path substancially and making progress difficult.",
	"Underneath one of the many trees here lies a scattering of black feathers, possibly the remains of a a goblin ritual.",
	"A few of the trees by the roadside appear to have been felled recently.",
      }) );