Exemplo n.º 1
// Abstract method entry.
address InterpreterGenerator::generate_abstract_entry(void) {
  address entry = __ pc();

  // Registers alive
  //   R16_thread     - JavaThread*
  //   R19_method     - callee's method (method to be invoked)
  //   R1_SP          - SP prepared such that caller's outgoing args are near top
  //   LR             - return address to caller
  // Stack layout at this point:
  //   0       [TOP_IJAVA_FRAME_ABI]         <-- R1_SP
  //           alignment (optional)
  //           [outgoing Java arguments]
  //           ...
  //            ...

  // Can't use call_VM here because we have not set up a new
  // interpreter state. Make the call to the vm and make it look like
  // our caller set up the JavaFrameAnchor.
  __ set_top_ijava_frame_at_SP_as_last_Java_frame(R1_SP, R12_scratch2/*tmp*/);

  // Push a new C frame and save LR.
  __ save_LR_CR(R0);
  __ push_frame_reg_args(0, R11_scratch1);

  // This is not a leaf but we have a JavaFrameAnchor now and we will
  // check (create) exceptions afterward so this is ok.
  __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::throw_AbstractMethodError),

  // Pop the C frame and restore LR.
  __ pop_frame();
  __ restore_LR_CR(R0);

  // Reset JavaFrameAnchor from call_VM_leaf above.
  __ reset_last_Java_frame();

#ifdef CC_INTERP
  // Return to frame manager, it will handle the pending exception.
  __ blr();
  // We don't know our caller, so jump to the general forward exception stub,
  // which will also pop our full frame off. Satisfy the interface of
  // SharedRuntime::generate_forward_exception()
  __ load_const_optimized(R11_scratch1, StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry(), R0);
  __ mtctr(R11_scratch1);
  __ bctr();

  return entry;
Exemplo n.º 2
inline void MacroAssembler::set_top_ijava_frame_at_SP_as_last_Java_frame_static(Register sp, Register tmp1) {
  set_top_ijava_frame_at_SP_as_last_Java_frame(sp, tmp1, true);