Exemplo n.º 1
// Code cache unloading: when compilers notice the code cache is getting full,
// they will call a vm op that comes here. This code attempts to speculatively
// unload the oldest half of the nmethods (based on the compile job id) by
// saving the old code in a list in the CodeCache. Then
// execution resumes. If a method so marked is not called by the second
// safepoint from the current one, the nmethod will be marked non-entrant and
// got rid of by normal sweeping. If the method is called, the methodOop's
// _code field is restored and the methodOop/nmethod
// go back to their normal state.
void NMethodSweeper::handle_full_code_cache(bool is_full) {
  // Only the first one to notice can advise us to start early cleaning
  if (!is_full){
    jint old = Atomic::cmpxchg( 1, &_advise_to_sweep, 0 );
    if (old != 0) {

  if (is_full) {
    // Since code cache is full, immediately stop new compiles
    bool did_set = CompileBroker::set_should_compile_new_jobs(CompileBroker::stop_compilation);
    if (!did_set) {
      // only the first to notice can start the cleaning,
      // others will go back and block

    // If we run out within MinCodeCacheFlushingInterval of the last unload time, give up
    jlong now = os::javaTimeMillis();
    jlong max_interval = (jlong)MinCodeCacheFlushingInterval * (jlong)1000;
    jlong curr_interval = now - _last_was_full;
    if (curr_interval < max_interval) {
      _rescan = true;
      if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
        tty->print_cr("### handle full too often, turning off compiler");
      if (LogCompilation && (xtty != NULL)) {
        ttyLocker ttyl;
        xtty->begin_elem("disable_compiler flushing_interval='" UINT64_FORMAT "' live_blobs='" UINT32_FORMAT "' free_code_cache='" SIZE_FORMAT "'",
                         curr_interval/1000, CodeCache::nof_blobs(), CodeCache::unallocated_capacity());

  VM_HandleFullCodeCache op(is_full);

  // rescan again as soon as possible
  _rescan = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Code cache unloading: when compilers notice the code cache is getting full,
// they will call a vm op that comes here. This code attempts to speculatively
// unload the oldest half of the nmethods (based on the compile job id) by
// saving the old code in a list in the CodeCache. Then
// execution resumes. If a method so marked is not called by the second sweeper
// stack traversal after the current one, the nmethod will be marked non-entrant and
// got rid of by normal sweeping. If the method is called, the methodOop's
// _code field is restored and the methodOop/nmethod
// go back to their normal state.
void NMethodSweeper::handle_full_code_cache(bool is_full) {
  // Only the first one to notice can advise us to start early cleaning
  if (!is_full){
    jint old = Atomic::cmpxchg( 1, &_advise_to_sweep, 0 );
    if (old != 0) {

  if (is_full) {
    // Since code cache is full, immediately stop new compiles
    bool did_set = CompileBroker::set_should_compile_new_jobs(CompileBroker::stop_compilation);
    if (!did_set) {
      // only the first to notice can start the cleaning,
      // others will go back and block

    // If we run out within MinCodeCacheFlushingInterval of the last unload time, give up
    jlong now = os::javaTimeMillis();
    jlong max_interval = (jlong)MinCodeCacheFlushingInterval * (jlong)1000;
    jlong curr_interval = now - _last_was_full;
    if (curr_interval < max_interval) {
      _rescan = true;
      log_sweep("disable_compiler", "flushing_interval='" UINT64_FORMAT "'",

  VM_HandleFullCodeCache op(is_full);

  // rescan again as soon as possible
  _rescan = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void NMethodSweeper::scan_stacks() {
  assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be executed at a safepoint");
  if (!MethodFlushing) return;
  _do_sweep = true;

  // No need to synchronize access, since this is always executed at a
  // safepoint.  If we aren't in the middle of scan and a rescan
  // hasn't been requested then just return. If UseCodeCacheFlushing is on and
  // code cache flushing is in progress, don't skip sweeping to help make progress
  // clearing space in the code cache.
  if ((_current == NULL && !_rescan) && !(UseCodeCacheFlushing && !CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs())) {
    _do_sweep = false;

  // Make sure CompiledIC_lock in unlocked, since we might update some
  // inline caches. If it is, we just bail-out and try later.
  if (CompiledIC_lock->is_locked() || Patching_lock->is_locked()) return;

  // Check for restart
  assert(CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(_current) == _current, "Sweeper nmethod cached state invalid");
  if (_current == NULL) {
    _seen        = 0;
    _invocations = NmethodSweepFraction;
    _current     = CodeCache::first_nmethod();
    _traversals  += 1;
    if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
      tty->print_cr("### Sweep: stack traversal %d", _traversals);

    // reset the flags since we started a scan from the beginning.
    _rescan = false;
    _locked_seen = 0;
    _not_entrant_seen_on_stack = 0;

  if (UseCodeCacheFlushing) {
    if (!CodeCache::needs_flushing()) {
      // scan_stacks() runs during a safepoint, no race with setters
      _advise_to_sweep = 0;

    if (was_full()) {
      // There was some progress so attempt to restart the compiler
      jlong now           = os::javaTimeMillis();
      jlong max_interval  = (jlong)MinCodeCacheFlushingInterval * (jlong)1000;
      jlong curr_interval = now - _last_was_full;
      if ((!CodeCache::needs_flushing()) && (curr_interval > max_interval)) {

        // Update the _last_was_full time so we can tell how fast the
        // code cache is filling up
        _last_was_full = os::javaTimeMillis();

Exemplo n.º 4
void NMethodSweeper::sweep() {
  assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be executed at a safepoint");
  if (!MethodFlushing) return;

  // No need to synchronize access, since this is always executed at a
  // safepoint.  If we aren't in the middle of scan and a rescan
  // hasn't been requested then just return.
  if (_current == NULL && !_rescan) return;

  // Make sure CompiledIC_lock in unlocked, since we might update some
  // inline caches. If it is, we just bail-out and try later.
  if (CompiledIC_lock->is_locked() || Patching_lock->is_locked()) return;

  // Check for restart
  assert(CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(_current) == _current, "Sweeper nmethod cached state invalid");
  if (_current == NULL) {
    _seen        = 0;
    _invocations = NmethodSweepFraction;
    _current     = CodeCache::first();
    _traversals  += 1;
    if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
      tty->print_cr("### Sweep: stack traversal %d", _traversals);

    // reset the flags since we started a scan from the beginning.
    _rescan = false;
    _locked_seen = 0;
    _not_entrant_seen_on_stack = 0;

  if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose) {
    tty->print_cr("### Sweep at %d out of %d. Invocations left: %d", _seen, CodeCache::nof_blobs(), _invocations);

  // We want to visit all nmethods after NmethodSweepFraction invocations.
  // If invocation is 1 we do the rest
  int todo = CodeCache::nof_blobs();
  if (_invocations != 1) {
    todo = (CodeCache::nof_blobs() - _seen) / _invocations;

  for(int i = 0; i < todo && _current != NULL; i++) {
    CodeBlob* next = CodeCache::next(_current); // Read next before we potentially delete current
    if (_current->is_nmethod()) {
      process_nmethod((nmethod *)_current);
    _current = next;
  // Because we could stop on a codeBlob other than an nmethod we skip forward
  // to the next nmethod (if any). codeBlobs other than nmethods can be freed
  // async to us and make _current invalid while we sleep.
  while (_current != NULL && !_current->is_nmethod()) {
    _current = CodeCache::next(_current);

  if (_current == NULL && !_rescan && (_locked_seen || _not_entrant_seen_on_stack)) {
    // we've completed a scan without making progress but there were
    // nmethods we were unable to process either because they were
    // locked or were still on stack.  We don't have to aggresively
    // clean them up so just stop scanning.  We could scan once more
    // but that complicates the control logic and it's unlikely to
    // matter much.
    if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
      tty->print_cr("### Couldn't make progress on some nmethods so stopping sweep");

  if (UseCodeCacheFlushing) {
    if (!CodeCache::needs_flushing()) {
      // In a safepoint, no race with setters
      _advise_to_sweep = 0;

    if (was_full()) {
      // There was some progress so attempt to restart the compiler
      jlong now           = os::javaTimeMillis();
      jlong max_interval  = (jlong)MinCodeCacheFlushingInterval * (jlong)1000;
      jlong curr_interval = now - _last_was_full;
      if ((!CodeCache::needs_flushing()) && (curr_interval > max_interval)) {

        // Update the _last_was_full time so we can tell how fast the
        // code cache is filling up
        _last_was_full = os::javaTimeMillis();

        if (PrintMethodFlushing) {
          tty->print_cr("### sweeper: Live blobs:" UINT32_FORMAT "/Free code cache:" SIZE_FORMAT " bytes, restarting compiler",
            CodeCache::nof_blobs(), CodeCache::unallocated_capacity());
        if (LogCompilation && (xtty != NULL)) {
          ttyLocker ttyl;
          xtty->begin_elem("restart_compiler live_blobs='" UINT32_FORMAT "' free_code_cache='" SIZE_FORMAT "'",
                           CodeCache::nof_blobs(), CodeCache::unallocated_capacity());