Exemplo n.º 1
 * do_post:
 *	Put a trading post room and stuff on the screen
void do_post()
  struct coord tp;
  int i;
  struct room *rp;
  struct object *op;
  struct linked_list *ll;

  free_list(lvl_obj); /* throw old items away */

  for (rp = rooms; rp < &rooms[MAXROOMS]; rp++) {
    rp->r_goldval = 0;    /* no gold */
    rp->r_nexits = 0;     /* no exits */
    rp->r_flags = ISGONE; /* kill all rooms */
  rp = &rooms[0];  /* point to only room */
  rp->r_flags = 0; /* this room NOT gone */
  rp->r_max.x = 40;
  rp->r_max.y = 10;                       /* 10 * 40 room */
  rp->r_pos.x = (COLS - rp->r_max.x) / 2; /* center horizontal */
  rp->r_pos.y = 1;                        /* 2nd line */
  draw_room(rp);                          /* draw the only room */
  i = roll(4, 10);                        /* 10 to 40 items */
  for (; i > 0; i--) {                    /* place all the items */
    ll = new_thing(FALSE, ANYTHING);      /* get something */
    attach(lvl_obj, ll);
    op = OBJPTR(ll);
    setoflg(op, ISPOST); /* object in trading post */
    tp = *rnd_pos(rp);
    op->o_pos = tp;
    mvaddch(tp.y, tp.x, op->o_type);
  trader = 0;
  wmove(cw, 12, 0);
  waddstr(cw, "Welcome to Friendly Fiend's Flea Market\n\r");
  waddstr(cw, "=======================================\n\r");
  waddstr(cw, "$: Prices object that you stand upon.\n\r");
  waddstr(cw, "#: Buys the object that you stand upon.\n\r");
  waddstr(cw, "%: Trades in something in your pack for gold.\n\r");
Exemplo n.º 2
 * read_scroll:
 *	Let the hero read a scroll
int read_scroll()
	struct object *obj;
	struct linked_list *item;
	int i, j, wh;
	unsigned long ch, nch;
	struct room *rp;
	struct linked_list *titem;
	char buf[LINLEN];
	bool bless, curse;

	if ((item = get_item("read", SCROLL)) == NULL)
		return 0;
	obj = OBJPTR(item);
	if (obj->o_type != SCROLL) {
		msg("Nothing to read.");
		after = FALSE;
		return 0;
	msg("As you read the scroll, it vanishes.");
	wh = obj->o_which;
	bless = o_on(obj, ISBLESS);
	curse = o_on(obj, ISCURSED);
	del_pack(item);		/* Get rid of the thing */

	 * Calculate the effect it has on the hero
	switch(wh) {
	case S_KNOWALL:
		if (!curse) {
			idenpack();				/* identify all the pack */
			msg("You feel more knowledgable.");
			s_know[S_KNOWALL] = TRUE;
	when S_CONFUSE:
		if (!curse) {
			 * Scroll of monster confusion.  Give him that power.
			msg("Your hands begin to glow red.");
			player.t_flags |= CANHUH;
			s_know[S_CONFUSE] = TRUE;
	when S_LIGHT:
		rp = player.t_room;
		if (!curse) {
			if (rp == NULL) {
				s_know[S_LIGHT] = TRUE;
				msg("The corridor glows and then fades.");
			else {
				if (rf_on(rp,ISDARK)) {
					s_know[S_LIGHT] = TRUE;
					msg("The room is lit.");
					rp->r_flags &= ~ISDARK;
				mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
	when S_ARMOR:
		if (!curse) {
			if (cur_armor != NULL && o_off(cur_armor,ISPROT)) {
				s_know[S_ARMOR] = TRUE;
				msg("Your armor glows faintly for a moment.");
				if (o_on(cur_armor,ISCURSED))
					cur_armor->o_ac = armors[cur_armor->o_which].a_class;
	when S_HOLD:
		if (!curse) {
			 * Hold monster scroll.  Stop all monsters within 3 spaces
			 * from chasing after the hero.
			int x,y;
			struct linked_list *mon;

			for (x = hero.x - 3; x <= hero.x + 3; x++) {
				for (y = hero.y - 3; y <= hero.y + 3; y++) {
					if (y > 0 && x > 0 && isalpha(mvwinch(mw, y, x))) {
						if ((mon = find_mons(y, x)) != NULL) {
							struct thing *th;

							th = THINGPTR(mon);
							th->t_flags &= ~ISRUN;
							th->t_flags |= ISHELD;
							th->t_flags |= ISSTUCK;
	when S_SLEEP:
		 * Scroll which makes you fall asleep
		if (!bless) {
			s_know[S_SLEEP] = TRUE;
			msg("You fall asleep.");
			player.t_nocmd += 4 + rnd(SLEEPTIME);
	when S_CREATE:
		if (!bless) {
			if (makemons(mtlev[rnd(levcount)]->m_show))
				s_know[S_CREATE] = TRUE;
				msg("You hear a faint cry of anguish in the distance.");
	when S_IDENT:
		if (!curse) {
			msg("This scroll is an identify scroll");
			s_know[S_IDENT] = TRUE;
	when S_MAP:
		if (curse)
		s_know[S_MAP] = TRUE;
		addmsg("Oh, now this scroll has a ");
		if (rnd(100) < 10 || bless) {
			addmsg("very detailed map on it.");
		else {
			addmsg("map on it.");
			overwrite(stdscr, hw);
			for (i = 1; i < LINES - 2; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) {
					switch (nch = ch = mvwinch(hw, i, j)) {
						case SECRETDOOR:
							nch = DOOR;
							mvaddch(i, j, nch);
						case '-':
						case '|':
						case DOOR:
						case PASSAGE:
						case ' ':
						case STAIRS:
							if (mvwinch(mw, i, j) != ' ') {
								struct thing *it;
								struct linked_list *blah;

								blah = find_mons(i, j);
								if (blah != NULL) {
									it = THINGPTR(blah);
									if (it->t_oldch == ' ')
										it->t_oldch = nch;
							nch = ' ';
					if (nch != ch)
						waddch(hw, nch);
			overlay(cw, hw);
			overwrite(hw, cw);
	when S_GFIND:
		if (!curse) {
			int gtotal = 0;
			struct room *rp;

			for (rp = rooms; rp < &rooms[MAXROOMS]; rp++) {
				gtotal += rp->r_goldval;
				if (rp->r_goldval != 0 &&
				  mvinch(rp->r_gold.y,rp->r_gold.x) == GOLD)
			if (gtotal) {
				s_know[S_GFIND] = TRUE;
				msg("You begin to feel greedy and sense gold.");
				msg("You begin to feel a pull downward.");
	when S_TELEP:
		if (!curse) {
			int rm;
			struct room *cur_room;

			cur_room = player.t_room;
			rm = teleport(rndspot, &player);
			if (cur_room != &rooms[rm])
				s_know[S_TELEP] = TRUE;
	when S_ENCH:
		if (!curse) {
			if (cur_weapon == NULL || (cur_weapon != NULL &&
			  (o_on(cur_weapon,ISPROT) || cur_weapon->o_type != WEAPON)))
				msg("You feel a strange sense of loss.");
			else {
				s_know[S_ENCH] = TRUE;
				if (o_on(cur_weapon,ISCURSED)) {
					cur_weapon->o_hplus = rnd(2);
					cur_weapon->o_dplus = rnd(2);
				else {		/* weapon was not cursed here */
					if (rnd(100) < 50)
						cur_weapon->o_hplus += 1;
						cur_weapon->o_dplus += 1;
				setoflg(cur_weapon, ISKNOW);
				msg("Your %s glows blue for a moment.",
	when S_SCARE:
		 * A monster will refuse to step on a scare monster scroll
		 * if it is dropped.  Thus reading it is a mistake and produces
		 * laughter at the poor rogue's boo boo.
		msg("You hear maniacal laughter in the distance.");
	when S_REMOVE:
		if (!curse) {
			if (cur_armor != NULL && o_off(cur_armor,ISPROT))
			if (cur_weapon != NULL && o_off(cur_weapon,ISPROT))
			if (cur_ring[LEFT]!=NULL && o_off(cur_ring[LEFT],ISPROT))
			if (cur_ring[RIGHT]!=NULL && o_off(cur_ring[RIGHT],ISPROT))
			msg("You feel as if somebody is watching over you.");
			s_know[S_REMOVE] = TRUE;
	when S_AGGR:
		if (!bless) {
			if (mlist != NULL) {
				msg("You hear a high pitched humming noise.");
				s_know[S_AGGR] = TRUE;
	when S_NOP:
		msg("This scroll seems to be blank.");
		if (!curse) {
			msg("You have been granted the boon of genocide.");
			s_know[S_GENOCIDE] = TRUE;
	when S_DCURSE:
		if (!bless) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;

			msg("Your pack shudders.");
			for (ll = pack ; ll != NULL ; ll = next(ll)) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				if (o_off(lb,ISPROT)) {
					resoflg(lb, ISBLESS);
					setoflg(lb, ISCURSED);
	when S_DLEVEL:
		if (!bless) {
			int much = rnd(9) - 4;

			if (much != 0) {
				level += much;
				if (level < 1)
					level = 1;
				mpos = 0;
				new_level(NORMLEV);		/* change levels */
				msg("You are whisked away to another region.");
				s_know[S_DLEVEL] = TRUE;
	when S_PROTECT:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;

			msg("You are granted the power of protection.");
			if ((ll = get_item("protect",0)) != NULL) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				mpos = 0;
				msg("Protected %s.",inv_name(lb,TRUE));
			s_know[S_PROTECT] = TRUE;
	when S_ALLENCH:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;
			int howmuch, ac, good;

			msg("You are granted the power of enchantment.");
			good = TRUE;
			if ((ll = get_item("enchant",0)) != NULL) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				howmuch = rnd(3) + 1;
				switch(lb->o_type) {
					case RING:
						if (lb->o_ac < 0)
							lb->o_ac = 0;
						lb->o_ac += howmuch;
					when ARMOR:
						ac = armors[lb->o_which].a_class;
						if (lb->o_ac > ac)
							lb->o_ac = ac;
						lb->o_ac -= howmuch;
					when STICK:
						lb->o_charges += howmuch + 10;
					when WEAPON:
						if (lb->o_dplus < 0)
							lb->o_dplus = 0;
						if (lb->o_hplus < 0)
							lb->o_hplus = 0;
						lb->o_hplus += howmuch;
						lb->o_dplus += howmuch;
						msg("You are injured as the scroll flashes & bursts into flames !!!");
						good = FALSE;
				if (good) {
					mpos = 0;
					msg("Enchanted %s.",inv_name(lb,TRUE));
			s_know[S_ALLENCH] = TRUE;
	when S_BLESS:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;

			msg("Your pack glistens brightly.");
			for (ll = pack ; ll != NULL ; ll = next(ll)) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
	when S_MAKEIT:
		if (!curse) {
			msg("You have been endowed with the power of creation.");
			s_know[S_MAKEIT] = TRUE;
	when S_BAN: {
		int howdeep;
		char *ptr;

		if (bless) {
			if (level > 6) {
				howdeep = 1 + rnd(5);
				ptr = "elevated to the upper";
			else {
				howdeep = -1;
				bless = FALSE;
		else {
			howdeep = level + 10 + rnd(20) + (curse * 20);
			ptr = "banished to the lower";
		if ((!bless && level < howdeep) || bless) {
			level = howdeep;
			mpos = 0;
			msg("You are %s regions.", ptr);
			s_know[S_BAN] = TRUE;
	when S_CWAND:
		if (!curse) {
			struct linked_list *ll;
			struct object *lb;
			bool wands = FALSE;

			for (ll = pack ; ll != NULL ; ll = next(ll)) {
				lb = OBJPTR(ll);
				if (lb->o_type == STICK) {
					setoflg(lb, ISKNOW);
					resoflg(lb, ISCURSED);
					lb->o_charges += rnd(11) + 5;
					wands = TRUE;
			if (wands) {
				msg("Your sticks gleam.");
				s_know[wh] = TRUE;
	when S_LOCTRAP: {
		struct trap *trp;

		if (ntraps > 0) {
			for (trp = &traps[0]; trp < &traps[ntraps]; trp++)
				trp->tr_flags |= ISFOUND;
			msg("You now recognize pitfalls.");
			s_know[S_LOCTRAP] = TRUE;
		msg("What a puzzling scroll!");
		return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * ring_on:
 *	Put on a ring
int ring_on()
  struct object *obj;
  struct linked_list *item;
  int ring, wh;
  char buf[LINLEN];
  bool okring;

  if (cur_ring[LEFT] != NULL && cur_ring[RIGHT] != NULL) {
    msg("Already wearing two rings.");
    after = FALSE;
    return 0;
   * Make certain that it is somethings that we want to wear
  if ((item = get_item("put on", RING)) == NULL)
    return 0;
  obj = OBJPTR(item);
  if (obj->o_type != RING) {
    msg("That won't fit on your finger.");
    return 0;
   * find out which hand to put it on
  if (is_current(obj))
    return 0;
  if (cur_ring[LEFT] == NULL && cur_ring[RIGHT] == NULL) {
    if ((ring = gethand(FALSE)) < 0)
      return 0;
  } else if (cur_ring[LEFT] == NULL)
    ring = LEFT;
    ring = RIGHT;
  cur_ring[ring] = obj;
  wh = obj->o_which;
   * okring = FALSE when:
   * 1) ring is cursed and benefit = plus
   * 2) ring is blessed and benefit = minus
  okring = !((obj->o_ac > 0 && o_on(obj, ISCURSED)) ||
             (obj->o_ac < 0 && o_on(obj, ISBLESS)));
   * Calculate the effect it has on the poor guy (if possible).
  if (okring) {
    switch (wh) {
    case R_SPEED:
      if (--obj->o_ac < 0) {
        obj->o_ac = 0;
        setoflg(obj, ISCURSED);
      } else {
        msg("You find yourself moving must faster.");
      when R_GIANT : /* to 24 */
                     him->s_ef.a_str = MAXSTR;
      when R_ADDSTR : chg_abil(STR, obj->o_ac, FROMRING);
      when R_KNOW : chg_abil(WIS, obj->o_ac, FROMRING);
      when R_DEX : chg_abil(DEX, obj->o_ac, FROMRING);
      when R_CONST : chg_abil(CON, obj->o_ac, FROMRING);
      when R_SEEINVIS : player.t_flags |= CANSEE;
      mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
      when R_AGGR : aggravate();
      when R_HEAVY : updpack(); /* new pack weight */
      when R_BLIND : r_know[R_BLIND] = TRUE;
      player.t_flags |= ISBLIND;
      when R_SLOW : player.t_flags |= ISSLOW;
      when R_SAPEM : fuse(sapem, TRUE, 150);
      when R_LIGHT:
        struct room *rop;

        r_know[R_LIGHT] = TRUE;
        if ((rop = player.t_room) != NULL) {
          rop->r_flags &= ~ISDARK;
          mvwaddch(cw, hero.y, hero.x, PLAYER);
  if (r_know[wh] && r_guess[wh]) {
    r_guess[wh] = NULL;
  } else if (!r_know[wh] && r_guess[wh] == NULL) {
    mpos = 0;
    strcpy(buf, r_stones[wh]);
    if (get_str(buf, cw) == NORM) {
      r_guess[wh] = new (strlen(buf) + 1);
      strcpy(r_guess[wh], buf);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * add_pack:
 * Pick up an object and add it to the pack.  If the argument
 * is non-null use it as the linked_list pointer instead of
 * getting it off the ground.
bool add_pack(struct linked_list *item,bool silent)
	struct linked_list *ip, *lp;
	struct object *obj, *op;
	bool from_floor;
	char delchar;

	if (player.t_room == NULL)
		delchar = PASSAGE;
		delchar = FLOOR;
	if (item == NULL) {
		from_floor = TRUE;
		if ((item = find_obj(hero.y, hero.x)) == NULL) {
			mpos = 0;
			msg("That object must have been an illusion.");
			mvaddch(hero.y, hero.x, delchar);
			return FALSE;
		 * Check for scare monster scrolls
		obj = OBJPTR(item);
		if (obj->o_type == SCROLL && obj->o_which == S_SCARE) {
			if (o_on(obj,ISFOUND)) {
				msg("The scroll turns to dust as you pick it up.");
				detach(lvl_obj, item);
				mvaddch(hero.y, hero.x, delchar);	
				return FALSE;
		from_floor = FALSE;
	obj = OBJPTR(item);
	 * See if this guy can carry any more weight
	if (itemweight(obj) + him->s_pack > him->s_carry) {
		msg("You can't carry that %s.", obj->o_typname);
		return FALSE;
	 * Check if there is room
	if (packvol + obj->o_vol > V_PACK) {
		msg("That %s won't fit in your pack.", obj->o_typname);
		return FALSE;
	if (from_floor) {
		detach(lvl_obj, item);
		mvaddch(hero.y, hero.x, delchar);
	item->l_prev = NULL;
	item->l_next = NULL;
	setoflg(obj, ISFOUND);
	 * start looking thru pack to find the start of items
	 * with the same type.
	lp = pack;
	for (ip = pack; ip != NULL; ip = next(ip)) {
		op = OBJPTR(ip);
		 * If we find a matching type then quit.
		if (op->o_type == obj->o_type)
		if (next(ip) != NULL)
			lp = next(lp);		/* update "previous" entry */
	 * If the pack was empty, just stick the item in it.
	if (pack == NULL) {
		pack = item;
		item->l_prev = NULL;
	 * If we looked thru the pack, but could not find an
	 * item of the same type, then stick it at the end,
	 * unless it was food, then put it in front.
	else if (ip == NULL) {
		if (obj->o_type == FOOD) {	/* insert food at front */
			item->l_next = pack;
			pack->l_prev = item;
			pack = item;
			item->l_prev = NULL;
		else {						/* insert other stuff at back */
			lp->l_next = item;
			item->l_prev = lp;
	 * Here, we found at least one item of the same type.
	 * Look thru these items to see if there is one of the
	 * same group. If so, increment the count and throw the
	 * new item away. If not, stick it at the end of the
	 * items with the same type. Also keep all similar
	 * objects near each other, like all identify scrolls, etc.
	else {
		struct linked_list **save;

		while (ip != NULL && op->o_type == obj->o_type) {
			if (op->o_group == obj->o_group) {
				if (op->o_flags == obj->o_flags) {
					item = ip;
					goto picked_up;
				else {
					goto around;
			if (op->o_which == obj->o_which) {
				if (obj->o_type == FOOD)
					ip = next(ip);
			ip = next(ip);
			if (ip != NULL) {
				op = OBJPTR(ip);
				lp = next(lp);
		 * If inserting into last of group at end of pack,
		 * just tack on the end.
		if (ip == NULL) {
			lp->l_next = item;
			item->l_prev = lp;
		 * Insert into the last of a group of objects
		 * not at the end of the pack.
		else {
			save = &((ip->l_prev)->l_next);
			item->l_next = ip;
			item->l_prev = ip->l_prev;
			ip->l_prev = item;
			*save = item;
	obj = OBJPTR(item);
	if (!silent)
		msg("%s (%c)",inv_name(obj,FALSE),pack_char(obj));
	if (obj->o_type == AMULET)
		amulet = TRUE;
	updpack();				/* new pack weight & volume */
	return TRUE;