Exemplo n.º 1
static int setmode(int mode, int prv_mode)
    unsigned char *moderegs;
    ModeTiming *modetiming;
    ModeInfo *modeinfo;
    int i;

    if (!modeavailable(mode))
	return 1;

    modeinfo = __svgalib_createModeInfoStructureForSvgalibMode(mode);

    modetiming = malloc(sizeof(ModeTiming));
    if (__svgalib_getmodetiming(modetiming, modeinfo, cardspecs)) {
	return 1;

    moderegs = malloc(TOTAL_REGS);

    initializemode(moderegs, modetiming, modeinfo, mode);

    __svgalib_setregs(moderegs);	/* Set standard regs. */

    setregs(moderegs, mode);		/* Set extended regs. */


    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Executes an stub of code on a debugged process.
 * @param pid Process identifier where to execute code.
 * @param addr Process addr to store the code.
 * @param stub Pointer to code stub to execute.
 * @param stub_size ptrace friendly length of the stub to execute.
 * @returns Indication of success or failure.
 * @retval 0 indicates success.
execute_stub(LONG pid, unsigned long addr, unsigned long *stub, ULONG stub_size) {
	LONG i = 0;
	LONG result = 0;
	struct user_regs_struct stub_regs;

	if (stub_size == 0 || stub == NULL)

	result = write_memory(pid, addr, stub, stub_size);
	if (result != 0)
		return result;

	// Jump into the nops stub, makes code modification
	// more reliable.
	result = getregs(pid, &stub_regs);
	if (result != 0)
		return result;
	dprintf("[EXECUTE_STUB] Original EIP 0x%x", stub_regs.eip);

	stub_regs.eip = stub_regs.eip + 8;
	result = setregs(pid, &stub_regs);
	if (result != 0)
		return result;
	dprintf("[EXECUTE_STUB] Redirecting to 0x%x", stub_regs.eip);

	result = cont(pid);
	if (result != 0)
		return result;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Restores the process state and detaches.
 * @param pid Process identifier to restore.
 * @param s Pointer to \c state with code and registers.
 * @param only_memory Idicates if restore only memory at EIP or also registers
 * @returns Indication of success or failure.
 * @retval 0 Indicates success.
restore_state(LONG pid, state *s, int only_memory) {
	unsigned long *mem_ptr = NULL;
	LONG i = 0;
	LONG result = 0;

	if (s == NULL)

 	mem_ptr = (unsigned long *)(s->memory);

	if (mem_ptr == NULL)

	result = write_memory(pid, s->regs.eip, mem_ptr, MMAP_STUB_SIZE);
	if (result != 0)
		return result;

	if (only_memory > 0)
		return 0;

	result = setregs(pid, &(s->regs));
	if (result != 0)
		return result;

	result = detach(pid);
	if (result != 0)
		return result;

	return 0;
freebsd_setregs(struct lwp *l, struct exec_package *epp, vaddr_t stack)
	struct pcb *pcb = lwp_getpcb(l);

	setregs(l, epp, stack);
	if (i386_use_fxsave)
		pcb->pcb_savefpu.sv_xmm.sv_env.en_cw = __FreeBSD_NPXCW__;
		pcb->pcb_savefpu.sv_87.sv_env.en_cw = __FreeBSD_NPXCW__;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int setmode(int mode, int prv_mode)
/* standard EGA driver: setmode */
    const unsigned char *regs;

    regs = LOOKUPMODE(ega_modes, mode);
    if (regs == NULL || regs == DISABLE_MODE)
	return 1;
    lastmode = mode;

    setregs(regs, mode);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
linux_setregs(struct lwp *l, struct exec_package *epp, vaddr_t stack)
#ifdef DEBUG
	struct trapframe *tfp = l->l_md.md_tf;

	setregs(l, epp, stack);
#ifdef DEBUG
	 * Linux has registers set to zero on entry; for DEBUG kernels
	 * the alpha setregs() fills registers with 0xbabefacedeadbeef.
	memset(tfp->tf_regs, 0, FRAME_SIZE * sizeof tfp->tf_regs[0]);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Set set up registers on exec.
 * XXX not used at the moment since in sys/kern/exec_conf, LINUX_COMPAT
 * entry uses NetBSD's native setregs instead of linux_setregs
linux_setregs(struct lwp *l, struct exec_package *pack, u_long stack)
    setregs(l, pack, stack);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Injects meterpreter stage library in a process.
 * @param pid Process identifier to inject.
 * @param l Pointer to the \c library to inject.
 * @returns Indication of success or failure.
 * @retval 0 indicates success.
inject_library(LONG pid, library *l) {
	state s;
	long code_mem;
	long stack_mem;
	struct user_regs_struct regs;
	ULONG library_size = _SIZE_OF(l->length);
	unsigned long *buf_ptr = (unsigned long *)l->data;
	LONG result = 0;

	if (l == NULL) {
		goto end;

	dprintf("[INJECT] Saving state");
	result = attach(pid);
	if (result != 0)
		goto end;

	result = save_state(pid, &s);
	if (result != 0)
		goto end;

	memcpy(&regs, &(s.regs), sizeof(struct user_regs_struct));

	dprintf("[INJECT] Creating new code memory");
	result = allocate(pid, &regs, 0, CODE_SIZE);
	dprintf("[DEBUG] result: %d", result);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] New code memory on 0x%x, fixing registers", regs.eax);
	code_mem = regs.eax;
	regs.eip = code_mem;

	result = setregs(pid, &regs);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] Restoring code on original process");
	restore_state(pid, &s, 1);

	dprintf("[INJECT] Creating new stack");
  	result = allocate(pid, &regs, 0, STACK_SIZE);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] New stack on 0x%x, fixing registers", regs.eax);
	stack_mem = regs.eax + STACK_SIZE;
	regs.esp = stack_mem;
	regs.eip = code_mem;

	result = setregs(pid, &regs);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] Allocating space for the library...");
	result = allocate(pid, &regs, l->base_addr, l->length);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	if (regs.eax != l->base_addr) {
		result = EFAULT;
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] Copying payload to 0x%x", regs.eax);
	result = write_memory(pid, regs.eax, buf_ptr, library_size);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] Fixing registers");
	regs.esp = stack_mem;
	regs.eip = code_mem;
	result = setregs(pid, &regs);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] Executing call stub");
	result = call(pid, &regs, l->entry_point);
	if (result != 0)
		goto restore;

	dprintf("[INJECT] The payload has warned successfully, migration has been successfully");
	result = detach(pid);
	goto end;

	restore_state(pid, &s, 0);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Set set up registers on exec.
linux_setregs(struct lwp *l, struct exec_package *pack, vaddr_t stack)
	setregs(l, pack, stack);
Exemplo n.º 10
netbsd32_setregs(struct lwp *l, struct exec_package *pack, vaddr_t stack)
	l->l_proc->p_flag |= PK_32;
	setregs(l, pack, stack);