Exemplo n.º 1
void QtUiStyle::initializeSettingsQss()
    QFileInfo settingsQss(Quassel::configDirPath() + "settings.qss");
    // Only initialize if it doesn't already exist
    if (settingsQss.exists())

    // Generate and load the new stylesheet
Exemplo n.º 2
void QtUiStyle::generateSettingsQss() const {
  QFile settingsQss(Quassel::configDirPath() + "settings.qss");
  if(!settingsQss.open(QFile::WriteOnly|QFile::Truncate)) {
    qWarning() << "Could not open" << settingsQss.fileName() << "for writing!";
  QTextStream out(&settingsQss);

  out << "// Style settings made in Quassel's configuration dialog\n"
      << "// This file is automatically generated, do not edit\n";

  // ChatView
  QtUiStyleSettings fs("Fonts");
    out << "\n// ChatView Font\n"
        << "ChatLine { " << fontDescription(fs.value("ChatView").value<QFont>()) << "; }\n";

  QtUiStyleSettings s("Colors");
  if(s.value("UseChatViewColors").toBool()) {
    out << "\n// Custom ChatView Colors\n"

        // markerline is special in that it always used to use a gradient, so we keep this behavior even with the new implementation
        << "Palette { marker-line: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 " << color("MarkerLine", s) << ", stop: 0.1 transparent); }\n"
        << "ChatView { background: " << color("ChatViewBackground", s) << "; }\n\n"
        << "ChatLine[label=\"highlight\"] {\n"
        << "  foreground: " << color("Highlight",s) << ";\n"
        << "  background: " << color("HighlightBackground", s) << ";\n"
        << "}\n\n"
        << "ChatLine::timestamp { foreground: " << color("Timestamp", s) << "; }\n\n"

        << msgTypeQss("plain", "ChannelMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("notice", "ServerMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("action", "ActionMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("nick", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("mode", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("join", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("part", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("quit", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("kick", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("kill", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("server", "ServerMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("info", "ServerMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("error", "ErrorMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("daychange", "ServerMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("topic", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("netsplit-join", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("netsplit-quit", "CommandMsg", s)
        << msgTypeQss("invite", "CommandMsg", s)
        << "\n";

  if(s.value("UseSenderColors").toBool()) {
    out << "\n// Sender Colors\n"
        << "ChatLine::sender#plain[sender=\"self\"] { foreground: " << color("SenderSelf", s) << "; }\n\n";

    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      out << senderQss(i, s);

  // ItemViews

  UiStyleSettings uiFonts("Fonts");
  if(uiFonts.value("UseCustomItemViewFont").toBool()) {
    QString fontDesc = fontDescription(uiFonts.value("ItemView").value<QFont>());
    out << "\n// ItemView Font\n"
        << "ChatListItem { " << fontDesc << "; }\n"
        << "NickListItem { " << fontDesc << "; }\n\n";

  UiStyleSettings uiColors("Colors");
  if(uiColors.value("UseBufferViewColors").toBool()) {
    out << "\n// BufferView Colors\n"
        << "ChatListItem { foreground: " << color("DefaultBuffer", uiColors) << "; }\n"
        << chatListItemQss("inactive", "InactiveBuffer", uiColors)
        << chatListItemQss("channel-event", "ActiveBuffer", uiColors)
        << chatListItemQss("unread-message", "UnreadBuffer", uiColors)
        << chatListItemQss("highlighted", "HighlightedBuffer", uiColors);

  if(uiColors.value("UseNickViewColors").toBool()) {
    out << "\n// NickView Colors\n"
        << "NickListItem[type=\"category\"] { foreground: " << color("DefaultBuffer", uiColors) << "; }\n"
        << "NickListItem[type=\"user\"] { foreground: " << color("OnlineNick", uiColors) << "; }\n"
        << "NickListItem[type=\"user\", state=\"away\"] { foreground: " << color("AwayNick", uiColors) << "; }\n";

Exemplo n.º 3
void QtUiStyle::generateSettingsQss() const
    QFile settingsQss(Quassel::configDirPath() + "settings.qss");

    if (!settingsQss.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) {
        qWarning() << "Could not open" << settingsQss.fileName() << "for writing!";
    QTextStream out(&settingsQss);

    out << "// Style settings made in Quassel's configuration dialog\n"
        << "// This file is automatically generated, do not edit\n";

    // ChatView
    QtUiStyleSettings fs("Fonts");
    if (fs.value("UseCustomChatViewFont").toBool())
        out << "\n// ChatView Font\n"
            << "ChatLine { " << fontDescription(fs.value("ChatView").value<QFont>()) << "; }\n";

    QtUiStyleSettings s("Colors");
    if (s.value("UseChatViewColors").toBool()) {
        out << "\n// Custom ChatView Colors\n"

            // markerline is special in that it always used to use a gradient, so we keep this behavior even with the new implementation
            << "Palette { marker-line: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 " << color("MarkerLine", s)
            << ", stop: 0.1 transparent); }\n"
            << "ChatView { background: " << color("ChatViewBackground", s) << "; }\n\n"
            << "ChatLine[label=\"highlight\"] {\n"
            << "  foreground: " << color("Highlight", s) << ";\n"
            << "  background: " << color("HighlightBackground", s) << ";\n"
            << "}\n\n"
            << "ChatLine::timestamp { foreground: " << color("Timestamp", s) << "; }\n\n"

            << msgTypeQss("plain", "ChannelMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("notice", "ServerMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("action", "ActionMsg", s)
            << msgTypeQss("nick", "CommandMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("mode", "CommandMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("join", "CommandMsg", s)
            << msgTypeQss("part", "CommandMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("quit", "CommandMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("kick", "CommandMsg", s)
            << msgTypeQss("kill", "CommandMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("server", "ServerMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("info", "ServerMsg", s)
            << msgTypeQss("error", "ErrorMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("daychange", "ServerMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("topic", "CommandMsg", s)
            << msgTypeQss("netsplit-join", "CommandMsg", s) << msgTypeQss("netsplit-quit", "CommandMsg", s)
            << msgTypeQss("invite", "CommandMsg", s) << "\n";

    if (s.value("UseSenderColors", true).toBool()) {
        out << "\n// Sender Colors\n";
        // Generate a color palette for easy reuse elsewhere
        // NOTE: A color palette is not a complete replacement for specifying the colors below, as
        // specifying the colors one-by-one instead of with QtUi::style()->brush(...) makes it easy
        // to toggle the specific coloring of sender/nick at the cost of regenerating this file.
        // See UiStyle::ColorRole
        out << senderPaletteQss(s);

        out << "ChatLine::sender#plain[sender=\"self\"] { foreground: palette(sender-color-self); }\n\n";

        // Matches qssparser.cpp for UiStyle::PlainMsg
        for (int i = 0; i < defaultSenderColors.count(); i++)
            out << senderQss(i, "plain");

        // Only color the nicks in CTCP ACTIONs if sender colors are enabled
        if (s.value("UseSenderActionColors", true).toBool()) {
            // For action messages, color the 'sender' column -and- the nick itself
            out << "\n// Sender Nickname Colors for action messages\n"
                << "ChatLine::sender#action[sender=\"self\"] { foreground: palette(sender-color-self); }\n"
                << "ChatLine::nick#action[sender=\"self\"] { foreground: palette(sender-color-self); }\n\n";

            // Matches qssparser.cpp for UiStyle::ActionMsg
            for (int i = 0; i < defaultSenderColors.count(); i++)
                out << senderQss(i, "action", true);

        // Only color the nicks in CTCP ACTIONs if sender colors are enabled
        if (s.value("UseNickGeneralColors", true).toBool()) {
            // For action messages, color the 'sender' column -and- the nick itself
            out << "\n// Nickname colors for all messages\n"
                << "ChatLine::nick[sender=\"self\"] { foreground: palette(sender-color-self); }\n\n";

            // Matches qssparser.cpp for any style of message (UiStyle::...)
            for (int i = 0; i < defaultSenderColors.count(); i++)
                out << nickQss(i);

    // ItemViews

    UiStyleSettings uiFonts("Fonts");
    if (uiFonts.value("UseCustomItemViewFont").toBool()) {
        QString fontDesc = fontDescription(uiFonts.value("ItemView").value<QFont>());
        out << "\n// ItemView Font\n"
            << "ChatListItem { " << fontDesc << "; }\n"
            << "NickListItem { " << fontDesc << "; }\n\n";

    UiStyleSettings uiColors("Colors");
    if (uiColors.value("UseBufferViewColors").toBool()) {
        out << "\n// BufferView Colors\n"
            << "ChatListItem { foreground: " << color("DefaultBuffer", uiColors) << "; }\n"
            << chatListItemQss("inactive", "InactiveBuffer", uiColors) << chatListItemQss("channel-event", "ActiveBuffer", uiColors)
            << chatListItemQss("unread-message", "UnreadBuffer", uiColors) << chatListItemQss("highlighted", "HighlightedBuffer", uiColors);

    if (uiColors.value("UseNickViewColors").toBool()) {
        out << "\n// NickView Colors\n"
            << "NickListItem[type=\"category\"] { foreground: " << color("DefaultBuffer", uiColors) << "; }\n"
            << "NickListItem[type=\"user\"] { foreground: " << color("OnlineNick", uiColors) << "; }\n"
            << R"(NickListItem[type="user", state="away"] { foreground: )" << color("AwayNick", uiColors) << "; }\n";