Exemplo n.º 1
// --------------------------------------------------
void BoxViewer::drawPokemonScale(pkm_s* pkm, int16_t x, int16_t y, float scale)
// --------------------------------------------------
	if (pkm->speciesID == 0) return;

	sf2d_texture* pkmIcons = PHBanku::texture->pkmIcons;
	if (pkm->isShiny) pkmIcons = PHBanku::texture->pkmShinyIcons;

	// Draw the shadow
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_scale_blend(pkmIcons, x + 2 * scale, y + 2 * scale, (pkm->speciesID % 25) * 40, (pkm->speciesID / 25) * 30, 40, 30, scale, scale, RGBA8(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x55));

	if (pkm->isEggy)
		// Draw the egg+Pokémon icon
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_scale(pkmIcons, x, y, (pkm->speciesID % 25) * 40, (pkm->speciesID / 25) * 30, 40, 30, scale, scale);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(pkmIcons, x, y + 30 * (scale - 0.5f), (EGG_ID % 25) * 40, (EGG_ID / 25) * 30, 40, 30);
		// Draw the Pokémon icon
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_scale(pkmIcons, x, y, (pkm->speciesID % 25) * 40, (pkm->speciesID / 25) * 30, 40, 30, scale, scale);
		// Draw the item
		if (pkm->itemID > 0)
			// TODO: Draw item
			sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->itemIcons, x + 5, y + 30 * (scale - 0.5f), (pkm->itemID % 34) * 30, (pkm->itemID / 34) * 30, 30, 30);
Exemplo n.º 2
// --------------------------------------------------
void BoxViewer::drawBox(box_s* box, int16_t x, int16_t y, bool cursor)
// --------------------------------------------------
	// Draw the box background
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxBackgrounds, x, y, ((box->background % 16) % 4) * BACKGROUND_WIDTH, ((box->background % 16) / 4) * BACKGROUND_HEIGHT, BACKGROUND_WIDTH, BACKGROUND_HEIGHT);

	if (cursor)
		// Draw CursorType buttons (Red|Blue|Green)
		drawCursorButton(x, y);

	// Draw the box header
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxBackgrounds, x, y + 15, ((box->background % 16) % 4) * BOX_HEADER_WIDTH, 840 + ((box->background % 16) / 4) * BOX_HEADER_HEIGHT, BOX_HEADER_WIDTH, BOX_HEADER_HEIGHT);

	// Draw the box arrows
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 4, y + 18, 96, 32, 16, 24);
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 200, y + 18, 112, 32, 16, 24);

	// Draw the box title
	wchar_t boxTitle[0x1a];
	// TODO: Remove that if statement when complete box->title.
	// TODO: Wait for sftd_get_wtext_wdith.
	if (box->title[0] != '\0') swprintf(boxTitle, 0x1a, (wchar_t*) box->title);
	else swprintf(boxTitle, 0x1a, L"Box %i", box->number+1);
	int boxTitleWidth = sftd_get_wtext_width(font, 12, boxTitle);
	sftd_draw_wtext(font, x + (BACKGROUND_WIDTH - boxTitleWidth) / 2, y + 21, RGBA8(0x22,0x22,0x22,0xFF), 12, boxTitle);

	// TODO: v DRY v

	// If there is a Pokémon currently selected
	if (sPkm)
		// Draw Pokémon icons
		for (u8 i = 0; i < BOX_PKM_COUNT; i++)
			// If the Pokémon isn't the selected Pokémon
			if (sPkm != &(box->slot[i]))
				drawPokemon(&box->slot[i], x + (i % BOX_COL_PKM_COUNT) * PKM_WIDTH, y + PKM_BOX_MARGIN_TOP + (i / BOX_COL_PKM_COUNT) * PKM_HEIGHT, false);
	// If there is no Pokémon currently selected
		// Draw Pokémon icons
		for (u8 i = 0; i < BOX_PKM_COUNT; i++)
			drawPokemon(&box->slot[i], x + (i % BOX_COL_PKM_COUNT) * PKM_WIDTH, y + PKM_BOX_MARGIN_TOP + (i / BOX_COL_PKM_COUNT) * PKM_HEIGHT, false);
Exemplo n.º 3
int8_t fontDrawJPChar8(int16_t x, int16_t y, char8_t c)
	// Do not draw the control characters.
	// if (c >= 0x48 && c <= 0x5F) return 0;

	sf2d_draw_texture_part(fontJPGB, x, y, (c % 0x10) * CHAR_SIZE, (c / 0x10) * CHAR_SIZE, CHAR_SIZE, CHAR_SIZE);

	return CHAR_SIZE;
Exemplo n.º 4
// --------------------------------------------------
void BoxViewer::drawCursorButton(int16_t x, int16_t y)
// --------------------------------------------------
	if (!sPkm && sPkmCount == 0)
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 +   0, y,   0, 0, 50, 32);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 +  64, y,  64, 0, 50, 32);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 + 128, y, 128, 0, 50, 32);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 +   0, y,   0, 0, 50, 32, RGBA8(0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xAA));
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 +  64, y,  64, 0, 50, 32, RGBA8(0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xAA));

		if (cursorType == CursorType::MultiSelect)
			sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 + 128, y, 128, 0, 64, 32);
			sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 21 + 128, y, 128, 0, 50, 32, RGBA8(0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xAA));
Exemplo n.º 5
// --------------------------------------------------
void BoxViewer::drawPokemon(pkm_s* pkm, int16_t x, int16_t y, bool shadow)
// --------------------------------------------------
	if (pkm->speciesID == 0) return;

	// sf2d_draw_rectangle(x, y, PKM_WIDTH, PKM_HEIGHT, RGBA8(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x22));

	sf2d_texture* pkmIcons = PHBanku::texture->pkmIcons;
	if (pkm->isShiny) pkmIcons = PHBanku::texture->pkmShinyIcons;

	// Draw the shadow
	if (shadow)
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(pkmIcons, x+4, y+4, (pkm->speciesID % 25) * 40, (pkm->speciesID / 25) * 30, 40, 30, RGBA8(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x55));

	if (pkm->isEggy)
		// Draw the egg+Pokémon icon
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(pkmIcons, x, y, (pkm->speciesID % 25) * 40, (pkm->speciesID / 25) * 30, 40, 30, RGBA8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xAA));
		sf2d_draw_texture_part_blend(pkmIcons, x, y, (EGG_ID % 25) * 40, (EGG_ID / 25) * 30, 40, 30, RGBA8(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x88));
		// Draw the Pokémon icon
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(pkmIcons, x, y, (pkm->speciesID % 25) * 40, (pkm->speciesID / 25) * 30, 40, 30);

		// Draw the item
		if (pkm->itemID > 0)
			sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 23, y + 21, 48, 82, 12, 12);

	// Draw the checkbox
	if (pkm->checked)
		// TODO: Draw a check mark
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, x + 3, y + 22, 96, 56, 8, 8);
Exemplo n.º 6
void TextureManager::drawLoadingBackball(int x, int y)
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(this->ballLoadingScreen, x, y, 48, 0, 16, 16);
Exemplo n.º 7
// --------------------------------------------------
Result BoxViewer::drawBotScreen()
// --------------------------------------------------
	if (hasRegularChild()) { if (this->child->drawBotScreen() == PARENT_STEP); else return CHILD_STEP; }

		// Retrieve the current box, and the drawing offset.
		s16 boxShift = cursorBox.inBank ? BK_BOX_SHIFT_USED : PC_BOX_SHIFT_USED;
		s16 middleBoxShift = (cursorBox.inBank ? PC_BOX_SHIFT_UNUSED : PC_BOX_SHIFT_USED) + BACKGROUND_WIDTH;

		// Draw the current box: the background and the icons.
		drawBox((cursorBox.inBank ? vBKBox : vPCBox), boxShift, 0, true);

		// Draw the other box: the background and the icons.
		drawBox((cursorBox.inBank ? vPCBox : vBKBox), (cursorBox.inBank ? PC_BOX_SHIFT_UNUSED : BK_BOX_SHIFT_UNUSED), 0, false);

		// Draw bottom bar
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxBackgrounds, (cursorBox.inBank ? PC_BOX_SHIFT_UNUSED : PC_BOX_SHIFT_USED), BACKGROUND_HEIGHT, 440, 968, 480, 30);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxBackgrounds, middleBoxShift, 0, 880, 758, 40, BACKGROUND_HEIGHT);

		// Draw SwapBox button
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, middleBoxShift + 10, 215, 128, 32, 20, 20);

		// If a Pokémon is currently selected
		if (sPkm)
			u16 pkm_x, pkm_y;

			// If the selected Pokémon is dragged
			if (isPkmDragged)
				// Draw dragged Pokémon icon under the stylus
				pkm_x = touch.px - 20; // 40/2
				pkm_y = touch.py - 15; // 30/2
			// If the selected Pokémon is held
			else // if (isPkmHeld)
				if (cursorBox.inslot == SLOT_NO_SELECTION)
					// Draw the Pokémon icon on the box title
					pkm_x = boxShift + (BACKGROUND_WIDTH - PKM_WIDTH) / 2;
					pkm_y = 10;
					// Draw the Pokémon icon on the current slot a bit shifted
					pkm_x = boxShift + cursorBox.col * PKM_WIDTH;
					pkm_y = PKM_BOX_MARGIN_TOP - 12 + cursorBox.row * PKM_HEIGHT;

			drawPokemon(sPkm, pkm_x, pkm_y, true);

			if (!isPkmDragged)
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, pkm_x + 20, pkm_y - 11, (u8) cursorType * 32, 32, 32, 32);
			// Draw the cursor
			if (cursorBox.inslot == SLOT_NO_SELECTION)
				// Draw the cursor icon on the box title
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, boxShift + 105, 3 - cursorPositionOffY, (u8) cursorType * 32, 32, 32, 32);
				// Draw the cursor icon on the current slot a bit shifted
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, boxShift + 16 + (cursorBox.inslot % 6) * PKM_WIDTH + cursorPositionOffY / 2, PKM_BOX_MARGIN_TOP - 7 + (cursorBox.inslot / 6) * PKM_HEIGHT - cursorPositionOffY, (u8) cursorType * 32, 32, 32, 32);

		if (sPkmCount > 0)
			// Draw the selected Pokémon
			for (u8 i = 0; i < 19 && i < sPkmCount; i++)
				drawPokemon(sPkms[i], middleBoxShift, 10 * i, false);

	if (hasOverlayChild()) { this->child->drawBotScreen(); }
Exemplo n.º 8
// --------------------------------------------------
Result BoxViewer::drawTopScreen()
// --------------------------------------------------
	if (hasRegularChild()) { if (this->child->drawTopScreen() == PARENT_STEP); else return CHILD_STEP; }

	// Draw the resume background
	sf2d_draw_texture(PHBanku::texture->resumeBackground, 0, 0);

	sftd_draw_wtext_white(11, 40, data->text(BankText::GameTrainer));
	sftd_draw_wtextf_white(91, 40, L"%S (%lu-%lu-%lu)", save->savedata.OTName, save->savedata.TID, save->savedata.SID, save->savedata.TSV);

	// If there is a current Pokémon
	if (vPkm.pkm && !vPkm.emptySlot)
		uint32_t x, y;

		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->ballIcons, 5, 5, (vPkm.ball % BALL_ROW_COUNT) * BALL_SIZE, (vPkm.ball / BALL_ROW_COUNT) * BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE);

		x = 32;
		y = 16 - 2;
		// Is the Pokémon an egg?
		if (vPkm.pkm->isEggy)
			sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, y, data->species(0));
			// Is the Pokémon nicknamed?
			if (Pokemon::isNicknamed(vPkm.pkm))
				sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, y, vPkm.NKName);
				sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, y, vPkm.species);

		sftd_draw_wtextf_white(x + 168, y, L"%S%u", data->text(BankText::Level), vPkm.level);

		x = 11;
		y = 42 - 2;
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y += 15), data->text(BankText::DexNo));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+50, y, "%03u", vPkm.pkm->speciesID);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+80, y, vPkm.species);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y += 15), data->text(BankText::OriginalTrainer));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+50, y, vPkm.OTName);
		y += 15; // sftd_draw_text_white(x, (y += 15), "Stat");
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+90, y, data->text(BankText::Value));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+128, y, data->text(BankText::IV));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+158, y, data->text(BankText::EV));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y+=15), data->text(BankText::HitPoint));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+98, y, "% 3u", vPkm.stats[Stat::HP]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+130, y, "% 2u", vPkm.ivs[Stat::HP]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+160, y, "% 3u", vPkm.evs[Stat::HP]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y+=15), data->text(BankText::Attack));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+98, y, "% 3u", vPkm.stats[Stat::ATK]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+130, y, "% 2u", vPkm.ivs[Stat::ATK]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+160, y, "% 3u", vPkm.evs[Stat::ATK]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y+=15), data->text(BankText::Defense));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+98, y, "% 3u", vPkm.stats[Stat::DEF]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+130, y, "% 2u", vPkm.ivs[Stat::DEF]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+160, y, "% 3u", vPkm.evs[Stat::DEF]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y+=15), data->text(BankText::SpAttack));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+98, y, "% 3u", vPkm.stats[Stat::SPA]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+130, y, "% 2u", vPkm.ivs[Stat::SPA]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+160, y, "% 3u", vPkm.evs[Stat::SPA]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y+=15), data->text(BankText::SpDefense));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+98, y, "% 3u", vPkm.stats[Stat::SPD]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+130, y, "% 2u", vPkm.ivs[Stat::SPD]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+160, y, "% 3u", vPkm.evs[Stat::SPD]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y+=15), data->text(BankText::Speed));
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+98, y, "% 3u", vPkm.stats[Stat::SPE]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+130, y, "% 2u", vPkm.ivs[Stat::SPE]);
		sftd_draw_text_white(x+160, y, "% 3u", vPkm.evs[Stat::SPE]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y += 15), data->text(BankText::Nature));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+70, y, vPkm.nature);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y += 15), data->text(BankText::Ability));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+70, y, vPkm.ability);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y += 15), data->text(BankText::Item));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+70, y, vPkm.item);

		x = 246;
		y = 147 - 15 - 2;
		sftd_draw_wtextf_white(x, (y += 15), L"%S   %S", data->text(BankText::HiddenPower), vPkm.hpType);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x, (y += 15), data->text(BankText::Moves));
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+10, (y += 15), vPkm.moves[0]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+10, (y += 15), vPkm.moves[1]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+10, (y += 15), vPkm.moves[2]);
		sftd_draw_wtext_white(x+10, (y += 15), vPkm.moves[3]);

		drawPokemonScale(vPkm.pkm, 256, 36, 3.0f);

		if (vPkm.pkm->isShiny)
			sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 240, 135, 54, 64, 9, 9);

		if (vPkm.isCured)
			sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 260, 135, 72, 64, 9, 9);
		else if (vPkm.isInfected)
			sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 260, 135, 81, 64, 27, 9);

		if (vPkm.gen > 0)
			if (vPkm.gen == 6) // Kalos Born (Gen VI)
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 250, 135, 63, 64, 9, 9);
			else if (vPkm.gen == 5) // Gen V
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 250, 135, 72, 73, 9, 9);
			else if (vPkm.gen == 4) // Gen IV
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 250, 135, 63, 73, 9, 9);
			else if (vPkm.gen == 3) // Gen III
				sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 250, 135, 54, 73, 9, 9);

		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 290 ,135, 9*0, 64 + 9*vPkm.circle, 9, 9);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 300 ,135, 9*1, 64 + 9*vPkm.triangle, 9, 9);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 310 ,135, 9*2, 64 + 9*vPkm.square, 9, 9);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 320 ,135, 9*3, 64 + 9*vPkm.heart, 9, 9);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 330 ,135, 9*4, 64 + 9*vPkm.star, 9, 9);
		sf2d_draw_texture_part(PHBanku::texture->boxTiles, 340 ,135, 9*5, 64 + 9*vPkm.diamond, 9, 9);

	if (hasOverlayChild()) { this->child->drawTopScreen(); }
Exemplo n.º 9
void renderTitle(int x, int y) {
	sf2d_draw_texture_part_scale(icons, (x - 26) << 1, y << 1, 0, 240, 104, 16,
			2.0, 2.0); // MINICRAFT
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(icons, x + 48, y + 52, 104, 240, 152, 16); // 3DS HOMEBREW EDITION
Exemplo n.º 10
int8_t fontDrawSubchar8(int16_t x, int16_t y, char8_t c, FONT_Subchar8 i)
	sf2d_draw_texture_part(fontGB, x, y, (c % 0x10) * CHAR_SIZE + (i % 4 % 2) * CHAR_SIZE / 2, (c / 0x10) * CHAR_SIZE + (i % 4 / 2) * CHAR_SIZE / 2, CHAR_SIZE / 2, CHAR_SIZE / 2);

	return CHAR_SIZE / 2;