Exemplo n.º 1
f_cnt_t SampleBuffer::decodeSampleSF( const char * _f,
					sample_t * & _buf,
					ch_cnt_t & _channels,
					sample_rate_t & _samplerate )
	SNDFILE * snd_file;
	SF_INFO sf_info;
	sf_info.format = 0;
	f_cnt_t frames = 0;
	bool sf_rr = false;

	if( ( snd_file = sf_open( _f, SFM_READ, &sf_info ) ) != NULL )
		frames = sf_info.frames;

		_buf = new sample_t[sf_info.channels * frames];
		sf_rr = sf_read_float( snd_file, _buf, sf_info.channels * frames );

		if( sf_rr < sf_info.channels * frames )
			qDebug( "SampleBuffer::decodeSampleSF(): could not read"
				" sample %s: %s", _f, sf_strerror( NULL ) );
		_channels = sf_info.channels;
		_samplerate = sf_info.samplerate;

		sf_close( snd_file );
		qDebug( "SampleBuffer::decodeSampleSF(): could not load "
				"sample %s: %s", _f, sf_strerror( NULL ) );
	//write down either directly or convert i->f depending on file type

	if ( frames > 0 && _buf != NULL )
		directFloatWrite ( _buf, frames, _channels);

	return frames;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   printf("Wav Read Test\n");
   SF_INFO sndInfo;
   SNDFILE *sndFile = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ, &sndInfo);

   if (sndFile == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error reading source file '%s': %s\n", argv[1], sf_strerror(sndFile));
      return 1;
   // Check format - 16bit PCM
   if (sndInfo.format != (SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Input should be 16bit Wav\n");
      return 1;

   // Allocate memory
   double *waveTable = malloc(sndInfo.channels * sndInfo.frames * sizeof(double));   

   if (waveTable == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for data\n");
      return 1;

   // Load data
   long numFrames = sf_readf_double(sndFile, waveTable, sndInfo.channels*sndInfo.frames);

   long i;
	printf("Sample %d :\t%f \n",i,waveTable[i]);

   // Output Info
   printf("Read %ld frames from %s, Sample rate: %d, Length: %fs\n",
      numFrames, argv[1], sndInfo.samplerate, (float)numFrames/sndInfo.samplerate);

    long size = 38+5*BLOCKSIZE+MFCC_FREQ_BANDS;
    double *FVec;

    double *wavetable=malloc(BLOCKSIZE*sizeof(double));//{0};
	FVec = extractall(wavetable,sndInfo.frames,sndInfo.samplerate);
    return 0;

Exemplo n.º 3
  Make sure input buffer if full of audio
size_t mast_fill_input_buffer( MastAudioBuffer* buffer )
    size_t total_read = 0;
    int frames_wanted = buffer->get_write_space();
    int frames_read = 0;

    if (frames_wanted==0) {
        // No audio wanted
        MAST_DEBUG( "Tried to fill buffer when it is full" );
        return 0;

    // Loop until buffer is full
    while( frames_wanted > 0 ) {
        frames_wanted = buffer->get_write_space();
        frames_read = sf_readf_float( g_input_file, buffer->get_write_ptr(), frames_wanted );

        // Add on the frames read
        if (frames_read > 0) {
            buffer->add_frames( frames_read );
            total_read += frames_read;

        // Reached end of file?
        if (frames_read < frames_wanted) {
            MAST_DEBUG("Reached end of file (frames_wanted=%d, frames_read=%d)", frames_wanted, frames_read);
            if (g_loop_file) {
                // Seek back to the beginning
                if (sf_seek( g_input_file, 0, SEEK_SET )) {
                    MAST_ERROR("Failed to seek to start of file: %s", sf_strerror( g_input_file ) );
                    return 0;
            } else {
                // Reached end of file (and don't want to loop)

    if (total_read == 0) {
        MAST_ERROR("Failed to read from file: %s", sf_strerror( g_input_file ) );

    return total_read;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
encode_file (const char *infilename, const char *outfilename, int filetype)
{	static float buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;

	SNDFILE		*infile, *outfile ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	int			k, readcount ;

	printf ("    %s -> %s ", infilename, outfilename) ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	k = 16 - strlen (outfilename) ;
	PUT_DOTS (k) ;

	if (! (infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Error : could not open file : %s\n", infilename) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		exit (1) ;

	sfinfo.format = filetype ;

	if (! sf_format_check (&sfinfo))
	{	sf_close (infile) ;
		printf ("Invalid encoding\n") ;
		return ;
		} ;

	if (! (outfile = sf_open (outfilename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Error : could not open file : %s\n", outfilename) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	while ((readcount = sf_read_float (infile, buffer, BUFFER_LEN)) > 0)
		sf_write_float (outfile, buffer, BUFFER_LEN) ;

	sf_close (infile) ;
	sf_close (outfile) ;

	printf ("ok\n") ;

	return ;
} /* encode_file */
bool BufReadCmd::Stage2()
	SendFailure(&mReplyAddress, "/b_read", "scsynth compiled without libsndfile\n");
 	scprintf("scsynth compiled without libsndfile\n");
	return false;
	SF_INFO fileinfo;

	SndBuf *buf = World_GetNRTBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex);
	int framesToEnd = buf->frames - mBufOffset;
	if (framesToEnd <= 0) return true;

	SNDFILE* sf = sf_open(mFilename, SFM_READ, &fileinfo);
	if (!sf) {
		char str[512];
		sprintf(str, "File '%s' could not be opened: %s\n", mFilename, sf_strerror(NULL));
		SendFailureWithIntValue(&mReplyAddress, "/b_read", str, mBufIndex); //SendFailure(&mReplyAddress, "/b_read", str);
		return false;
	if (fileinfo.channels != buf->channels) {
		char str[512];
		sprintf(str, "Channel mismatch. File '%s' has %d channels. Buffer has %d channels.\n", mFilename, fileinfo.channels, buf->channels);
		SendFailureWithIntValue(&mReplyAddress, "/b_read", str, mBufIndex); //SendFailure(&mReplyAddress, "/b_read", str);
		return false;

	if (mFileOffset < 0) mFileOffset = 0;
	else if (mFileOffset > fileinfo.frames) mFileOffset = fileinfo.frames;
	if (mNumFrames < 0 || mNumFrames + mFileOffset > fileinfo.frames) mNumFrames = fileinfo.frames - mFileOffset;

	if (mNumFrames > framesToEnd) mNumFrames = framesToEnd;

	sf_seek(sf, mFileOffset, SEEK_SET);
	if (mNumFrames > 0) {
		sf_readf_float(sf, buf->data + (mBufOffset * buf->channels), mNumFrames);


	if (mLeaveFileOpen) {
		buf->sndfile = sf;
	} else {
		buf->sndfile = 0;

	mSampleRate = (double)fileinfo.samplerate;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void
alsa_play (int argc, char *argv [])
{	static float buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;
	SNDFILE *sndfile ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
	snd_pcm_t * alsa_dev ;
	int		k, readcount, subformat ;

	for (k = 1 ; k < argc ; k++)
	{	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

		printf ("Playing %s\n", argv [k]) ;
		if (! (sndfile = sf_open (argv [k], SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
		{	puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if (sfinfo.channels < 1 || sfinfo.channels > 2)
		{	printf ("Error : channels = %d.\n", sfinfo.channels) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if ((alsa_dev = alsa_open (sfinfo.channels, (unsigned) sfinfo.samplerate, SF_FALSE)) == NULL)
			continue ;

		subformat = sfinfo.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK ;

		if (subformat == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT || subformat == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE)
		{	double	scale ;
			int 	m ;

			sf_command (sndfile, SFC_CALC_SIGNAL_MAX, &scale, sizeof (scale)) ;
			if (scale < 1e-10)
				scale = 1.0 ;
				scale = 32700.0 / scale ;

			while ((readcount = sf_read_float (sndfile, buffer, BUFFER_LEN)))
			{	for (m = 0 ; m < readcount ; m++)
					buffer [m] *= scale ;
				alsa_write_float (alsa_dev, buffer, BUFFER_LEN / sfinfo.channels, sfinfo.channels) ;
				} ;
		{	while ((readcount = sf_read_float (sndfile, buffer, BUFFER_LEN)))
				alsa_write_float (alsa_dev, buffer, BUFFER_LEN / sfinfo.channels, sfinfo.channels) ;
			} ;

		snd_pcm_drain (alsa_dev) ;
		snd_pcm_close (alsa_dev) ;

		sf_close (sndfile) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* alsa_play */
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MastSendTool *tool = NULL;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;

    // Create the send tool object
    tool = new MastSendTool( MAST_TOOL_NAME );

    // Parse the command line arguments
    // and configure the session
    parse_cmd_line( argc, argv, tool );

    // Open the input file by filename
    memset( &sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo) );
    g_input_file = sf_open(g_filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
    if (g_input_file == NULL) MAST_FATAL("Failed to open input file:\n%s", sf_strerror(NULL));
    tool->set_input_channels( sfinfo.channels );
    tool->set_input_samplerate( sfinfo.samplerate );

    // Display some information about the input file
    print_file_info( g_input_file, &sfinfo );

    // Setup signal handlers

    // Run the main loop

    // Clean up
    delete tool;

    // Close input file
    if (sf_close( g_input_file )) {
        MAST_ERROR("Failed to close input file:\n%s", sf_strerror(g_input_file));

    // Success !
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
 SndFile(Reader reader)
 :   file(NULL), reader(buffer.frontReader())
     info.format = 0;
     buffer.resize(reader.resource().size() - reader.position());
     reader.read(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
     file = sf_open_virtual(ioInterface(), SFM_READ, &info, this);
     if (!file)
         throw std::runtime_error(std::string(sf_strerror(NULL)));
Exemplo n.º 9
static void
error_close_test (void)
{	static short buffer [SHORT_BUFFER] ;
	const char	*filename = "error_close.wav" ;
	SNDFILE		*sndfile ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	FILE		*file ;

	print_test_name (__func__, filename) ;

	/* Open a FILE* from which we will extract a file descriptor. */
	if ((file = fopen (filename, "w")) == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : fopen returned NULL.\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
	} ;

	/* Set parameters for writing the file. */
	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
	sfinfo.channels = 1 ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = 44100 ;
	sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;

	sndfile = sf_open_fd (fileno (file), SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE) ;
	if (sndfile == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : sf_open_fd failed : %s\n", __LINE__, sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		exit (1) ;
	} ;

	test_write_short_or_die (sndfile, 0, buffer, ARRAY_LEN (buffer), __LINE__) ;

	/* Now close the fd associated with file before calling sf_close. */
	fclose (file) ;

	if (sf_close (sndfile) == 0)
#if OS_IS_WIN32

		memset (&osvi, 0, sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX)) ;
		osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOEX) ;

		if (GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi))
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : sf_close should not have returned zero.\n", __LINE__) ;
			printf ("\nHowever, this is a known bug in version %d.%d of windows so we'll ignore it.\n\n",
							(int) osvi.dwMajorVersion, (int) osvi.dwMinorVersion) ;
		} ;
		printf ("\n\nLine %d : sf_close should not have returned zero.\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
	} ;

	unlink (filename) ;
	puts ("ok") ;
} /* error_close_test */
Exemplo n.º 10
static int
broadcast_dump (const char *filename)
{	SNDFILE	 *file ;
	SF_INFO	 sfinfo ;
	double time_ref_sec ;
	int got_bext ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	memset (&bext, 0, sizeof (SF_BROADCAST_INFO_2K)) ;

	got_bext = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_BROADCAST_INFO, &bext, sizeof (bext)) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	if (got_bext == SF_FALSE)
	{	printf ("Error : File '%s' does not contain broadcast information.\n\n", filename) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	**	From : http://www.ebu.ch/en/technical/publications/userguides/bwf_user_guide.php
	**	Time Reference:
	**		This field is a count from midnight in samples to the first sample
	**		of the audio sequence.

	time_ref_sec = ((pow (2.0, 32) * bext.time_reference_high) + (1.0 * bext.time_reference_low)) / sfinfo.samplerate ;

	printf ("Description      : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.description), bext.description) ;
	printf ("Originator       : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.originator), bext.originator) ;
	printf ("Origination ref  : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.originator_reference), bext.originator_reference) ;
	printf ("Origination date : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.origination_date), bext.origination_date) ;
	printf ("Origination time : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.origination_time), bext.origination_time) ;

	if (bext.time_reference_high == 0 && bext.time_reference_low == 0)
		printf ("Time ref         : 0\n") ;
		printf ("Time ref         : 0x%x%08x (%.6f seconds)\n", bext.time_reference_high, bext.time_reference_low, time_ref_sec) ;

	printf ("BWF version      : %d\n", bext.version) ;
	printf ("UMID             : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.umid), bext.umid) ;
	printf ("Coding history   : %.*s\n", bext.coding_history_size, bext.coding_history) ;

	return 0 ;
} /* broadcast_dump */
Exemplo n.º 11
WavFileReader::WavFileReader(FileSource source, bool fileUpdating) :
    m_frameCount = 0;
    m_channelCount = 0;
    m_sampleRate = 0;

    m_fileInfo.format = 0;
    m_fileInfo.frames = 0;
    m_file = sf_open(m_path.toLocal8Bit(), SFM_READ, &m_fileInfo);

    if (!m_file || (!fileUpdating && m_fileInfo.channels <= 0)) {
	std::cerr << "WavFileReader::initialize: Failed to open file at \""
                  << m_path << "\" ("
		  << sf_strerror(m_file) << ")" << std::endl;

	if (m_file) {
	    m_error = QString("Couldn't load audio file '%1':\n%2")
	} else {
	    m_error = QString("Failed to open audio file '%1'")

    if (m_fileInfo.channels > 0) {
        m_frameCount = m_fileInfo.frames;
        m_channelCount = m_fileInfo.channels;
        m_sampleRate = m_fileInfo.samplerate;

//    std::cerr << "WavFileReader: Frame count " << m_frameCount << ", channel count " << m_channelCount << ", sample rate " << m_sampleRate << std::endl;

Exemplo n.º 12
void testApp::loadSoundFiles(){
		//assume libsndfile looks in the folder where the app is run
		//therefore ../../../ gets to the bin folder
		//we then need dat/sounds/to get to the sound folder
		//this is different to the usual OF default folder
		const char	*infilename = "../../../data/03Ingenue.wav";//PicturesMixer6.aif";//
		string loadfilename = "03Ingenue.wav";//PicturesMixer6.aif";
		// Open Input File with lib snd file
    if (! (infile = sf_open (infilename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
    {   // Open failed
        printf ("SF OPEN routine Not able to open input file %s.\n", infilename) ;
        // Print the error message from libsndfile. 
        puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;

        } else{
		printf("SF OPEN opened file %s okay.\n", infilename);
		sndfileInfoString = "Opened okay ";
//end adam

//end libsndfile load part


  const char	*outfilename = "../../../output.wav" ; // output file name

    // Open the output file. 
    if (! (outfile = sf_open (outfilename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
    {   printf ("Not able to open output file %s.\n", outfilename) ;
	sndfileInfoString = "NOT OPENED";
        puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
        } ;

Exemplo n.º 13
static void
linux_play (int argc, char *argv [])
{	static short buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;
	SNDFILE *sndfile ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
	int		k, audio_device, readcount, subformat ;

	for (k = 1 ; k < argc ; k++)
	{	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

		printf ("Playing %s\n", argv [k]) ;
		if (! (sndfile = sf_open (argv [k], SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
		{	puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if (sfinfo.channels < 1 || sfinfo.channels > 2)
		{	printf ("Error : channels = %d.\n", sfinfo.channels) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		audio_device = linux_open_dsp_device (sfinfo.channels, sfinfo.samplerate) ;

		subformat = sfinfo.format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK ;

		if (subformat == SF_FORMAT_FLOAT || subformat == SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE)
		{	static float float_buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;
			double	scale ;
			int 	m ;

			sf_command (sndfile, SFC_CALC_SIGNAL_MAX, &scale, sizeof (scale)) ;
			if (scale < 1e-10)
				scale = 1.0 ;
				scale = 32700.0 / scale ;

			while ((readcount = sf_read_float (sndfile, float_buffer, BUFFER_LEN)))
			{	for (m = 0 ; m < readcount ; m++)
					buffer [m] = scale * float_buffer [m] ;
				write (audio_device, buffer, readcount * sizeof (short)) ;
				} ;
		{	while ((readcount = sf_read_short (sndfile, buffer, BUFFER_LEN)))
				write (audio_device, buffer, readcount * sizeof (short)) ;
			} ;

		sf_close (sndfile) ;

		close (audio_device) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* linux_play */
Exemplo n.º 14
uint_t aubio_sink_sndfile_close (aubio_sink_sndfile_t *s) {
  if (!s->handle) {
    return AUBIO_FAIL;
  if (sf_close(s->handle)) {
    AUBIO_ERR("sink_sndfile: Error closing file %s: %s", s->path, sf_strerror (NULL));
    return AUBIO_FAIL;
  s->handle = NULL;
  return AUBIO_OK;
Exemplo n.º 15
/* Return error string (or NULL) */
static const char* error_str_sndfile( audioin_t* audioin )
    SNDFILE* file = audioin->file;

    if (sf_error(file) == SF_ERR_NO_ERROR) {
        // No error
        return NULL;
    } else {
        // Return error string
        return sf_strerror( file );
Exemplo n.º 16
bool SndfileSoundLoader::Load(const char* path)
    memset(&m_sfinfo, 0, sizeof(m_sfinfo));
    m_sndfile = sf_open(path, SFM_READ, &m_sfinfo);
    if (m_sndfile == NULL) {
        const char* err = sf_strerror(NULL);
        wxLogWarning("Cannot open file %s: %s", path, err);
        return false;
    wxLogMessage("Using libsndfile sound loader.");
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
void SoundSourceSndFile::close() {
    if (m_pSndFile) {
        const int closeResult = sf_close(m_pSndFile);
        if (0 == closeResult) {
            m_pSndFile = nullptr;
        } else {
            qWarning() << "Failed to close file:" << closeResult
                    << sf_strerror(m_pSndFile)
                    << getUrlString();
Exemplo n.º 18
SINT SoundSourceSndFile::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer) {
    const sf_count_t readCount =
            sf_readf_float(m_pSndFile, sampleBuffer, numberOfFrames);
    if (0 <= readCount) {
        return readCount;
    } else {
        qWarning() << "Failed to read from libsnd file:" << readCount
                << sf_strerror(m_pSndFile);
        return 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
static int
cart_dump (const char *filename)
{	SNDFILE	*file ;
	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
	SF_CART_INFO_VAR (1024) cart ;
	int got_cart, k ;

	memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
	memset (&cart, 0, sizeof (cart)) ;

	if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	got_cart = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_CART_INFO, &cart, sizeof (cart)) ;
	sf_close (file) ;

	if (got_cart == SF_FALSE)
	{	printf ("Error : File '%s' does not contain cart information.\n\n", filename) ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	printf ("Version        : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.version), cart.version) ;
	printf ("Title          : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.title), cart.title) ;
	printf ("Artist         : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.artist), cart.artist) ;
	printf ("Cut id         : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.cut_id), cart.cut_id) ;
	printf ("Category       : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.category), cart.category) ;
	printf ("Classification : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.classification), cart.classification) ;
	printf ("Out cue        : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.out_cue), cart.out_cue) ;
	printf ("Start date     : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.start_date), cart.start_date) ;
	printf ("Start time     : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.start_time), cart.start_time) ;
	printf ("End date       : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.end_date), cart.end_date) ;
	printf ("End time       : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.end_time), cart.end_time) ;
	printf ("App id         : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.producer_app_id), cart.producer_app_id) ;
	printf ("App version    : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.producer_app_version), cart.producer_app_version) ;
	printf ("User defined   : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.user_def), cart.user_def) ;
	printf ("Level ref.     : %d\n", cart.level_reference) ;
	printf ("Post timers    :\n") ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (cart.post_timers) ; k++)
		if (cart.post_timers [k].usage [0])
			printf ("  %d   %.*s    %d\n", k, (int) sizeof (cart.post_timers [k].usage), cart.post_timers [k].usage, cart.post_timers [k].value) ;

	printf ("Reserved       : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.reserved), cart.reserved) ;
	printf ("Url            : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (cart.url), cart.url) ;
	printf ("Tag text       : %.*s\n", cart.tag_text_size, cart.tag_text) ;

	return 0 ;
} /* cart_dump */
Exemplo n.º 20
 SndFile(const std::wstring& filename)
 :   file(NULL), reader(buffer.frontReader())
     info.format = 0;
     #ifdef GOSU_IS_WIN
     loadFile(buffer, filename);
     file = sf_open_virtual(ioInterface(), SFM_READ, &info, this);
     file = sf_open(wstringToUTF8(filename).c_str(), SFM_READ, &info);
     if (!file)
         throw std::runtime_error(std::string(sf_strerror(NULL)));
Exemplo n.º 21
// startRecording ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Echo::startRecording(SF_INFO * recordingInfo){
	string tempFilapath = saveFolder+filename;
	outfile = sf_open (tempFilapath.c_str(), SFM_WRITE, recordingInfo) ;
	bool success;
	if (!outfile)
		cerr<<"Error opening ["<<tempFilapath<<"] : "<<sf_strerror (outfile)<<endl;
		success = false;
		return success;
	success = true;
	return success;	
Exemplo n.º 22
SINT SoundSourceSndFile::seekSampleFrame(
        SINT frameIndex) {

    const sf_count_t seekResult = sf_seek(m_pSndFile, frameIndex, SEEK_SET);
    if (0 <= seekResult) {
        return seekResult;
    } else {
        qWarning() << "Failed to seek libsnd file:" << seekResult
                << sf_strerror(m_pSndFile);
        return sf_seek(m_pSndFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
Exemplo n.º 23
static void
sndio_play (int argc, char *argv [])
{	struct sio_hdl	*hdl ;
	struct sio_par	par ;
	short	 	buffer [BUFFER_LEN] ;
	SNDFILE	*sndfile ;
	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
	int		k, readcount ;

	for (k = 1 ; k < argc ; k++)
	{	printf ("Playing %s\n", argv [k]) ;
		if (! (sndfile = sf_open (argv [k], SFM_READ, &sfinfo)))
		{	puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if (sfinfo.channels < 1 || sfinfo.channels > 2)
		{	printf ("Error : channels = %d.\n", sfinfo.channels) ;
			continue ;
			} ;

		if ((hdl = sio_open (NULL, SIO_PLAY, 0)) == NULL)
		{	fprintf (stderr, "open sndio device failed") ;
			return ;
			} ;

		sio_initpar (&par) ;
		par.rate = sfinfo.samplerate ;
		par.pchan = sfinfo.channels ;
		par.bits = 16 ;
		par.sig = 1 ;
		par.le = SIO_LE_NATIVE ;

		if (! sio_setpar (hdl, &par) || ! sio_getpar (hdl, &par))
		{	fprintf (stderr, "set sndio params failed") ;
			return ;
			} ;

		if (! sio_start (hdl))
		{	fprintf (stderr, "sndio start failed") ;
			return ;
			} ;

		while ((readcount = sf_read_short (sndfile, buffer, BUFFER_LEN)))
			sio_write (hdl, buffer, readcount * sizeof (short)) ;

		sio_close (hdl) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* sndio_play */
Exemplo n.º 24
bool SOUNDFILESAVER_save(const char *filename, enum SOUNDFILESAVER_what what_to_save, float samplerate, int libsndfile_format, float post_recording_length, const char **error_string){


    SF_INFO sf_info; memset(&sf_info,0,sizeof(sf_info));
    sf_info.samplerate = samplerate;
    sf_info.channels = 2;
    sf_info.format = libsndfile_format;
      g_sndfile = sf_open(filename,SFM_WRITE,&sf_info);
        printf("Why: \"%s\"\n",sf_strerror(NULL));
          *error_string = sf_strerror(NULL);
        return false;

  g_saving_was_successful = true;
  g_filename = talloc_strdup(filename);
  g_post_writing_left = post_recording_length;

  g_save_state=BEFORE_WRITING; PaUtil_FullMemoryBarrier();
  PaUtil_FullMemoryBarrier(); g_save_state=IS_WRITING;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
static void *ad_open_sndfile(const char *fn, struct adinfo *nfo) {
	sndfile_audio_decoder *priv = (sndfile_audio_decoder*) calloc(1, sizeof(sndfile_audio_decoder));
	if(!(priv->sffile = sf_open(fn, SFM_READ, &priv->sfinfo))){
		dbg(0, "unable to open file '%s'.", fn);
		int e = sf_error(NULL);
		dbg(0, "error=%i", e);
		return NULL;
	ad_info_sndfile(priv, nfo);
	return (void*) priv;
Exemplo n.º 26
static void
filesystem_full_test (int format)
{	SNDFILE		*file ;
	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
	struct stat buf ;

	const char	*filename = "/dev/full", *errorstr ;
	int			frames ;

#if (defined (WIN32) || defined (_WIN32))
	/* Can't run this test on Win32 so return. */
	return ;

	/* Make sure errno is zero before doing anything else. */
	errno = 0 ;

	print_test_name ("filesystem_full_test", filename) ;

	if (stat (filename, &buf) != 0)
	{	puts ("/dev/full missing") ;
		return ;
		} ;

	if (S_ISCHR (buf.st_mode) == 0 && S_ISBLK (buf.st_mode) == 0)
	{	puts ("/dev/full is not a device file") ;
		return ;
		} ;

	sfinfo.samplerate = 44100 ;
	sfinfo.format = format ;
	sfinfo.channels = 1 ;
	sfinfo.frames = 0 ;

	frames = BUFFER_LEN / sfinfo.channels ;

	if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)) != NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Error, file should not have openned.\n", __LINE__ - 1) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	errorstr = sf_strerror (file) ;

	if (strstr (errorstr, " space ") == NULL || strstr (errorstr, "device") == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Error bad error string : %s.\n", __LINE__ - 1, errorstr) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	puts ("ok") ;
} /* filesystem_full_test */
Exemplo n.º 27
	size_t load_buffer(ALuint buf) {
		// seek to beginning if in a end
		if (is_end()) {
			if (info_.seekable) {
				if (sf_seek(file_.get(), 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
					Output::Error("libsndfile seek error: %s", sf_strerror(file_.get()));
			} else {
				file_.reset(sf_open(filename_.c_str(), SFM_READ, &info_), sf_close);
				if (not file_) {
					Output::Error("libsndfile open error: %s", sf_strerror(NULL));

		data_.resize(info_.channels * info_.samplerate * SECOND_PER_BUFFER);
		sf_count_t const read_size =
		    sf_readf_short(file_.get(), &data_.front(), data_.size() / info_.channels);
		alBufferData(buf, format_, &data_.front(), sizeof(int16_t) * data_.size(),
		seek_pos_ += read_size;
		return read_size;
Exemplo n.º 28
main (void)
{   SNDFILE	*file ;
    SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
    int		k ;
    int	*buffer ;

    printf ("size int %d\n", sizeof (int));
    printf ("size off_t %d\n", sizeof (off_t));

    if (! (buffer = malloc (2 * SAMPLE_COUNT * sizeof (int))))
    {   printf ("Malloc failed.\n") ;
        exit (0) ;
    } ;

    memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

    sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
    sfinfo.frames		= SAMPLE_COUNT ;
    sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
    sfinfo.format		= (SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24) ;

    if (! (file = sf_open ("sine.wav", SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
    {   printf ("Error : Not able to open output file.\n") ;
        return 1 ;
    } ;

    if (sfinfo.channels == 1)
    {   for (k = 0 ; k < SAMPLE_COUNT ; k++)
            buffer [k] = AMPLITUDE * sin (LEFT_FREQ * 2 * k * M_PI) ;
    else if (sfinfo.channels == 2)
    {   for (k = 0 ; k < SAMPLE_COUNT ; k++)
        {   buffer [2 * k] = AMPLITUDE * sin (LEFT_FREQ * 2 * k * M_PI) ;
            buffer [2 * k + 1] = AMPLITUDE * sin (RIGHT_FREQ * 2 * k * M_PI) ;
        } ;
    {   printf ("makesine can only generate mono or stereo files.\n") ;
        exit (1) ;
    } ;

    if (sf_write_int (file, buffer, sfinfo.channels * SAMPLE_COUNT) !=
            sfinfo.channels * SAMPLE_COUNT)
        puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;

    sf_close (file) ;
    return	 0 ;
} /* main */
Exemplo n.º 29
WriteWaveFile::WriteWaveFile(wxString filename, int sample_rate, int channels,
			     unsigned long format, int type)
  : Filename(filename)
  memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo));

  sfinfo.samplerate = sample_rate;
  sfinfo.frames = 0; // dummy
  sfinfo.channels = channels;
  sfinfo.format = type | format;

  if (!(sffile = sf_open(filename.mb_str(*wxConvCurrent), SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
    throw Error::File(filename, wxString(sf_strerror(0), *wxConvCurrent));
Exemplo n.º 30
Result SoundSourceSndFile::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& /*audioSrcCfg*/) {
    SF_INFO sfInfo;
    memset(&sfInfo, 0, sizeof(sfInfo));
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    // Note: we cannot use QString::toStdWString since QT 4 is compiled with
    // '/Zc:wchar_t-' flag and QT 5 not
    const QString localFileName(QDir::toNativeSeparators(getLocalFileName()));
    const ushort* const fileNameUtf16 = localFileName.utf16();
    static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(ushort), "QString::utf16(): wchar_t and ushort have different sizes");
    m_pSndFile = sf_wchar_open(
    m_pSndFile = sf_open(getLocalFileName().toLocal8Bit(), SFM_READ, &sfInfo);

    if (!m_pSndFile) {   // sf_format_check is only for writes
        qWarning() << "Error opening libsndfile file:" << getUrlString()
                << sf_strerror(m_pSndFile);
        return ERR;

    if (sf_error(m_pSndFile) > 0) {
        qWarning() << "Error opening libsndfile file:" << getUrlString()
                << sf_strerror(m_pSndFile);
        return ERR;


    return OK;