Exemplo n.º 1
// Update the position of the moon image in the sky
void CMoonImage::Reposition (sgVec3 p, double theta, double lst, double lat,
               double ra, double dec, double spin)
  sgVec3 axis;
  sgVec3 v;

  // Create scaling matrix for moon illusion (appears larger near horizon)
  float scale = 1.0f;
  sgMakeIdentMat4 (SCALE);
  float maxMagnification = 0.5f;
  float minThreshold = DegToRad (80.0f);
  float maxThreshold = DegToRad (95.0f);
  float span = maxThreshold - minThreshold;
  if ((theta >= minThreshold) && (theta <= maxThreshold)) {
    sgMat4 I;
    sgMakeIdentMat4 (I);
    scale = 1.0f + (maxMagnification * (theta - minThreshold) / span);
    sgScaleMat4 (SCALE, I, scale);

  // Rotation matrix for latitude
  sgSetVec3 (axis, -1.0f, 0, 0);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (LAT, 90.0f-(float)lat, axis);

  // Rotation matrix for local sidereal time, converted from h to deg
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 0, 0, -1.0f);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (LST, ((float)lst * 15), axis);

  // Rotation matrix for right ascension
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 0, 0, 1);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (RA, RadToDeg ((float)ra), axis);

  // Rotation matrix for declination
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 1, 0, 0);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (DEC, 90.0f - RadToDeg ((float)dec), axis);

  // Translate moon distance
  sgSetVec3 (v, 0, 0, distance);
  sgMakeTransMat4 (D, v);

  // Rotate to align moon equator with ecliptic
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 1.0f, 0, 0);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (ECLIPTIC, 90.0f, axis);

  /// Rotate the moon image accurately towards the sun position
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 0, 0, 1);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (SPIN, spin, axis);

  // Combine all transforms
  sgMakeIdentMat4 (T);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, LAT);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, LST);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, RA);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, DEC);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, D);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, ECLIPTIC);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, SPIN);

Exemplo n.º 2
// Update the position of the moon image in the sky
void CMoonImage::Reposition (sgVec3 p, double theta, double lst, double lat,
               double ra, double dec, double spin)
  sgVec3 axis;
  sgVec3 v;

  // Create scaling matrix for moon illusion (appears larger near horizon)
  float scale = 1.0f;
  sgMakeIdentMat4 (SCALE);
  float maxMagnification = 0.5f;
  float minThreshold = DegToRad (80.0f);
  float maxThreshold = DegToRad (95.0f);
  float span = maxThreshold - minThreshold;
  if ((theta >= minThreshold) && (theta <= maxThreshold)) {
    sgMat4 I;
    sgMakeIdentMat4 (I);
    scale = 1.0f + (maxMagnification * (theta - minThreshold) / span);
    sgScaleMat4 (SCALE, I, scale);

  // Rotation matrix for latitude
  sgSetVec3 (axis, -1.0f, 0, 0);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (LAT, 90.0f-(float)lat, axis);

  // Rotation matrix for local sidereal time, converted from h to deg
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 0, 0, -1.0f);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (LST, ((float)lst * 15), axis);

  // Rotation matrix for right ascension
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 0, 0, 1);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (RA, RadToDeg ((float)ra), axis);

  // Rotation matrix for declination
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 1, 0, 0);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (DEC, 90.0f - RadToDeg ((float)dec), axis);

  // Translate moon distance
  sgSetVec3 (v, 0, 0, distance);
  sgMakeTransMat4 (D, v);

  // Rotate to align moon equator with ecliptic
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 1.0f, 0, 0);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (ECLIPTIC, 90.0f, axis);

  /// Rotate the moon image accurately towards the sun position
  sgSetVec3 (axis, 0, 0, 1);
  sgMakeRotMat4 (SPIN, spin, axis);

  // Combine all transforms
  sgMakeIdentMat4 (T);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, LAT);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, LST);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, RA);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, DEC);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, D);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, ECLIPTIC);
  sgPreMultMat4 (T, SPIN);

  char debug[256];
  double jd = CTimeManager::Instance().GetJulianDate();
  SDateTime dt = CTimeManager::Instance().GetLocalDateTime ();
  sprintf (debug, "JD=%f D=%d/%d/%d T=%d:%d RA=%f Dec=%f", jd,
    dt.date.year, dt.date.month, dt.date.day, dt.time.hour, dt.time.minute,
    RadToDeg(ra), RadToDeg(dec));
  DrawNoticeToUser (debug, 1);