Exemplo n.º 1
/** Read sgf formatted file, create a temporary grid and write a vtk file
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    namespace sgf2vtk   = tools::converter::sgf2vtk;
    namespace sgf2xx    = tools::converter::sgf2xx;

    // Sanity check of the number of input arguments
    if ( (argc != 2) and (argc != 3) ) {
        std::cout << "Usage:  " << argv[0] << " file.sgf [degree=1] \n\n";
        return 0;

    // Name of sgf input file, its basename and the vtk output file name
    const std::string sgfFile = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( argv[1] );
    const std::string base    = sgfFile.substr(0, sgfFile.find( ".sgf") );
    const std::string vtkFile = base + ".vtk";

    // geomtry degree
    const unsigned degree =
        (argc == 2) ? 1 : boost::lexical_cast<unsigned>( argv[2] );

    // Grid dimension
    unsigned dim;
        // extract data from header
        std::ifstream sgf( sgfFile.c_str() );
        dim = sgf2xx::readDimFromSGFHeader( sgf );

    // Input and output file streams
    std::ifstream sgf( sgfFile.c_str() );
    std::ofstream vtk( vtkFile.c_str() );

    // Call generic conversion helper
    sgf2xx::Conversion< sgf2vtk::Converter >::apply( dim, degree, sgf, vtk );

    // Close the streams
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
GTPResponse GTP::gtp_load_sgf(vecstr args){
	if(args.size() == 0)
		return GTPResponse(true, "load_sgf <filename>");

	std::ifstream infile(args[0].c_str());

	if(!infile) {
		return GTPResponse(false, "Error opening file " + args[0] + " for reading");

	SGFParser<Move> sgf(infile);
	if(sgf.game() != Board::name){
		return GTPResponse(false, "File is for the wrong game: " + sgf.game());

	int size = sgf.size();
	if(size != hist->get_size()){
		if(hist.len() == 0){
			hist = History(size);
			return GTPResponse(false, "File has the wrong boardsize to match the existing game");

	Side s = Side::P1;

		Move m = sgf.move();
		move(m); // push the game forward
		s = ~s;


	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
GTPResponse GTP::gtp_save_sgf(vecstr args){
	int limit = -1;
	if(args.size() == 0)
		return GTPResponse(true, "save_sgf <filename> [work limit]");

	std::ifstream infile(args[0].c_str());

	if(infile) {
		return GTPResponse(false, "File " + args[0] + " already exists");

	std::ofstream outfile(args[0].c_str());

		return GTPResponse(false, "Opening file " + args[0] + " for writing failed");

	if(args.size() > 1)
		limit = from_str<unsigned int>(args[1]);

	SGFPrinter<Move> sgf(outfile);
	sgf.program(gtp_name(vecstr()).response, gtp_version(vecstr()).response);


	Side s = Side::P1;
	for(auto m : hist){
		sgf.move(s, m);
		s = ~s;

	agent->gen_sgf(sgf, limit);

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
/** In- and output of a structured mesh.
 *  Does the same job as ref01::unstructured, but is using the SGF format
 *  (base::io::sgf) for structured meshes. These are meshes in which every
 *  element is a hypercube, every interior node has 2 x DIM direct neighbors
 *  (as connected by edges) and a lexicographic ordering of the indices is used.
 *  Structured meshes have many convenience advantages and have therefore been
 *  introduced to inSilico. Nevertheless, almost all applications are based
 *  on unstructured meshes for the sake of generality and the power of structured
 *  meshes has not been fully exploited.
 *  \param[in] argc Number of command line arguments
 *  \param[in] argv Values of command line arguments
int ref01::structured( int argc, char* argv[] )
    // Definition of the spatial dimension
    const unsigned dim = SPACEDIM;
    // Definition of the polynomial degree of the geometry approximation
    const unsigned geomDeg = 1;
    // The output can be with a higher resolution
    const unsigned resolution = 2;
    // Boundary mesh shall be composed of simplex elements
    const bool boundarySimplex = true;
    // Check the number of input arguments
    if ( argc != 2 ) { // note argv[0] is the program name itself
        usageMessage2<dim,geomDeg>( argv[0] );
        return 0;
    // convert input argument to a string object
    const std::string sgfFileName = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( argv[1] );
    // extract the basename of the file
    const std::string baseName = base::io::baseName( sgfFileName, ".sgf" );

    typedef base::Structured<dim,geomDeg>          Grid;
    // Create an empty mesh object
    Grid grid;
        // input file stream from smf file
        std::ifstream sgf( sgfFileName.c_str() );
        // read sgf mesh
        base::io::sgf::readGrid( sgf, grid );
        // close the stream

    // Creates a list of <Element,faceNo> pairs
    base::mesh::MeshBoundary gridBoundary;
    gridBoundary.create<dim>( grid.gridSizes() );

    typedef base::mesh::BoundaryMeshBinder<Grid::Element,
                                           boundarySimplex>::Type BoundaryMesh;
    BoundaryMesh boundaryMesh;
        // Create a real mesh object from this list
        base::mesh::generateBoundaryMesh( gridBoundary.begin(),
                                          grid, boundaryMesh );

    // Output functions

        // VTK file of the input mesh
            // file name for vtk mesh file
            const std::string vtkMeshFileName = baseName + ".vtk";
            // output file stream 
            std::ofstream vtk( vtkMeshFileName.c_str() );
            // create a VTK writer
            base::io::vtk::LegacyWriter vtkWriter( vtk, resolution );
            // write the mesh
            vtkWriter.writeStructuredGrid( grid );
            // close the stream

        // SMF file of the boundary mesh
            // file name for boundary mesh output
            const std::string smfBoundaryFileName = baseName + "_boundary.smf";
            // output stream
            std::ofstream smf( smfBoundaryFileName.c_str() );
            // write to smf
            base::io::smf::writeMesh( boundaryMesh, smf );
            // close stream

    return 0;