Exemplo n.º 1
void show_help(FILE * ofp)
  fprintf(ofp,"%s (%s)\n",program_name,VERSION_NUMBER);
  fprintf(ofp,"%s <protein-input> <dna-input>\n",program_name);
  /* program specific help */
  fprintf(ofp,"Protein input type\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -protein  [default] single protein\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -prodb    protein fasta format db\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -pfam     pfam hmm library \n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -pfam2    pfam style model directory (2.1) \n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -hmmer    single hmmer 1.x HMM\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"DNA input type\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -dnadb    [default] dna fasta database\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -dnas     a single dna fasta sequence\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"DNA sequence options\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -tfor     search forward strands only\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"Protein comparison options\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -gap      [%3d]  gap penalty\n",gap);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -ext      [%3d]  extension penalty\n",ext);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -matrix   [%s]  Comparison matrix\n",matrix_file);
  fprintf(ofp,"HMM options\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -hname           For single hmms, use this as the name, not filename\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"Model options\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -init   [%s] [default/global/local/wing] start-end policy\n",startend_string);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -codon  [%s]  Codon file\n",codon_file);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -subs   [%2.2g] Substitution error rate\n",subs_error);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -indel  [%2.2g] Insertion/deletion error rate\n",indel_error);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -null   [syn/flat]   Random Model as synchronous or flat [default syn]\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -alln   [%s]   Probability of matching a NNN codon\n",allN_string);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -flati         Flat insert probabilities\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"Algorithm options\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -alg    [333/312]         Algorithm used for searching [default %s]\n",string_from_alg_estwrap(alg));
  fprintf(ofp,"  -aalg   [312/333/333L]    Algorithm used for alignment [default %s]\n",string_from_alg_estwrap(aln_alg));
  fprintf(ofp,"  -cut    [%.2f]   Bits cutoff for reporting in search algorithm\n",search_cutoff);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -ecut   [n/a]    Evalue cutoff for single protein vs DNA searches.\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -aln    [%d]   Max number of alignments (even if above cut)\n",aln_number);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -nohis           Don't show histogram on single protein/hmm vs DNA search\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -report [0]      Issue a report every x comparisons (default 0 comparisons)\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"Output options for each alignment [default -pretty -para]\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -pretty          show pretty ascii output\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -para            show parameters\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -pep             show protein translation, splicing frameshifts\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -mul             protein mul format alignments [only for one HMM vs DNA db]\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -sum             show summary output\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -alb             show logical AlnBlock alignment\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -pal             show raw matrix alignment\n");
  fprintf(ofp,"  -block  [%s]     Length of main block in pretty output\n",main_block_str);
  fprintf(ofp,"  -divide [%s]     divide string for multiple outputs\n",divide_str);


  fprintf(ofp,"\nSee WWW help at http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Wise2/\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
void show_help(FILE * ofp)
  fprintf(ofp,"%s fivestar-directory protein-file-fasta\n",program_name);

  fprintf(ofp,"  -ga     gathering cutoff (bits)");