Exemplo n.º 1
static void bnd_npsa ( shp_record *onerec, char *header, char *subhdr,
                  char *hdrnam, float *cenlat, float *cenlon, int *iret )
 * bnd_npsa                                                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function generates the predictive service areas boundaries	*
 * bound header and sub-header lines.					*
 *                                                                      *
 * bnd_npsa ( onerec, header, subhdr, hdrnam, cenlat, cenlon, iret )    *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      *onerec         shp_record      One shape record               	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *	*header		char		Bound header line		*
 *	*subhdr		char		Bound sub-header line		*
 *	*hdrnam		char		Bound header name    		*
 *	*cenlat		float		Center latitude			*
 *	*cenlon		float 		Center longitude		*
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 *                                        0 = Normal                    *
 *                                        1 = Incomplete record         *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP          4/10           Initial coding                *
 * X. Guo/CWS              4/12           Increase variables(code) size *
     * The array size is from the us state and territories
     * attributes specification.
    char code[20], name[81], gacc[81];
    int iclat, iclon, nparts, ifld;
    float shplat, shplon;
    int len, ier;
    *iret = 0;

    nparts = onerec->numprt;
    for ( ifld = 0; ifld < onerec->numfld; ifld++ ) {
        if ( strncmp ( onerec->fields[ifld].name, "NAT_CODE",
	    strlen("NAT_CODE") ) == 0 ) {
	    strcpy ( code, onerec->fields[ifld].data );
	    cst_lstr ( code, &len, &ier );
	    code[len] = '\0';
        } else if ( strncmp ( onerec->fields[ifld].name, "PSA_NAME",
	    strlen("PSA_NAME") ) == 0 ) {
	    strcpy ( name, onerec->fields[ifld].data );
	    cst_lstr ( name, &len, &ier );
	    name[len] = '\0';
            cst_rspc ( name, &ier );
        } else if ( strncmp ( onerec->fields[ifld].name, "GACC",
	    strlen("GACC") ) == 0 ) {
	    strcpy ( gacc, onerec->fields[ifld].data );
	    cst_lstr ( gacc, &len, &ier );
	    gacc[len] = '\0';
            cst_rspc ( gacc, &ier );

    shp_gctr ( onerec, &shplon, &shplat, &ier );
    iclat = (int)(ROUNDUP(shplat)*100.);
    iclon = (int)(ROUNDUP(shplon)*100.);
    *cenlat = shplat;
    *cenlon = shplon;

    sprintf ( header, "B%5.5d %-32.32s %5d %6d %3d",
              0, name, iclat, iclon, nparts );
    sprintf ( subhdr, "<AREA>%s<NAT_CODE>%s<GACC>%s", name, code, gacc );
    sprintf ( hdrnam, "%s", name );
Exemplo n.º 2
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
 * main                                                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Main program of shpcv.                                               *
 *                                                                      *
 * int main(argc, argv)                                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  argc		int	number of parameters of command line	*
 *  **argv		char	parameter array of command line		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 3/04		Initial coding			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 2/05		Modified shp_mtyp		*
 * T. Piper/SAIC        01/06   Call ip_help if inputs incorrect        *
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		07/07	added calling to shp_rdException()	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 3/11	Added debug_flag and print statements	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/14	Moved split func to after dump output	*
    dbf_header dbfhdr;
    shx_record shxrec;
    shp_record *reclst, *newrec, *currec;
    shp_part *curprt;
    char dbfnam[MAXSHP][LLPATH], shxnam[MAXSHP][LLPATH],
    FILE *dbffp, *shxfp, *shpfp;
    long flen;
    int  ifld, nf, opt, rec, prt, file_code, nbin, ier;
    float ratio, clat, clon;
    int lfld, dump, rdpt, cbnd, ctbl, pagflg;
    int numrec, numfil, ii;
    int mode, istat, iunit, itype;
    unsigned long    shp_fips;
    char device[8], proj[8], filnam[20], prognm[6];
    float xsize, ysize, angle1, angle2, angle3, lllat, lllon, urlat,
    Boolean      exception_found;

    lfld = G_FALSE;
    dump = G_FALSE;
    rdpt = G_FALSE;
    cbnd = G_FALSE;
    ctbl = G_FALSE;
    pagflg = G_FALSE;
    strcpy ( prognm, "shpcv" );

    debug_flag = G_TRUE;
    /*=================== Parse command line arguments ====================*/

    while ( ( opt = getopt ( argc, argv, "r:btldh" ) ) != -1 ) {
        switch ( opt ) {
        case 'r':   /* reduce points ratio */
            ratio = atof ( optarg );
            if ( ratio <= 0.0 ) {
                ratio = 0.01;
            rdpt = G_TRUE;

        case 'b':	/* create bound and bound info */
            cbnd = G_TRUE;

        case 't':	/* create station table */
            ctbl = G_TRUE;

        case 'l':	/* list fields */
            lfld = G_TRUE;

        case 'd':	/* dump the shape file */
            dump = G_TRUE;

        case 'h':	/* display help */
            ip_help ( prognm, &pagflg, &ier, strlen(prognm) );
            exit ( 0 );

    if ( optind == argc || argc - optind > MAXSHP ) {
        ip_help ( prognm, &pagflg, &ier, strlen(prognm) );
        exit ( -1 );

    /*======================== Read the shape file ========================*/

     * Loop over input files.
    currec = NULL;
    numrec = 0;
    numfil = argc - optind;
    for ( nf = 0; nf < numfil; nf++ ) {
         * Get the input names and open them.
        if ( debug_flag ) {
            printf ( "File %d: %s\n", nf, argv[optind+nf] );
        strcpy ( dbfnam[nf], argv[optind+nf] );
        strcat ( dbfnam[nf], ".dbf" );
        strcpy ( shxnam[nf], argv[optind+nf] );
        strcat ( shxnam[nf], ".shx" );
        strcpy ( shpnam[nf], argv[optind+nf] );
        strcat ( shpnam[nf], ".shp" );

        cfl_inqr ( dbfnam[nf], NULL, &flen, dbfnam[nf], &ier );
        dbffp = cfl_ropn ( dbfnam[nf], NULL, &ier );
        if ( ier != 0 ) {
            fprintf ( stderr, "File %s does not exist.\n", dbfnam[nf] );
            exit ( -1 );

        cfl_inqr ( shxnam[nf], NULL, &flen, shxnam[nf], &ier );
        shxfp = cfl_ropn ( shxnam[nf], NULL, &ier );
        if ( ier != 0 ) {
            fprintf ( stderr, "File %s does not exist.\n", shxnam[nf] );
            exit ( -1 );

        cfl_inqr ( shpnam[nf], NULL, &flen, shpnam[nf], &ier );
        shpfp = cfl_ropn ( shpnam[nf], NULL, &ier );
        if ( ier != 0 ) {
            fprintf ( stderr, "File %s does not exist.\n", shpnam[nf] );
            exit ( -1 );

         * Detect platform endian.
        cfl_read ( shpfp, INTEGER_SIZE, (unsigned char *)&file_code,
                   &nbin, &ier );
        if ( file_code == 9994 ) {
            mch_endian = BIG;
        } else {
            mch_endian = LITTLE;

         * Read database header.
        shp_rdbh ( dbffp, &dbfhdr, &ier );
        numrec += dbfhdr.nrec;
        if ( lfld == G_TRUE ) {
            for ( ifld = 0; ifld < dbfhdr.nfld; ifld++ ) {
                printf ( "Field: %s\n", dbfhdr.dbflds[ifld].name );
        } else {
             * Read shape record and construct an internal list.
            for ( rec = 0; rec < dbfhdr.nrec; rec++ ) {
                 * Read record field data.
                shp_rdbf ( dbffp, rec, &dbfhdr, &ier );

                * Read record index.
                shp_rshx ( shxfp, rec, &shxrec, &ier );

                * Read record data.
                shp_rshp ( shpfp, &dbfhdr, &shxrec,
                           &newrec, &ier );

                 * Add the new record on record list.
                newrec->prvrec = currec;
                if ( currec != NULL ) {
                    currec->nxtrec = newrec;
                } else {
                    reclst = newrec;
                currec = newrec;

         * Close up opened files.
        cfl_clos ( dbffp, &ier );
        cfl_clos ( shxfp, &ier );
        cfl_clos ( shpfp, &ier );

    if ( lfld == G_TRUE ) {
        shp_mfreeall ( );
        exit ( 0 );

    /*======================== Read the shape exception table =============*/

    _shpException = NULL;
    _numShpException = 0;
    shp_rdException ( &ier );

    /*======================= Starting Post-Process =======================*/

     * Dump shapefile records.
    if ( dump == G_TRUE ) {
        for ( rec = 0, currec = reclst; rec < numrec;
                rec++, currec = currec->nxtrec ) {

            shp_wfld ( stdout, currec, &ier );
            shp_wrec ( stdout, currec, &ier );

        shp_mfreeall ( );
        exit ( 0 );

     * Split record part if it has more than MAXOUT number of points
     * or it crosses the international dateline.
    shp_splt ( reclst, numrec, &ier );

     * Detect the map type.
    shp_mtyp ( dbfnam, numfil, &ier );
    if ( maptyp == 0 ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "Unknown Map Type.\n" );
        exit ( -1 );

     * Delete not used records.
    shp_drec ( &reclst, &numrec, &ier );

     * Combine records that have the same key.
    shp_cmbn ( reclst, &numrec, &ier );

     * Compute record centroid.
    mode = 1;
    iunit = itype = 1;
    xsize = ysize = 1.0F;
    strcpy ( device, "GN" );
    strcpy ( filnam, "SHPCV" );
     * Use North STR projection.
    strcpy ( proj, "STR" );
    angle1 = 90.0F;
    angle2 = -90.0F;
    angle3 = 0.0F;
    lllat = -15.0F;
    lllon = -135.0F;
    urlat = -15.0F;
    urlon = -135.0F;
    ginitp ( &mode, &istat, &ier );
    gsdeva ( device, &iunit, filnam, &itype, &xsize, &ysize, &ier,
             strlen(device), strlen(filnam) );
    gsmprj ( proj, &angle1, &angle2, &angle3,
             &lllat, &lllon, &urlat, &urlon, &ier, strlen(proj) );

    for ( currec = reclst, rec = 0; rec < numrec;
            rec++, currec = currec->nxtrec ) {

         * Get the shape fips code, check if there is a match in
         * Shape Exception Table. If yes, get manually set
         * clon&clat value from the table directly.
        if ( sscanf(currec->fields[3].data, "%lu", &shp_fips) == 1 ) {

            exception_found = FALSE;

            for ( ii = 0; ii < _numShpException; ii++ ) {
                if ( _shpException[ii].fips == shp_fips ) {
                    currec->cenlat = _shpException[ii].clat;
                    currec->cenlon = _shpException[ii].clon;
                    exception_found = TRUE;

            if ( exception_found ) continue;


         * Get the shape id, check if there is a match in
         * Shape Exception Table. If yes, get manually set
         * clon&clat value from the table directly.
        exception_found = FALSE;

        for ( ii = 0; ii < _numShpException; ii++ ) {
            if ( strcasecmp(currec->fields[0].data, _shpException[ii].id) == 0 ) {
                currec->cenlat = _shpException[ii].clat;
                currec->cenlon = _shpException[ii].clon;
                exception_found = TRUE;

        if ( exception_found ) continue;

         * Calculate clon&clat mathematically from an algorithm.
        shp_gctr ( currec, &clon, &clat, &ier );
        if ( ier == 0 ) {
            currec->cenlat = clat;
            currec->cenlon = clon;
        } else {
            currec->cenlat = RMISSD;
            currec->cenlon = RMISSD;

    } /* the end of for ( currec ... */

     * Reduce number of points.
    if ( rdpt == G_TRUE ) {
        for ( rec = 0, currec = reclst; rec < numrec;
                rec++, currec = currec->nxtrec ) {

            for ( prt = 0, curprt = currec->shpart;
                    prt < currec->numprt;
                    prt++, curprt = curprt->nxtprt ) {

                shp_thin ( curprt, ratio, &ier );

     * Create station table.
    if ( ctbl == G_TRUE ) {
        shp_ctbl ( reclst, numrec, &ier );

     * Create bound and bound info.
    if ( cbnd == G_TRUE ) {
        shp_cbnd ( reclst, numrec, &ier );

     * Clean up.
    shp_mfreeall ( );

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void tbl_npsa ( shp_record *shprec, int numrec, int *iret )
 * tbl_npsa                                                             *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function creates the Predictive Service Areas table files.	*
 *                                                                      *
 * tbl_npsa ( shprec, numrec, iret )                            	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      *shprec         shp_record  	Shape record list		*
 *	numrec		int		Total number of records		*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 *                                        0 = Normal                    *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 4/10   	Initial coding                  *
 * X. Guo/CWS            4/12           Increase variables(code,shrnam) *
 *                                      size                            *
    shp_record *currec;
     * The array size is from the specification.
    char code[20], name[81], shrnam[52];
    int rec, ifld, len, ier;
    float clat, clon;
    int iclat, iclon;
    char *tblnam = NPSATBL;
    FILE *tblfp;
    *iret = 0;

    tblfp = cfl_wopn ( tblnam, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
        fprintf ( stderr, "File %s open failed.\n", tblnam );
        exit ( -1 );

    for ( currec = shprec, rec = 0; rec < numrec;
        rec++, currec = currec->nxtrec ) {

        for ( ifld = 0; ifld < currec->numfld; ifld++ ) {
            if ( strncmp ( currec->fields[ifld].name, "NAT_CODE",
	        strlen("NAT_CODE") ) == 0 ) {
		strcpy ( code, currec->fields[ifld].data );
		cst_lstr ( code, &len, &ier );
		code[len] = '\0';
            } else if ( strncmp ( currec->fields[ifld].name, "PSA_NAME",
	        strlen("PSA_NAME") ) == 0 ) {
		strcpy ( name, currec->fields[ifld].data );
		cst_lstr ( name, &len, &ier );
		name[len] = '\0';
		cst_rspc ( name, &ier );
		abbreviate ( name, 50, shrnam, &ier );

	if ( strlen(shrnam) == 0 ) {
	    strcpy ( shrnam, code );

	shp_gctr ( currec, &clon, &clat, &ier );
        iclat = (int)(ROUNDUP(clat)*100.);
        iclon = (int)(ROUNDUP(clon)*100.);

        fprintf ( tblfp, 
          "%-8.8s %6.6d %-32.32s -- US %5d %6d %5d %2d\n",
          code, 999999, shrnam, iclat, iclon, 0, 0 );

    cfl_clos ( tblfp, &ier );