Exemplo n.º 1
void SetTwistHandler::handleSimulation(){
    // called when the main script calls: simHandleModule

    Eigen::Quaternion < simFloat > orientation; //(x,y,z,w)
    Eigen::Matrix< simFloat, 3, 1> linVelocity((simFloat)_twistCommands.twist.linear.x,
    Eigen::Matrix< simFloat, 3, 1> angVelocity((simFloat)_twistCommands.twist.angular.x,

    // Input velocity is expected to be in body frame but V-Rep expects it to be in world frame.
    if(simGetObjectQuaternion(_associatedObjectID, -1, orientation.coeffs().data())!=-1){
        linVelocity = orientation*linVelocity;
	    angVelocity = orientation*angVelocity;
    } else {
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "- [" << _associatedObjectName << "] Error getting orientation. " << std::endl;


	//Set object velocity
    if (_isStatic){
    	Eigen::Matrix<simFloat, 3, 1> position;
    	simGetObjectPosition(_associatedObjectID, -1, position.data());
    	const simFloat timeStep = simGetSimulationTimeStep();
    	position = position + timeStep*linVelocity;
    	simSetObjectPosition(_associatedObjectID, -1, position.data());
    	const simFloat angle = timeStep*angVelocity.norm();
    	if(angle > 1e-6){
    		orientation = Eigen::Quaternion< simFloat >(Eigen::AngleAxis< simFloat >(timeStep*angVelocity.norm(), angVelocity/angVelocity.norm()))*orientation;
    	simSetObjectQuaternion(_associatedObjectID, -1, orientation.coeffs().data());
    } else {
		// Apply the linear velocity to the object
		if(simSetObjectFloatParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3000, linVelocity[0])
			&& simSetObjectFloatParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3001, linVelocity[1])
			&& simSetObjectFloatParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3002, linVelocity[2])==-1) {
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << "- [" << _associatedObjectName << "] Error setting linear velocity. " << std::endl;;
		// Apply the angular velocity to the object
		if(simSetObjectFloatParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3020, angVelocity[0])
			&& simSetObjectFloatParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3021, angVelocity[1])
			&& simSetObjectFloatParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3022, angVelocity[2])==-1) {
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << "- [" << _associatedObjectName << "] Error setting angular velocity. " << std::endl;;

// This is the plugin messaging routine (i.e. V-REP calls this function very often, with various messages):
VREP_DLLEXPORT void* v_repMessage(int message,int* auxiliaryData,void* customData,int* replyData)
{   // This is called quite often. Just watch out for messages/events you want to handle
    // Keep following 5 lines at the beginning and unchanged:
    int errorModeSaved;
    void* retVal=NULL;

    // Here we can intercept many messages from V-REP (actually callbacks). Only the most important messages are listed here:

    if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_instancepass)
    {   // This message is sent each time the scene was rendered (well, shortly after) (very often)
        // When a simulation is not running, but you still need to execute some commands, then put some code here

    if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_mainscriptabouttobecalled)
    {   // Main script is about to be run (only called while a simulation is running (and not paused!))
        // This is a good location to execute commands (e.g. commands needed to generate ROS messages)
        // e.g. to read all joint positions:


        sensor_msgs::Image image_msg;

        // Execute player speceific functions
        if ((player_turn_state == PLAYER_NONE) && new_player_turn)
            //ROS_INFO("New player turn received: %f %f", player_turn.power, player_turn.angle);
            ROS_INFO("[PLAYER_NONE] Player turn ended.\n");
            new_player_turn = false;
        else if (player_turn_state == PLAYER_ROTATE_MOVE)
            tip_position[0] = table_state.white_ball.x - TIP_OFFSET_DISTANCE * sin(player_turn.angle);
            tip_position[1] = table_state.white_ball.y + TIP_OFFSET_DISTANCE * cos(player_turn.angle);

            tip_orientation[2] = player_turn.angle;

            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM][PLAYER_ROTATE_MOVE] Orientation success: " <<
                      simSetObjectOrientation(tip_handle, WORLD_FRAME, tip_orientation) << std::endl;
            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM][PLAYER_ROTATE_MOVE] Position success: " <<
                      simSetObjectPosition(tip_handle, WORLD_FRAME, tip_position) << std::endl;

            player_turn_state = PLAYER_CUE_DOWN;
        else if (player_turn_state == PLAYER_CUE_DOWN)
            tip_position[2] = CUE_ON_TABLE_HEIGHT;
            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM][PLAYER_CUE_DOWN] Position success: " <<
                      simSetObjectPosition(tip_handle, WORLD_FRAME, tip_position) << std::endl;

            player_turn_state = PLAYER_EXECUTE_SHOT;
        else if (player_turn_state == PLAYER_EXECUTE_SHOT)
            double dist = player_turn.power * POWER_DISTANCE_RATIO + MIN_POWER_DISTANCE;
            tip_position[0] += sin(player_turn.angle) * dist;
            tip_position[1] -= cos(player_turn.angle) * dist;

            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM][PLAYER_EXECUTE_SHOT] Position success: " <<
                      simSetObjectPosition(tip_handle, WORLD_FRAME, tip_position) << std::endl;

            player_turn_state = PLAYER_RAISE_CUE;
        else if (player_turn_state == PLAYER_RAISE_CUE)
            tip_position[2] = CUE_RAISED_HEIGHT;
            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM][PLAYER_RAISE_CUE] Position success: " <<
                      simSetObjectPosition(tip_handle, WORLD_FRAME, tip_position) << std::endl;

            player_turn_state = PLAYER_NONE;


        // Transfer to old table state and get new state
        old_table_state = table_state;

        //Check if table is in steady state
        steady_state = (table_state.white_ball.z < POOL_TABLE_HEIGHT)?
                       (true):(closeTo(old_table_state.white_ball, table_state.white_ball, STEADY_STATE_DRIFT));
        for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < BALL_COUNT) && steady_state; i++)
            if (!closeTo(old_table_state.balls[i], table_state.balls[i], STEADY_STATE_DRIFT))
                steady_state = false;

        // Publish information
        if (steady_state && (player_turn_state == PLAYER_NONE && new_player_turn == false))
            ROS_INFO("Table is in steady state!\n");
            //calculate turn score and publish it.
            int score = calculate_turn_score();
            ROS_INFO("The score for the last turn is %d", score);
            std_msgs::Int32 score_msg;
            score_msg.data = score;
            usleep(50 * 1000); //50ms
            table_state_pub.publish(table_state); // publish a message only if nothing is moving

        // Move white ball if potted
        if (steady_state && (table_state.white_ball.z < POOL_TABLE_HEIGHT)&&
                (player_turn_state == PLAYER_NONE && new_player_turn == false))
            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Reset: " << simResetDynamicObject(white_ball_handle) << " ";
            std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Moving white to initial position success: " <<
                      simSetObjectPosition(white_ball_handle, WORLD_FRAME, white_ball_initial_position) << std::endl;
            table_state.white_ball.x = white_ball_initial_position[0];
            table_state.white_ball.y = white_ball_initial_position[1];
            table_state.white_ball.z = white_ball_initial_position[2];

        // Move all red balls is all potted
        if (steady_state)
            int balls_in = 0;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BALL_COUNT; i++)
                if (table_state.balls[i].z < POOL_TABLE_HEIGHT)
            if (balls_in == BALL_COUNT)
                //Move all balls to the top!
                std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Reset: " << simResetDynamicObject(white_ball_handle) << " ";
                std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Moving white to initial position success: " <<
                          simSetObjectPosition(white_ball_handle, WORLD_FRAME, white_ball_initial_position) << std::endl;

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BALL_COUNT; i++)
                    std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Ball " << i << std::endl;
                    float p[3];
                    p[0] = initial_table_state.balls[i].x;
                    p[1] = initial_table_state.balls[i].y;
                    p[2] = initial_table_state.balls[i].z;

                    std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Reset: " << simResetDynamicObject(balls_handle[i]) << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "[V-REP_ROS_POOL_SIM] Moving ball position success: " <<
                              simSetObjectPosition(balls_handle[i], WORLD_FRAME, p) << std::endl;
                table_state = initial_table_state;
                ROS_INFO("The are %d games played so far.", games_played);


        //Publish messages

        // The best would be to start ROS activity when a simulation is running, and stop it when a simulation ended
        // If you allow ROS activity while a simulation is not running, then it becomes a little bit tricky when a scene
        // was switched for example (e.g. the clients would need a way to detect that)

    if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_simulationabouttostart)
    {   // Simulation is about to start
        // Here you could launch the ROS node (if using just one node)
        // If more than one node should be supported (e.g. with different services per node),
        // then it is better to start a node via a custom Lua function
        white_ball_handle = simGetObjectHandle("white_ball");
        std::cout << "[V-REP POOL PLUGIN] White ball handle: " << white_ball_handle << std::endl;
        tip_handle = simGetObjectHandle("tip");

        for (int i=0; i < BALL_COUNT; i++)
            std::stringstream ball_name;
            ball_name << "ball";
            ball_name << i;
            balls_handle[i] = simGetObjectHandle(ball_name.str().c_str());
            //std::cout << "Ball " << i << " handle: " << balls_handle[i] << std::endl;
        camera_handle = simGetObjectHandle("camera_sensor");
        std::cout << "[V-REP POOL PLUGIN] Camera handle: " << camera_handle << std::endl;

        //Read all positions and make them as old positions
        old_table_state = table_state;
        pre_hit_table_state = table_state;
        initial_table_state = table_state;

    if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_simulationended)
    {   // Simulation just ended
        // Here you could kill the ROS node(s) that are still active. There could also be a custom Lua function to kill a specific ROS node.

    // Keep following unchanged:
    simSetIntegerParameter(sim_intparam_error_report_mode, errorModeSaved); // restore previous settings
    return (retVal);