Exemplo n.º 1
void run_and_report_with_given_execmode(
                    cmeasure_type m,
                    const Seq_body_fct& seq_body_fct,
                    constant_estimator& estimator) {
  cost_type start = now();
  run_with_given_execmode(Sequential, seq_body_fct);
  cost_type elapsed = since(start);
  estimator.report(m, elapsed);
Exemplo n.º 2
void repl_perft(char *arg) {
    int depth = arg ? atoi(arg) : 5;
    if (depth <= 0) {
        depth = 5;

    Timestamp checkpoint = now();
    int64 nodes = perft(start(), depth);
    uint64 elapsed = since(checkpoint);
    uint64 nps = nodes * 1000000 / elapsed; // Elapsed is in microseconds.

    printf("  Depth: %d\n", depth);
    printf("  Nodes: %lld\n", nodes);
    printf("Elapsed: %llu.%06llus\n", elapsed / 1000000, elapsed % 1000000);
    printf("Nodes/s: %lldK\n\n", nps / 1000);
Exemplo n.º 3
main(int argc, char** argv)
	register int	n;
	register int	i;
	register long	v;
	char*		s;
	char*		e;
	char*		data;
	int		uf;
	int		wf;
	int		idlecmd;
	int		usercount;
	unsigned long	t;
	unsigned long	toss;
	unsigned long	usertime;
	unsigned long	now;
	unsigned long	then;
	Proc_t*		proc;
	CSSTAT		ss;
	struct stat	st;
	char		cmd[PATH_MAX];
	char		buf[PATH_MAX];
	char		tmp[PATH_MAX / 4];
	char*		av[4];
	char*		iv[3];
	DIR*		root;
	struct dirent*	entry;
	int		kf;

	error_info.id = CS_STAT_DAEMON;
	if (!pathpath(error_info.id, argv[0], PATH_ABSOLUTE|PATH_REGULAR|PATH_EXECUTE, cmd, sizeof(cmd)))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "cannot locate daemon executable");
	if (!pathpath(CS_STAT_DIR, argv[0], PATH_EXECUTE, buf, sizeof(buf)))
		error(3, "%s: cannot locate data directory", CS_STAT_DIR);
	if (stat(buf, &st))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: stat error", buf);
	if (st.st_uid != geteuid())
		error(3, "%s: effective uid mismatch", buf);
	if (chdir(buf))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: chdir error", buf);
	data = csname(0);
	if (argv[1] && strcmp(argv[1], data))
		 * start remote status daemon

		data = argv[1];
		if (!csaddr(data))
			error(3, "%s: unknown host", data);
		if (!stat(data, &st) && (long)(CSTIME() - (unsigned long)st.st_ctime) < CS_STAT_DOWN)
		sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "./%s", data);
		csstat(buf, &ss);
		if (s = csattr(CS_HOST_LOCAL, "type"))
			strcpy(tmp, s);
			if (s = csattr(data, "type"))
				pathrepl(cmd, sizeof(cmd), tmp, s);

		 * loop until remote status daemon starts
		 * check for competing startup daemon

		if (csdaemon(0))
		av[0] = CS_REMOTE_SHELL;
		av[1] = data;
		av[2] = cmd;
		av[3] = 0;
		for (;;)
			update(data, 0, 0, &ss);
			if (!(remote = procopen(av[0], av, NiL, NiL, PROC_UID|PROC_GID)))
			while (!kill(remote->pid, 0))
				update(data, 0, CS_STAT_FREQ + (CS_STAT_DOWN - CS_STAT_FREQ) / 2, &ss);
			remote = 0;
			if (ss.up > 0)
				ss.up = -ss.up;
		for (;;) update(data, 0, CS_STAT_FREQ + (CS_STAT_DOWN - CS_STAT_FREQ) / 2, &ss);
	if ((n = open(data, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0)) < 0)
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot update", data);
	for (i = 0; i < elementsof(usrfiles); i++)
		if ((uf = open(usrfile = usrfiles[i], O_RDONLY)) >= 0) break;
	if (uf < 0)
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: cannot read", usrfiles[0]);

	 * final initialization

	if (csdaemon((1<<2)|(1<<n)|(1<<uf)))
		error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "cannot dive into background");
	error_info.id = data;
	av[0] = "uptime";
	av[1] = 0;
	toss = getpid();
	for (s = data; *s; s++)
		CSTOSS(toss, *s);
	usertime = 0;
	for (n = 0; n < elementsof(symbols); n++)
		names[n].n_name = symbols[n].name;
	if ((kf = open(memfile, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
		if (chdir("/"))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/: chdir error");
		s = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < elementsof(sysfiles); i++)
			if (!access(sysfiles[i], F_OK))
				s = sysfiles[i];
		if (!s)
			if (!(root = opendir(".")))
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "/: cannot read");
			while (entry = readdir(root))
				if ((i = strlen(entry->d_name) - 2) > 0 && entry->d_name[i] == 'i' && entry->d_name[i + 1] == 'x' && !stat(entry->d_name, &st) && (st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)))
					s = entry->d_name;
		nlist(s, names);
		for (n = 0; n < elementsof(symbols); n++)
			if (!names[n].n_type)
				error(1, "%s: %s not in nlist", s, names[n].n_name);
				kf = -1;
		if (chdir(buf))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: chdir error", buf);
	if (kf < 0)
		sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s%s%s", WHODIR, WHOPRE, data, WHOSUF);
		if ((wf = open(buf, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
			if (read(wf, &who, sizeof(who)) != sizeof(who) || who.wd_vers != WHOVERS || who.wd_type != WHOTYPE)
				error(1, "%s: rwhod protocol mismatch", buf);
				wf = -1;
			else whofile = strdup(buf);
	strcpy(cmd + strlen(cmd), ".idle");
	if (eaccess(cmd, X_OK)) idlecmd = 0;
		idlecmd = 1;
		iv[0] = cmd;
		iv[1] = data;
		iv[2] = 0;

	 * the daemon loop

	ss.idle = 4 * 60 * 60;
	now = CSTIME();
	for (;;)
		then = now;
		now = CSTIME();

		 * update logged in user stats

		if (fstat(uf, &st))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: stat error", usrfile);
		if (usertime != (unsigned long)st.st_mtime)
			usertime = st.st_mtime;
			if (lseek(uf, 0L, 0))
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: seek error", usrfile);
			if ((n = read(uf, usrs, sizeof(usrs))) < 0)
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: read error", usrfile);
			usercount = n / sizeof(struct utmp);

		 * count the interesting users
		 * find the min user idle time

		if (idlecmd)
			 * check idle command

			if (!(proc = procopen(iv[0], iv, NiL, NiL, PROC_READ|PROC_UID|PROC_GID)))
				idlecmd = 0;
				idlecmd = 1;
				n = read(proc->rfd, buf, sizeof(buf));
				if (procclose(proc) || n < 0)
					idlecmd = 0;
					if (n > 0)
					buf[n] = 0;
					if (isdigit(buf[0]))
						ss.idle = strtol(buf, NiL, 10);
					else if (streq(buf, "busy"))
						ss.idle = 0;
					else if (streq(buf, "free"))
						ss.idle = ~0;
					else if (streq(buf, "idle"))
						n = since(then);
						if ((ss.idle + n) < ss.idle) ss.idle = ~0;
						else ss.idle += n;
					else idlecmd = -1;
		if (idlecmd <= 0)
			ss.idle = ~0;
		ss.users = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < usercount; i++)
			if (usrs[i].ut_name[0] && usrs[i].ut_line[0])
				sfsprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/%s", usrs[i].ut_line);
				if (stat(buf, &st)) usrs[i].ut_name[0] = 0;
					v = since(st.st_atime);
					if (v < CS_STAT_IGNORE)
					if (idlecmd <= 0 && v < ss.idle)
						ss.idle = v;
		if (idlecmd <= 0 || !ss.users)
			 * check devices for min idle time

			for (i = 0; i < elementsof(devfiles); i++)
				if (devfiles[i])
					if (stat(devfiles[i], &st)) devfiles[i] = 0;
						v = since(st.st_atime);
						if (!ss.users && v < CS_STAT_IGNORE)
						if (idlecmd <= 0 && v < ss.idle)
							ss.idle = v;

		 * get the hard stuff

		if (kf >= 0)
			 * update memfile symbol values

			for (n = 0; n < elementsof(symbols); n++)
				if (symbols[n].once >= 0)
					if (lseek(kf, (long)names[n].n_value, 0) != (long)names[n].n_value)
						error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: %s seek error", memfile, names[n].n_name);
					if (read(kf, symbols[n].addr, symbols[n].size) != symbols[n].size)
						error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: %s read error", memfile, names[n].n_name);
					if (symbols[n].once) symbols[n].once = -1;
#ifdef CP_TIME
			for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
				cp_time[i] = 0;
			for (n = 0; n <= maxcpu; n++)
				if (CPUFOUND(n))
					for (i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++)
						cp_time[i] += CP_TIME(n)[i];
			ss.load = (avenrun * 100) / FSCALE;
		if (wf >= 0)
			if (lseek(wf, 0L, 0))
				error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: seek error", whofile);
			read(wf, &who, sizeof(who));
			ss.load = who.wd_loadav[0];
			boottime = who.wd_boottime;
			for (i = 0; i < elementsof(cp_time); i++)
				cp_time[i] = 100;
		else if (!(proc = procopen(av[0], av, NiL, NiL, PROC_READ|PROC_UID|PROC_GID)))
			error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "%s: exec error", av[0]);
			 * defer to process with memfile access

			n = read(proc->rfd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
			if (procclose(proc) || n <= 0)
				error(3, "%s: invalid", av[0]);
			buf[n] = 0;
			if (!(s = strrchr(buf, ':')))
				error(3, "%s: invalid output", av[0]);
			ss.load = strton(s + 1, NiL, NiL, 100);
			n = 0;
			if ((s = strchr(buf, 'u')) && *++s == 'p')
				n = strtol(s + 1, &e, 10) * 60 * 60;
				s = e;
				while (isspace(*s)) s++;
				if (*s == 'd')
					n *= 24;
					while (*s && !isdigit(*s)) s++;
					n += strtol(s, &e, 10) * 60 * 60;
					s = e;
				if (*s == ':') n += strtol(s + 1, NiL, 10) * 60;
			boottime = since(n);
			for (i = 0; i < elementsof(cp_time); i++)
				cp_time[i] = 0;

		 * finalize the new stat info

		t = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < elementsof(cp_time); i++)
			if ((cp_diff[i] = cp_time[i] - cp_prev[i]) < 0) cp_diff[i] = -cp_diff[i];
			t += cp_diff[i];
			cp_prev[i] = cp_time[i];
		if (!t) t = 1;
		ss.pctsys = (cp_diff[CP_SYS] * 100) / t;
		ss.pctusr = ((cp_diff[CP_USER] + cp_diff[CP_NICE]) * 100) / t;
		ss.up = since(boottime);
		update(data, now, (4 * CS_STAT_FREQ + 2 * (CSTOSS(toss, 0) % (CS_STAT_FREQ + 1))) / 5, &ss);
Exemplo n.º 4
static int Since(lua_State *L)
    double t = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
    lua_pushnumber(L, since(t));
    return 1;