Exemplo n.º 1
void sendFileByAcc(struct sqlConnection *conn, char* acc)
/* send file identified by acc (=cdwValidFile.licensePlate), suggests a canonical filename of the format
 * <licensePlate>.<originalExtension> 
 * Example URL: http://hgwdev.soe.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/cdwGetFile?acc=SCH000FSW */

struct cdwValidFile *vf = cdwValidFileFromLicensePlate(conn, acc);
if (vf==NULL)
    errExit("%s is not a valid accession in the CDW.", acc);

struct cdwFile *ef = cdwFileFromId(conn, vf->fileId);
char* filePath = cdwPathForFileId(conn, vf->fileId);

mustHaveAccess(conn, ef);

// use the license plate as the basename of the downloaded file.
// Take the extension from the submitted filename, as cdwFile.format is not the same as the extension
// e.g. format=fasta -> fa.gz
char *submitExt = skipBeyondDelimit(basename(ef->submitFileName), '.');

char suggestName[8000];
safef(suggestName, sizeof(suggestName), "%s.%s", vf->licensePlate, submitExt);

apacheSendX(vf->format, filePath, suggestName);
Exemplo n.º 2
void warnWithBackTrace(char *format, ...)
/* Issue a warning message and append backtrace. */
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(255);
dyStringAppend(dy, format);

#define STACK_LIMIT 20
char **strings = NULL;
int count = 0;

// developer: this is an occasionally useful means of getting stack info without crashing
// however, it is not supported on cygwin.  Conditionally compile this in when desired.
// The define is at top to include execinfo.h
void *buffer[STACK_LIMIT];
count = backtrace(buffer, STACK_LIMIT);
strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, count);

if (strings == NULL)
    dyStringAppend(dy,"\nno backtrace_symbols available in errabort::warnWithBackTrace().");
    int ix = 1;
    dyStringAppend(dy,"\nBACKTRACE (use on cmdLine):");
    if (strings[1] != NULL)
        strSwapChar(strings[1],' ','\0');
        dyStringPrintf(dy,"\naddr2line -Cfise %s",strings[1]);
        strings[1] += strlen(strings[1]) + 1;
    for (; ix < count && strings[ix] != NULL; ix++)
        strings[ix] = skipBeyondDelimit(strings[ix],'[');
        dyStringPrintf(dy," %s",strings[ix]);

vaWarn(dyStringCannibalize(&dy), args);