Exemplo n.º 1
static boolean mdbSelectsAddFoundComposites(struct slPair **pMdbSelects,struct trackDb *tdbsFound)
// Adds a composite mdbSelect (if found in tdbsFound) to the head of the pairs list.
// If tdbsFound is NULL, then add dummy composite search criteria
// create comma separated list of composites
struct dyString *dyComposites = dyStringNew(256);
struct trackDb *tdb = tdbsFound;
for (;tdb != NULL; tdb = tdb->next)
    if (tdbIsComposite(tdb))
    else if (tdbIsCompositeChild(tdb))
        struct trackDb *composite = tdbGetComposite(tdb);
if (dyStringLen(dyComposites) > 0)
    char *composites = dyStringCannibalize(&dyComposites);
    composites[strlen(composites) - 1] = '\0';  // drop the last ','
    // Composite should not already be in the list, because it is only indirectly sortable
    return TRUE;

//warn("No composites found");
return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
struct slPair *fileFormatSearchWhiteList()
// Gets the whitelist of approved file formats that is allowed for search
char *crudeTypes[] =
    "bam",  //    "bam.bai" is now alway selected with bam,
    "wig"    // TODO: Add "other" category. TODO: make into multi-select
char *nicerTypes[] =
    "Alignment binary (bam) - binary SAM",  //    "Alignment binary index (bai) - binary SAM index",
    "Alignment tags (tagAlign)",
    "bed - browser extensible data",
    "bigBed - self index, often remote bed format",
    "Peaks Broad (broadPeak) - ENCODE large region peak format",
    "Peaks Narrow (narrowPeak) - ENCODE small region peak format",
    "Raw Sequence (fastq) - High throughput sequence format",
    "Signal (bigWig) - self index, often remote wiggle format",
    "Signal (wig) - wiggle format"

struct slPair *fileTypes = NULL;
int ix = 0, count = sizeof(crudeTypes)/sizeof(char *);
for (ix=0;ix<count;ix++)
    slPairAdd(&fileTypes, crudeTypes[ix],cloneString(nicerTypes[ix]));
return fileTypes;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ra.c Projeto: bh0085/kent
struct slPair *raNextStanzaLinesAndUntouched(struct lineFile *lf)
// Return list of lines starting from current position, up through last line of next stanza.
// May return a few blank/comment lines at end with no real stanza.
// Will join continuation lines, allocating memory as needed.
// returns pairs with name=joined line and if joined,
// val will contain raw lines '\'s and linefeeds, else val will be NULL.
struct slPair *pairs = NULL;
boolean stanzaStarted = FALSE;
char *line, *raw;
int lineLen,rawLen;
while (lineFileNextFull(lf, &line, &lineLen, &raw, &rawLen)) // Joins continuation lines
    char *clippedText = skipLeadingSpaces(line);

    if (stanzaStarted && clippedText[0] == 0)
    if (!stanzaStarted && clippedText[0] != 0 && clippedText[0] != '#')
        stanzaStarted = TRUE; // Comments don't start stanzas and may be followed by blanks

    slPairAdd(&pairs, line,(raw != NULL?cloneString(raw):NULL));
return pairs;
Exemplo n.º 4
struct slPair *wildHashMakeList(struct hash *hash)
/* Makes a sub hash containing a list of hash elements whose names contain wildcards ('*', '?').
   The sub hash will be put into WILD_CARD_HASH_BIN for use by wildHashLookup(). */
struct slPair *wildList = NULL;
struct hashEl* hel = NULL;
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(hash);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    if (strchr(hel->name,'*') != NULL || strchr(hel->name,'?') != NULL)
        slPairAdd(&wildList, hel->name, hel);
if (wildList == NULL)                                 // Note: adding an "empty" pair will
    slPairAdd(&wildList, WILD_CARD_HASH_EMPTY, NULL); //       prevent rebuilding this list
else if (slCount(wildList) > 1)
    slSort(&wildList,wildExpressionCmp); // sort on length, so the most restrictive
                                         // wildcard match goes first?
hashAdd(hash, WILD_CARD_HASH_BIN, wildList);
return wildList;
Exemplo n.º 5
struct slPair *slPairTwoColumnFile(char *fileName)
/* Read in a two column file into an slPair list */
char *row[2];
struct slPair *list = NULL;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
    slPairAdd(&list, row[0], cloneString(row[1]));
return list;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: ra.c Projeto: bh0085/kent
struct slPair *raNextStanzAsPairs(struct lineFile *lf)
// Return ra stanza as an slPair list instead of a hash.  Handy to preserve the
// order.  Will ignore '#' comments and joins continued lines (ending in '\').
struct slPair *list = NULL;
char *key, *val;
if (!raSkipLeadingEmptyLines(lf, NULL))
    return NULL;

while (raNextTagVal(lf, &key, &val, NULL))
    slPairAdd(&list, key, cloneString(val)); // key gets cloned by slPairAdd

return list;
Exemplo n.º 7
void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
/* Set up globals and make web plabel */
cart = theCart;
char *db = cartUsualString(cart, "db", hDefaultDb());
cartWebStart(cart, db, "Try and get some simple D3 things running inside of Genome Browser web framework.");
printf("<script src=\"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.4/d3.min.js\"></script>");
printf("<script src=\"/js/d3pie.min.js\"></script>");
struct slPair *data= slPairNew("A","100");
slPairAdd(&data, "B", "10");
slPairAdd(&data, "C", "1");
printf("<div id=\"pieChart1\">\n");
drawPrettyPieGraph(data, "pieChart1", "Title", "Subtitle");
slPairAdd(&data, "D", "10");
printf("<div id=\"pieChart2\">\n");
drawPrettyPieGraph(data, "pieChart1", "A new title", "cool subtitle!");
slPairAdd(&data, "W", "15");
printf("<div id=\"pieChart3\">\n");
drawPrettyPieGraph(data, "pieChart1", "Title", "Testing out what a much longer subtitle will look like... How many characters can I put here?");
slPairAdd(&data, "Z", "30");
printf("<div id=\"pieChart4\">\n");
drawPrettyPieGraph(data, "pieChart1", "How do much largers titles look?", "Subtitle");
printf("<style>\npieChart1{\n align:center;} </style>");
#ifdef SOON
slPairAdd(&data, "E", "15");
slPairAdd(&data, "F", "25");
slPairAdd(&data, "G", "50");
#endif /* SOON */
Exemplo n.º 8
struct slPair *tagListIncludingParents(struct tagStanza *stanza)
/* Return a list of all tags including ones defined in parents. */
struct hash *uniq = hashNew(0);
struct slPair *list = NULL;
struct tagStanza *ts;
for (ts = stanza; ts != NULL; ts = ts->parent)
    struct slPair *pair;
    for (pair = ts->tagList; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
       if (!hashLookup(uniq, pair->name))
	   slPairAdd(&list, pair->name, pair->val);
	   hashAdd(uniq, pair->name, pair);
return list;
Exemplo n.º 9
struct slPair *mdbSelectPairs(struct cart *cart, struct slPair *mdbVars)
// Returns the current mdb  vars and vals in the table of drop down selects
// figure out how many metadata selects are visible.
int numMetadataSelects = 0;

struct slPair *mdbSelectPairs = NULL;
if (mdbVars == NULL)
    return 0;

// Get the current number of rows in the table of mdb selects
for (;;)
    char buf[256];
    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", METADATA_NAME_PREFIX, numMetadataSelects + 1);
    char *str = cartOptionalString(cart, buf);
    if (isEmpty(str))

// Requesting to add or delete any?
int delSearchSelect = cartUsualInt(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_DEL_ROW, 0);   // 1-based row to delete
int addSearchSelect = cartUsualInt(cart, TRACK_SEARCH_ADD_ROW, 0);   // 1-based row to insert after
if (delSearchSelect)
if (addSearchSelect)

if (numMetadataSelects)
    int ix;
    char buf[256];
    for (ix = 0; ix < numMetadataSelects; ix++)
        int offset;   // used to handle additions/deletions
        if (addSearchSelect > 0 && ix >= addSearchSelect)
            offset = 0; // do nothing to offset (i.e. copy data from previous row)
        else if (delSearchSelect > 0 && ix + 1 >= delSearchSelect)
            offset = 2;
            offset = 1;
        safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", METADATA_NAME_PREFIX, ix + offset);
        char *var = cartOptionalString(cart, buf);
        char *val = NULL;

        // We need to make sure var is valid in this assembly; if it isn't, reset it to "cell".
        if (slPairFindVal(mdbVars,var) == NULL)
            var = "cell";
            safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", METADATA_VALUE_PREFIX, ix + offset);
            enum cvSearchable searchBy = cvSearchMethod(var);
            if (searchBy == cvSearchByMultiSelect)
                // Multi-selects as comma delimited list of values
                struct slName *vals = cartOptionalSlNameList(cart,buf);
                if (vals)
                    val = slNameListToString(vals,','); // A comma delimited list of values
            else if (searchBy == cvSearchBySingleSelect
                 ||  searchBy == cvSearchByFreeText
                 ||  searchBy == cvSearchByWildList)
                val = cloneString(cartUsualString(cart, buf,ANYLABEL));
            //else if (searchBy == cvSearchByDateRange || searchBy == cvSearchByIntegerRange)
            //    {
            //    // TO BE IMPLEMENTED
            //    }

            if (val != NULL && sameString(val, ANYLABEL))
                val = NULL;
        slPairAdd(&mdbSelectPairs,var,val); // val already cloned
    if (delSearchSelect > 0)
        safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", METADATA_NAME_PREFIX, numMetadataSelects + 1);
        cartRemove(cart, buf);
        safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d", METADATA_VALUE_PREFIX, numMetadataSelects + 1);
        cartRemove(cart, buf);
    // create defaults
    slPairAdd(&mdbSelectPairs,"cell",    NULL);

return mdbSelectPairs;