Exemplo n.º 1
void KuickShow::redirectDeleteAndTrashActions(KActionCollection *coll)
    KAction *action = coll->action("delete");
    if (action)
        connect(action, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotDeleteCurrentImage()));

    action = coll->action("trash");
    if (action)
        connect(action, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotTrashCurrentImage()));
Exemplo n.º 2
// ObservingList
// ---------------------------------
ObservingList::ObservingList( KStars *_ks )
        : KDialog( (QWidget*)_ks ),
        ks( _ks ), LogObject(0), m_CurrentObject(0),
        isModified(false), bIsLarge(true)
    ui = new ObservingListUI( this );
    setMainWidget( ui );
    setCaption( i18n( "Observation Planner" ) );
    setButtons( KDialog::Close );
    dt = KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime();
    geo = ks->data()->geo();
    sessionView = false;
    FileName = "";
    pmenu = new ObsListPopupMenu();
    //Set up the Table Views
    m_Model = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 5, this );
    m_Session = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 5 );
    m_Model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << i18n( "Name" ) 
        << i18nc( "Right Ascension", "RA" ) << i18nc( "Declination", "Dec" )
        << i18nc( "Magnitude", "Mag" ) << i18n( "Type" ) );
    m_Session->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << i18n( "Name" ) 
        << i18nc( "Right Ascension", "RA" ) << i18nc( "Declination", "Dec" )
        << i18nc( "Magnitude", "Mag" ) << i18n( "Type" ) 
        << i18n( "Time" ) << i18nc( "Altitude", "Alt" ) << i18nc( "Azimuth", "Az" ));
    m_SortModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel( this );
    m_SortModel->setSourceModel( m_Model );
    m_SortModel->setDynamicSortFilter( true );
    ui->TableView->setModel( m_SortModel );
    ui->TableView->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection( true );
    ui->TableView->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode( QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
    m_SortModelSession = new SessionSortFilterProxyModel;
    m_SortModelSession->setSourceModel( m_Session );
    m_SortModelSession->setDynamicSortFilter( true );
    ui->SessionView->setModel( m_SortModelSession );
    ui->SessionView->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection( true );
    ui->SessionView->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode( QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
    ksal = new KSAlmanac;
    ui->View->setLimits( -12.0, 12.0, -90.0, 90.0 );
    ui->View->axis(KPlotWidget::BottomAxis)->setTickLabelFormat( 't' );
    ui->View->axis(KPlotWidget::BottomAxis)->setLabel( i18n( "Local Time" ) );
    ui->View->axis(KPlotWidget::TopAxis)->setTickLabelFormat( 't' );
    ui->View->axis(KPlotWidget::TopAxis)->setTickLabelsShown( true );
    ui->SetLocation->setText( geo -> fullName() );
    ui->ImagePreview->installEventFilter( this );
    ui->TableView->viewport()->installEventFilter( this );
    ui->TableView->installEventFilter( this );
    ui->SessionView->viewport()->installEventFilter( this );
    ui->SessionView->installEventFilter( this );
    // setDefaultImage();
    connect( this, SIGNAL( closeClicked() ), this, SLOT( slotClose() ) );
    connect( ui->TableView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotCenterObject() ) );
    connect( ui->TableView->selectionModel(), 
            SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&) ),
            this, SLOT( slotNewSelection() ) );
    connect( ui->SessionView->selectionModel(), 
            SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&) ),
            this, SLOT( slotNewSelection() ) );
    connect( ui->WUTButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotWUT() ) );
    connect( ui->FindButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotFind() ) );
    connect( ui->OpenButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotOpenList() ) );
    connect( ui->SaveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotSaveSession() ) );
    connect( ui->SaveAsButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotSaveSessionAs() ) );
    connect( ui->WizardButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotWizard() ) );
    connect( ui->MiniButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotToggleSize() ) );
    connect( ui->SetLocation, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotLocation() ) );
    connect( ui->Update, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotUpdate() ) );
    connect( ui->SaveImage, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotSaveImage() ) );
    connect( ui->DeleteImage, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotDeleteCurrentImage() ) );
    connect( ui->GoogleImage, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotGoogleImage() ) );
    connect( ui->SetTime, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotSetTime() ) );
    connect( ui->tabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged(int) ),
             this, SLOT( slotChangeTab(int) ) );
    connect( ui->saveImages, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotSaveAllImages() ) );
    connect( ui->DeleteAllImages, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotDeleteAllImages() ) );
    connect( ui->OALExport, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
             this, SLOT( slotOALExport() ) );
    //Add icons to Push Buttons
    ui->OpenButton->setIcon( KIcon("document-open") );
    ui->SaveButton->setIcon( KIcon("document-save") );
    ui->SaveAsButton->setIcon( KIcon("document-save-as") );
    ui->WizardButton->setIcon( KIcon("games-solve") ); //is there a better icon for this button?
    ui->MiniButton->setIcon( KIcon("view-restore") );
    noSelection = true;
    showScope = false;
    ui->NotesLabel->setEnabled( false );
    ui->NotesEdit->setEnabled( false );
    ui->SetTime->setEnabled( false );
    ui->TimeEdit->setEnabled( false );
    ui->GoogleImage->setEnabled( false );
    ui->saveImages->setEnabled( false );
    ui->SaveImage->setEnabled( false );
    ui->DeleteImage->setEnabled( false );
    ui->OALExport->setEnabled( false );

    slotLoadWishList(); //Load the wishlist from disk if present
    m_CurrentObject = 0;
    //Hide the MiniButton until I can figure out how to resize the Dialog!
//    ui->MiniButton->hide();