Exemplo n.º 1
AddressBook::addToPopup(QPopupMenu* menu)
    menu->insertItem(tr("Send Email"), this, SLOT(slotEmail()));

    Card card;
    if (!_quasar->db()->lookup(currentId(), card)) return;
    if (card.dataType() == DataObject::PERSONAL) return;
    if (card.dataType() == DataObject::EMPLOYEE) return;

    menu->insertItem(tr("Inquiry"), this, SLOT(slotInquiry()));
    menu->insertItem(tr("Find Tx"), this, SLOT(slotFindTx()));
    if (card.dataType() == DataObject::CUSTOMER) {
	menu->insertItem(tr("Aged List"), this, SLOT(slotAgedAR()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Sales"), this, SLOT(slotSales()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Payment"), this, SLOT(slotReceipt()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Withdraw"), this, SLOT(slotWithdraw()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Write Cheque"), this, SLOT(slotCheque()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Allocate"), this, SLOT(slotAllocate()));
    if (card.dataType() == DataObject::VENDOR) {
	menu->insertItem(tr("Aged List"), this, SLOT(slotAgedAP()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Purchases"), this, SLOT(slotPurchases()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Payment"), this, SLOT(slotPayment()));
	menu->insertItem(tr("Allocate"), this, SLOT(slotAllocate()));
Exemplo n.º 2
CustomerMaster::CustomerMaster(MainWindow* main, Id customer_id)
    : DataWindow(main, "CustomerMaster", customer_id)
    _helpSource = "customer_master.html";

    QPushButton* email = new QPushButton(tr("Email"), _buttons);
    connect(email, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotEmail()));

    // Create widgets
    _company = new QCheckBox(tr("&Company?"), _frame);
    connect(_company, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(companyChanged(bool)));

    _label1 = new QLabel(_frame);
    _entry1 = new LineEdit(30, _frame);

    _label2 = new QLabel(_frame);
    _entry2 = new LineEdit(30, _frame);

    QLabel* numberLabel = new QLabel(tr("Number:"), _frame);
    _number = new LineEdit(12, _frame);

    QLabel* typeLabel = new QLabel(tr("Type:"), _frame);
    _type = new LookupEdit(new CustomerTypeLookup(_main, this), _frame);
    _type->setSizeInfo(12, 'x');
    connect(_type, SIGNAL(validData()), this, SLOT(typeChanged()));

    QGroupBox* addr = new QGroupBox(tr("Address"), _frame);
    QGridLayout* grid1 = new QGridLayout(addr, 7, 4,
                                         addr->frameWidth() * 2);
    grid1->addRowSpacing(0, addr->fontMetrics().height());
    grid1->setColStretch(2, 1);

    QLabel* streetLabel = new QLabel(tr("Street:"), addr);
    _street = new LineEdit(addr);

    _street2 = new LineEdit(addr);

    QLabel* cityLabel = new QLabel(tr("City:"), addr);
    _city = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* provLabel = new QLabel(tr("Prov/State:"), addr);
    _province = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* postalLabel = new QLabel(tr("Postal/Zip:"), addr);
    _postal = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* countryLabel = new QLabel(tr("Country:"), addr);
    _country = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* phoneLabel = new QLabel(tr("Phone #:"), addr);
    _phone_num = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* phone2Label = new QLabel(tr("Phone2 #:"), addr);
    _phone2_num = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* faxLabel = new QLabel(tr("Fax #:"), addr);
    _fax_num = new LineEdit(20, addr);

    QLabel* emailLabel = new QLabel(tr("Email:"), addr);
    _email = new LineEdit(60, addr);

    QLabel* webLabel = new QLabel(tr("Web Page:"), addr);
    _web_page = new LineEdit(60,addr);

    grid1->addWidget(streetLabel, 1, 0);
    grid1->addMultiCellWidget(_street, 1, 1, 1, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addMultiCellWidget(_street2, 2, 2, 1, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(cityLabel, 3, 0);
    grid1->addWidget(_city, 3, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(provLabel, 3, 3);
    grid1->addWidget(_province, 3, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(postalLabel, 4, 0);
    grid1->addWidget(_postal, 4, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(countryLabel, 4, 3);
    grid1->addWidget(_country, 4, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(phoneLabel, 5, 0);
    grid1->addWidget(_phone_num, 5, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(phone2Label, 5, 3);
    grid1->addWidget(_phone2_num, 5, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(faxLabel, 6, 0);
    grid1->addWidget(_fax_num, 6, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(emailLabel, 7, 0);
    grid1->addMultiCellWidget(_email, 7, 7, 1, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid1->addWidget(webLabel, 8, 0);
    grid1->addMultiCellWidget(_web_page, 8, 8, 1, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);

    QTabWidget* tabs = new QTabWidget(_frame);
    QFrame* control = new QFrame(tabs);
    QFrame* groupTab = new QFrame(tabs);
    QFrame* trans = new QFrame(tabs);
    QFrame* refsTab = new QFrame(tabs);
    QFrame* extraTab = new QFrame(tabs);
    tabs->addTab(control, tr("Control"));
    tabs->addTab(groupTab, tr("Groups"));
    tabs->addTab(trans, tr("Transactions"));
    tabs->addTab(refsTab, tr("References"));
    tabs->addTab(extraTab, tr("Extra Info"));

    QLabel* patgroupLabel = new QLabel(tr("Patronage Group:"), control);
    _patgroup_id = new LookupEdit(new PatGroupLookup(main, this), control);

    QLabel* accountLabel = new QLabel(tr("AR Account:"), control);
    _account_id = new LookupEdit(new AccountLookup(main, this, Account::AR),

    QLabel* termLabel = new QLabel(tr("Terms:"), control);
    _term_id = new LookupEdit(new TermLookup(main, this), control);

    QLabel* exemptLabel = new QLabel(tr("Tax Exempt:"), control);
    _exempt_id = new LookupEdit(new TaxLookup(main, this), control);

    QLabel* creditLabel = new QLabel(tr("Credit Limit:"), control);
    _credit_limit = new MoneyEdit(control);

    _credit_hold = new QCheckBox(tr("Credit Hold?"), control);

    QLabel* scLabel = new QLabel(tr("Service Charge:"), control);
    _sc_rate = new PercentEdit(control);

    _print_stmts = new QCheckBox(tr("Statements?"), control);

    QGridLayout* conGrid = new QGridLayout(control);
    conGrid->setColStretch(3, 1);
    conGrid->addWidget(patgroupLabel, 0, 0);
    conGrid->addMultiCellWidget(_patgroup_id, 0,0,1,2,AlignLeft|AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(accountLabel, 1, 0);
    conGrid->addMultiCellWidget(_account_id, 1,1,1,2,AlignLeft|AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(termLabel, 2, 0);
    conGrid->addMultiCellWidget(_term_id, 2, 2, 1, 2, AlignLeft|AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(exemptLabel, 3, 0);
    conGrid->addMultiCellWidget(_exempt_id, 3, 3, 1, 2,AlignLeft|AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(creditLabel, 4, 0);
    conGrid->addWidget(_credit_limit, 4, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(_credit_hold, 4, 2, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(scLabel, 5, 0);
    conGrid->addWidget(_sc_rate, 5, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    conGrid->addWidget(_print_stmts, 5, 2, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);

    _groups = new Table(groupTab);
    connect(_groups, SIGNAL(cellChanged(int,int,Variant)),

    GroupLookup* groupLookup = new GroupLookup(_main, this, Group::CUSTOMER);
    new LookupColumn(_groups, tr("Group Name"), 20, groupLookup);
    new LookupEditor(_groups, 0, new LookupEdit(groupLookup, _groups));

    QGridLayout* groupGrid = new QGridLayout(groupTab);
    groupGrid->setRowStretch(0, 1);
    groupGrid->setColStretch(0, 1);
    groupGrid->addWidget(_groups, 0, 0);

    _charge = new QCheckBox(tr("Can Charge?"), trans);
    _withdraw = new QCheckBox(tr("Can Withdraw?"), trans);
    _payment = new QCheckBox(tr("Can Make Payment?"), trans);
    _check_bal = new QCheckBox(tr("Check Withdraw Balance?"), trans);
    _second_rcpt = new QCheckBox(tr("Second Receipt?"), trans);

    _discs = new Table(trans);
    connect(_discs, SIGNAL(cellChanged(int,int,Variant)),

    DiscountLookup* discLookup = new DiscountLookup(_main, this);
    discLookup->txOnly = true;
    new LookupColumn(_discs, tr("Discount"), 20, discLookup);
    new LookupEditor(_discs, 0, new LookupEdit(discLookup, _discs));

    QGridLayout* transGrid = new QGridLayout(trans);
    transGrid->setRowStretch(5, 1);
    transGrid->setColStretch(1, 1);
    transGrid->addWidget(_charge, 0, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    transGrid->addWidget(_withdraw, 1, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    transGrid->addWidget(_payment, 2, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    transGrid->addWidget(_check_bal, 3, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    transGrid->addWidget(_second_rcpt, 4, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    transGrid->addMultiCellWidget(_discs, 0, 5, 2, 2);

    _refs = new Table(refsTab);
    connect(_refs, SIGNAL(cellChanged(int,int,Variant)),

    new TextColumn(_refs, tr("Reference"), 16);
    LineEdit* refEdit = new LineEdit(_refs);
    new LineEditor(_refs, 0, refEdit);

    QGridLayout* refGrid = new QGridLayout(refsTab);
    refGrid->setRowStretch(0, 1);
    refGrid->setColStretch(0, 1);
    refGrid->addWidget(_refs, 0, 0);

    _extra = new Table(extraTab);
    connect(_extra, SIGNAL(focusNext(bool&,int&,int&,int)),

    ExtraLookup* extraLookup = new ExtraLookup(_main, this, "Customer");

    new LookupColumn(_extra, tr("Data Name"), 30, extraLookup);
    new TextColumn(_extra, tr("Value"), 30);

    new LineEditor(_extra, 1, new LineEdit(_extra));

    QPushButton* createData = new QPushButton(tr("Create Data"), extraTab);
    QPushButton* deleteData = new QPushButton(tr("Delete Data"), extraTab);
    QPushButton* renameData = new QPushButton(tr("Rename Data"), extraTab);

    connect(createData, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotCreateData()));
    connect(deleteData, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDeleteData()));
    connect(renameData, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRenameData()));

    QGridLayout* extraGrid = new QGridLayout(extraTab);
    extraGrid->setRowStretch(0, 1);
    extraGrid->setColStretch(0, 1);
    extraGrid->addMultiCellWidget(_extra, 0, 0, 0, 3);
    extraGrid->addWidget(createData, 1, 1);
    extraGrid->addWidget(deleteData, 1, 2);
    extraGrid->addWidget(renameData, 1, 3);

    _open_bal = new QGroupBox(tr("Opening Balance"), _frame);
    QGridLayout* i_grid = new QGridLayout(_open_bal, 2, 2,
                                          _open_bal->frameWidth() * 2);
    i_grid->addRowSpacing(0, _open_bal->fontMetrics().height());

    QLabel* asOfLabel = new QLabel(tr("As of"), _open_bal);
    _as_of = new DatePopup(_open_bal);

    QLabel* openBalLabel = new QLabel(tr("Balance:"), _open_bal);
    _open_balance = new MoneyEdit(_open_bal);

    i_grid->setColStretch(2, 1);
    i_grid->addWidget(asOfLabel, 1, 0, AlignLeft);
    i_grid->addWidget(_as_of, 2, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    i_grid->addWidget(openBalLabel, 1, 1, AlignLeft);
    i_grid->addWidget(_open_balance, 2, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);

    Company company;
    if (_id != INVALID_ID || company.historicalBalancing() == INVALID_ID)

    QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(_frame);
    grid->setRowStretch(4, 1);
    grid->setColStretch(2, 1);
    grid->addColSpacing(2, 10);
    grid->addWidget(_company, 0, 0);
    grid->addWidget(_label1, 1, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(_entry1, 1, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(_label2, 2, 0, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(_entry2, 2, 1, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(numberLabel, 1, 3, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(_number, 1, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(typeLabel, 2, 3, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addWidget(_type, 2, 4, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter);
    grid->addMultiCellWidget(addr, 3, 3, 0, 4);
    grid->addMultiCellWidget(tabs, 4, 4, 0, 4);
    grid->addMultiCellWidget(_open_bal, 5, 5, 0, 4);

    setCaption(tr("Customer Master"));
Exemplo n.º 3
QmvFormTool::QmvFormTool( QmvRelationWidget * rlw, QmvApplication * parent, const char * name )
        : QmvToolWindow( rlw->getRelation(), parent, name )
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // Query Objects
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // Form header
    fh = 0;
    pagesize = background.size();
    if ( rlw )
        rlw_form = rlw;
        throw( QmvException( QString( "<h3>QmvFormTool::QmvFormTool</h2>"
                                      "Failed to build FORM object" ),
                             QmvException::Critical) );
    reln_form = rlw->getRelation();
    if ( !reln_form )
        throw( QmvException( QString( "<h3>QmvFormTool::QmvFormTool</h2>"
                                      "Failed to build FORM object" ),
                             QmvException::Critical) );
        // Form details.
    QmvSqlClass * fmdt_existing = (QmvSqlClass *) reln_form->dataBase()->dbRelation( "fmdt" );
    if ( fmdt_existing )
        reln_fmdt = new QmvSqlClass( *fmdt_existing );
        throw( QmvException( QString( "<h3>QmvFormTool::QmvFormTool</h2>"
                                      "Failed to build FMDT object" ),
                             QmvException::Critical) );
        // -------------------------------------------
        // Mouse Clicks ------------------------------
        // -------------------------------------------
        // notice button clicks on grid
    connect( canvasView(), SIGNAL( clicked( QCanvasItem *, const QPoint &, ButtonState, ButtonState ) ),
             this, SLOT( popupEventDetails( QCanvasItem *, const QPoint &, ButtonState, ButtonState ) ) );

        //  doubleclick - edit
    connect( canvasView(), SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QCanvasItem *, const QPoint &, ButtonState, ButtonState ) ),
             this, SLOT( dataChangeRequested( QCanvasItem *, const QPoint &, ButtonState, ButtonState ) ) );

        // notice grid movements
    connect( canvasView(), SIGNAL( moved( QCanvasItem *, const QPoint &, const QPoint & ) ),
             this, SLOT( eventLabelMoved( QCanvasItem *, const QPoint &, const QPoint & ) ) );

        // notice resizes
    connect( canvasView(), SIGNAL( resized( QCanvasItem *, const QRect &, const QRect & ) ),
             this, SLOT( eventLabelResized( QCanvasItem *, const QRect &, const QRect & ) ) );

        // --- ACCELERATORS  ---------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------

    QAccel * ap_accel = new QAccel( this, "forms" );
    int a_id;
        // line down
    a_id = ap_accel->insertItem( Key_Down );
    ap_accel->connectItem( a_id, this, SLOT( slotLineDown() ) );
    ap_accel->setWhatsThis( a_id, "Scroll down one line" );
        // line up
    a_id = ap_accel->insertItem( Key_Up );
    ap_accel->connectItem( a_id, this, SLOT( slotLineUp() ) );
    ap_accel->setWhatsThis( a_id, "Scroll up one line" );
        // page down
    a_id = ap_accel->insertItem( Key_Next );
    ap_accel->connectItem( a_id, this, SLOT( slotPageDown() ) );
    ap_accel->setWhatsThis( a_id, "Scroll down one page" );
        // page up
    a_id = ap_accel->insertItem( Key_Prior );
    ap_accel->connectItem( a_id, this, SLOT( slotPageUp() ) );
    ap_accel->setWhatsThis( a_id, "Scroll up one page" );

    QAction * ac;
    QActionGroup * ag_insert = new QActionGroup( this, "ag_insert" );
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // Navigation Toolbar
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // clear the navigation toolbar - not needed yet
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
        // Tool buttons for adding detail objects
        // ------------------------------------------------------------
    QSignalMapper *ndt_sigmap = new QSignalMapper( this );
    connect( ndt_sigmap, SIGNAL( mapped(int) ),
             this, SLOT( slotAddNewDetail(int) ) );
        // Label -----------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Text",
                      *stdicons->makeTextPixmap( new QPixmap(stdicons->getPixmap(QmvIcons::BlankPageIcon)),
                                                 tr("T"), QFont("Times"), QColor( blue ), QRect() ),
                      ag_insert, "text", FALSE );
    ndt_sigmap->setMapping( ac, formDetail::Label );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), ndt_sigmap, SLOT( map() ) );
        // Field -----------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Field",
                      *stdicons->makeTextPixmap( new QPixmap(stdicons->getPixmap(QmvIcons::BlankPageIcon)),
                                                 tr("F"), QFont("Times"), QColor( blue ), QRect() ),
                      ag_insert, "Field", FALSE );
    ndt_sigmap->setMapping( ac, formDetail::Field );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), ndt_sigmap, SLOT( map() ) );
        // Line -----------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Line",
                      *stdicons->makeTextPixmap( new QPixmap(stdicons->getPixmap(QmvIcons::BlankPageIcon)),
                                                 tr("L"), QFont("Times"), QColor( blue ), QRect() ),
                      ag_insert, "Line", FALSE );
    ndt_sigmap->setMapping( ac, formDetail::Line );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), ndt_sigmap, SLOT( map() ) );
        // Calc -----------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Calculation",
                      *stdicons->makeTextPixmap( new QPixmap(stdicons->getPixmap(QmvIcons::BlankPageIcon)),
                                                 tr("C"), QFont("Times"), QColor( blue ), QRect() ),
                      ag_insert, "Calculation", FALSE );
    ndt_sigmap->setMapping( ac, formDetail::Calc );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), ndt_sigmap, SLOT( map() ) );
        // Special -----------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Special",
                      *stdicons->makeTextPixmap( new QPixmap(stdicons->getPixmap(QmvIcons::BlankPageIcon)),
                                                 tr("S"), QFont("Times"), QColor( blue ), QRect() ),
                      ag_insert, "Special", FALSE );
    ndt_sigmap->setMapping( ac, formDetail::Special );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), ndt_sigmap, SLOT( map() ) );
        // Print ------------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Print",
                      QPixmap( QmvFormToolIcons::print_xpm ),
                      ag_insert, "form_print", FALSE );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( slotPrint() ) );

        // Fax ------------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Fax",
                      QPixmap( QmvFormToolIcons::fax_xpm ),
                      ag_insert, "form_fax", FALSE );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( slotFax() ) );

        // Email ------------------------------------------------------
    ac = new QAction( "Email",
                      QPixmap( QmvFormToolIcons::email_xpm ),
                      ag_insert, "form_email", FALSE );
    connect( ac, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( slotEmail() ) );

        // Add actiongroup to toolbar
    new QLabel( "Add new detail: ", otherToolBar(), "display_label" );
    ag_insert->addTo( otherToolBar() );

        // prepare for display
        // adjust canvas to the base magnification.