Exemplo n.º 1
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
    : QMainWindow(parent)
    , ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    // Settings
    m_settings = new VSettings("org.hawaii.desktop");
    connect(m_settings, SIGNAL(changed()),
            this, SLOT(settingsChanged()));

    // Connect signals
    connect(ui->actionNewTab, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotNewTab()));
    connect(ui->actionNewWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotNewWindow()));
    connect(ui->actionCloseTab, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotCloseCurrentTab()));
    connect(ui->actionOpenFileManager, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotOpenFileManager()));
    connect(ui->actionQuit, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(close()));
    connect(ui->actionCopy, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotCopy()));
    connect(ui->actionPaste, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotPaste()));
    connect(ui->actionFind, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotFind()));
    connect(ui->actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()),
            this, SLOT(slotAbout()));
    connect(ui->tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)),
            this, SLOT(slotCloseTab(int)));

    // Start with a tab
Exemplo n.º 2
KonqSidebarHistoryModule::KonqSidebarHistoryModule( KonqSidebarTree * parentTree, const char *name )
    : QObject( 0L, name ), KonqSidebarTreeModule( parentTree ),
      m_dict( 349 ),
      m_topLevelItem( 0L ),
      m_dlg( 0L ),
      m_initialized( false )
    if ( !s_settings ) {
	sd.setObject( s_settings,
                      new KonqSidebarHistorySettings( 0, "history settings" ));
	s_settings->readSettings( true );

    connect( s_settings, SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), SLOT( slotSettingsChanged() ));

    m_dict.setAutoDelete( true );
    m_currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

    KConfig *kc = KGlobal::config();
    KConfigGroupSaver cs( kc, "HistorySettings" );
    m_sortsByName = kc->readEntry( "SortHistory", "byDate" ) == "byName";

    KonqHistoryManager *manager = KonqHistoryManager::kself();

    connect( manager, SIGNAL( loadingFinished() ), SLOT( slotCreateItems() ));
    connect( manager, SIGNAL( cleared() ), SLOT( clear() ));

    connect( manager, SIGNAL( entryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry * ) ),
	     SLOT( slotEntryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry * ) ));
    connect( manager, SIGNAL( entryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *) ),
	     SLOT( slotEntryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *) ));

    connect( parentTree, SIGNAL( expanded( QListViewItem * )),
	     SLOT( slotItemExpanded( QListViewItem * )));

    m_collection = new KActionCollection( this, "history actions" );
    (void) new KAction( i18n("New &Window"), "window_new", 0, this,
 			SLOT( slotNewWindow() ), m_collection, "open_new");
    (void) new KAction( i18n("&Remove Entry"), "editdelete", 0, this,
			SLOT( slotRemoveEntry() ), m_collection, "remove");
    (void) new KAction( i18n("C&lear History"), "history_clear", 0, this,
			SLOT( slotClearHistory() ), m_collection, "clear");
    (void) new KAction( i18n("&Preferences..."), "configure", 0, this,
			SLOT( slotPreferences()), m_collection, "preferences");

    KRadioAction *sort;
    sort = new KRadioAction( i18n("By &Name"), 0, this,
			     SLOT( slotSortByName() ), m_collection, "byName");
    sort->setChecked( m_sortsByName );

    sort = new KRadioAction( i18n("By &Date"), 0, this,
			     SLOT( slotSortByDate() ), m_collection, "byDate");
    sort->setChecked( !m_sortsByName );

    m_folderClosed = SmallIcon( "folder" );
    m_folderOpen = SmallIcon( "folder_open" );

    slotSettingsChanged(); // read the settings
Exemplo n.º 3
void QvvMainWindow::setupMenuBar()
    QMenu    *menu;
    toolbar = new QToolBar( this );

    toolbar->setVisible( opt_use_toolbar ? 1 : 0 );

    menu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&File") );

    QAction *action;
        action = menu->addAction(tr("Save layout..."));
        connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveLayout()));

        action = menu->addAction(tr("Load layout..."));
        connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadLayout()));
        action = menu->addAction(tr("Switch layout direction"));
        connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(switchLayoutDirection()));


    action = menu->addAction( tr("&Reload directory"), this, SLOT(slotReloadDir()), Qt::Key_F5 );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/view-refresh.png" ) );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("&Delete selected images"), this, SLOT(slotDeleteSelected()), Qt::Key_Delete );
    //action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/view-refresh.png" ) );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(close()), Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_X );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/system-log-out.png" ) );


    menu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&View"));

    action = menu->addAction( tr("&Toggle toolbar"), this, SLOT(slotToggleToolbar()) );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Enable &thumbnails") );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( opt_thumbs );
    action->setShortcut( Qt::Key_F6 );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotThumbs()) );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Show d&irectories only") );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( opt_dirs_only );
    action->setShortcut( Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_I );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotShowDirsOnly()) );


    action = menu->addAction( tr("Sort by &Name"),        this, SLOT(slotSortColumn1()), Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_N );
    action = menu->addAction( tr("Sort by &Modify Time"), this, SLOT(slotSortColumn3()), Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_M );


    menu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&Go"));

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Go to p&arent directory"), this, SLOT(slotGoUp()), Qt::Key_Backspace );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/go-up.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Change &directory"), this, SLOT(slotChangeDir()), Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_D );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/folder.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Go to &home directory"), this, SLOT(slotHomeDir()), Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_Home );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/go-home.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );


    action = menu->addAction( tr("Go to &Random image"),   this, SLOT(slotRandomItem()), Qt::Key_Asterisk );
    action = menu->addAction( tr("Activate current item"),  this, SLOT(enterCurrent()), Qt::Key_Right );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Display all &selected images"),  this, SLOT(enterAllSelected()), Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_Right );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/view_all.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );


    menu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&Window"));

    action = menu->addAction( tr("&New browser window"), this, SLOT(slotNewWindow()), Qt::Key_F3 );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/window-new.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );

    menu->addAction( tr("&Close window"), this, SLOT(close()), Qt::Key_F4 );


    menu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&Settings"));

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Create thumbnails if needed") );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( opt_create_thumbs );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotCreateThumbs()) );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Create smooth thumbnails") );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( opt_create_smooth_thumbs );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotSmoothThumbs()) );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("Create new thumbnails in JPEG for JPEGs") );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( opt_create_jpeg_thumbs );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotJPEGThumbs()) );


    action = menu->addAction( tr("Use toolbar upon startup") );
    action->setCheckable( true );
    action->setChecked( opt_use_toolbar );
    connect( action, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT(slotUseToolbar()) );


    menu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&Help") );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("&Help Contents"), this, SLOT(slotHelp()), Qt::Key_F1 );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/help-browser.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );

    action = menu->addAction( tr("&About"),  this, SLOT(slotAbout()), Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_A );
    action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/face-glasses.png" ) );
    toolbar->addAction( action );


    addToolBar( toolbar );