Exemplo n.º 1
solution_t *
    solution_t *sol;

    sol = ALLOC(solution_t, 1);
    sol->cost = 0;
    sol->row = sm_row_alloc();
    return sol;
Exemplo n.º 2

solution_t *
    solution_t *sol;

    sol = ALLOC(solution_t, 1);
    sol->cost = 0;
    sol->row = sm_row_alloc();
    return sol;
Exemplo n.º 3
sm_row *
sm_minimum_cover(sm_matrix *A, int *weight, int heuristic, int debug_level)
  /* set to 1 for a heuristic covering */
  /* how deep in the recursion to provide info */
  stats_t stats;
  solution_t *best, *select;
  sm_row *prow, *sol;
  sm_col *pcol;
  sm_matrix *dup_A;
  int nelem, bound;
  double sparsity;

  /* Avoid sillyness */
  if (A->nrows <= 0) {
    return sm_row_alloc();    /* easy to cover */

  /* Initialize debugging structure */
  stats.start_time = util_cpu_time();
  stats.debug = debug_level > 0;
  stats.max_print_depth = debug_level;
  stats.max_depth = -1;
  stats.nodes = 0;
  stats.component = stats.comp_count = 0;
  stats.gimpel = stats.gimpel_count = 0;
  stats.no_branching = heuristic != 0;
  stats.lower_bound = -1;

  /* Check the matrix sparsity */
  nelem = 0;
  sm_foreach_row(A, prow) {
    nelem += prow->length;
  sparsity = (double) nelem / (double) (A->nrows * A->ncols);

  /* Determine an upper bound on the solution */
  bound = 1;
  sm_foreach_col(A, pcol) {
    bound += WEIGHT(weight, pcol->col_num);