Exemplo n.º 1
void Webserver::GetStatusResponse(uint8_t type)
	GCodes *gc = reprap.GetGCodes();
	if (type == 1)
		// New-style status request
		// Send the printing/idle status
		char ch = (reprap.IsStopped()) ? 'S' : (gc->PrintingAFile()) ? 'P' : 'I';
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"status\":\"%c\",\"heaters\":", ch);

		// Send the heater temperatures
		ch = '[';
		for (int8_t heater = 0; heater < HEATERS; heater++)
			sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "%c\%.1f", ch, reprap.GetHeat()->GetTemperature(heater));
			ch = ',';

		// Send XYZ and extruder positions
		float liveCoordinates[DRIVES + 1];
		strncat(jsonResponse, "],\"pos\":", ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse));		// announce the XYZ position
		ch = '[';
		for (int8_t drive = 0; drive < AXES; drive++)
			sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "%c%.2f", ch, liveCoordinates[drive]);
			ch = ',';
		sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "],\"extr\":");		// announce the extruder positions
		ch = '[';
		for (int8_t drive = AXES; drive < DRIVES; drive++)		// loop through extruders
			sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "%c%.3f", ch, gc->GetExtruderPosition(drive - AXES));
			ch = ',';
		strncat(jsonResponse, "]", ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse));

		// Send the speed and extruder override factors
		sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), ",\"sfactor\":%.2f,\"efactor:\":", gc->GetSpeedFactor() * 100.0);
		const float *extrusionFactors = gc->GetExtrusionFactors();
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DRIVES - AXES; ++i)
			sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "%c%.2f", (i == 0) ? '[' : ',', extrusionFactors[i] * 100.0);
		strncat(jsonResponse, "]", ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse));
Exemplo n.º 2
void crtc_print(char* buffer, unsigned size, const adv_crtc* crtc)
	const char* flag1 = crtc_is_nhsync(crtc) ? " -hsync" : " +hsync";
	const char* flag2 = crtc_is_nvsync(crtc) ? " -vsync" : " +vsync";
	const char* flag3 = crtc_is_doublescan(crtc) ? " doublescan" : "";
	const char* flag4 = crtc_is_interlace(crtc) ? " interlace" : "";

	*buffer = 0;

	if (strchr(crtc->name, ' ')!=0)
		sncatf(buffer, size, "\"%s\"", crtc->name);
		sncatf(buffer, size, "%s", crtc->name);

	sncatf(buffer, size, " %g %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d%s%s%s%s",
		(double)crtc->pixelclock / 1E6,
		crtc->hde, crtc->hrs, crtc->hre, crtc->ht,
		crtc->vde, crtc->vrs, crtc->vre, crtc->vt,
		flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4
Exemplo n.º 3
adv_error monitor_conversion_legacy(adv_conf* context)
	char buffer[1024];
	adv_error p_error;
	adv_error h_error;
	adv_error v_error;
	const char* p;
	const char* h;
	const char* v;
	char* ps;
	char* hs;
	char* vs;
	char c;
	int pi,hi,vi;

	/* LEGACY support of old device_video_p/h/vclock format */
	p_error = conf_string_section_get(context, "", "device_video_pclock", &p);
	h_error = conf_string_section_get(context, "", "device_video_hclock", &h);
	v_error = conf_string_section_get(context, "", "device_video_vclock", &v);

	/* check if all are missing */
	if (p_error != 0 && h_error != 0 && v_error != 0)
		return 0;

	/* partially missing */
	if (p_error != 0 || h_error != 0 || v_error != 0) {
		error_set("Missing options 'device_video_p/h/vclock'");
		return -1;

	buffer[0] = 0;

	ps = strdup(p);
	hs = strdup(h);
	vs = strdup(v);

	/* set the new format */
	pi = 0;
	sskip(&pi, ps, " ");
	while (ps[pi]) {
		const char* pt;

		pt = stoken(&c, &pi, ps, ",", " ");

		hi = 0;
		sskip(&hi, hs, " ");
		while (hs[hi]) {
			const char* ht;

			ht = stoken(&c, &hi, hs, ",", " ");

			vi = 0;
			sskip(&vi, vs, " ");
			while (vs[vi]) {
				const char* vt;

				vt = stoken(&c, &vi, vs, ",", " ");

				if (*buffer != 0)
					sncat(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " ; ");

				sncatf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s / %s / %s", pt, ht, vt);

				sskip(&vi, vs, " ");

			sskip(&hi, hs, " ");

		sskip(&pi, ps, " ");


	conf_string_set(context, "", "device_video_clock", buffer);

	/* remove the old copy */
	conf_remove(context, "", "device_video_pclock");
	conf_remove(context, "", "device_video_hclock");
	conf_remove(context, "", "device_video_vclock");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Get the Json response for this command.
// 'value' is null-terminated, but we also pass its length in case it contains embedded nulls, which matter when uploading files.
bool Webserver::GetJsonResponse(const char* request, const char* key, const char* value, size_t valueLength)
	bool found = true;	// assume success
	bool keepOpen = false;	// assume we don't want to persist the connection

	if (StringEquals(request, "status"))	// new style status request
	else if (StringEquals(request, "poll"))		// old style status request
	else if (StringEquals(request, "gcode") && StringEquals(key, "gcode"))
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"buff\":%u}", GetReportedGcodeBufferSpace());
	else if (StringEquals(request, "upload_begin") && StringEquals(key, "name"))
		FileStore *f = platform->GetFileStore("0:/", value, true);
		if (f != NULL)
			uploadState = uploadOK;
			uploadState = uploadError;
	else if (StringEquals(request, "upload_data") && StringEquals(key, "data"))
		if (uploadState == uploadOK)
			uploadPointer = value;
			uploadLength = valueLength;
		keepOpen = true;
	else if (StringEquals(request, "upload_end") && StringEquals(key, "size"))
		// Write the remaining data
		if (uploadLength != 0)
			if (!fileBeingUploaded.Write(uploadPointer, uploadLength))
				uploadState = uploadError;

		uploadPointer = NULL;
		uploadLength = 0;

		if (uploadState == uploadOK && !fileBeingUploaded.Flush())
			uploadState = uploadError;

		// Check the file length is as expected
		if (uploadState == uploadOK && fileBeingUploaded.Length() != strtoul(value, NULL, 10))
			uploadState = uploadError;

		// Close the file
		if (!fileBeingUploaded.Close())
			uploadState = uploadError;


		if (uploadState != uploadOK && strlen(filenameBeingUploaded) != 0)
			platform->GetMassStorage()->Delete("0:/", filenameBeingUploaded);
		filenameBeingUploaded[0] = 0;
	else if (StringEquals(request, "upload_cancel"))
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"err\":%d}", 0);
	else if (StringEquals(request, "delete") && StringEquals(key, "name"))
		bool ok = platform->GetMassStorage()->Delete("0:/", value);
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"err\":%d}", (ok) ? 0 : 1);
	else if (StringEquals(request, "files"))
		const char* dir = (StringEquals(key, "dir")) ? value : platform->GetGCodeDir();
		const char* fileList = platform->GetMassStorage()->FileList(dir, false);
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"files\":[%s]}", fileList);
	else if (StringEquals(request, "fileinfo") && StringEquals(key, "name"))
		unsigned long length;
		float height, filament, layerHeight;
		char generatedBy[50];
		bool found = GetFileInfo(value, length, height, filament, layerHeight, generatedBy, ARRAY_SIZE(generatedBy));
		if (found)
			snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse),
					length, height, filament, layerHeight, generatedBy);
			snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"err\":1}");
	else if (StringEquals(request, "name"))
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"myName\":\"");
		size_t j = strlen(jsonResponse);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(myName) - 1; ++i)
			char c = myName[i];
			if (c < ' ')	// if null terminator or bad character
			if (c == '"' || c == '\\')
				// Need to escape the quote-mark or backslash for JSON
				jsonResponse[j++] = '\\';
			jsonResponse[j++] = c;
		jsonResponse[j++] = '"';
		jsonResponse[j++] = '}';
		jsonResponse[j] = 0;
	else if (StringEquals(request, "password") && StringEquals(key, "password"))
		snprintf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "{\"password\":\"%s\"}", (gotPassword) ? "right" : "wrong");
	else if (StringEquals(request, "axes"))
		strncpy(jsonResponse, "{\"axes\":", ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse));
		char ch = '[';
		for (int8_t drive = 0; drive < AXES; drive++)
			sncatf(jsonResponse, ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse), "%c%.1f", ch, platform->AxisTotalLength(drive));
			ch = ',';
		strncat(jsonResponse, "]}", ARRAY_UPB(jsonResponse));
	else if (StringEquals(request, "connect"))
		found = false;

	JsonReport(found, request);
	return keepOpen;
Exemplo n.º 5
void run(void)
	char msg[1024];
	char new_msg[1024];
	int i, j, k;
	target_clock_t last;

	printf("Press Break to exit\n");

	signal(SIGINT, sigint);

	last = target_clock();
	msg[0] = 0;
	while (!done) {

		new_msg[0] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < joystickb_count_get(); ++i) {

			if (i != 0)
				sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "\n");

			snprintf(new_msg + strlen(new_msg), sizeof(new_msg) - strlen(new_msg), "joy %d, [", i);
			for (j = 0; j < joystickb_button_count_get(i); ++j) {
				if (joystickb_button_get(i, j))
					sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "_");
					sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "-");
			sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "], ");
			for (j = 0; j < joystickb_stick_count_get(i); ++j) {
				for (k = 0; k < joystickb_stick_axe_count_get(i, j); ++k) {
					char digital;
					if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, k, 0))
						digital = '\\';
					else if (joystickb_stick_axe_digital_get(i, j, k, 1))
						digital = '/';
						digital = '-';
					sncatf(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), " %d/%d [%6d %c]", j, k, joystickb_stick_axe_analog_get(i, j, k), digital);

			sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), " [");

			for (j = 0; j < joystickb_rel_count_get(i); ++j) {
				if (j != 0)
					sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "/");
				sncatf(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "%d", joystickb_rel_get(i, j));

			sncat(new_msg, sizeof(new_msg), "]");

		if (strcmp(msg, new_msg) != 0) {
			target_clock_t current = target_clock();
			double period = (current - last) * 1000.0 / TARGET_CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
			last = current;
			sncpy(msg, sizeof(msg), new_msg);
			printf("%s (%4.0f ms)\n", msg, period);
