Exemplo n.º 1
bes_security(struct bes_context *context, 
             char *x509cert, 
             char *x509pass, 
             char *capath, 
             char *user, 
             char *pass)
    struct soap *soap;
    if (context == NULL) {
        return BESE_BAD_ARG;
    soap = context->soap;
    if (soap_ssl_client_context(soap, SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT|SOAP_SSL_SKIP_HOST_CHECK,
                                x509cert, x509pass, NULL, capath, NULL)) {
        setErrorString(context, context->soap, BESE_SOAP_ERR);
        return BESE_SOAP_ERR;
    if (user) {
        if (soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(soap, NULL, user, pass)) {
            setErrorString(context, context->soap, BESE_SOAP_ERR);
            return BESE_SOAP_ERR;
        if (soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(soap, NULL, 60)) {
            setErrorString(context, context->soap, BESE_SOAP_ERR);
            return BESE_SOAP_ERR;
    if (x509cert) {
        if (context->x509cert) free(context->x509cert);
        context->x509cert = strdup(x509cert);
    if (x509pass) {
        if (context->x509pass) free(context->x509pass);
        context->x509pass = strdup(x509pass);
    if (capath) {
        if (context->capath) free(context->capath);
        context->capath = strdup(capath);

    if (user) {
        if (context->user) free(context->user);
        context->user = strdup(user);
    if (pass) {
        if (context->pass) free(context->pass);
        context->pass = strdup(pass);
    return BESE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Most of this function is taken from the function 'soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest()' defined in wsseapi.cpp //
// Used to alter the soap request for an offset time (for authorization purposes - replay attack protection) */
int OnvifClientDevice::LocalAddUsernameTokenDigest(struct soap *soapOff,double cam_pc_offset) 
	string strUrl;
	string strUser;
	string strPass;
	if (this->GetUserPasswd(strUser, strPass) == false 
			|| this->GetUrl(strUrl) == false)
		return SOAP_ERR;
	/* start soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest; Taken from wsseapi.cpp*/
	/* All of this is taken from the function soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest() defined in wsseapi.cpp */
	_wsse__Security *security = soap_wsse_add_Security(soapOff);
	time_t now = time(NULL);
	now -= (time_t) cam_pc_offset; //offset so digest comes out correctly (synced times between cam and pc);
	const char *created = soap_dateTime2s(soapOff, now);
	char HA[SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE], HABase64[29];
	char nonce[20], *nonceBase64;

	/*start calc_nonce(soapOff, nonce); Taken from wsseapi.cpp */
	time_t r = time(NULL);
	cout << "now time: " << r << endl;
	r -= (time_t) cam_pc_offset; //offset so digest comes out correctly (synced times between cam and pc);
	cout << "now time minus offset: " << r << endl;
	memcpy(nonce, &r, 4);
	for (int i = 4; i < 20; i += 4)
	{ r = soap_random;
	memcpy(nonce + i, &r, 4);
	/*end calc_nonce(soapOff, nonce); */

	nonceBase64 = soap_s2base64(soapOff, (unsigned char*)nonce, NULL, 20);

	/* start calc_digest(soapOff, created, nonce, 20, strPass, HA);  Taken from wsseapi.cpp */
	struct soap_smd_data context;
	/* use smdevp engine */
	soap_smd_init(soapOff, &context, SOAP_SMD_DGST_SHA1, NULL, 0);
	soap_smd_update(soapOff, &context, nonce, 20);
	soap_smd_update(soapOff, &context, created, strlen(created));
	soap_smd_update(soapOff, &context, strPass.c_str(), strlen(strPass.c_str()));
	soap_smd_final(soapOff, &context, HA, NULL);
	/* end calc_digest(soapOff, created, nonce, 20, strPass, HA); */

	soap_s2base64(soapOff, (unsigned char*)HA, HABase64, SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE);
	/* populate the UsernameToken with digest */
	soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(soapOff, "Id", strUser.c_str(), HABase64);
	/* populate the remainder of the password, nonce, and created */
	security->UsernameToken->Password->Type = (char*)wsse_PasswordDigestURI;
	security->UsernameToken->Nonce = nonceBase64;
	security->UsernameToken->wsu__Created = soap_strdup(soapOff, created);
	/* end soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest */
	return SOAP_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
bes_add_usertoken(struct bes_context *context, 
                  char *user, 
                  char *pass)
    if (context == NULL) {
        return BESE_BAD_ARG;
    if (soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(context->soap, NULL, user, pass)) {
        setErrorString(context, context->soap, BESE_SOAP_ERR);
        return BESE_SOAP_ERR;
    if (soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(context->soap, NULL, 60)) {
        setErrorString(context, context->soap, BESE_SOAP_ERR);
        return BESE_SOAP_ERR;
    return BESE_OK;
int CSetSoapSecurityDigest2Impl::soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(struct soap *psoap,   
    const char *username, const char *password)  
	struct SOAP_ENV__Header* header = psoap->header;
	if (NULL == header) {
	header->wsse__Security = (struct _wsse__Security *)CSoapUtils::getInstance().my_soap_malloc(psoap, sizeof(struct _wsse__Security));	
	soap_default__wsse__Security(psoap, header->wsse__Security);  
    _wsse__Security *security = header->wsse__Security;
//    char *created = soap_strdup(psoap, "2015-01-04T15:17:30Z");  
	char *created = CSoapUtils::getInstance().createSoapDateTimeStr(psoap);  
    char HA[SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE] = {0}, HABase64[29] = {0};  
    char nonce[SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN] = {0};
	char *nonceBase64;  
    /* generate a nonce */  
//     calc_nonce(psoap, nonce);  
//     nonceBase64 = soap_s2base64(psoap, (unsigned char*)nonce, NULL, SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN);  
	nonceBase64 = soap_strdup(psoap, "3c8g874lw1LQeC3UdoUZzg==");
	std::auto_ptr<IDecodeBase64> apDecodeBase64(CFactoryImpl::getInstance().createDecodeBase64());
	int result = apDecodeBase64->decode(nonceBase64, psoap, nonce, SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN);	
	if (!CAppTools::getInstance().isRetSuccess(result))
		return result;
	std::auto_ptr<ICalculateDigest> ap(CFactoryImpl::getInstance().createCalculateDigest());
    result =  ap->calc(nonce, created, password, HA);
	if (!CAppTools::getInstance().isRetSuccess(result))
		return result;
	std::auto_ptr<IEncodeBase64> apEncodeBase64(CFactoryImpl::getInstance().createEncodeBase64());
	result = apEncodeBase64->encode(HA, strlen(HA), psoap, HABase64);
	if (!CAppTools::getInstance().isRetSuccess(result))
		return result;
    // soap_s2base64(psoap, (unsigned char*)HA, HABase64, SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE);  
    /* populate the UsernameToken with digest */  
    soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(psoap,username, HABase64);  
    /* populate the remainder of the password, nonce, and created */  
    security->UsernameToken->Password->Type = soap_strdup(psoap, SOAP_PASS_DIGEST_URI);  
    security->UsernameToken->Nonce = nonceBase64;  
    security->UsernameToken->wsu__Created = created;  
    return RET_CODE_SUCCESS;  
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ struct soap *soap;
  int server = 0;
  int text = 0;
  int port = 0;
  FILE *fd;
  double result;
  char *user;
  int runs = 1;
  /* create context */
  soap = soap_new();
  /* register wsse plugin */
  soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, soap_wsse, (void*)token_handler);
  /* options */
  if (argc >= 2)
  { if (strchr(argv[1], 'c'))
      soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_IO_CHUNK);
    else if (strchr(argv[1], 'y'))
      soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_IO_STORE);
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'i'))
      soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_XML_INDENT);
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'n'))
      soap_set_omode(soap, SOAP_XML_CANONICAL);
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'a'))
      aes = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'o'))
      oaep = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'd'))
      sym = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'e'))
      enc = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'f'))
      addenc = 1;
    /* if (strchr(argv[1], 'F'))
      addenca = 1; */
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'h'))
      hmac = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'k'))
      nokey = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 's'))
      server = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 't'))
      text = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'g'))
      addsig = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'b'))
      nobody = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'x'))
      nohttp = 1;
    if (strchr(argv[1], 'z'))
      soap_set_mode(soap, SOAP_ENC_ZLIB);
    if (isdigit(argv[1][strlen(argv[1])-1]))
    { runs = argv[1][strlen(argv[1])-1] - '0';
      soap_set_mode(soap, SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE);
  /* soap->actor = "..."; */ /* set only when required */
  user = getenv("USER");
  if (!user)
    user = "******";
  /* read RSA private key for signing */
  if ((fd = fopen("server.pem", "r")))
  { rsa_privk = PEM_read_PrivateKey(fd, NULL, NULL, (void*)"password");
    if (!rsa_privk)
    { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read private RSA key from server.pem\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not read server.pem\n");
  /* read certificate (more efficient is to keep certificate in memory)
     to obtain public key for encryption and signature verification */
  if ((fd = fopen("servercert.pem", "r")))
  { cert = PEM_read_X509(fd, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!cert)
    { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read certificate from servercert.pem\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not read server.pem\n");
  rsa_pubk = X509_get_pubkey(cert);
  if (!rsa_pubk)
  { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get public key from certificate\n");
  /* port argument */
  if (argc >= 3)
    port = atoi(argv[2]);
  /* need cacert to verify certificates with CA (cacert.pem for testing and
     cacerts.pem for production, which contains the trusted CA certificates) */
  soap->cafile = "cacert.pem";
  /* server or client/ */
  if (server)
  { if (port)
    { /* stand-alone server serving messages over port */
      if (!soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, port, 100)))
      { soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      printf("Server started at port %d\n", port);
      while (soap_valid_socket(soap_accept(soap)))
      { if (hmac)
          soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_HMAC_SHA1, hmac_key, sizeof(hmac_key));
        else if (nokey)
          soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_VRFY_RSA_SHA1, rsa_pubk, 0);
          soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_NONE, NULL, 0);
        if (sym)
        { if (aes)
            soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_DEC_AES256_CBC, aes_key, sizeof(aes_key));
	    soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_DEC_DES_CBC, des_key, sizeof(des_key));
        else if (enc)
          soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_DEC_DES_CBC, rsa_privk, 0);
        if (soap_serve(soap))
        { soap_wsse_delete_Security(soap);
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
          soap_print_fault_location(soap, stderr);
      soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
    { /* CGI-style server serving messages over stdin/out */
      if (hmac)
        soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_HMAC_SHA1, hmac_key, sizeof(hmac_key));
      else if (nokey)
        soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_VRFY_RSA_SHA1, rsa_pubk, 0);
        soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_NONE, NULL, 0);
      if (sym)
      { if (aes)
          soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_DEC_AES256_CBC, aes_key, sizeof(aes_key));
	  soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_DEC_DES_CBC, des_key, sizeof(des_key));
      else if (enc)
        soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_DEC_DES_CBC, rsa_privk, 0);
      if (soap_serve(soap))
      { soap_wsse_delete_Security(soap);
        soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
        soap_print_fault_location(soap, stderr);
  else /* client */
  { int run;
    char endpoint[80];
    /* ns1:test data */
    struct ns1__add a;
    struct ns1__sub b;
    a.a = 123;
    a.b = 456;
    b.a = 789;
    b.b = -99999;
    /* client sending messages to stdout or over port */
    if (port)
      sprintf(endpoint, "http://localhost:%d", port);
    else if (nohttp)
      strcpy(endpoint, "");
      strcpy(endpoint, "http://");

    for (run = 0; run < runs; run++)

    /* message lifetime of 60 seconds */
    soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(soap, "Time", 60);
    /* add user name with text or digest password */
    if (text)
      soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(soap, "User", user, "userPass");
      soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap, "User", user, "userPass");
    if (sym)
    { if (aes)
      { /* symmetric encryption with AES */
        soap_wsse_add_EncryptedData_KeyInfo_KeyName(soap, "My AES Key");
        if (soap_wsse_encrypt_body(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENC_AES256_CBC, aes_key, sizeof(aes_key)))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
        soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_DEC_AES256_CBC, aes_key, sizeof(aes_key));
      { /* symmetric encryption with DES */
        soap_wsse_add_EncryptedData_KeyInfo_KeyName(soap, "My DES Key");
        if (soap_wsse_encrypt_body(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENC_DES_CBC, des_key, sizeof(des_key)))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
        soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_DEC_DES_CBC, des_key, sizeof(des_key));
    else if (addenc || addenca)
    { /* RSA encryption of the <ns1:add> element */
      const char *SubjectKeyId = NULL; /* set to non-NULL to use SubjectKeyIdentifier in Header rather than a full cert key */
      /* MUST set wsu:Id of the elements to encrypt */
      if (addenc) /* encrypt element <ns1:add> */
      { soap_wsse_set_wsu_id(soap, "ns1:add");
        if (soap_wsse_add_EncryptedKey_encrypt_only(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_ENC_DES_CBC, "Cert", cert, SubjectKeyId, NULL, NULL, "ns1:add"))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      else /* encrypt element <a> */
      { soap_wsse_set_wsu_id(soap, "a");
        if (soap_wsse_add_EncryptedKey_encrypt_only(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_ENC_DES_CBC, "Cert", cert, SubjectKeyId, NULL, NULL, "a"))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_DEC_DES_CBC, rsa_privk, 0);
    else if (enc)
    { /* RSA encryption of the SOAP Body */
      const char *SubjectKeyId = NULL; /* set to non-NULL to use SubjectKeyIdentifier in Header rather than a full cert key */
      if (oaep)
      { if (soap_wsse_add_EncryptedKey(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_ENC_AES256_CBC | SOAP_MEC_OAEP, "Cert", cert, SubjectKeyId, NULL, NULL))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      else if (aes)
      { if (soap_wsse_add_EncryptedKey(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_ENC_AES256_CBC, "Cert", cert, SubjectKeyId, NULL, NULL))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      { if (soap_wsse_add_EncryptedKey(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_ENC_DES_CBC, "Cert", cert, SubjectKeyId, NULL, NULL))
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      soap_wsse_decrypt_auto(soap, SOAP_MEC_ENV_DEC_DES_CBC, rsa_privk, 0);
    if (hmac)
    { /* symmetric signature */
      if (nobody)
        soap_wsse_sign(soap, SOAP_SMD_HMAC_SHA1, hmac_key, sizeof(hmac_key));
        soap_wsse_sign_body(soap, SOAP_SMD_HMAC_SHA1, hmac_key, sizeof(hmac_key));
      /* WS-SecureConversation contect token */
      soap_wsse_add_SecurityContextToken(soap, "SCT", contextId);
    { if (nokey)
        soap_wsse_add_KeyInfo_KeyName(soap, "MyKey");
      { soap_wsse_add_BinarySecurityTokenX509(soap, "X509Token", cert);
        soap_wsse_add_KeyInfo_SecurityTokenReferenceX509(soap, "#X509Token");
      if (nobody || addsig) /* do not sign body */
        soap_wsse_sign(soap, SOAP_SMD_SIGN_RSA_SHA1, rsa_privk, 0);
        soap_wsse_sign_body(soap, SOAP_SMD_SIGN_RSA_SHA256, rsa_privk, 0);
    /* enable automatic signature verification of server responses */
    if (hmac)
      soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_HMAC_SHA1, hmac_key, sizeof(hmac_key));
    else if (nokey)
      soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_VRFY_RSA_SHA1, rsa_pubk, 0);
      soap_wsse_verify_auto(soap, SOAP_SMD_NONE, NULL, 0);
    /* sign the response message in unsigned body? If so, set wsu:Id */
    if (addsig)
    { soap_wsse_set_wsu_id(soap, "ns1:add");
      soap_wsse_sign_only(soap, "User ns1:add");
    /* invoke the server. You can choose add, sub, mul, or div operations
     * that show different security aspects (intentional message rejections)
     * for demonstration purposes (see server operations below) */
    if (!soap_call_ns1__add(soap, endpoint, NULL, 1.0, 2.0, &result))
    { if (!soap_wsse_verify_Timestamp(soap))
      { const char *servername = soap_wsse_get_Username(soap);
        if (servername
	 && !strcmp(servername, "server")
         && !soap_wsse_verify_Password(soap, "serverPass"))
          printf("Result = %g\n", result);
	{ fprintf(stderr, "Server authentication failed\n");
          soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      { fprintf(stderr, "Server response expired\n");
        soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
    { soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
      soap_print_fault_location(soap, stderr);
    /* clean up security header */
    /* disable soap_wsse_verify_auto */

  } /* run */

  /* clean up keys */
  if (rsa_privk)
  if (rsa_pubk)
  if (cert)
  /* clean up gSOAP engine */
  /* done */
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
void DeviceRequest::setHeader() {
    soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(&this->Proxy, "1","admin", "admin");
