Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::cufflink_CG::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { OFSolverPerformance OFSP;//container for solver performance #include "../CFL_Headers/getGPUStorage.H" // --- Setup class containing solver performance data lduSolverPerformance solverPerf("cufflink_CG",fieldName()); register label nCells = x.size(); register label NFaces = matrix().lower().size(); OFSP.nCells = nCells; OFSP.nFaces = NFaces; OFSP.debugCusp = false; if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { OFSP.debugCusp = true; } #include "../CFL_Headers/initializeCusp.H" CFL_CG(&CES, &OFSP);//call the CUDA code to solve the system thrust::copy(CES.X.begin(),CES.X.end(),x.begin());//copy the x vector back to Openfoam solverPerf.initialResidual() = OFSP.iRes;//return initial residual solverPerf.finalResidual() = OFSP.fRes;//return final residual solverPerf.nIterations() = OFSP.nIterations;//return the number of iterations //solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance(), relTolerance()) ; what should be passed here and does this waste time? return solverPerf; }
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::cufflink_DiagPCG_Parallel::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { if (!Pstream::parRun()) { FatalErrorIn("cufflink:\nMulti-GPU Solver cannot be run serially. Choose the serial version of the solver")<< "Fatal Error"<< abort(FatalError); } OFSolverPerformance OFSP;//container for solver performance #include "../CFL_Headers/getGPUStorage.H" // --- Setup class containing solver performance data lduSolverPerformance solverPerf("cufflink_DiagPCG_Parallel",fieldName()); register label nCells = x.size(); register label NFaces = matrix().lower().size(); OFSP.nCells = nCells; OFSP.nFaces = NFaces; OFSP.debugCusp = false; if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { OFSP.debugCusp = true; } //interface gathering //used when launching kernals in machines with multiple gpus int gpusPerMachine = readInt(dict().lookup("gpusPerMachine")); //get all the interface information #include "../CFL_Headers/getInterfaces.H" OFInterfaces.gpusPerMachine = gpusPerMachine; if(!OFInterfaces.checkGPUCount(OFInterfaces.gpusPerMachine)) { FatalErrorIn("checkGPUCount:\nThe number of GPUs per machine is not correct.\nChange the gpusPerMachine variable in fvSolution")<< "Fatal Error"<< abort(FatalError); } //end interface gathering #include "../CFL_Headers/initializeCusp.H" //set the device cudaError_t cudareturn; cudareturn = cudaSetDevice(Pstream::myProcNo() % (gpusPerMachine)); if (cudareturn == cudaErrorInvalidDevice){ perror("cudaSetDevice returned cudaErrorInvalidDevice"); } CFL_DiagPCG_Parallel(&CES, &OFSP, &OFInterfaces);//call the CUDA code to solve the system thrust::copy(CES.X.begin(),CES.X.end(),x.begin());//copy the x vector back to Openfoam solverPerf.initialResidual() = OFSP.iRes;//return initial residual solverPerf.finalResidual() = OFSP.fRes;//return final residual solverPerf.nIterations() = OFSP.nIterations;//return the number of iterations //solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance(), relTolerance()) ; what should be passed here and does this waste time? return solverPerf; }
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::bicgStabSolver::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // Prepare solver performance lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName()); scalarField p(x.size()); scalarField r(x.size()); // Calculate initial residual matrix_.Amul(p, x, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, p, r, cmpt); if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // Calculate residual forAll (r, i) { r[i] = b[i] - p[i]; }
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::amgSolver::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // Prepare solver performance lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName()); scalar norm = this->normFactor(x, b, cmpt); // Calculate initial residual solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(amg_.residual(x, b, cmpt))/norm; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); if (!stop(solverPerf)) { do { amg_.cycle(x, b, cmpt); // Re-calculate residual solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(amg_.residual(x, b, cmpt))/norm; solverPerf.nIterations()++; } while (!stop(solverPerf)); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::gmresSolver::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // Prepare solver performance lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName()); scalarField wA(x.size()); scalarField rA(x.size()); // Calculate initial residual matrix_.Amul(wA, x, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // Use rA as scratch space when calculating the normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, wA, rA, cmpt); if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // Calculate residual forAll (rA, i) { rA[i] = b[i] - wA[i]; }
Foam::lduMatrix::solverPerformance Foam::gPCG::solve ( scalarField& psi, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { scalar initialResidual; scalar finalResidual; int nIterations = 0; bool converged = false; label rows = matrix_.diag().size(); label nonZeroNumber= matrix_.lower().size() + matrix_.upper().size() + matrix_.diag().size(); pcgsolve(rows, nonZeroNumber,, source.cdata(), matrix_.upper().size(), matrix_.lduAddr().upperAddr().cdata(), matrix_.lduAddr().lowerAddr().cdata(), matrix_.upper().cdata(), matrix_.lower().cdata(), matrix_.diag().cdata(), maxIter_, relTol_, tolerance_, initialResidual, finalResidual, nIterations, converged ); // --- Setup class containing solver performance data lduMatrix::solverPerformance solverPerf ( lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_) + typeName, fieldName_, initialResidual, finalResidual, nIterations, converged ); return solverPerf; }
Foam::coupledSolverPerformance Foam::coupledBicgSolver::solve ( FieldField<Field, scalar>& x, const FieldField<Field, scalar>& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // Prepare solver performance coupledSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName()); FieldField<Field, scalar> wA(x.size()); FieldField<Field, scalar> rA(x.size()); forAll (x, rowI) { wA.set(rowI, new scalarField(x[rowI].size(), 0)); rA.set(rowI, new scalarField(x[rowI].size(), 0)); }
Foam::coupledSolverPerformance Foam::coupledSmoothSolver::solve ( FieldField<Field, scalar>& x, const FieldField<Field, scalar>& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // Prepare solver performance coupledSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName()); // Do a minimum number of sweeps // HJ, 19/Jan/2009 if (minIter() > 0) { autoPtr<coupledLduSmoother> smootherPtr = coupledLduSmoother::New ( matrix_, bouCoeffs_, intCoeffs_, interfaces_, dict() ); smootherPtr->smooth ( x, b, cmpt, minIter() ); solverPerf.nIterations() += minIter(); } // Now do normal sweeps. HJ, 19/Jan/2009 FieldField<Field, scalar> Ax(x.size()); FieldField<Field, scalar> temp(x.size()); forAll (x, rowI) { Ax.set(rowI, new scalarField(x[rowI].size(), 0)); temp.set(rowI, new scalarField(x[rowI].size(), 0)); }
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::mpeAmgSolver::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // Prepare solver performance lduSolverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName()); scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, cmpt); // Calculate initial residual solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(amg_.residual(x, b, cmpt))/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // Solver loop if (!stop(solverPerf)) { // Krylov vectors typedef FieldField<Field, scalar> scalarFieldField; scalarFieldField xSave(kDimension_ + 1); forAll (xSave, i) { xSave.set(i, new scalarField(x.size())); } scalarFieldField xFirstDiffs(kDimension_ - 1); forAll (xFirstDiffs, i) { xFirstDiffs.set(i, new scalarField(x.size())); }
Foam::lduMatrix::solverPerformance Foam::paralution_PFGMRES::solve ( scalarField& psi, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { word precond_name = lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_); double div = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<double>("div", 1e+08); int basis = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("BasisSize", 30); bool accel = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<bool>("useAccelerator", true); word mformat = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("MatrixFormat", "CSR"); word pformat = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("PrecondFormat", "CSR"); int ILUp = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("ILUp", 0); int ILUq = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("ILUq", 1); int MEp = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("MEp", 1); word LBPre = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("LastBlockPrecond", "paralution_Jacobi"); lduMatrix::solverPerformance solverPerf(typeName + '(' + precond_name + ')', fieldName_); register label nCells = psi.size(); scalarField pA(nCells); scalarField wA(nCells); // --- Calculate A.psi matrix_.Amul(wA, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // --- Calculate initial residual field scalarField rA(source - wA); // --- Calculate normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, wA, pA); // --- Calculate normalised residual norm solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // TODO check why we cannot skip 1 iteration when initial residual < relTol_ or why initial residual actually // does not drop below relTol_ if (!solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_)) { paralution::_matrix_format mf = paralution::CSR; if (mformat == "CSR") mf = paralution::CSR; else if (mformat == "DIA") mf = paralution::DIA; else if (mformat == "HYB") mf = paralution::HYB; else if (mformat == "ELL") mf = paralution::ELL; else if (mformat == "MCSR") mf = paralution::MCSR; else if (mformat == "BCSR") mf = paralution::BCSR; else if (mformat == "COO") mf = paralution::COO; else if (mformat == "DENSE") mf = paralution::DENSE; paralution::init_paralution(); paralution::LocalVector<double> x; paralution::LocalVector<double> rhs; paralution::LocalMatrix<double> mat; paralution::FGMRES<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double> ls; import_openfoam_matrix(matrix(), &mat); import_openfoam_vector(source, &rhs); import_openfoam_vector(psi, &x); ls.Clear(); if (accel) { mat.MoveToAccelerator(); rhs.MoveToAccelerator(); x.MoveToAccelerator(); } paralution::Preconditioner<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double > *precond = NULL; precond = GetPreconditioner<double>(precond_name, LBPre, pformat, ILUp, ILUq, MEp); if (precond != NULL) ls.SetPreconditioner(*precond); ls.SetOperator(mat); ls.SetBasisSize(basis); ls.Verbose(0); ls.Init(tolerance_*normFactor, // abs relTol_, // rel div, // div maxIter_); // max iter ls.Build(); switch(mf) { case paralution::DENSE: mat.ConvertToDENSE(); break; case paralution::CSR: mat.ConvertToCSR(); break; case paralution::MCSR: mat.ConvertToMCSR(); break; case paralution::BCSR: mat.ConvertToBCSR(); break; case paralution::COO: mat.ConvertToCOO(); break; case paralution::DIA: mat.ConvertToDIA(); break; case paralution::ELL: mat.ConvertToELL(); break; case paralution::HYB: mat.ConvertToHYB(); break; } //; ls.Solve(rhs, &x); export_openfoam_vector(x, &psi); solverPerf.finalResidual() = ls.GetCurrentResidual() / normFactor; // divide by normFactor, see lduMatrixSolver.C solverPerf.nIterations() = ls.GetIterationCount(); solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_); ls.Clear(); if (precond != NULL) { precond->Clear(); delete precond; } paralution::stop_paralution(); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::solverPerformance Foam::smoothSolver::solve ( scalarField& psi_s, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { FieldWrapper<solveScalar, scalar> tpsi(psi_s); solveScalarField& psi = tpsi.constCast(); // Setup class containing solver performance data solverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName_); // If the nSweeps_ is negative do a fixed number of sweeps if (nSweeps_ < 0) { addProfiling(solve, "lduMatrix::smoother." + fieldName_); autoPtr<lduMatrix::smoother> smootherPtr = lduMatrix::smoother::New ( fieldName_, matrix_, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaceIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, controlDict_ ); smootherPtr->smooth ( psi, source, cmpt, -nSweeps_ ); solverPerf.nIterations() -= nSweeps_; } else { solveScalar normFactor = 0; solveScalarField residual; ConstFieldWrapper<solveScalar, scalar> tsource(source); { solveScalarField Apsi(psi.size()); solveScalarField temp(psi.size()); // Calculate A.psi matrix_.Amul(Apsi, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // Calculate normalisation factor normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, Apsi, temp); residual = tsource() - Apsi; matrix().setResidualField ( ConstFieldWrapper<scalar, solveScalar>(residual)(), fieldName_, false ); // Calculate residual magnitude solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(residual, matrix().mesh().comm())/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); } if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info.masterStream(matrix().mesh().comm()) << " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // Check convergence, solve if not converged if ( minIter_ > 0 || !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) { addProfiling(solve, "lduMatrix::smoother." + fieldName_); autoPtr<lduMatrix::smoother> smootherPtr = lduMatrix::smoother::New ( fieldName_, matrix_, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaceIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, controlDict_ ); // Smoothing loop do { smootherPtr->smooth ( psi, source, cmpt, nSweeps_ ); residual = matrix_.residual ( psi, source, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt ); // Calculate the residual to check convergence solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(residual, matrix().mesh().comm())/normFactor; } while ( ( (solverPerf.nIterations() += nSweeps_) < maxIter_ && !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) || solverPerf.nIterations() < minIter_ ); } matrix().setResidualField ( ConstFieldWrapper<scalar, solveScalar>(residual)(), fieldName_, false ); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::lduSolverPerformance Foam::PBiCG::solve ( scalarField& x, const scalarField& b, const direction cmpt ) const { // --- Setup class containing solver performance data lduSolverPerformance solverPerf ( lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(dict()) + typeName, fieldName() ); register label nCells = x.size(); scalar* __restrict__ xPtr = x.begin(); scalarField pA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ pAPtr = pA.begin(); scalarField pT(nCells, 0.0); scalar* __restrict__ pTPtr = pT.begin(); scalarField wA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ wAPtr = wA.begin(); scalarField wT(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ wTPtr = wT.begin(); scalar wArT = matrix_.great_; scalar wArTold = wArT; // Calculate A.x and T.x matrix_.Amul(wA, x, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); matrix_.Tmul(wT, x, coupleIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // Calculate initial residual and transpose residual fields scalarField rA(b - wA); scalarField rT(b - wT); scalar* __restrict__ rAPtr = rA.begin(); scalar* __restrict__ rTPtr = rT.begin(); // Calculate normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(x, b, wA, pA, cmpt); if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // Calculate normalised residual norm solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // Check convergence, solve if not converged if (!stop(solverPerf)) { // Select and construct the preconditioner autoPtr<lduPreconditioner> preconPtr; preconPtr = lduPreconditioner::New ( matrix_, coupleBouCoeffs_, coupleIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, dict() ); // Solver iteration do { // Store previous wArT wArTold = wArT; // Precondition residuals preconPtr->precondition(wA, rA, cmpt); preconPtr->preconditionT(wT, rT, cmpt); // Update search directions: wArT = gSumProd(wA, rT); if (solverPerf.nIterations() == 0) { for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = wAPtr[cell]; pTPtr[cell] = wTPtr[cell]; } } else { scalar beta = wArT/wArTold; for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = wAPtr[cell] + beta*pAPtr[cell]; pTPtr[cell] = wTPtr[cell] + beta*pTPtr[cell]; } } // Update preconditioned residuals matrix_.Amul(wA, pA, coupleBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); matrix_.Tmul(wT, pT, coupleIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); scalar wApT = gSumProd(wA, pT); // Test for singularity if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(wApT)/normFactor)) break; // Update solution and residual: scalar alpha = wArT/wApT; for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { xPtr[cell] += alpha*pAPtr[cell]; rAPtr[cell] -= alpha*wAPtr[cell]; rTPtr[cell] -= alpha*wTPtr[cell]; } solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; solverPerf.nIterations()++; } while (!stop(solverPerf)); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::solverPerformance Foam::GAMGSolver::solve ( scalargpuField& psi, const scalargpuField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { // Setup class containing solver performance data solverPerformance solverPerf(typeName, fieldName_); // Calculate A.psi used to calculate the initial residual scalargpuField Apsi(psi.size()); matrix_.Amul(Apsi, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // Create the storage for the finestCorrection which may be used as a // temporary in normFactor scalargpuField finestCorrection(psi.size()); // Calculate normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, Apsi, finestCorrection); if (debug >= 2) { Pout<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // Calculate initial finest-grid residual field scalargpuField finestResidual(source - Apsi); // Calculate normalised residual for convergence test solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag ( finestResidual, matrix().mesh().comm() )/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // Check convergence, solve if not converged if ( minIter_ > 0 || !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) { // Create coarse grid correction fields PtrList<scalargpuField> coarseCorrFields; // Create coarse grid sources PtrList<scalargpuField> coarseSources; // Create the smoothers for all levels PtrList<lduMatrix::smoother> smoothers; // Scratch fields if processor-agglomerated coarse level meshes // are bigger than original. Usually not needed scalargpuField scratch1; scalargpuField scratch2; // Initialise the above data structures initVcycle ( coarseCorrFields, coarseSources, smoothers, scratch1, scratch2 ); do { Vcycle ( smoothers, psi, source, Apsi, finestCorrection, finestResidual, (scratch1.size() ? scratch1 : Apsi), (scratch2.size() ? scratch2 : finestCorrection), coarseCorrFields, coarseSources, cmpt ); // Calculate finest level residual field matrix_.Amul(Apsi, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); finestResidual = source; finestResidual -= Apsi; solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag ( finestResidual, matrix().mesh().comm() )/normFactor; if (debug >= 2) { solverPerf.print(Info.masterStream(matrix().mesh().comm())); } } while ( ( ++solverPerf.nIterations() < maxIter_ && !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) || solverPerf.nIterations() < minIter_ ); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::solverPerformance Foam::PBiCG::solve ( scalarField& psi, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { // --- Setup class containing solver performance data solverPerformance solverPerf ( lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_) + typeName, fieldName_ ); label nCells = psi.size(); scalar* __restrict__ psiPtr = psi.begin(); scalarField pA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ pAPtr = pA.begin(); scalarField pT(nCells, 0.0); scalar* __restrict__ pTPtr = pT.begin(); scalarField wA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ wAPtr = wA.begin(); scalarField wT(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ wTPtr = wT.begin(); scalar wArT = solverPerf.great_; scalar wArTold = wArT; // --- Calculate A.psi and T.psi matrix_.Amul(wA, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); matrix_.Tmul(wT, psi, interfaceIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // --- Calculate initial residual and transpose residual fields scalarField rA(source - wA); scalarField rT(source - wT); scalar* __restrict__ rAPtr = rA.begin(); scalar* __restrict__ rTPtr = rT.begin(); // --- Calculate normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, wA, pA); if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // --- Calculate normalised residual norm solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA, matrix().mesh().comm()) /normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // --- Check convergence, solve if not converged if ( minIter_ > 0 || !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) { // --- Select and construct the preconditioner autoPtr<lduMatrix::preconditioner> preconPtr = lduMatrix::preconditioner::New ( *this, controlDict_ ); // --- Solver iteration do { // --- Store previous wArT wArTold = wArT; // --- Precondition residuals preconPtr->precondition(wA, rA, cmpt); preconPtr->preconditionT(wT, rT, cmpt); // --- Update search directions: wArT = gSumProd(wA, rT, matrix().mesh().comm()); if (solverPerf.nIterations() == 0) { for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = wAPtr[cell]; pTPtr[cell] = wTPtr[cell]; } } else { scalar beta = wArT/wArTold; for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = wAPtr[cell] + beta*pAPtr[cell]; pTPtr[cell] = wTPtr[cell] + beta*pTPtr[cell]; } } // --- Update preconditioned residuals matrix_.Amul(wA, pA, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); matrix_.Tmul(wT, pT, interfaceIntCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); scalar wApT = gSumProd(wA, pT, matrix().mesh().comm()); // --- Test for singularity if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(wApT)/normFactor)) { break; } // --- Update solution and residual: scalar alpha = wArT/wApT; for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { psiPtr[cell] += alpha*pAPtr[cell]; rAPtr[cell] -= alpha*wAPtr[cell]; rTPtr[cell] -= alpha*wTPtr[cell]; } solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(rA, matrix().mesh().comm()) /normFactor; } while ( ( solverPerf.nIterations()++ < maxIter_ && !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) || solverPerf.nIterations() < minIter_ ); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::solverPerformance Foam::paralution_AMG::solve ( scalarField& psi, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { word precond_name = lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_); double div = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<double>("div", 1e+08); bool accel = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<bool>("useAccelerator", true); word mformat = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("MatrixFormat", "CSR"); word pformat = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("PrecondFormat", "CSR"); word sformat = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("SmootherFormat", "CSR"); word solver_name = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("CoarseGridSolver", "CG"); word smoother_name = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("smoother", "paralution_MultiColoredGS"); int MEp = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("MEp", 1); word LBPre = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("LastBlockPrecond", "paralution_Jacobi"); int iterPreSmooth = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("nPreSweeps", 1); int iterPostSmooth = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("nPostSweeps", 2); double epsCoupling = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<double>("couplingStrength", 0.01); int coarsestCells = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("nCellsInCoarsestLevel", 300); int ILUp = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("ILUp", 0); int ILUq = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<int>("ILUq", 1); double relax = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<double>("Relaxation", 1.0); double aggrrelax = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<double>("AggrRelax", 2./3.); bool scaling = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<bool>("scaleCorrection", true); word interp_name = controlDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("InterpolationType", "SmoothedAggregation"); solverPerformance solverPerf(typeName + '(' + precond_name + ')', fieldName_); register label nCells = psi.size(); scalarField pA(nCells); scalarField wA(nCells); // --- Calculate A.psi matrix_.Amul(wA, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // --- Calculate initial residual field scalarField rA(source - wA); // --- Calculate normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, wA, pA); // --- Calculate normalised residual norm solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); if ( !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) { paralution::_matrix_format mf = paralution::CSR; if (mformat == "CSR") mf = paralution::CSR; else if (mformat == "DIA") mf = paralution::DIA; else if (mformat == "HYB") mf = paralution::HYB; else if (mformat == "ELL") mf = paralution::ELL; else if (mformat == "MCSR") mf = paralution::MCSR; else if (mformat == "BCSR") mf = paralution::BCSR; else if (mformat == "COO") mf = paralution::COO; else if (mformat == "DENSE") mf = paralution::DENSE; paralution::_interp ip = paralution::SmoothedAggregation; if (interp_name == "SmoothedAggregation") ip = paralution::SmoothedAggregation; else if (interp_name == "Aggregation") ip = paralution::Aggregation; paralution::LocalVector<double> x; paralution::LocalVector<double> rhs; paralution::LocalMatrix<double> mat; paralution::AMG<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double> ls; paralution::import_openfoam_matrix(matrix(), &mat); paralution::import_openfoam_vector(source, &rhs); paralution::import_openfoam_vector(psi, &x); ls.SetOperator(mat); // coupling strength ls.SetCouplingStrength(epsCoupling); // number of unknowns on coarsest level ls.SetCoarsestLevel(coarsestCells); // interpolation type for grid transfer operators ls.SetInterpolation(ip); // Relaxation parameter for smoothed interpolation aggregation ls.SetInterpRelax(aggrrelax); // Manual smoothers ls.SetManualSmoothers(true); // Manual course grid solver ls.SetManualSolver(true); // grid transfer scaling ls.SetScaling(scaling); // operator format ls.SetOperatorFormat(mf); ls.SetSmootherPreIter(iterPreSmooth); ls.SetSmootherPostIter(iterPostSmooth); ls.BuildHierarchy(); int levels = ls.GetNumLevels(); // Smoother via preconditioned FixedPoint iteration paralution::IterativeLinearSolver<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double > **fp = NULL; fp = new paralution::IterativeLinearSolver<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double >*[levels-1]; paralution::Preconditioner<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double > **sm = NULL; sm = new paralution::Preconditioner<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double >*[levels-1]; for (int i=0; i<levels-1; ++i) { fp[i] = paralution::GetIterativeLinearSolver<double>("paralution_FixedPoint", relax); sm[i] = paralution::GetPreconditioner<double>(smoother_name, LBPre, sformat, ILUp, ILUq, MEp); fp[i]->SetPreconditioner(*sm[i]); fp[i]->Verbose(0); } // Coarse Grid Solver and its Preconditioner paralution::IterativeLinearSolver<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double > *cgs = NULL; cgs = paralution::GetIterativeLinearSolver<double>(solver_name, relax); cgs->Verbose(0); paralution::Preconditioner<paralution::LocalMatrix<double>, paralution::LocalVector<double>, double > *cgp = NULL; cgp = paralution::GetPreconditioner<double>(precond_name, LBPre, pformat, ILUp, ILUq, MEp); if (cgp != NULL) cgs->SetPreconditioner(*cgp); ls.SetSmoother(fp); ls.SetSolver(*cgs); // Switch to L1 norm to be consistent with OpenFOAM solvers ls.SetResidualNorm(1); ls.Init(tolerance_*normFactor, // abs relTol_, // rel div, // div maxIter_); // max iter ls.Build(); if (accel) { mat.MoveToAccelerator(); rhs.MoveToAccelerator(); x.MoveToAccelerator(); ls.MoveToAccelerator(); } switch(mf) { case paralution::DENSE: mat.ConvertToDENSE(); break; case paralution::CSR: mat.ConvertToCSR(); break; case paralution::MCSR: mat.ConvertToMCSR(); break; case paralution::BCSR: mat.ConvertToBCSR(); break; case paralution::COO: mat.ConvertToCOO(); break; case paralution::DIA: mat.ConvertToDIA(); break; case paralution::ELL: mat.ConvertToELL(); break; case paralution::HYB: mat.ConvertToHYB(); break; } ls.Verbose(0); // Solve linear system ls.Solve(rhs, &x); paralution::export_openfoam_vector(x, &psi); solverPerf.finalResidual() = ls.GetCurrentResidual() / normFactor; // divide by normFactor, see lduMatrixSolver.C solverPerf.nIterations() = ls.GetIterationCount(); solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_); // Clear MultiGrid object ls.Clear(); // Free all structures for (int i=0; i<levels-1; ++i) { delete fp[i]; delete sm[i]; } cgs->Clear(); if (cgp != NULL) delete cgp; delete[] fp; delete[] sm; delete cgs; } return solverPerf; }
Foam::lduMatrix::solverPerformance Foam::PCG::solve ( scalarField& psi, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { // --- Setup class containing solver performance data lduMatrix::solverPerformance solverPerf ( lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_) + typeName, fieldName_ ); register label nCells = psi.size(); scalar* __restrict__ psiPtr = psi.begin(); scalarField pA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ pAPtr = pA.begin(); scalarField wA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ wAPtr = wA.begin(); scalar wArA = matrix_.great_; scalar wArAold = wArA; // --- Calculate A.psi matrix_.Amul(wA, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // --- Calculate initial residual field scalarField rA(source - wA); scalar* __restrict__ rAPtr = rA.begin(); // --- Calculate normalisation factor scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, wA, pA); if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // --- Calculate normalised residual norm solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // --- Check convergence, solve if not converged if (!solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_)) { // --- Select and construct the preconditioner autoPtr<lduMatrix::preconditioner> preconPtr = lduMatrix::preconditioner::New ( *this, controlDict_ ); // --- Solver iteration do { // --- Store previous wArA wArAold = wArA; // --- Precondition residual preconPtr->precondition(wA, rA, cmpt); // --- Update search directions: wArA = gSumProd(wA, rA); if (solverPerf.nIterations() == 0) { for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = wAPtr[cell]; } } else { scalar beta = wArA/wArAold; for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = wAPtr[cell] + beta*pAPtr[cell]; } } // --- Update preconditioned residual matrix_.Amul(wA, pA, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); scalar wApA = gSumProd(wA, pA); // --- Test for singularity if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(wApA)/normFactor)) break; // --- Update solution and residual: scalar alpha = wArA/wApA; for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { psiPtr[cell] += alpha*pAPtr[cell]; rAPtr[cell] -= alpha*wAPtr[cell]; } solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(rA)/normFactor; } while ( solverPerf.nIterations()++ < maxIter_ && !(solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_)) ); } return solverPerf; }
Foam::solverPerformance Foam::PBiCGStab::solve ( scalarField& psi, const scalarField& source, const direction cmpt ) const { // --- Setup class containing solver performance data solverPerformance solverPerf ( lduMatrix::preconditioner::getName(controlDict_) + typeName, fieldName_ ); const label nCells = psi.size(); scalar* __restrict__ psiPtr = psi.begin(); scalarField pA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ pAPtr = pA.begin(); scalarField yA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ yAPtr = yA.begin(); // --- Calculate A.psi matrix_.Amul(yA, psi, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); // --- Calculate initial residual field scalarField rA(source - yA); scalar* __restrict__ rAPtr = rA.begin(); // --- Calculate normalisation factor const scalar normFactor = this->normFactor(psi, source, yA, pA); if (lduMatrix::debug >= 2) { Info<< " Normalisation factor = " << normFactor << endl; } // --- Calculate normalised residual norm solverPerf.initialResidual() = gSumMag(rA, matrix().mesh().comm()) /normFactor; solverPerf.finalResidual() = solverPerf.initialResidual(); // --- Check convergence, solve if not converged if ( minIter_ > 0 || !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) { scalarField AyA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ AyAPtr = AyA.begin(); scalarField sA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ sAPtr = sA.begin(); scalarField zA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ zAPtr = zA.begin(); scalarField tA(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ tAPtr = tA.begin(); // --- Store initial residual const scalarField rA0(rA); // --- Initial values not used scalar rA0rA = 0; scalar alpha = 0; scalar omega = 0; // --- Select and construct the preconditioner autoPtr<lduMatrix::preconditioner> preconPtr = lduMatrix::preconditioner::New ( *this, controlDict_ ); // --- Solver iteration do { // --- Store previous rA0rA const scalar rA0rAold = rA0rA; rA0rA = gSumProd(rA0, rA, matrix().mesh().comm()); // --- Test for singularity if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(rA0rA))) { break; } // --- Update pA if (solverPerf.nIterations() == 0) { for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = rAPtr[cell]; } } else { // --- Test for singularity if (solverPerf.checkSingularity(mag(omega))) { break; } const scalar beta = (rA0rA/rA0rAold)*(alpha/omega); for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { pAPtr[cell] = rAPtr[cell] + beta*(pAPtr[cell] - omega*AyAPtr[cell]); } } // --- Precondition pA preconPtr->precondition(yA, pA, cmpt); // --- Calculate AyA matrix_.Amul(AyA, yA, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); const scalar rA0AyA = gSumProd(rA0, AyA, matrix().mesh().comm()); alpha = rA0rA/rA0AyA; // --- Calculate sA for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { sAPtr[cell] = rAPtr[cell] - alpha*AyAPtr[cell]; } // --- Test sA for convergence solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(sA, matrix().mesh().comm())/normFactor; if (solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_)) { for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { psiPtr[cell] += alpha*yAPtr[cell]; } solverPerf.nIterations()++; return solverPerf; } // --- Precondition sA preconPtr->precondition(zA, sA, cmpt); // --- Calculate tA matrix_.Amul(tA, zA, interfaceBouCoeffs_, interfaces_, cmpt); const scalar tAtA = gSumSqr(tA, matrix().mesh().comm()); // --- Calculate omega from tA and sA // (cheaper than using zA with preconditioned tA) omega = gSumProd(tA, sA, matrix().mesh().comm())/tAtA; // --- Update solution and residual for (label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++) { psiPtr[cell] += alpha*yAPtr[cell] + omega*zAPtr[cell]; rAPtr[cell] = sAPtr[cell] - omega*tAPtr[cell]; } solverPerf.finalResidual() = gSumMag(rA, matrix().mesh().comm()) /normFactor; } while ( ( solverPerf.nIterations()++ < maxIter_ && !solverPerf.checkConvergence(tolerance_, relTol_) ) || solverPerf.nIterations() < minIter_ ); } return solverPerf; }