/**************************************************************************** Create a new sprite by cropping and taking only the given portion of the image. source gives the sprite that is to be cropped. x,y, width, height gives the rectangle to be cropped. The pixel at position of the source sprite will be at (0,0) in the new sprite, and the new sprite will have dimensions (width, height). mask gives an additional mask to be used for clipping the new sprite. Only the transparency value of the mask is used in crop_sprite. The formula is: dest_trans = src_trans * mask_trans. Note that because the transparency is expressed as an integer it is common to divide it by 256 afterwards. mask_offset_x, mask_offset_y is the offset of the mask relative to the origin of the source image. The pixel at (mask_offset_x,mask_offset_y) in the mask image will be used to clip pixel (0,0) in the source image which is pixel (-x,-y) in the new image. ****************************************************************************/ struct sprite *qtg_crop_sprite(struct sprite *source, int x, int y, int width, int height, struct sprite *mask, int mask_offset_x, int mask_offset_y) { if (!width || !height) { return NULL; } sprite *cropped = new sprite; cropped->pm = new QPixmap(width, height); cropped->pm->fill(Qt::transparent); QRectF source_rect(x,y,width, height); QRectF dest_rect(0,0,width, height); QPainter p; p.begin(cropped->pm); p.drawPixmap(dest_rect, *source->pm,source_rect); p.end(); if(mask) { p.begin(cropped->pm); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.drawPixmap(mask_offset_x-x,mask_offset_y-y,*mask->pm); p.end(); } return cropped; }
void CL_GlyphCache::insert_glyph(CL_GraphicContext &gc, CL_Font_System_Position &position, CL_PixelBuffer &pixel_buffer) { unsigned int glyph = position.glyph; // Search for duplicated glyph's, if found silently ignore them std::vector< CL_Font_TextureGlyph * >::size_type size = glyph_list.size(); for (int cnt=0; cnt<size; cnt++) { if (glyph_list[cnt]->glyph == glyph) return; } CL_Font_TextureGlyph *font_glyph = new CL_Font_TextureGlyph(); glyph_list.push_back(font_glyph); font_glyph->glyph = glyph; font_glyph->offset = CL_Point(position.x_offset, position.y_offset); font_glyph->increment = CL_Point(position.x_increment, position.y_increment); if ( (position.width > 0 ) && (position.height > 0) ) { CL_Rect source_rect(position.x_pos, position.y_pos, position.width + position.x_pos, position.height + position.y_pos); CL_PixelBuffer buffer_with_border = CL_PixelBufferHelp::add_border(pixel_buffer, glyph_border_size, source_rect); font_glyph->empty_buffer = false; font_glyph->subtexture = texture_group.add(gc, CL_Size(buffer_with_border.get_width(), buffer_with_border.get_height() )); font_glyph->geometry = CL_Rect(font_glyph->subtexture.get_geometry().left + glyph_border_size, font_glyph->subtexture.get_geometry().top + glyph_border_size, source_rect.get_size() ); font_glyph->subtexture.get_texture().set_subimage(font_glyph->subtexture.get_geometry().left, font_glyph->subtexture.get_geometry().top, buffer_with_border, buffer_with_border.get_size()); } else { font_glyph->empty_buffer = true; } }
void GUITable::drawCell(const Cell *cell, video::SColor color, const core::rect<s32> &row_rect, const core::rect<s32> &client_clip) { if ((cell->content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) || (cell->content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_TREE)) { core::rect<s32> text_rect = row_rect; text_rect.UpperLeftCorner.X = row_rect.UpperLeftCorner.X + cell->xpos; text_rect.LowerRightCorner.X = row_rect.UpperLeftCorner.X + cell->xmax; if (cell->color_defined) color = cell->color; if (m_font) { if (cell->content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT) m_font->draw(m_strings[cell->content_index], text_rect, color, false, true, &client_clip); else // tree m_font->draw(cell->content_index ? L"+" : L"-", text_rect, color, false, true, &client_clip); } } else if (cell->content_type == COLUMN_TYPE_IMAGE) { if (cell->content_index < 0) return; video::IVideoDriver *driver = Environment->getVideoDriver(); video::ITexture *image = m_images[cell->content_index]; if (image) { core::position2d<s32> dest_pos = row_rect.UpperLeftCorner; dest_pos.X += cell->xpos; core::rect<s32> source_rect( core::position2d<s32>(0, 0), image->getOriginalSize()); s32 imgh = source_rect.LowerRightCorner.Y; s32 rowh = row_rect.getHeight(); if (imgh < rowh) dest_pos.Y += (rowh - imgh) / 2; else source_rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = rowh; video::SColor color(255, 255, 255, 255); driver->draw2DImage(image, dest_pos, source_rect, &client_clip, color, true); } } }
void ImageView::draw (void) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); QBrush brush (Qt::SolidPattern); brush.setColor (Qt::darkGray); painter.fillRect(rect(), brush); QRect source_rect (m_imageOffset + m_pressOffset, rect().size()); painter.drawImage (rect(), m_scaled_image, source_rect); }
/** Displays the race results for a single kart. * \param n Index of the kart to be displayed. * \param display_points True if GP points should be displayed, too */ void RaceResultGUI::displayOneEntry(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n, bool display_points) { RowInfo *ri = &(m_all_row_infos[n]); video::SColor color = ri->m_is_player_kart ? video::SColor(255,255,0, 0 ) : video::SColor(255,255,255,255); #ifdef USE_PER_LINE_BACKGROUND // Draw the background image core::rect<s32> dest(x-50, y, x+50+m_table_width, (int)(y+m_distance_between_rows)); ri->m_box_params.setTexture(irr_driver->getTexture( (file_manager->getGUIDir() + "skins/glass/glassbutton_focused.png").c_str() ) ); GUIEngine::getSkin()->drawBoxFromStretchableTexture(&(ri->m_widget_container), dest, ri->m_box_params); #endif unsigned int current_x = x; // First draw the icon // ------------------- if(ri->m_kart_icon) { core::recti source_rect(core::vector2di(0,0), ri->m_kart_icon->getSize()); core::recti dest_rect(current_x, y, current_x+m_width_icon, y+m_width_icon); irr_driver->getVideoDriver()->draw2DImage(ri->m_kart_icon, dest_rect, source_rect, NULL, NULL, true); current_x += m_width_icon + m_width_column_space; } // Draw the name // ------------- core::recti pos_name(current_x, y, UserConfigParams::m_width, y+m_distance_between_rows); m_font->draw(ri->m_kart_name, pos_name, color); current_x += m_width_kart_name + m_width_column_space; // Draw the time except in FTL mode // -------------------------------- if(race_manager->getMinorMode()!=RaceManager::MINOR_MODE_FOLLOW_LEADER) { core::recti dest_rect = core::recti(current_x, y, current_x+100, y+10); m_font->draw(ri->m_finish_time_string, dest_rect, color); current_x += m_width_finish_time + m_width_column_space; } // Only display points in GP mode and when the GP results are displayed. // ===================================================================== if(race_manager->getMajorMode()!=RaceManager::MAJOR_MODE_GRAND_PRIX || m_animation_state == RR_RACE_RESULT) return; // Draw the new points // ------------------- if(ri->m_new_points>0) { core::recti dest_rect = core::recti(current_x, y, current_x+100, y+10); core::stringw point_string = core::stringw("+") + core::stringw((int)ri->m_new_points); // With mono-space digits space has the same width as each digit, so // we can simply fill up the string with spaces to get the right // aligned. while(point_string.size()<3) point_string = core::stringw(" ")+point_string; m_font->draw(point_string, dest_rect, color); } current_x += m_width_new_points +m_width_column_space; // Draw the old_points plus increase value // --------------------------------------- core::recti dest_rect = core::recti(current_x, y, current_x+100, y+10); core::stringw point_inc_string = core::stringw((int)(ri->m_current_displayed_points)); while(point_inc_string.size()<3) point_inc_string = core::stringw(" ")+point_inc_string; m_font->draw(point_inc_string, dest_rect, color); } // displayOneEntry
/** Displays the race results for a single kart. * \param n Index of the kart to be displayed. * \param display_points True if GP points should be displayed, too */ void RaceResultGUI::displayOneEntry(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n, bool display_points) { RowInfo *ri = &(m_all_row_infos[n]); video::SColor color = ri->m_is_player_kart ? video::SColor(255,255,0, 0 ) : video::SColor(255,255,255,255); unsigned int current_x = x; // First draw the icon // ------------------- if(ri->m_kart_icon) { core::recti source_rect(core::vector2di(0,0), ri->m_kart_icon->getSize()); core::recti dest_rect(current_x, y, current_x+m_width_icon, y+m_width_icon); draw2DImage(ri->m_kart_icon, dest_rect, source_rect, NULL, NULL, true); } current_x += m_width_icon + m_width_column_space; // Draw the name // ------------- core::recti pos_name(current_x, y, UserConfigParams::m_width, y+m_distance_between_rows); m_font->draw(ri->m_kart_name, pos_name, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); current_x += m_width_kart_name + m_width_column_space; // Draw the time except in FTL mode // -------------------------------- if(race_manager->getMinorMode()!=RaceManager::MINOR_MODE_FOLLOW_LEADER) { core::recti dest_rect = core::recti(current_x, y, current_x+100, y+10); m_font->draw(ri->m_finish_time_string, dest_rect, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); current_x += m_width_finish_time + m_width_column_space; } // Only display points in GP mode and when the GP results are displayed. // ===================================================================== if (race_manager->getMajorMode() == RaceManager::MAJOR_MODE_GRAND_PRIX && m_animation_state != RR_RACE_RESULT) { // Draw the new points // ------------------- if(ri->m_new_points > 0) { core::recti dest_rect = core::recti(current_x, y, current_x+100, y+10); core::stringw point_string = core::stringw("+") + core::stringw((int)ri->m_new_points); // With mono-space digits space has the same width as each digit, // so we can simply fill up the string with spaces to get the // right aligned. while(point_string.size()<3) point_string = core::stringw(" ")+point_string; m_font->draw(point_string, dest_rect, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); } current_x += m_width_new_points + m_width_column_space; // Draw the old_points plus increase value // --------------------------------------- core::recti dest_rect = core::recti(current_x, y, current_x+100, y+10); core::stringw point_inc_string = core::stringw((int)(ri->m_current_displayed_points)); while(point_inc_string.size()<3) point_inc_string = core::stringw(" ")+point_inc_string; m_font->draw(point_inc_string, dest_rect, color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); } } // displayOneEntry
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RaceResultGUI::displayHighScores() { // This happens in demo world if(!World::getWorld()) return; Highscores* scores = World::getWorld()->getHighscores(); // In some case for exemple FTL they will be no highscores if (scores != NULL) { video::SColor white_color = video::SColor(255,255,255,255); int x = (int)(UserConfigParams::m_width*0.55f); int y = m_top; // First draw title GUIEngine::getFont()->draw(_("Highscores"), core::recti(x, y, 0, 0), white_color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); std::string kart_name; irr::core::stringw player_name; // prevent excessive long name unsigned int max_characters = 15; float time; for (int i = 0; i < scores->getNumberEntries(); i++) { scores->getEntry(i,kart_name,player_name, &time); if (player_name.size() > max_characters) { int begin = (int(m_timer/0.4f)) % ( player_name.size() - max_characters ); player_name = player_name.subString(begin,max_characters,false); } video::SColor text_color = white_color; if (m_highscore_rank-1 == i) { text_color = video::SColor(255,255,0, 0 ); } int current_x = x; int current_y = y+(i+1)*50; const KartProperties* prop = kart_properties_manager->getKart(kart_name); if (prop != NULL) { const std::string &icon_path = prop->getAbsoluteIconFile(); video::ITexture* kart_icon_texture = irr_driver->getTexture( icon_path ); if (kart_icon_texture != NULL) { core::recti source_rect(core::vector2di(0,0), kart_icon_texture->getSize()); core::recti dest_rect(current_x, current_y, current_x+m_width_icon, current_y+m_width_icon); draw2DImage( kart_icon_texture, dest_rect, source_rect, NULL, NULL, true); current_x += m_width_icon + m_width_column_space; } } // draw the player name GUIEngine::getSmallFont()->draw(player_name.c_str(), core::recti(current_x, current_y, current_x+150, current_y+10), text_color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); current_x += 180; // Finally draw the time std::string time_string = StringUtils::timeToString(time); GUIEngine::getSmallFont()->draw(time_string.c_str(), core::recti(current_x, current_y, current_x+100, current_y+10), text_color, false, false, NULL, true /* ignoreRTL */); } } }