Exemplo n.º 1
void load_monster_adjustment( JsonObject &jsobj )
    monster_adjustment adj;
    adj.species = species_id( jsobj.get_string( "species" ) );
    if( jsobj.has_member( "stat" ) ) {
        JsonObject stat = jsobj.get_object( "stat" );
        stat.read( "name", adj.stat );
        stat.read( "modifier", adj.stat_adjust );
    if( jsobj.has_member( "flag" ) ) {
        JsonObject flag = jsobj.get_object( "flag" );
        flag.read( "name", adj.flag );
        flag.read( "value", adj.flag_val );
    if( jsobj.has_member( "special" ) ) {
        jsobj.read( "special", adj.special );
    adjustments.push_back( adj );
Exemplo n.º 2
void mission_type::load( JsonObject &jo, const std::string &src )
    const bool strict = src == "dda";

    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name );

    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "difficulty", difficulty );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "value", value );

    if( jo.has_member( "origins" ) ) {
        for( auto &m : jo.get_tags( "origins" ) ) {
            origins.emplace_back( io::string_to_enum_look_up( io::origin_map, m ) );

    if( std::any_of( origins.begin(), origins.end(), []( mission_origin origin ) {
    return origin == ORIGIN_ANY_NPC || origin == ORIGIN_OPENER_NPC || origin == ORIGIN_SECONDARY;
} ) ) {
        auto djo = jo.get_object( "dialogue" );
        // TODO: There should be a cleaner way to do it
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "describe", dialogue[ "describe" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "offer", dialogue[ "offer" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "accepted", dialogue[ "accepted" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "rejected", dialogue[ "rejected" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "advice", dialogue[ "advice" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "inquire", dialogue[ "inquire" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "success", dialogue[ "success" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "success_lie", dialogue[ "success_lie" ] );
        mandatory( djo, was_loaded, "failure", dialogue[ "failure" ] );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "urgent", urgent );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "item", item_id );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "count", item_count, 1 );

    goal = jo.get_enum_value<decltype( goal )>( "goal" );

    assign_function( jo, "place", place, tripoint_function_map );
    if( jo.has_string( "start" ) ) {
        assign_function( jo, "start", start, mission_function_map );
    } else if( jo.has_member( "start" ) ) {
        JsonObject j_start = jo.get_object( "start" );
        parse_start( j_start );
    assign_function( jo, "end", end, mission_function_map );
    assign_function( jo, "fail", fail, mission_function_map );

    assign( jo, "deadline_low", deadline_low, false, 1_days );
    assign( jo, "deadline_high", deadline_high, false, 1_days );

    if( jo.has_member( "followup" ) ) {
        follow_up = mission_type_id( jo.get_string( "followup" ) );

    if( jo.has_member( "monster_species" ) ) {
        monster_species = species_id( jo.get_string( "monster_species" ) );
    if( jo.has_member( "monster_type" ) ) {
        monster_type = mtype_id( jo.get_string( "monster_type" ) );

    if( jo.has_member( "monster_kill_goal" ) ) {
        monster_kill_goal = jo.get_int( "monster_kill_goal" );

    assign( jo, "destination", target_id, strict );
Exemplo n.º 3
void MonsterGenerator::load_monster(JsonObject &jo)
    const mtype_id mid = mtype_id( jo.get_string("id") );
        if (mon_templates.count(mid) > 0) {
            delete mon_templates[mid];

        mtype *newmon = new mtype;

        newmon->id = mid;
        newmon->name = jo.get_string("name").c_str();
        if(jo.has_member("name_plural")) {
            newmon->name_plural = jo.get_string("name_plural");
        } else {
            // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
            newmon->name_plural = newmon->name + "s";
        newmon->description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());

        // Have to overwrite the default { "hflesh" } here
        newmon->mat = { jo.get_string("material") };

        for( auto &s : jo.get_tags( "species" ) ) {
            newmon->species.insert( species_id( s ) );
        newmon->categories = jo.get_tags("categories");

        // See monfaction.cpp
        newmon->default_faction =
            monfactions::get_or_add_faction( mfaction_str_id( jo.get_string("default_faction") ) );

        newmon->sym = jo.get_string("symbol");
        if( utf8_wrapper( newmon->sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );
        newmon->color = color_from_string(jo.get_string("color"));
        newmon->size = get_from_string(jo.get_string("size", "MEDIUM"), Creature::size_map, MS_MEDIUM);
        newmon->phase = get_from_string(jo.get_string("phase", "SOLID"), phase_map, SOLID);

        newmon->difficulty = jo.get_int("diff", 0);
        newmon->agro = jo.get_int("aggression", 0);
        newmon->morale = jo.get_int("morale", 0);
        newmon->speed = jo.get_int("speed", 0);
        newmon->attack_cost = jo.get_int("attack_cost", 100);
        newmon->melee_skill = jo.get_int("melee_skill", 0);
        newmon->melee_dice = jo.get_int("melee_dice", 0);
        newmon->melee_sides = jo.get_int("melee_dice_sides", 0);
        newmon->melee_cut = jo.get_int("melee_cut", 0);
        newmon->sk_dodge = jo.get_int("dodge", 0);
        newmon->armor_bash = jo.get_int("armor_bash", 0);
        newmon->armor_cut = jo.get_int("armor_cut", 0);
        newmon->hp = jo.get_int("hp", 0);
        jo.read("starting_ammo", newmon->starting_ammo);
        newmon->luminance = jo.get_float("luminance", 0);
        newmon->revert_to_itype = jo.get_string( "revert_to_itype", "" );
        newmon->vision_day = jo.get_int("vision_day", 40);
        newmon->vision_night = jo.get_int("vision_night", 1);

        if (jo.has_array("attack_effs")) {
            JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array("attack_effs");
            while (jsarr.has_more()) {
                JsonObject e = jsarr.next_object();
                mon_effect_data new_eff(e.get_string("id", "null"), e.get_int("duration", 0),
                                    get_body_part_token( e.get_string("bp", "NUM_BP") ), e.get_bool("permanent", false),
                                    e.get_int("chance", 100));

        if( jo.has_member( "death_drops" ) ) {
            JsonIn& stream = *jo.get_raw( "death_drops" );
            newmon->death_drops = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "distribution" );

        newmon->dies = get_death_functions(jo, "death_function");
        load_special_defense(newmon, jo, "special_when_hit");
        load_special_attacks(newmon, jo, "special_attacks");

        if (jo.has_member("upgrades")) {
            JsonObject upgrades = jo.get_object("upgrades");
            newmon->half_life = upgrades.get_int("half_life", -1);
            newmon->upgrade_group = mongroup_id( upgrades.get_string("into_group", mongroup_id::NULL_ID.str() ) );
            newmon->upgrade_into = mtype_id( upgrades.get_string("into", mtype_id::NULL_ID.str() ) );
            newmon->upgrades = true;

        std::set<std::string> flags, anger_trig, placate_trig, fear_trig;
        flags = jo.get_tags("flags");
        anger_trig = jo.get_tags("anger_triggers");
        placate_trig = jo.get_tags("placate_triggers");
        fear_trig = jo.get_tags("fear_triggers");

        newmon->flags = get_set_from_tags(flags, flag_map, MF_NULL);
        newmon->anger = get_set_from_tags(anger_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->fear = get_set_from_tags(fear_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->placate = get_set_from_tags(placate_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);

        mon_templates[mid] = newmon;