Exemplo n.º 1
 * Gets the entries in the given directory that are in the form: logfilename.N;
 * the entries exceeding max (the oldest ones) are removed; for the other it shifts the names.
 * It works only if max is a number till 10.
int rotateOldLogs(char *dirpath, int max) {
	if (max > 10) {
		slog(LOG_ERROR,  "rotateLog(): the parameter cannot be greater than 10 - converting from %d to 10\n", max);
		max = 10;

	int error = 0;
	struct dirent **entrylist;

	int n = scandir(dirpath, &entrylist, oldLogFilter, alphasort);
	if (n < 0) {
		error = -1;
	} else {
		max = max > n ? n : max;

		int i;
		// these are exceeding entries, they should be at most 1 that should be overwritten through the shift
		for (i = max; i<n; i++) {
			// free the resources allocated by scandir

		// shifting the first max entry names
		for (i = max-1; i >= 0; i--) {
			char * ssubfix = strrchr(entrylist[i]->d_name, '.');
			int oldsubfix = atoi(++ssubfix);

			int pathNameLen = strlen(dirpath)+1+strlen(_logfilename)+2+1; // DIRPATH+'/'+logfilename+".N"+'\0'
			char oldPathName[pathNameLen];
			snprintf(oldPathName, pathNameLen, "%s/%s", dirpath, entrylist[i]->d_name);

			char newPathName[pathNameLen];
			int newsubfix = oldsubfix + 1;

			snprintf(newPathName, pathNameLen, "%s/%s.%d", dirpath, _logfilename, newsubfix);

			error = rename(oldPathName, newPathName);
			if (error) {
				slog(LOG_ERROR,  "rotateOldLogs() - error renaming file: %s to: %s\n", oldPathName, newPathName);

	return n < max ? n : max;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Closes stdout and stderr file descriptors, and reopens them as the logfile
 * passed as argument. From now on, stdout and stderr will be written to the logfile.
void initLog(int logOnFile, int logLevel, char *logdir, char *logfile) {
	_logLevel = logLevel;
	_logOnFile = logOnFile;

	if (logOnFile) {
		int logfilefd;

		if (logLevel) {
			char logPathName[strlen(logdir)+1+strlen(logfile)+1];
			sprintf(logPathName, "%s/%s", logdir, logfile);
			// logging active: open (maybe also create) the logfile
			logfilefd = open(logPathName, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
		} else {
			// logging not active: opening /dev/null
			logfilefd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);

		if (logfilefd == -1) {
			slog(LOG_ERROR,  "problems opening the log file; redirection of stdout and stderr not possible!\n");

		// redirect to it stdout and stderr
		dup2(logfilefd, STDOUT_FILENO);
		dup2(logfilefd, STDERR_FILENO);

		// the file descriptor of the log file is not any longer necessary
Exemplo n.º 3
Geom *
GeomSave(Geom *g, char *fname)
    Pool *p;
    int ok;
    FILE *outf;

    if ((outf = fopen(fname, "wb")) == NULL) {
        OOGLError(0, "GeomSave: Can't open %s: %s", fname, sperror());
        return NULL;
    p = PoolStreamTemp(fname, NULL, outf, 1, &GeomOps);
    if (p == NULL) {
        OOGLError(0, "GeomSave: Can't open %s: %s", fname, sperror());
        return NULL;
    PoolSetOType(p, PO_DATA);
    ok = GeomStreamOut(p, NULL, g);
    return ok ? g : NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
Geom *
GeomLoad(char *fname)
    IOBFILE *inf = iobfopen(fname, "rb");
    Geom *g;

    if (inf == NULL) {
        OOGLError(0, "GeomLoad: can't open %s: %s", fname, sperror());
        return NULL;
    g = GeomFLoad(inf, fname);
    return g;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * stdout and stderr are redirected to logfile in logdir; the old log files are handled inside logdir following
 * the naming convention: logfile.0, logfile.1, .., logfile.n-1.
 * A call to this method, performs the rotation of the old logfiles (discarding logfile.n-1), renames the actual
 * logfile to logfile.0, open a new logfile associating to it the standard streams, and closes the old one.
int rotateLog(char *logdir, char *logfile, int n) {
	if (_logLevel && _logOnFile) {
		// the rotation happens only if the logging is active
		_logfilename = logfile;

		rotateOldLogs(logdir, n);

		char logPathName[strlen(logdir)+1+strlen(logfile)+1];
		sprintf(logPathName, "%s/%s", logdir, logfile);

		char logPathNameForTheOldLog[strlen(logdir)+1+strlen(logfile)+strlen(".0")+1];
		sprintf(logPathNameForTheOldLog, "%s/%s.0", logdir, logfile);

		// mv logfile logfile.0
		if (rename(logPathName, logPathNameForTheOldLog) != 0) {
			slog(LOG_ERROR,  "%s\n", "overwriting the old log, if any ...");

		// create the new logfile
		int logfilefd = open(logPathName, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
		if (logfilefd == -1) {
			slog(LOG_ERROR,  "problems opening the file: %s\n", logPathName);
			return 0;

		// redirect to it stdout and stderr
		dup2(logfilefd, STDOUT_FILENO);
		dup2(logfilefd, STDERR_FILENO);

		// the file descriptor of the log file is not any longer necessary

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
comm_object(char *str, HandleOps *ops, Handle **hp, Ref **rp, int now)
  int c, ok = 0;
  Pool *p;

  if (str == NULL)
    return 0;
  if (strcmp(str, "-") == 0 || access(str, 0) == 0) {
    Handle *h = HandleReferringTo('<', str, ops, hp);
     * If we haven't read something from this file yet,
     * forget it.
    if (h) {
      if (HandleObject(h)) {
	ok = 1;
	if (rp) {
	  HandleUpdRef(&h, NULL, rp);
      } else if (((p = PoolByName(HandleName(h), ops))) == NULL ||
		 (p->flags & PF_ANY) || (!p->seekable && !now)) {
	/* When reading plain files, always demand an object. When
	 * reading others (pipe, tty), demand one if 'now' set. Use
	 * PF_ANY flag as an alternate hint of reading an object,
	 * since reading commands leaves no object attached to h.
	ok = 1;
      } else {
	/* Failed */
	if (hp) {
	  *hp = NULL;
    /* If not ok, close the file.
     * If 'now' and not some sort of pipe, also close the file.
    if ((p = PoolByName(str, ops)) != NULL && (!ok || (now && p->seekable))) {
      if (now && ok) {
	/* Read as much as possible if we need it right now. */
	while(PoolInputFile(p) != NULL &&
	      (c = async_iobfnextc(PoolInputFile(p), 0)) != NODATA &&
	      c != EOF && (*ops->strmin)(p, hp, rp))
    } else if (iobfile(PoolInputFile(p)) == stdin 
	       && PoolOutputFile(p) == NULL) {
      p = PoolStreamOpen(PoolName(p), stdout, 1, ops);
    return ok;
  } else if (strpbrk(str, "({ \t\n")) {
    static Pool *pcache;	/* Cache a pool for handling strings */
    static bool inuse = false;	/* Use cached pool unless already in use */
    IOBFILE *inf = iobfileopen(fmemopen(str, strlen(str), "rb"));
    /* Caching implies this first pool has a long lifetime;
     * suitable for expressing (interest (...)) 
    if (!inuse) {
      if ((p = pcache) == NULL) {
	p = pcache = PoolStreamTemp(str, inf, stdout, 2, ops);
      } else {
	p->inf  = inf; /* hack */
	p->outf = stdout; /* hack */
      inuse = true;
    } else {
      p = PoolStreamTemp(str, inf, stdout, 2, ops);
    if (p == NULL) {
      return 0;		/* Failed */
    while(iobfnextc(inf, 0) != EOF) {
      ok = (*ops->strmin)(p, hp, rp);
    if (p == pcache) {
      inuse = false;
    } else {
      MyPoolDelete(p); /* Delete temp pool unless it's our cached one */
  } else {
    /* Print the "No such file..." error left by access() */
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", str, sperror());
  return ok;
Exemplo n.º 7
main (int argc, char **argv)
  char *xmalloc ();
  char *xrealloc ();
  char *xstrdup ();
  int infpop;
  double nb;

  /* Check parameters */
  Cmdline *cmd = parseCmdline (argc, argv);

  if ((cmd->show_helpP) | (argc == 1))
    usage ();

  if (cmd->show_versionP)
      printf ("%s %s\n", argv[0], VERSION);
      exit (0);

  check_param (cmd);

  infpop = (cmd->pop == 0) ? 1 : 0;

  cmd->precision /= PC;
  cmd->prevalence /= PC;
  cmd->level /= PC;
  cmd->alpha /= PC;
  cmd->power /= PC;
  cmd->exposed /= PC;

  if (cmd->observedP)
      nb = small_sampsi (cmd);
      display_small (cmd, nb);

  else if (cmd->odds_ratioP && !cmd->sampleP)
      cmd->ratio = floor (cmd->ratio);
      if (cmd->ratio < 1)
	sperror ("option -c should be >= 1");

      case_control (cmd);

  /* Absolute precision then sample size equals population size */
  else if (cmd->precision == 0 && cmd->pop > 0)
      nb = cmd->pop;
      display_surv (cmd, nb, infpop);

  else if (cmd->precisionP)
      nb = sampsi (cmd);
      display_surv (cmd, nb, infpop);
  else if (cmd->binomialP)
    binom_ci (cmd);

  else if (cmd->compP && !cmd->sampleP && !cmd->deltaP)
    comp (cmd);

  else if (cmd->meansP && !cmd->sampleP && !cmd->deltaP)
    means (cmd);

  else if (cmd->sampleP && cmd->exposedP && !cmd->odds_ratioP && cmd->powerP
	   && !cmd->matchedP)
    ccmin (cmd);

  else if (cmd->sampleP && cmd->compP && !cmd->deltaP)
    ppower (cmd);

  else if (cmd->sampleP && cmd->meansP && !cmd->deltaP)
    mpower (cmd);

  else if (cmd->sampleP && cmd->odds_ratioP && cmd->exposedP
	   && !cmd->matchedP)
    ccpower (cmd);

  else if (cmd->sampleP && cmd->matchedP && cmd->odds_ratioP && cmd->exposedP)
    mccpower (cmd);

  else if (cmd->deltaP && cmd->compP && !cmd->sampleP)
    nequivp (cmd);

  else if (cmd->deltaP && cmd->meansP && !cmd->sampleP)
    nequivm (cmd);

    sperror ("wrong combination of options, or missing options");

  exit (0);
Exemplo n.º 8
int main (int argc,char *argv[])
{ Scsi_Command cmd;
  unsigned char buf[128],erb=0;
  int err,i,rdonly=0;
  const char *dev=NULL;

    for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
    {	if	(!strncmp (argv[i],"-arre",4))		erb|=0x40;
	else if	(!strncmp (argv[i],"-awre",4))		erb|=0x80;
	else if	(!strncmp (argv[i],"-rdonly",4))	rdonly=1;
	else if (!strncmp (argv[i],"-rdwr",4))		rdonly=-1;
	else if	(!strncmp (argv[i],"-rw",3))		rdonly=-1;
	else if (!strncmp (argv[i],"-wronly",3))	rdonly=-1;
	else						dev=argv[i];

    if (!(dev && (erb || rdonly)))
    {	fprintf (stderr,"usage: %s [-arre] [-awre] [-rdonly|-rdwr] /dev/dvd\n",
	return 1;

    if (!cmd.associate (dev))
    {	fprintf (stderr,"%s: unable to open: ",dev), perror (NULL);
	return 1;

    cmd[0] = 0x12;	// INQUIRY
    cmd[4] = 36;
    cmd[5] = 0;
    if ((err=cmd.transport(READ,buf,36)))
    {	sperror ("INQUIRY",err);
	return 1;

    if ((buf[0]&0x1F) != 5)
    {	fprintf (stderr,":-( not an MMC unit!\n");
	return 1;

#if 0
    cmd[0]=0x46;	// GET CONFIGURATION
    if ((err=cmd.transport(READ,buf,8)))
    {	sperror ("GET CONFIGURATION",err);
	return 1;

    if ((buf[6]<<8|buf[7]) != 0x12)
    {   fprintf (stderr,":-( not DVD-RAM!\n");
	return 1;

    if (erb) do
    { unsigned char page01[8+12];

	cmd[0]=0x5A;		// MODE SENSE
	cmd[1]=0x08;		// "Disable Block Descriptors"
	cmd[2]=1;		// Page 01
	if ((err=cmd.transport(READ,page01,sizeof(page01))))
	{   sperror("MODE SENSE",err); return 1;   }

	if ((page01[8+2]&erb) == erb)
	{   printf ("A[RW]RE bit is set already.\n");

	memset (page01,0,8);
	page01[8+2]|=erb;	// A[WR]RE on

	cmd[0]=0x55;	// MODE SELECT
	cmd[1]=0x10;	// conformant
	if ((err=cmd.transport(WRITE,page01,sizeof(page01))))
	{   sperror("MODE SELECT",err); return 1;   }

	// Verify settings...
	cmd[0]=0x5A;		// MODE SENSE
	cmd[1]=0x08;		// "Disable Block Descriptors"
	cmd[2]=1;		// Page 01
	if ((err=cmd.transport(READ,page01,sizeof(page01))))
	{   sperror("MODE SENSE",err); return 1;   }

	if ((page01[8+2]&erb) != erb)
	{   fprintf (stderr,":-( failed to set A[RW]RE bit.\n");
	    return 1;
    } while (0);

    if (rdonly) do
    { unsigned char dvd_C0[8];

	if ((err=cmd.transport(READ,dvd_C0,sizeof(dvd_C0))))
	{   sperror("READ DVD STRUCTURE#C0",err); return 1;   }

	if (rdonly>0 && (dvd_C0[4]&0x02))
	{   printf ("The disc is write protected already.\n");
	else if (rdonly<0 && !(dvd_C0[4]&0x02))
	{   printf ("The disc is unprotected already.\n");

	memset (dvd_C0,0,sizeof(dvd_C0));
	if (rdonly>0)	dvd_C0[4]|=2;	// "PWP" on
	else		dvd_C0[4]&=~2;	// "PWP" off

	if ((err=cmd.transport(WRITE,dvd_C0,sizeof(dvd_C0))))
	{   sperror("SEND DVD STRUCTURE#C0",err); return 1;   }

	// Verify...
	if ((err=cmd.transport(READ,dvd_C0,sizeof(dvd_C0))))
	{   sperror("READ DVD STRUCTURE#C0",err); return 1;   }

	printf ("Persistent Write Protection is %s\n",
		dvd_C0[4]&0x02 ? "on" : "off");

    } while (0);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  //struct dpm_filestatus *filestatuses;
  //struct dpm_tokeninfo *tokeninfos;
  struct dpm_pool *lpools;
	int i;
	int nbfiles;
	int nbprotocols;
	int nbreplies;
	static char *protocols[] = {"rfio"};
	int r = 0;
	//char r_token[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	//struct dpm_putfilereq *reqfiles;
	int status;

	int nbprotos;
	//char **lpools;
	int nbsurls;
	//char **lsurls;

	int thisarg;
	int nbargs;
	char **remargs;

#include "dpmgdebug.h"

	if (argc > 1) {
		fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s \n", argv[0]);
		exit (1);

	// gnu opts

	reset_global();  /* must be before parser */

	prog_gname = strdup(argv[0]);

	//printf (" before arg_parse \n");
	thisarg = arg_parse(argc, argv);
	//printf ("\n after arg_parse %s %d %d \n", argv[thisarg], argc, thisarg);

	remargs = NULL;
	nbargs = 0;
	if ( argc > thisarg ) {
	  remargs = realloc(remargs, sizeof(char*)*(argc-thisarg));
	while ( thisarg < argc ) {
	  remargs[nbargs++] = strdup(argv[thisarg++]);

/*    if ( nbargs != 1 ) { */
/*      perror (" dpm-getpools: 1 arg must be provided, see --help"); */
/*      exit(1); */
/*    } */
  nbfiles = nbargs;
  if ( nbargs )
    printf( " Last arg: %d %s %s \n\n", nbargs, remargs[0], remargs[nbargs-1]);

	// Loading inputs

  printf (" \n");

#define V_LSTR(NAME, UNAME) \
  nb ## NAME = 0; \
  l ## NAME = NULL; \
  item_store(DPM_ ## UNAME, &nb ## NAME, &l ## NAME); \
  p_array( #UNAME , nb ## NAME, l ## NAME);

V_LSTR(protos, PROT)

  // Setting defaults

/*    if ( ! dpm_rtoken ) { */
/*      perror (" Reqid token option is mandatory: --dpmrtoken=request_token "); */
/*      exit(1); */
/*    } */
 nbsurls = nbargs;

  printf (" \n");

	if ((status = dpm_getpools (&nbreplies, 
				    )) < 0) {
		sperror ("dpm_getpools");
		exit (1);

	printf ("request state %s\n", status == DPM_SUCCESS ? "Done" : "Failed");
	if (status == DPM_FAILED)
		exit (1);

	printf ("Current pools: ");
	for (i = 0; i < nbreplies; i++) {
	  printf(" %s", lpools[i].poolname);
	printf (" \n");

	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

	struct dpm_filestatus *filestatuses;
	int i;
	int nbfiles;
	int nbprotocols;
	int nbreplies;
	static char *protocols[] = {"rfio"};
	int r = 0;
	//char r_token[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	//struct dpm_putfilereq *reqfiles;
	int status;
	//time_t lifetime;
	time_t actual_lifetime;

	int nbprotos;
	char **lprotos;
	int nbsurls;
	//char **lsurls;

	int thisarg;
	int nbargs;
	char **remargs;

#include "dpmgdebug.h"

	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s SURL\n", argv[0]);
		exit (1);

	// gnu opts

	reset_global();  /* must be before parser */

	prog_gname = strdup(argv[0]);

	printf (" before arg_parse \n");
	thisarg = arg_parse(argc, argv);
	printf ("\n after arg_parse %s %d %d \n", argv[thisarg], argc, thisarg);

	remargs = NULL;
	nbargs = 0;
	if ( argc > thisarg ) {
	  remargs = realloc(remargs, sizeof(char*)*(argc-thisarg));
	while ( thisarg < argc ) {
	  remargs[nbargs++] = strdup(argv[thisarg++]);

  if ( nbargs != 1 ) {
    perror (" dpm-replicate: one SURL, and only one, must be provided ");
  nbfiles = nbargs;
  printf( " Last arg: %d %s %s \n\n", nbargs, remargs[0], remargs[nbargs-1]);

	// Loading inputs

  printf (" \n");

#define V_LSTR(NAME, UNAME) \
  nb ## NAME = 0; \
  l ## NAME = NULL; \
  item_store(DPM_ ## UNAME, &nb ## NAME, &l ## NAME); \
  p_array( #UNAME , nb ## NAME, l ## NAME);

V_LSTR(protos, PROT)

  // Setting defaults

  if ( ! dpm_rtoken ) {
    perror (" Reqid token option is mandatory: --dpmrtoken=request_token ");
 if ( ! dpm_lifet ) {
   dpm_lifet = 0;
 nbsurls = nbargs;

  printf (" \n");

	if ((status = dpm_replicate (dpm_rtoken, 
				   )) < 0) {
		sperror ("dpm_replicate");
		exit (1);

	printf ("request state %s\n", status == DPM_DONE ? "Done" : "Failed");
	if (status == DPM_FAILED)
		exit (1);

	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  //static char *f_stat[] = {"Success", "Queued", "Active", "Ready", "Running", "Done", "Failed", "Aborted"};
  //#include "dpmestat.h"
	int i;
	//int r = 0;
	//char s_token[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	char** s_tokens;
	//char* s_tokens[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	char u_token[CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1];
	int status;
	int thisarg;
	int nbreplies;

/*  	char  s_type; */
/*  	u_signed64 req_t_space; */
/*  	u_signed64 req_g_space; */
/*  	time_t req_lifetime; */
/*  	char actual_s_type; */
/*  	u_signed64 actual_t_space; */
/*  	u_signed64 actual_g_space; */
/*  	time_t actual_lifetime; */

#include "dpmgdebug.h"

	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-|user_space_token_description]\n", argv[0]);
		exit (1);

	// gnu opts

	reset_global();  /* must be before parser */

	prog_gname = strdup(argv[0]);

	//Pprintf (" before arg_parse \n");
	thisarg = arg_parse(argc, argv);
	//Pprintf ("\n after arg_parse %s %d %d \n", argv[thisarg], argc, thisarg);

	//u_token = argv[thisarg++];
  strncpy(u_token, argv[thisarg++], CA_MAXDPMTOKENLEN+1);

	// Loading inputs

  //Pprintf (" \n");

  // Setting defaults
  printf (" u_token: %s \n", u_token);

  if ( strchr(u_token, '-' ) == u_token ) {
    printf (" Nu_token: %s \n", u_token);    
    if ((status = dpm_getspacetoken (NULL,
				     )) < 0) {
      sperror ("dpm_getspacetoken");
      exit (1);
  else {
    printf (" Cu_token: %s \n", u_token);
    if ((status = dpm_getspacetoken (u_token,
				     )) < 0) {
      sperror ("dpm_getspacetoken");
      exit (1);

	printf ("dpm_getspacetoken returned nbreplies: %d\n", nbreplies);

	printf ("request state %s\n", status == DPM_SUCCESS ? "Done" : "Failed");

	if (status == DPM_FAILED)
		exit (1);

	for (i = 0; i < nbreplies; i++) {
	  printf ("s_token[%d] = %s\n", i, s_tokens[i]);

	return 0;