Exemplo n.º 1
static int spi_block_read(struct stmpe *stmpe, u8 reg, u8 length, u8 *values)
	int ret, i;

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		ret = spi_reg_read(stmpe, reg + i);
		if (ret < 0)
			return ret;
		*(values + i) = ret;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int spi_transfer(struct spi_device *spidev, unsigned char *txbuf, unsigned char *rxbuf, int len)
	unsigned int txword = 0, rxword	 = 0;
	unsigned int event = 0, command = 0;
	int isRead = 0, tm = 0, i = 0;

	command = (spidev->chip_select<<30)|(len - 1);
	/*enable chipselect and tell spi the length of data*/
	spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->command, command);

	/*enable rx ints*/
	spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->mask, SPIM_NE);
#if 0
	int len_count = len;
		spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->event, &event);
		if(event & SPI_EV_NF)
			txword = 0;
			txword = *(unsigned int *)txbuf;	
			txbuf += 4;

			spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->transmit, txword);

			len_count -= 4;
		/*here wait tx data over*/
	len_count = len;
		for(tm = 0, isRead = 0; tm < SPI_TIMEOUT; tm++)
			spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->event, &event);
			if (event & SPI_EV_NE) {
				spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->receive, &rxword);
//				printf("11rxword=0x%08x, event=0x%08x\n",rxword,event);

				*(unsigned int *) rxbuf = rxword;
				rxbuf += 4;

		if (tm >= SPI_TIMEOUT)
			printf("spi error:Time out when spi transfer,event=0x%08x\n",event);
			return -1;
		len_count = len_count - 4;
		spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->event, &event);
		if(event & SPI_EV_NF)
			txword = 0;
			txword = *(unsigned int *)txbuf;	
			txbuf += 4;

			spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->transmit, txword);
		/*here wait tx data over*/
//		usleep(5);
//		printf("txword=0x%08x, len=%d\n",txword, len);
		for(tm = 0, isRead = 0; tm < SPI_TIMEOUT; tm++)
			spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->event, &event);
			if (event & SPI_EV_NE) {
				/*here wait rx over*/
				for(i = 0; i < SPI_TIMEOUT; i++)
					spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->event, &event);
					if(((event>>24)&0x3f) >= 4)
				spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->receive, &rxword);
//				printf("in transfer rxword=0x%08x event=0x%08x\n",rxword,event);
				isRead = 1;

				*(unsigned int *) rxbuf = rxword;
				rxbuf += 4;
			 * Only bail when we've had both NE and NF events.
			 * This will cause timeouts on RO devices, so maybe
			 * in the future put an arbitrary delay after writing
			 * the device.  Arbitrary delays suck, though...
			if (isRead)
		len -= 4;
	if (tm >= SPI_TIMEOUT)
		printf("spi error:Time out when spi transfer\n");
		return -1;

	/*disable rx ints*/
	spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->mask, 0);
//	spi_cs_invalid(spidev->chip_select);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int spi_setup(struct spi_device *spidev)
	unsigned int hw_mode;
	unsigned long flags;
	unsigned int regval;
	unsigned char bits_per_word, pm, cs_sel = spidev->chip_select;
	unsigned int hz = 0;
	unsigned int spibrg = 198000000;

		return -1;

		spidev->bits_per_word = 8;

	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->csmode[spidev->chip_select], &hw_mode);

	if (spidev->mode & SPI_CPHA)
	if (spidev->mode & SPI_CPOL)
	if (!(spidev->mode & SPI_LSB_FIRST))
		hw_mode |= CSMODE_REV;

	if (!hz)
		hz = spidev->max_speed_hz;

	/* mask out bits we are going to set */
	hw_mode &= ~(CSMODE_LEN(0xF) | CSMODE_DIV16 | CSMODE_PM(0xF));

	//hw_mode |= CSMODE_LEN(bits_per_word) | CSMODE_INIT_VAL;
	hw_mode |= CSMODE_LEN(spidev->bits_per_word-1); 

	if ((spibrg / hz) > 32) {
		hw_mode |= CSMODE_DIV16;
		pm = spibrg / (hz * 32);
		if (pm > CSMODE_PM_MAX) {
			pm = CSMODE_PM_MAX;
			printf("Requested speed is too low: %d Hz. Will use %d Hz instead.\n",
				hz, spibrg / 32 * 16);
	} else {
		pm = spibrg / (hz * 2);
/*delete by zhangjj 2015-11-12 change spi max HZ*/
#if 0
		if (pm < CSMODE_PM_MIN)
			pm = CSMODE_PM_MIN;
/*delete end*/

	hw_mode |= CSMODE_PM(pm);
	/* Reset the hw mode */
	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->mode, &regval);

	/* Turn off SPI unit prior changing mode */
	spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->mode, regval & ~SPMODE_ENABLE);
	spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->csmode[cs_sel], hw_mode);
	spi_reg_write(&spidev->spi_reg->mode, regval);
#if 0
	unsigned int mmode=0,eevent = 0, mmask = 0,command = 0,ccmode=0;
	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->mode, &mmode);
	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->event, &eevent);
	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->mask, &mmask);
	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->command, &command);
	spi_reg_read(&spidev->spi_reg->csmode[cs_sel], &ccmode);
	printf("spi cs_sel=%d mode=0x%08x event=0x%08x mask=0x%08x command=0x%08x csmode=0x%08x\n",
		cs_sel,mmode,eevent,mmask,command, ccmode);
	return 0;	