Exemplo n.º 1
void concurrent_vector_base::internal_grow( const size_type start, size_type finish, size_type element_size, internal_array_op1 init ) {
    __TBB_ASSERT( start<finish, "start must be less than finish" );
    size_t tmp = start;
    do {
        segment_index_t k_old = segment_index_of( tmp );
        size_type base = segment_base(k_old);
        size_t n = segment_size(k_old);
        segment_t& s = my_segment[k_old];
        void* array = s.array;
        if ( !array ) {
            if ( base==tmp ) {
                __TBB_ASSERT( !s.array, NULL );
                array = NFS_Allocate( n, element_size, NULL );
                ITT_NOTIFY( sync_releasing, &s.array );
                s.array = array;
            } else {
                ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, &s.array);
                spin_wait_while_eq( s.array, (void*)0 );
                ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, &s.array);
                array = s.array;
        size_type j_begin = tmp-base;
        size_type j_end = n > finish-base ? finish-base : n;
        (*init)( (void*)((char*)array+element_size*j_begin), j_end-j_begin );
        tmp = base+j_end;
    } while( tmp<finish );
Exemplo n.º 2
void* concurrent_vector_base::internal_push_back( size_type element_size, size_type& index ) {
    __TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(my_early_size)==sizeof(reference_count), NULL );
    //size_t tmp = __TBB_FetchAndIncrementWacquire(*(tbb::internal::reference_count*)&my_early_size);
    size_t tmp = __TBB_FetchAndIncrementWacquire((tbb::internal::reference_count*)&my_early_size);
    index = tmp;
    segment_index_t k_old = segment_index_of( tmp );
    size_type base = segment_base(k_old);
    segment_t& s = my_segment[k_old];
    void* array = s.array;
    if ( !array ) {
        // FIXME - consider factoring this out and share with internal_grow_by
	if ( base==tmp ) {
	    __TBB_ASSERT( !s.array, NULL );
            size_t n = segment_size(k_old);
	    array = NFS_Allocate( n, element_size, NULL );
	    ITT_NOTIFY( sync_releasing, &s.array );
	    s.array = array;
	} else {
	    ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, &s.array);
	    spin_wait_while_eq( s.array, (void*)0 );
	    ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, &s.array);
	    array = s.array;
    size_type j_begin = tmp-base;
    return (void*)((char*)array+element_size*j_begin);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool reader_writer_lock::start_write(scoped_lock *I) {
    tbb_thread::id id = this_tbb_thread::get_id();
    scoped_lock *pred = NULL;
    if (I->status == waiting_nonblocking) {
        if ((pred = writer_tail.compare_and_swap(I, NULL)) != NULL) {
            delete I;
            return false;
    else {
        ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, this);
        pred = writer_tail.fetch_and_store(I);
    if (pred)
        pred->next = I;
    else {
        if (I->status == waiting_nonblocking) {
            if (I->next) { // potentially more writers
            else { // no more writers
                if (I != writer_tail.compare_and_swap(NULL, I)) { // an incoming writer is in the process of being added
                    spin_wait_while_eq(I->next, (scoped_lock *)NULL);  // wait for new writer to be added
                    __TBB_ASSERT(I->next, "There should be a node following the last writer.");
            delete I;
            return false;
    spin_wait_while_eq(I->status, waiting);
    ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, this);
    my_current_writer = id;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool micro_queue::pop( void* dst, ticket k, concurrent_queue_base& base ) {
    k &= -concurrent_queue_rep::n_queue;
    spin_wait_until_eq( head_counter, k );
    spin_wait_while_eq( tail_counter, k );
    page& p = *head_page;
    __TBB_ASSERT( &p, NULL );
    size_t index = (k/concurrent_queue_rep::n_queue & base.items_per_page-1);
    bool success = false; 
        pop_finalizer finalizer( *this, k+concurrent_queue_rep::n_queue, index==base.items_per_page-1 ? &p : NULL ); 
        if ( p.mask & uintptr(1)<<index ) {
            success = true;
            base.assign_and_destroy_item( dst, p, index );
    return success;
Exemplo n.º 5
void reader_writer_lock::start_read(scoped_lock_read *I) {
    ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, this);
    I->next = reader_head.fetch_and_store(I);
    if (!I->next) { // first arriving reader in my group; set RFLAG, test writer flags
        // unblock and/or update statuses of non-blocking readers
        if (!(fetch_and_or(rdr_count_and_flags, RFLAG) & (WFLAG1+WFLAG2))) { // no writers
    __TBB_ASSERT(I->status == waiting || I->status == active, "Lock requests should be waiting or active before blocking.");
    spin_wait_while_eq(I->status, waiting); // block
    if (I->next) {
        __TBB_ASSERT(I->next->status == waiting, NULL);
        rdr_count_and_flags += RC_INCR;
        I->next->status = active; // wake successor
    ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, this);
Exemplo n.º 6
void reader_writer_lock::end_write(scoped_lock *I) {
    __TBB_ASSERT(I==writer_head, "Internal error: can't unlock a thread that is not holding the lock.");
    my_current_writer = tbb_thread::id();
    ITT_NOTIFY(sync_releasing, this);
    if (I->next) { // potentially more writers
        writer_head = I->next;
        writer_head->status = active;
    else { // No more writers; clear writer flag, test reader interest flag
        __TBB_ASSERT(writer_head, NULL);
        if (fetch_and_and(rdr_count_and_flags, ~(WFLAG1+WFLAG2)) & RFLAG) {
        if (I != writer_tail.compare_and_swap(NULL, I)) { // an incoming writer is in the process of being added
            spin_wait_while_eq(I->next, (scoped_lock *)NULL);  // wait for new writer to be added
            __TBB_ASSERT(I->next, "There should be a node following the last writer.");