Exemplo n.º 1
 *  regTestCheckFile()
 *      Input:  rp (regtest parameters)
 *              localname (name of output file from reg test)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error (a failure in comparison is not an error)
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This function does one of three things, depending on the mode:
 *           * "generate": makes a "golden" file as a copy @localname.
 *           * "compare": compares @localname contents with the golden file
 *           * "display": makes the @localname file but does no comparison
 *      (2) The canonical format of the golden filenames is:
 *            /tmp/golden/<root of main name>_golden.<index>.<ext of localname>
 *          e.g.,
 *             /tmp/golden/maze_golden.0.png
 *          It is important to add an extension to the local name, because
 *          the extension is added to the name of the golden file.
regTestCheckFile(L_REGPARAMS  *rp,
                 const char   *localname)
char    *ext;
char     namebuf[256];
l_int32  ret, same;


    if (!rp)
        return ERROR_INT("rp not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!localname) {
        rp->success = FALSE;
        return ERROR_INT("local name not defined", procName, 1);
    if (rp->mode != L_REG_GENERATE && rp->mode != L_REG_COMPARE &&
        rp->mode != L_REG_DISPLAY) {
        rp->success = FALSE;
        return ERROR_INT("invalid mode", procName, 1);

    if (rp->mode == L_REG_DISPLAY) return 0;

        /* Generate the golden file name; used in 'generate' and 'compare' */
    splitPathAtExtension(localname, NULL, &ext);
    snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "/tmp/golden/%s_golden.%d%s",
             rp->testname, rp->index, ext);

    if (rp->mode == L_REG_GENERATE) {
            /* Save the file as a golden file */
/*        fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", rp->index, namebuf);  */
        ret = fileCopy(localname, namebuf);
        if (!ret)
            fprintf(stderr, "Copy: %s to %s\n", localname, namebuf);
        return ret;

        /* Compare mode: test and record on failure */
    filesAreIdentical(localname, namebuf, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(rp->fp, "Failure in %s_reg, index %d: comparing %s with %s\n",
                rp->testname, rp->index, localname, namebuf);
        fprintf(stderr, "Failure in %s_reg, index %d: comparing %s with %s\n",
                rp->testname, rp->index, localname, namebuf);
        rp->success = FALSE;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 *  regTestCheckFile()
 *      Input:  stream (for output; use NULL to generate golden files)
 *              argv ([0] == name of reg test)
 *              localname (name of output file from reg test)
 *              index (of the output file under test; 0-based for the reg test)
 *              &success (<return> 0 on failure; input value on success)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error (a failure in comparison is not an error)
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This function either compares an input file with a "golden" file,
 *          or generates a "golden" file as a copy @localname.
 *          Call with @fp == NULL to generate a new golden file.
 *      (2) This function can be called repeatedly in a single reg test.
 *      (3) The value for @success is initialized to TRUE in the reg test
 *          setup before this function is called for the first time.
 *          A failure in any single file comparison is registered
 *          as a failure of the regression test.
 *      (4) The canonical format of the golden filenames is:
 *             /tmp/<root of main name>_golden.<index>.<ext of localname>
 *          e.g.,
 *             /tmp/maze_golden.0.png
regTestCheckFile(FILE        *fp,
                 char       **argv,
                 const char  *localname,
                 l_int32      index,
                 l_int32     *psuccess)
char    *root, *ext;
char     namebuf[64];
l_int32  ret, same;


    if (!psuccess)
        return ERROR_INT("&success not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!localname)
        return ERROR_INT("local name not defined", procName, 1);
    if (index < 0)
        return ERROR_INT("index is negative", procName, 1);

        /* Generate the golden file name */
    if ((root = getRootNameFromArgv0(argv[0])) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid root", procName, 1);
    splitPathAtExtension(localname, NULL, &ext);
    snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "/tmp/%s_golden.%d%s", root, index, ext);

        /* Save the file as a golden file */
    if (!fp) {
        ret = fileCopy(localname, namebuf);
        if (!ret)
            fprintf(stderr, "Copy: %s to %s\n", localname, namebuf);
        return ret;

        /* Test and record on failure */
    filesAreIdentical(localname, namebuf, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(fp, "Failure in %s: comparing %s with %s\n", argv[0],
                localname, namebuf);
        fprintf(stderr, "Failure in %s: comparing %s with %s\n", argv[0],
                localname, namebuf);
        *psuccess = 0;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 *  getImpliedFileFormat()
 *      Input:  filename
 *      Return: output format, or IFF_UNKNOWN on error or invalid extension.
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This determines the output file format from the extension
 *          of the input filename.
getImpliedFileFormat(const char  *filename)
char    *extension;
int      i, numext;
l_int32  format = IFF_UNKNOWN;

    if (splitPathAtExtension (filename, NULL, &extension))
        return IFF_UNKNOWN;

    numext = sizeof(extension_map) / sizeof(extension_map[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < numext; i++) {
        if (!strcmp(extension, extension_map[i].extension)) {
            format = extension_map[i].format;

    return format;
Exemplo n.º 4
 *  regTestCheckFile()
 *      Input:  rp (regtest parameters)
 *              localname (name of output file from reg test)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error (a failure in comparison is not an error)
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This function does one of three things, depending on the mode:
 *           * "generate": makes a "golden" file as a copy @localname.
 *           * "compare": compares @localname contents with the golden file
 *           * "display": makes the @localname file but does no comparison
 *      (2) The canonical format of the golden filenames is:
 *            /tmp/golden/<root of main name>_golden.<index>.<ext of localname>
 *          e.g.,
 *             /tmp/golden/maze_golden.0.png
 *          It is important to add an extension to the local name, because
 *          the extension is added to the name of the golden file.
regTestCheckFile(L_REGPARAMS *rp,
                 const char *localname) {
    char *ext;
    char namebuf[256];
    l_int32 ret, same, format;
    PIX *pix1, *pix2;


    if (!rp)
        return ERROR_INT("rp not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!localname) {
        rp->success = FALSE;
        return ERROR_INT("local name not defined", procName, 1);
    if (rp->mode != L_REG_GENERATE && rp->mode != L_REG_COMPARE &&
        rp->mode != L_REG_DISPLAY) {
        rp->success = FALSE;
        return ERROR_INT("invalid mode", procName, 1);

    /* If display mode, no generation and no testing */
    if (rp->mode == L_REG_DISPLAY) return 0;

    /* Generate the golden file name; used in 'generate' and 'compare' */
    splitPathAtExtension(localname, NULL, &ext);
    snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "/tmp/golden/%s_golden.%02d%s",
             rp->testname, rp->index, ext);

    /* Generate mode.  No testing. */
    if (rp->mode == L_REG_GENERATE) {
        /* Save the file as a golden file */
        ret = fileCopy(localname, namebuf);
#if 0       /* Enable for details on writing of golden files */
        if (!ret) {
            char *local = genPathname(localname, NULL);
            char *golden = genPathname(namebuf, NULL);
            L_INFO("Copy: %s to %s\n", procName, local, golden);
        return ret;

    /* Compare mode: test and record on failure.  GIF compression
     * is lossless for images with up to 8 bpp (but not for RGB
     * because it must generate a 256 color palette).  Although
     * the read/write cycle for GIF is idempotent in the image
     * pixels for bpp <= 8, it is not idempotent in the actual
     * file bytes.  Tests comparing file bytes before and after
     * a GIF read/write cycle will fail.  So for GIF we uncompress
     * the two images and compare the actual pixels.  From my tests,
     * PNG, in addition to being lossless, is idempotent in file
     * bytes on read/write, so comparing the pixels is not necessary.
     * (It also increases the regression test time by an an average
     * of about 8%.)  JPEG is lossy and not idempotent in the image
     * pixels, so no tests are constructed that would require it. */
    findFileFormat(localname, &format);
    if (format == IFF_GIF) {
        same = 0;
        pix1 = pixRead(localname);
        pix2 = pixRead(namebuf);
        pixEqual(pix1, pix2, &same);
    } else {
        filesAreIdentical(localname, namebuf, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(rp->fp, "Failure in %s_reg, index %d: comparing %s with %s\n",
                rp->testname, rp->index, localname, namebuf);
        fprintf(stderr, "Failure in %s_reg, index %d: comparing %s with %s\n",
                rp->testname, rp->index, localname, namebuf);
        rp->success = FALSE;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 *  convertFilesTo1bpp()
 *      Input:  dirin
 *              substr (<optional> substring filter on filenames; can be NULL)
 *              upscaling (1, 2 or 4; only for input color or grayscale)
 *              thresh  (global threshold for binarization; use 0 for default)
 *              firstpage
 *              npages (use 0 to do all from @firstpage to the end)
 *              dirout
 *              outformat (IFF_PNG, IFF_TIFF_G4)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Images are sorted lexicographically, and the names in the
 *          output directory are retained except for the extension.
convertFilesTo1bpp(const char *dirin,
                   const char *substr,
                   l_int32 upscaling,
                   l_int32 thresh,
                   l_int32 firstpage,
                   l_int32 npages,
                   const char *dirout,
                   l_int32 outformat) {
    l_int32 i, nfiles;
    char buf[512];
    char *fname, *tail, *basename;
    PIX *pixs, *pixg1, *pixg2, *pixb;
    SARRAY *safiles;


    if (!dirin)
        return ERROR_INT("dirin", procName, 1);
    if (!dirout)
        return ERROR_INT("dirout", procName, 1);
    if (upscaling != 1 && upscaling != 2 && upscaling != 4)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid upscaling factor", procName, 1);
    if (thresh <= 0) thresh = 180;
    if (firstpage < 0) firstpage = 0;
    if (npages < 0) npages = 0;
    if (outformat != IFF_TIFF_G4)
        outformat = IFF_PNG;

    safiles = getSortedPathnamesInDirectory(dirin, substr, firstpage, npages);
    if (!safiles)
        return ERROR_INT("safiles not made", procName, 1);
    if ((nfiles = sarrayGetCount(safiles)) == 0) {
        return ERROR_INT("no matching files in the directory", procName, 1);

    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
        fname = sarrayGetString(safiles, i, L_NOCOPY);
        if ((pixs = pixRead(fname)) == NULL) {
            L_WARNING("Couldn't read file %s\n", procName, fname);
        if (pixGetDepth(pixs) == 32)
            pixg1 = pixConvertRGBToLuminance(pixs);
            pixg1 = pixClone(pixs);
        pixg2 = pixRemoveColormap(pixg1, REMOVE_CMAP_TO_GRAYSCALE);
        if (pixGetDepth(pixg2) == 1) {
            pixb = pixClone(pixg2);
        } else {
            if (upscaling == 1)
                pixb = pixThresholdToBinary(pixg2, thresh);
            else if (upscaling == 2)
                pixb = pixScaleGray2xLIThresh(pixg2, thresh);
            else  /* upscaling == 4 */
                pixb = pixScaleGray4xLIThresh(pixg2, thresh);

        splitPathAtDirectory(fname, NULL, &tail);
        splitPathAtExtension(tail, &basename, NULL);
        if (outformat == IFF_TIFF_G4) {
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.tif", dirout, basename);
            pixWrite(buf, pixb, IFF_TIFF_G4);
        } else {
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.png", dirout, basename);
            pixWrite(buf, pixb, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int    argc,
         char **argv)
PIX         *pixs;
char        *filein, *fileout, *base, *ext;
const char  *formatstr;
l_int32      format;
l_int32      d;
static char  mainName[] = "convertformat";

    if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: convertformat filein fileout [format]\n"
                        "If you don't specify a format, the output file\n"
                        "needs one of these seven extensions:\n"
                        "   bmp, jpg, png, tif, pnm, gif, webp\n");
        return 1;

    filein = argv[1];
    fileout = argv[2];

    if (argc == 3) {
        splitPathAtExtension(fileout, NULL, &ext);
        if (!strcmp(ext, ".bmp"))
            format = IFF_BMP;
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".jpg"))
            format = IFF_JFIF_JPEG;
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".png"))
            format = IFF_PNG;
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".tif"))  /* requesting g4-tiff binary comp */
            format = IFF_TIFF_G4;
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".pnm"))
            format = IFF_PNM;
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".gif"))
            format = IFF_GIF;
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".webp"))
            format = IFF_WEBP;
        else {
            return ERROR_INT(
                "Valid extensions: bmp, jpg, png, tif, pnm, gif, webp",
                mainName, 1);
    else {
        formatstr = argv[3];
        if (!strcmp(formatstr, "BMP"))
            format = IFF_BMP;
        else if (!strcmp(formatstr, "JPEG"))
            format = IFF_JFIF_JPEG;
        else if (!strcmp(formatstr, "PNG"))
            format = IFF_PNG;
        else if (!strcmp(formatstr, "TIFF"))
            format = IFF_TIFF_G4;
        else if (!strcmp(formatstr, "PNM"))
            format = IFF_PNM;
        else if (!strcmp(formatstr, "GIF"))
            format = IFF_GIF;
        else if (!strcmp(formatstr, "WEBP"))
            format = IFF_WEBP;
        else {
            return ERROR_INT(
                "Valid formats: BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PNM, GIF, WEBP",
                mainName, 1);

    if ((pixs = pixRead(filein)) == NULL) {
        L_ERROR("read fail for %s\n", mainName, filein);
        return 1;

    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    if (d != 1 && format == IFF_TIFF_G4) {
        L_WARNING("can't convert to tiff_g4; converting to png\n", mainName);
        format = IFF_PNG;
    if (d < 8 && format == IFF_JFIF_JPEG) {
        L_WARNING("can't convert to jpeg; converting to png\n", mainName);
        splitPathAtExtension(fileout, &base, &ext);
        fileout = stringJoin(base, ".png");
        format = IFF_PNG;
    if (d < 8 && format == IFF_WEBP) {
        L_WARNING("can't convert to webp; converting to png\n", mainName);
        splitPathAtExtension(fileout, &base, &ext);
        fileout = stringJoin(base, ".png");
        format = IFF_PNG;

    pixWrite(fileout, pixs, format);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
 *  pixWrite()
 *      Input:  filename
 *              pix
 *              format  (defined in imageio.h)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Open for write using binary mode (with the "b" flag)
 *          to avoid having Windows automatically translate the NL
 *          into CRLF, which corrupts image files.  On non-windows
 *          systems this flag should be ignored, per ISO C90.
 *          Thanks to Dave Bryan for pointing this out.
 *      (2) If the default image format is requested, we use the input format;
 *          if the input format is unknown, a lossless format is assigned.
 *      (3) There are two modes with respect to file naming.
 *          (a) The default code writes to @filename.
 *          (b) If WRITE_AS_NAMED is defined to 0, it's a bit fancier.
 *              Then, if @filename does not have a file extension, one is
 *              automatically appended, depending on the requested format.
 *          The original intent for providing option (b) was to insure
 *          that filenames on Windows have an extension that matches
 *          the image compression.  However, this is not the default.
pixWrite(const char  *filename,
         PIX         *pix,
         l_int32      format)
char  *fname;
FILE  *fp;


    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!filename)
        return ERROR_INT("filename not defined", procName, 1);
    if (format == IFF_JP2)
        return ERROR_INT("jp2 not supported", procName, 1);

    fname = genPathname(filename, NULL);

#if  WRITE_AS_NAMED  /* Default */

    if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(fname, "wb+")) == NULL) {
        return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);

#else  /* Add an extension to the output name if none exists */

    {l_int32  extlen;
     char    *extension, *filebuf;
        splitPathAtExtension(fname, NULL, &extension);
        extlen = strlen(extension);
        if (extlen == 0) {
            if (format == IFF_DEFAULT || format == IFF_UNKNOWN)
                format = pixChooseOutputFormat(pix);

            filebuf = (char *)CALLOC(strlen(fname) + 10, sizeof(char));
            if (!filebuf) {
                return ERROR_INT("filebuf not made", procName, 1);
            strncpy(filebuf, fname, strlen(fname));
            strcat(filebuf, ".");
            strcat(filebuf, ImageFileFormatExtensions[format]);
        } else {
            filebuf = (char *)fname;

        fp = fopenWriteStream(filebuf, "wb+");
        if (filebuf != fname)
        if (fp == NULL) {
            return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);

#endif  /* WRITE_AS_NAMED */

    if (pixWriteStream(fp, pix, format)) {
        return ERROR_INT("pix not written to stream", procName, 1);

        /* Close the stream except if GIF under windows, because
         * EGifCloseFile() closes the windows file stream! */
    if (format != IFF_GIF)
#ifndef _WIN32
    else  /* gif file */
#endif  /* ! _WIN32 */

    return 0;
 * \brief   pixWrite()
 * \param[in]    filename
 * \param[in]    pix
 * \param[in]    format  defined in imageio.h
 * \return  0 if OK; 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Open for write using binary mode (with the "b" flag)
 *          to avoid having Windows automatically translate the NL
 *          into CRLF, which corrupts image files.  On non-windows
 *          systems this flag should be ignored, per ISO C90.
 *          Thanks to Dave Bryan for pointing this out.
 *      (2) If the default image format IFF_DEFAULT is requested:
 *          use the input format if known; otherwise, use a lossless format.
 *      (3) There are two modes with respect to file naming.
 *          (a) The default code writes to %filename.
 *          (b) If WRITE_AS_NAMED is defined to 0, it's a bit fancier.
 *              Then, if %filename does not have a file extension, one is
 *              automatically appended, depending on the requested format.
 *          The original intent for providing option (b) was to insure
 *          that filenames on Windows have an extension that matches
 *          the image compression.  However, this is not the default.
 * </pre>
pixWrite(const char  *filename,
         PIX         *pix,
         l_int32      format)
char  *fname;
FILE  *fp;


    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!filename)
        return ERROR_INT("filename not defined", procName, 1);

    fname = genPathname(filename, NULL);

#if  WRITE_AS_NAMED  /* Default */

    if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(fname, "wb+")) == NULL) {
        return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);

#else  /* Add an extension to the output name if none exists */

    {l_int32  extlen;
     char    *extension, *filebuf;
        splitPathAtExtension(fname, NULL, &extension);
        extlen = strlen(extension);
        if (extlen == 0) {
            if (format == IFF_DEFAULT || format == IFF_UNKNOWN)
                format = pixChooseOutputFormat(pix);

            filebuf = (char *)LEPT_CALLOC(strlen(fname) + 10, sizeof(char));
            if (!filebuf) {
                return ERROR_INT("filebuf not made", procName, 1);
            strncpy(filebuf, fname, strlen(fname));
            strcat(filebuf, ".");
            strcat(filebuf, ImageFileFormatExtensions[format]);
        } else {
            filebuf = (char *)fname;

        fp = fopenWriteStream(filebuf, "wb+");
        if (filebuf != fname)
        if (fp == NULL) {
            return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);

#endif  /* WRITE_AS_NAMED */

    if (pixWriteStream(fp, pix, format)) {
        return ERROR_INT("pix not written to stream", procName, 1);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
l_int32 main(int    argc,
             char **argv)
char         buf[256], dirname[256];
char        *dirin, *pattern, *subdirout, *fname, *tail, *basename;
l_int32      thresh, i, n;
l_float32    scalefactor;
PIX         *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;
SARRAY      *sa;
static char  mainName[] = "binarizefiles.c";

    if (argc != 6) {
            "Syntax: binarizefiles dirin pattern thresh scalefact dirout\n"
            "      dirin: input directory for image files\n"
            "      pattern: use 'allfiles' to convert all files\n"
            "               in the directory\n"
            "      thresh: 0 for adaptive; > 0 for global thresh (e.g., 128)\n"
            "      scalefactor: in (0.0 ... 4.0]; use 1.0 to prevent scaling\n"
            "      subdirout: subdirectory of /tmp for output files\n");
        return 1;

    dirin = argv[1];
    pattern = argv[2];
    thresh = atoi(argv[3]);
    scalefactor = atof(argv[4]);
    subdirout = argv[5];
    if (!strcmp(pattern, "allfiles"))
              pattern = NULL;
    if (scalefactor <= 0.0 || scalefactor > 4.0) {
        L_WARNING("invalid scalefactor: setting to 1.0\n", mainName);
        scalefactor = 1.0;

        /* Get the input filenames */
    sa = getSortedPathnamesInDirectory(dirin, pattern, 0, 0);
    sarrayWriteStream(stderr, sa);
    n = sarrayGetCount(sa);

        /* Write the output files */
    makeTempDirname(dirname, 256, subdirout);
    fprintf(stderr, "dirname: %s\n", dirname);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        fname = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        if ((pix1 = pixRead(fname)) == NULL) {
            L_ERROR("file %s not read as image", mainName, fname);
        splitPathAtDirectory(fname, NULL, &tail);
        splitPathAtExtension(tail, &basename, NULL);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.tif", dirname, basename);
        fprintf(stderr, "fileout: %s\n", buf);
        if (scalefactor != 1.0)
            pix2 = pixScale(pix1, scalefactor, scalefactor);
            pix2 = pixClone(pix1);
        if (thresh == 0) {
            pix4 = pixConvertTo8(pix2, 0);
            pix3 = pixAdaptThresholdToBinary(pix4, NULL, 1.0);
        } else {
            pix3 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, thresh);
        pixWrite(buf, pix3, IFF_TIFF_G4);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
l_int32 main(int    argc,
             char **argv)
char         buf[256], rootname[256];
char        *dir, *pattern, *psdir, *imagedir;
char        *fname, *tail, *filename;
l_int32      i, n, ret;
SARRAY      *sa, *saps;
static char  mainName[] = "concatpdf";

    if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
        return ERROR_INT("Syntax: concatpdf dir [pattern]", mainName, 1);
    dir = argv[1];
    pattern = (argc == 3) ? argv[2] : NULL;

        /* Get the names of the pdf files */
    sa = getSortedPathnamesInDirectory(dir, pattern, 0, 0);
    sarrayWriteStream(stderr, sa);
    n = sarrayGetCount(sa);

#if 1
        /* Convert to ps */
    psdir = genPathname("/tmp/ps", NULL);
    saps = sarrayCreate(n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        fname = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        splitPathAtDirectory(fname, NULL, &tail);
        splitPathAtExtension(tail, &filename, NULL);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "acroread -toPostScript -annotsOff %s %s",
                 fname, psdir);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
        ret = system(buf);  /* acroread -toPostScript -annotsOff */
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.ps", psdir, filename);
        sarrayAddString(saps, buf, L_COPY);

#if 1
        /* Rasterize */
    imagedir = genPathname("/tmp/image", NULL);
    sarrayWriteStream(stderr, saps);
    n = sarrayGetCount(saps);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        fname = sarrayGetString(saps, i, L_NOCOPY);
        snprintf(rootname, sizeof(rootname), "%s/r%d", imagedir, i);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ps2png-gray %s %s", fname, rootname);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
        ret = system(buf);  /* ps2png-gray */

#if 1
        /* Generate the pdf */
    convertFilesToPdf(imagedir, "png", RESOLUTION, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE,
                      0, "", "/tmp/output.pdf");

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
PIX         *pixs;
char        *filein, *fileout, *base, *ext;
const char  *format;
char         error_msg[] = "Valid formats: BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIFF_G4, PNM";
l_int32      d;
static char  mainName[] = "convertformat";

    if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: convertformat filein fileout [format]\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);
        fprintf(stderr, "If you don't specify a format, the output file needs");
	fprintf(stderr, " an extension such as:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, " .bmp, .jpg, .png, .tif or .pnm\n");
        return 1;

    filein = argv[1];
    fileout = argv[2];

    if (argc == 3) {
        splitPathAtExtension(fileout, NULL, &ext);
        if (!strcmp(ext, ".bmp"))
            format = "BMP";
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".jpg"))
            format = "JPEG";
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".png"))
            format = "PNG";
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".tif"))
            format = "TIFF_G4";
        else if (!strcmp(ext, ".pnm"))
            format = "PNM";
            return ERROR_INT(error_msg, mainName, 1);
        format = argv[3];

    pixs = pixRead(filein);
    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    if (d != 1 && !strcmp(format, "TIFF_G4")) {
        L_WARNING("can't convert to tiff_g4; converting to tiff", mainName);
        format = "TIFF";
    if (d < 8 && !strcmp(format, "JPEG")) {
        L_WARNING("can't convert to jpeg; converting to png", mainName);
        splitPathAtExtension(fileout, &base, &ext);
        fileout = stringJoin(base, ".png");
        format = "PNG";

    if (strcmp(format, "BMP") == 0)
        pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_BMP);
    else if (strcmp(format, "JPEG") == 0)
        pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
    else if (strcmp(format, "PNG") == 0)
        pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_PNG);
    else if (strcmp(format, "TIFF") == 0)
        pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_TIFF_ZIP);
    else if (strcmp(format, "TIFF_G4") == 0)
        pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_TIFF_G4);
    else if (strcmp(format, "PNM") == 0)
        pixWrite(fileout, pixs, IFF_PNM);
        return ERROR_INT(error_msg, mainName, 1);

    return 0;