Exemplo n.º 1
 * Returns 1 if the worm is consistent with previous frame.
 * Returns 0 if the worm's head and tail had been reversed from
 *      	  previous frame and fixes the problem.
 * Returns -1 if the head and the tail do not match the previous frame at all
 * Returns 2 if there is no previous worm information
int PrevFrameImproveWormHeadTail(WormAnalysisData* Worm,
		WormAnalysisParam* Params, WormGeom* PrevWorm) {
	int DEBUG = 0;
	if (PrevWorm->Head.x == NULL || PrevWorm->Head.y == NULL
			|| PrevWorm->Tail.y == NULL || PrevWorm->Tail.x == NULL
			|| PrevWorm->Perimeter == NULL) {
		/** No previous worm to provide information **/
		if (DEBUG)
			printf("No previous worm to provide information.\n");
		return 2;

	/** Is the Worm's Head and Tail Close to the Previous Frames **/
	CvPoint CurrHead=cvPoint(Worm->Head->x,Worm->Head->y);
	CvPoint CurrTail=cvPoint(Worm->Tail->x,Worm->Tail->y);
	int SqDeltaHead  = sqDist(CurrHead, PrevWorm->Head);
	int SqDeltaTail = sqDist(CurrTail, PrevWorm->Tail);
	if (DEBUG) printf("=======================\n");
	if (DEBUG) printf("CurrHead=(%d,%d),CurrTail=(%d,%d)\n",Worm->Head->x,Worm->Head->y,Worm->Tail->x,Worm->Tail->y);
	if (DEBUG) printf("PrevHead=(%d,%d),PrevTail=(%d,%d)\n",PrevWorm->Head.x,PrevWorm->Head.y,PrevWorm->Tail.x,PrevWorm->Tail.y);
	if (DEBUG) printf("SqDeltaTail=%d,SqDeltaHead=%d\n",SqDeltaTail,SqDeltaHead);

	int rsquared=(Params->MaxLocationChange) * (Params->MaxLocationChange);

	if ((SqDeltaHead > rsquared) || (SqDeltaTail > rsquared)) {
		/** The previous head/tail locations aren't close.. **/
		/** Is the inverse close? **/
		int SqDeltaHeadInv = sqDist(CurrHead, PrevWorm->Tail);
		int SqDeltaTailInv = sqDist(CurrTail, PrevWorm->Head);
		if (DEBUG) printf("SqDeltaTailInv=%d,SqDeltaHeadInv=%d\n",SqDeltaTailInv,SqDeltaTailInv);
		if ( (SqDeltaHeadInv < rsquared) || (SqDeltaTailInv < rsquared )){
			/** The inverse is close, so let's reverse the Head Tail**/
			if (DEBUG) printf("ReversedWormHeadTail\n");
			return 0;

		} else {
			/** The Head and Tail is screwed up and its not related to simply inverted **/
			if (DEBUG) printf(
					"Head moved by a squared distance of %d pixels\n Tail moved by a squared distance of %d pixels\n",
					SqDeltaHead, SqDeltaTail);
			if (DEBUG)
				printf("Head and Tail Screwed Up");
			return -1;

	if (DEBUG)
			printf("All good.\n");
	return 1; /** The Head and Tail are within the required distance **/

Exemplo n.º 2
GMMDesc initutil::adaptiveSphericalGMM(commonutil::DataSet const& input, idx_type k, std::mt19937& gen)
	idx_type d = input.points.rows();
	idx_type n = input.points.cols();
	initutil::check(k, d, n);

	Matrix samples(d,k+1);	// two samples for the first gaussian, one for each of the others
	Vector sqDist(k);		// minimum distance to nearest sample (for each sample)

	GMMDesc desc;
	for (idx_type i=0; i<k+1; ++i)
		if (i<2)
			// draw the first two points uniformly
			samples.col(i) = input.points.col(commonutil::randomIndex(input.weights, gen));
			// draw next point w.r.t. current mixture
			Vector densities = gmmutil::adaptiveDensities(input, desc, 1);
			samples.col(i) = input.points.col(commonutil::randomIndex(densities, gen));

//		std::cout << "sampled points = " << samples.col(i).transpose() << std::endl;

		if (i>0)
			desc.weights = Vector::Constant(i, 1.0/i);
			desc.means = samples.block(0,1,d,i);
			desc.covariances = std::vector<Matrix>(i, (1.0/(2*d))*Matrix::Identity(d,d));

			if (i==1)	// after uniformly drawing two samples create the first model with one component
				sqDist[0] = (samples.col(0)-samples.col(1)).squaredNorm();
				if (sqDist[0]<=0)
					sqDist[0] = 1;
			else if (i==2)
				sqDist[0] = (samples.col(1)-samples.col(2)).squaredNorm();
				if (sqDist[0]<=0)
					sqDist[0] = 1;
				sqDist[1] = sqDist[0];
			else if (i>2)
				Vector mins = (samples.block(0,1,d,i-1).colwise()-samples.col(i)).colwise().squaredNorm();

				// set sqDist to the minimum non-zero distance to one of the other samples
				// this is due to the possibility of sampling the same point multiple times
				sqDist[i-1] = 0;
				for (idx_type j=0; j<i-1; ++j)
					if (mins[j]>0 && (sqDist[i-1]==0 || mins[j]<sqDist[i-1]))
						sqDist[i-1] = mins[j];
				if (sqDist[i-1]<=0)
					sqDist[i-1] = 1;	// prevent zero covariances in pathological cases

				for (idx_type j=0; j<i-1; ++j)
					if (mins[j]>0 && mins[j]<sqDist[j])
						sqDist[j] = mins[j];

			for (idx_type j=0; j<i; ++j)
				desc.covariances[j] *= sqDist[j];

	return desc;