Exemplo n.º 1
void mq_desclose(mqd_t mqdes)
	FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)sched_self();
	FAR struct task_group_s *group = rtcb->group;
	FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq;

	DEBUGASSERT(mqdes && group);

	/* Remove the message descriptor from the current task's list of message
	 * descriptors.

	sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t *)mqdes, &group->tg_msgdesq);

	/* Find the message queue associated with the message descriptor */

	msgq = mqdes->msgq;

	/* Check if the calling task has a notification attached to the message
	 * queue via this mqdes.

	if (msgq->ntmqdes == mqdes) {
		msgq->ntpid = INVALID_PROCESS_ID;
		msgq->ntsigno = 0;
		msgq->ntvalue.sival_int = 0;
		msgq->ntmqdes = NULL;

	/* Deallocate the message descriptor */

Exemplo n.º 2
void lc823450_dmastop(DMA_HANDLE handle)
  struct lc823450_dmach_s *dmach = (DMA_HANDLE)handle;
  struct lc823450_phydmach_s *pdmach;
  irqstate_t flags;


  flags = spin_lock_irqsave();

  modifyreg32(DMACCFG(dmach->chn), DMACCFG_ITC | DMACCFG_E, 0);

  pdmach = &g_dma.phydmach[dmach->chn];
  if (pdmach)
      if (pdmach->inprogress)
      pdmach->inprogress = 0;
      sq_rem(&dmach->q_ent, &pdmach->req_q);

Exemplo n.º 3
static void
hrt_call_internal(struct hrt_call *entry, hrt_abstime deadline, hrt_abstime interval, hrt_callout callout, void *arg)
	//PX4_INFO("hrt_call_internal deadline=%lu interval = %lu", deadline, interval);
	//PX4_INFO("hrt_call_internal after lock");
	/* if the entry is currently queued, remove it */
	/* note that we are using a potentially uninitialised
	   entry->link here, but it is safe as sq_rem() doesn't
	   dereference the passed node unless it is found in the
	   list. So we potentially waste a bit of time searching the
	   queue for the uninitialised entry->link but we don't do
	   anything actually unsafe.
	if (entry->deadline != 0)
		sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);

#if 0
	// Use this to debug busy CPU that keeps rescheduling with 0 period time
	if (interval < HRT_INTERVAL_MIN) {
		PX4_ERR("hrt_call_internal interval too short: %" PRIu64, interval);
	entry->deadline = deadline;
	entry->period = interval;
	entry->callout = callout;
	entry->arg = arg;

Exemplo n.º 4
static void
hrt_call_internal(struct hrt_call *entry, hrt_abstime deadline, hrt_abstime interval, hrt_callout callout, void *arg)
	//printf("hrt_call_internal after lock\n");
	/* if the entry is currently queued, remove it */
	/* note that we are using a potentially uninitialised
	   entry->link here, but it is safe as sq_rem() doesn't
	   dereference the passed node unless it is found in the
	   list. So we potentially waste a bit of time searching the
	   queue for the uninitialised entry->link but we don't do
	   anything actually unsafe.
	if (entry->deadline != 0)
		sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);

	entry->deadline = deadline;
	entry->period = interval;
	entry->callout = callout;
	entry->arg = arg;

Exemplo n.º 5
static void
hrt_call_internal(struct hrt_call *entry, hrt_abstime deadline, hrt_abstime interval, hrt_callout callout, void *arg)
	irqstate_t flags = px4_enter_critical_section();

	/* if the entry is currently queued, remove it */
	/* note that we are using a potentially uninitialised
	   entry->link here, but it is safe as sq_rem() doesn't
	   dereference the passed node unless it is found in the
	   list. So we potentially waste a bit of time searching the
	   queue for the uninitialised entry->link but we don't do
	   anything actually unsafe.
	if (entry->deadline != 0) {
		sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);

	entry->deadline = deadline;
	entry->period = interval;
	entry->callout = callout;
	entry->arg = arg;


Exemplo n.º 6
static inline void timer_free(struct posix_timer_s *timer)
  irqstate_t flags;

  /* Remove the timer from the allocated list */

  flags = irqsave();
  sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t *)timer, (FAR sq_queue_t *)&g_alloctimers);

  /* Return it to the free list if it is one of the preallocated timers */

  if ((timer->pt_flags & PT_FLAGS_PREALLOCATED) != 0)
      sq_addlast((FAR sq_entry_t *)timer, (FAR sq_queue_t *)&g_freetimers);
      /* Otherwise, return it to the heap */

Exemplo n.º 7
static void
	struct hrt_call	*call;
	hrt_abstime deadline;


	while (true) {
		/* get the current time */
		hrt_abstime now = hrt_absolute_time();

		call = (struct hrt_call *)sq_peek(&callout_queue);

		if (call == NULL) {

		if (call->deadline > now) {

		sq_rem(&call->link, &callout_queue);
		//PX4_INFO("call pop");

		/* save the intended deadline for periodic calls */
		deadline = call->deadline;

		/* zero the deadline, as the call has occurred */
		call->deadline = 0;

		/* invoke the callout (if there is one) */
		if (call->callout) {
			// Unlock so we don't deadlock in callback

			//PX4_INFO("call %p: %p(%p)", call, call->callout, call->arg);


		/* if the callout has a non-zero period, it has to be re-entered */
		if (call->period != 0) {
			// re-check call->deadline to allow for
			// callouts to re-schedule themselves
			// using hrt_call_delay()
			if (call->deadline <= now) {
				call->deadline = deadline + call->period;
				//PX4_INFO("call deadline set to %lu now=%lu", call->deadline,  now);


Exemplo n.º 8
perf_free(perf_counter_t handle)
	if (handle == NULL)

	sq_rem(&handle->link, &perf_counters);
Exemplo n.º 9
perf_free(perf_counter_t handle)
	if (handle == NULL) {

	sq_rem(&handle->link, &perf_counters);
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Remove the entry from the callout list.
void	hrt_cancel(struct hrt_call *entry)
	sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);
	entry->deadline = 0;

	/* if this is a periodic call being removed by the callout, prevent it from
	 * being re-entered when the callout returns.
	entry->period = 0;
	// endif
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Remove the entry from the callout list.
hrt_cancel(struct hrt_call *entry)
	irqstate_t flags = irqsave();

	sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);
	entry->deadline = 0;

	/* if this is a periodic call being removed by the callout, prevent it from
	 * being re-entered when the callout returns.
	entry->period = 0;

Exemplo n.º 12
 * Remove the entry from the callout list.
hrt_cancel(struct hrt_call *entry)
	irqstate_t flags = px4_enter_critical_section();

	sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);
	entry->deadline = 0;

	/* if this is a periodic call being removed by the callout, prevent it from
	 * being re-entered when the callout returns.
	entry->period = 0;

Exemplo n.º 13
static void
	struct hrt_call	*call;
	hrt_abstime deadline;

	while (true) {
		/* get the current time */
		hrt_abstime now = hrt_absolute_time();

		call = (struct hrt_call *)sq_peek(&callout_queue);

		if (call == NULL)

		if (call->deadline > now)

		sq_rem(&call->link, &callout_queue);
		//lldbg("call pop\n");

		/* save the intended deadline for periodic calls */
		deadline = call->deadline;

		/* zero the deadline, as the call has occurred */
		call->deadline = 0;

		/* invoke the callout (if there is one) */
		if (call->callout) {
			//lldbg("call %p: %p(%p)\n", call, call->callout, call->arg);

		/* if the callout has a non-zero period, it has to be re-entered */
		if (call->period != 0) {
			// re-check call->deadline to allow for
			// callouts to re-schedule themselves
			// using hrt_call_delay()
			if (call->deadline <= now) {
				call->deadline = deadline + call->period;

Exemplo n.º 14
void uip_grpfree(FAR struct uip_driver_s *dev, FAR struct igmp_group_s *group)
  uip_lock_t flags;

  grplldbg("Free: %p flags: %02x\n", group, group->flags);

  /* Cancel the wdog */

  flags = uip_lock();
  /* Remove the group structure from the group list in the device structure */

  sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t*)group, &dev->grplist);
  /* Destroy the wait semapore */


  /* Destroy the wdog */

  /* Then release the group structure resources.  Check first if this is one
   * of the pre-allocated group structures that we will retain in a free list.

  if (IS_PREALLOCATED(group->flags))
      grplldbg("Put back on free list\n");
      sq_addlast((FAR sq_entry_t*)group, &g_freelist);
      /* No.. deallocate the group structure.  Use sched_free() just in case
       * this function is executing within an interrupt handler.

      grplldbg("Call sched_free()\n");
Exemplo n.º 15
static void
hrt_call_internal(struct hrt_call *entry, hrt_abstime deadline, hrt_abstime interval, hrt_callout callout, void *arg)
	irqstate_t flags = irqsave();

	/* if the entry is currently queued, remove it */
	if (entry->deadline != 0)
		sq_rem(&entry->link, &callout_queue);

	entry->deadline = deadline;
	entry->period = interval;
	entry->callout = callout;
	entry->arg = arg;


Exemplo n.º 16
void __ubgps_gc_callbacks(struct ubgps_s * const gps)
  struct gps_callback_entry_s * cb, * cbnext;

  /* Search for callback in queue */

  cb = (struct gps_callback_entry_s *)sq_peek(&gps->callbacks);
  while (cb)
      /* Save next callback entry */

      cbnext = (struct gps_callback_entry_s *)sq_next(&cb->entry);

      if (cb->event_mask == 0)
          /* Free unactive callback. */

          sq_rem(&cb->entry, &gps->callbacks);

      cb = cbnext;
Exemplo n.º 17
static uint16_t send_interrupt(FAR struct uip_driver_s *dev, FAR void *pvconn,
                               FAR void *pvpriv, uint16_t flags)
  FAR struct uip_conn *conn = (FAR struct uip_conn*)pvconn;
  FAR struct socket *psock = (FAR struct socket *)pvpriv;

  nllvdbg("flags: %04x\n", flags);

  /* If this packet contains an acknowledgement, then update the count of
   * acknowledged bytes.

  if ((flags & UIP_ACKDATA) != 0)
      FAR sq_entry_t *entry, *next;
      FAR struct uip_wrbuffer_s *segment;
      uint32_t ackno;

      ackno = uip_tcpgetsequence(TCPBUF->ackno);
      for (entry = sq_peek(&conn->unacked_q); entry; entry = next)
          next    = sq_next(entry);
          segment = (FAR struct uip_wrbuffer_s*)entry;

          if (segment->wb_seqno < ackno)
              nllvdbg("ACK: acked=%d buflen=%d ackno=%d\n",
                      segment->wb_seqno, segment->wb_nbytes, ackno);

              /* Segment was ACKed. Remove from ACK waiting queue */

              sq_rem(entry, &conn->unacked_q);

              /* Return the write buffer to the pool of free buffers */


  /* Check for a loss of connection */

  else if ((flags & (UIP_CLOSE | UIP_ABORT | UIP_TIMEDOUT)) != 0)
      /* Report not connected */

       nllvdbg("Lost connection\n");
       net_lostconnection(psock, flags);
       goto end_wait;

   /* Check if we are being asked to retransmit data */

   else if ((flags & UIP_REXMIT) != 0)
      sq_entry_t *entry;

      /* Put all segments that have been sent but not ACKed to write queue
       * again note, the un-ACKed segment is put at the first of the write_q,
       * so it can be sent as soon as possible.

      while ((entry = sq_remlast(&conn->unacked_q)))
          struct uip_wrbuffer_s *segment = (struct uip_wrbuffer_s*)entry;

          if (segment->wb_nrtx >= UIP_MAXRTX)
              //conn->unacked -= segment->wb_nbytes;

              /* Return the write buffer */


              /* NOTE expired is different from un-ACKed, it is designed to
               * represent the number of segments that have been sent,
               * retransmitted, and un-ACKed, if expired is not zero, the
               * connection will be closed.
               * field expired can only be updated at UIP_ESTABLISHED state


          send_insert_seqment(segment, &conn->write_q);

  /* Check if the outgoing packet is available (it may have been claimed
   * by a sendto interrupt serving a different thread).

  if (dev->d_sndlen > 0)
      /* Another thread has beat us sending data, wait for the next poll */

      return flags;

  /* We get here if (1) not all of the data has been ACKed, (2) we have been
   * asked to retransmit data, (3) the connection is still healthy, and (4)
   * the outgoing packet is available for our use.  In this case, we are
   * now free to send more data to receiver -- UNLESS the buffer contains
   * unprocesed incoming data.  In that event, we will have to wait for the
   * next polling cycle.

  if ((conn->tcpstateflags & UIP_ESTABLISHED) &&
      (flags & (UIP_POLL | UIP_REXMIT)) &&
      /* Check if the destination IP address is in the ARP table.  If not,
       * then the send won't actually make it out... it will be replaced with
       * an ARP request.
       * NOTE 1: This could be an expensive check if there are a lot of
       * entries in the ARP table.
       * NOTE 2: If we are actually harvesting IP addresses on incomming IP
       * packets, then this check should not be necessary; the MAC mapping
       * should already be in the ARP table.

      if (uip_arp_find(conn->ripaddr) != NULL)
          FAR struct uip_wrbuffer_s *segment;
          FAR void *sndbuf;
          size_t sndlen;

          /* Get the amount of data that we can send in the next packet */

          segment = (FAR struct uip_wrbuffer_s *)sq_remfirst(&conn->write_q);
          if (segment)
              sndbuf = segment->wb_buffer;
              sndlen = segment->wb_nbytes;

              DEBUGASSERT(sndlen <= uip_mss(conn));

              /* REVISIT:  There should be a check here to assure that we do
               * not excced the window (conn->winsize).

              /* Set the sequence number for this segment.  NOTE: uIP
               * updates sndseq on receipt of ACK *before* this function
               * is called. In that case sndseq will point to the next
               * unacknowledged byte (which might have already been
               * sent). We will overwrite the value of sndseq here
               * before the packet is sent.

              if (segment->wb_nrtx == 0 && segment->wb_seqno == (unsigned)-1)
                  segment->wb_seqno = conn->isn + conn->sent;

              uip_tcpsetsequence(conn->sndseq, segment->wb_seqno);

              /* Then set-up to send that amount of data. (this won't
               * actually happen until the polling cycle completes).

              uip_send(dev, sndbuf, sndlen);

              /* Remember how much data we send out now so that we know
               * when everything has been acknowledged.  Just increment
               * the amount of data sent. This will be needed in
               * sequence* number calculations and we know that this is
               * not a re-transmission. Re-transmissions do not go through
               * this path.

              if (segment->wb_nrtx == 0)
                  conn->unacked += sndlen;
                  conn->sent    += sndlen;

              /* Increment the retransmission counter before expiration.
               * NOTE we will not calculate the retransmission timer
               * (RTT) to save cpu cycles, each send_insert_seqment
               * segment will be retransmitted UIP_MAXRTX times in halt-
               * second interval before expiration.


              /* The segment is waiting for ACK again */

              send_insert_seqment(segment, &conn->unacked_q);

              /* Only one data can be sent by low level driver at once,
               * tell the caller stop polling the other connection.

              flags &= ~UIP_POLL;

  /* Continue waiting */

  return flags;


  /* Do not allow any further callbacks */

  psock->s_sndcb->flags = 0;
  psock->s_sndcb->event = NULL;

  return flags;
Exemplo n.º 18
int sigaction(int signo, FAR const struct sigaction *act, FAR struct sigaction *oact)
  FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;
  FAR sigactq_t *sigact;

  /* Since sigactions can only be installed from the running thread of
   * execution, no special precautions should be necessary.

  /* Verify the signal number */

  if (!GOOD_SIGNO(signo))
      return ERROR;

  /* Find the signal in the sigactionq */

  sigact = sig_findaction(rtcb, signo);

  /* Return the old sigaction value if so requested */

  if (oact)
      if (sigact)
          COPY_SIGACTION(oact, &sigact->act);
          /* There isn't an old value */

          oact->sa_u._sa_handler = NULL;
          oact->sa_mask = NULL_SIGNAL_SET;
          oact->sa_flags = 0;

  /* If the argument act is a null pointer, signal handling is unchanged;
   * thus, the call can be used to enquire about the current handling of
   * a given signal.

  if (!act)
      return OK;


  /* Handle a special case.  Retention of child status can be suppressed
   * if signo == SIGCHLD and sa_flags == SA_NOCLDWAIT.
   * POSIX.1 leaves it unspecified whether a SIGCHLD signal is generated
   * when a child process terminates.  In NuttX, a SIGCHLD signal is
   * generated in this case; but in some other implementations, it may not
   * be.

  if (signo == SIGCHLD && (act->sa_flags & SA_NOCLDWAIT) != 0)
      irqstate_t flags;

      /* We do require a critical section to muck with the TCB values that
       * can be modified by the child thread.

      flags = irqsave();

      /* Mark that status should be not be retained */

      rtcb->group->tg_flags |= GROUP_FLAG_NOCLDWAIT;

      /* Free all pending exit status */


  /* Handle the case where no sigaction is supplied (SIG_IGN) */

  if (act->sa_u._sa_handler == SIG_IGN)
      /* Do we still have a sigaction container from the previous setting? */

      if (sigact)
          /* Yes.. Remove it from sigactionq */

          sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t*)sigact, &rtcb->sigactionq);

          /* And deallocate it */


  /* A sigaction has been supplied */

      /* Do we still have a sigaction container from the previous setting?
       * If so, then re-use for the new signal action.

      if (!sigact)
          /* No.. Then we need to allocate one for the new action. */

          sigact = sig_allocateaction();

          /* An error has occurred if we could not allocate the sigaction */

          if (!sigact)
              return ERROR;

          /* Put the signal number in the queue entry */

          sigact->signo = (uint8_t)signo;

          /* Add the new sigaction to sigactionq */

          sq_addlast((FAR sq_entry_t*)sigact, &rtcb->sigactionq);

      /* Set the new sigaction */

      COPY_SIGACTION(&sigact->act, act);

  return OK;
Exemplo n.º 19
static uint16_t psock_send_interrupt(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev,
                                     FAR void *pvconn, FAR void *pvpriv,
                                     uint16_t flags)
    FAR struct tcp_conn_s *conn = (FAR struct tcp_conn_s *)pvconn;
    FAR struct socket *psock = (FAR struct socket *)pvpriv;

    nllvdbg("flags: %04x\n", flags);

    /* If this packet contains an acknowledgement, then update the count of
     * acknowledged bytes.

    if ((flags & TCP_ACKDATA) != 0)
        FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *wrb;
        FAR sq_entry_t *entry;
        FAR sq_entry_t *next;
        uint32_t ackno;

        ackno = tcp_getsequence(TCPBUF->ackno);
        nllvdbg("ACK: ackno=%u flags=%04x\n", ackno, flags);

        /* Look at every write buffer in the unacked_q.  The unacked_q
         * holds write buffers that have been entirely sent, but which
         * have not yet been ACKed.

        for (entry = sq_peek(&conn->unacked_q); entry; entry = next)
            uint32_t lastseq;

            /* Check of some or all of this write buffer has been ACKed. */

            next = sq_next(entry);
            wrb = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s*)entry;

            /* If the ACKed sequence number is greater than the start
             * sequence number of the write buffer, then some or all of
             * the write buffer has been ACKed.

            if (ackno > WRB_SEQNO(wrb))
                /* Get the sequence number at the end of the data */

                lastseq = WRB_SEQNO(wrb) + WRB_PKTLEN(wrb);
                nllvdbg("ACK: wrb=%p seqno=%u lastseq=%u pktlen=%u ackno=%u\n",
                        wrb, WRB_SEQNO(wrb), lastseq, WRB_PKTLEN(wrb), ackno);

                /* Has the entire buffer been ACKed? */

                if (ackno >= lastseq)
                    nllvdbg("ACK: wrb=%p Freeing write buffer\n", wrb);

                    /* Yes... Remove the write buffer from ACK waiting queue */

                    sq_rem(entry, &conn->unacked_q);

                    /* And return the write buffer to the pool of free buffers */

                    unsigned int trimlen;

                    /* No, then just trim the ACKed bytes from the beginning
                     * of the write buffer.  This will free up some I/O buffers
                     * that can be reused while are still sending the last
                     * buffers in the chain.

                    trimlen = ackno - WRB_SEQNO(wrb);
                    if (trimlen > WRB_SENT(wrb))
                        /* More data has been ACKed then we have sent? */

                        trimlen = WRB_SENT(wrb);

                    nllvdbg("ACK: wrb=%p trim %u bytes\n", wrb, trimlen);

                    WRB_TRIM(wrb, trimlen);
                    WRB_SEQNO(wrb) = ackno;
                    WRB_SENT(wrb) -= trimlen;

                    /* Set the new sequence number for what remains */

                    nllvdbg("ACK: wrb=%p seqno=%u pktlen=%u\n",
                            wrb, WRB_SEQNO(wrb), WRB_PKTLEN(wrb));

        /* A special case is the head of the write_q which may be partially
         * sent and so can still have un-ACKed bytes that could get ACKed
         * before the entire write buffer has even been sent.

        wrb = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s*)sq_peek(&conn->write_q);
        if (wrb && WRB_SENT(wrb) > 0 && ackno > WRB_SEQNO(wrb))
            uint32_t nacked;

            /* Number of bytes that were ACKed */

            nacked = ackno - WRB_SEQNO(wrb);
            if (nacked > WRB_SENT(wrb))
                /* More data has been ACKed then we have sent? ASSERT? */

                nacked = WRB_SENT(wrb);

            nllvdbg("ACK: wrb=%p seqno=%u nacked=%u sent=%u ackno=%u\n",
                    wrb, WRB_SEQNO(wrb), nacked, WRB_SENT(wrb), ackno);

            /* Trim the ACKed bytes from the beginning of the write buffer. */

            WRB_TRIM(wrb, nacked);
            WRB_SEQNO(wrb) = ackno;
            WRB_SENT(wrb) -= nacked;

            nllvdbg("ACK: wrb=%p seqno=%u pktlen=%u sent=%u\n",
                    wrb, WRB_SEQNO(wrb), WRB_PKTLEN(wrb), WRB_SENT(wrb));

    /* Check for a loss of connection */

    else if ((flags & (TCP_CLOSE | TCP_ABORT | TCP_TIMEDOUT)) != 0)
        nllvdbg("Lost connection: %04x\n", flags);

        /* Report not connected */

        net_lostconnection(psock, flags);

        /* Free write buffers and terminate polling */

        psock_lost_connection(psock, conn);
        return flags;

    /* Check if we are being asked to retransmit data */

    else if ((flags & TCP_REXMIT) != 0)
        FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *wrb;
        FAR sq_entry_t *entry;

        nllvdbg("REXMIT: %04x\n", flags);

        /* If there is a partially sent write buffer at the head of the
         * write_q?  Has anything been sent from that write buffer?

        wrb = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *)sq_peek(&conn->write_q);
        nllvdbg("REXMIT: wrb=%p sent=%u\n", wrb, wrb ? WRB_SENT(wrb) : 0);

        if (wrb != NULL && WRB_SENT(wrb) > 0)
            FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *tmp;
            uint16_t sent;

            /* Yes.. Reset the number of bytes sent sent from the write buffer */

            sent = WRB_SENT(wrb);
            if (conn->unacked > sent)
                conn->unacked -= sent;
                conn->unacked = 0;

            if (conn->sent > sent)
                conn->sent -= sent;
                conn->sent = 0;

            WRB_SENT(wrb) = 0;
            nllvdbg("REXMIT: wrb=%p sent=%u, conn unacked=%d sent=%d\n",
                    wrb, WRB_SENT(wrb), conn->unacked, conn->sent);

            /* Increment the retransmit count on this write buffer. */

            if (++WRB_NRTX(wrb) >= TCP_MAXRTX)
                nlldbg("Expiring wrb=%p nrtx=%u\n", wrb, WRB_NRTX(wrb));

                /* The maximum retry count as been exhausted. Remove the write
                 * buffer at the head of the queue.

                tmp = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *)sq_remfirst(&conn->write_q);
                DEBUGASSERT(tmp == wrb);

                /* And return the write buffer to the free list */


                /* NOTE expired is different from un-ACKed, it is designed to
                 * represent the number of segments that have been sent,
                 * retransmitted, and un-ACKed, if expired is not zero, the
                 * connection will be closed.
                 * field expired can only be updated at TCP_ESTABLISHED state


        /* Move all segments that have been sent but not ACKed to the write
         * queue again note, the un-ACKed segments are put at the head of the
         * write_q so they can be resent as soon as possible.

        while ((entry = sq_remlast(&conn->unacked_q)) != NULL)
            wrb = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s*)entry;
            uint16_t sent;

            /* Reset the number of bytes sent sent from the write buffer */

            sent = WRB_SENT(wrb);
            if (conn->unacked > sent)
                conn->unacked -= sent;
                conn->unacked = 0;

            if (conn->sent > sent)
                conn->sent -= sent;
                conn->sent = 0;

            WRB_SENT(wrb) = 0;
            nllvdbg("REXMIT: wrb=%p sent=%u, conn unacked=%d sent=%d\n",
                    wrb, WRB_SENT(wrb), conn->unacked, conn->sent);

            /* Free any write buffers that have exceed the retry count */

            if (++WRB_NRTX(wrb) >= TCP_MAXRTX)
                nlldbg("Expiring wrb=%p nrtx=%u\n", wrb, WRB_NRTX(wrb));

                /* Return the write buffer to the free list */


                /* NOTE expired is different from un-ACKed, it is designed to
                 * represent the number of segments that have been sent,
                 * retransmitted, and un-ACKed, if expired is not zero, the
                 * connection will be closed.
                 * field expired can only be updated at TCP_ESTABLISHED state

                /* Insert the write buffer into the write_q (in sequence
                 * number order).  The retransmission will occur below
                 * when the write buffer with the lowest sequenc number
                 * is pulled from the write_q again.

                nllvdbg("REXMIT: Moving wrb=%p nrtx=%u\n", wrb, WRB_NRTX(wrb));

                psock_insert_segment(wrb, &conn->write_q);

    /* Check if the outgoing packet is available (it may have been claimed
     * by a sendto interrupt serving a different thread).

    if (dev->d_sndlen > 0)
        /* Another thread has beat us sending data, wait for the next poll */

        return flags;

    /* We get here if (1) not all of the data has been ACKed, (2) we have been
     * asked to retransmit data, (3) the connection is still healthy, and (4)
     * the outgoing packet is available for our use.  In this case, we are
     * now free to send more data to receiver -- UNLESS the buffer contains
     * unprocessed incoming data.  In that event, we will have to wait for the
     * next polling cycle.

    if ((conn->tcpstateflags & TCP_ESTABLISHED) &&
            (flags & (TCP_POLL | TCP_REXMIT)) &&
        /* Check if the destination IP address is in the ARP table.  If not,
         * then the send won't actually make it out... it will be replaced with
         * an ARP request.
         * NOTE 1: This could be an expensive check if there are a lot of
         * entries in the ARP table.
         * NOTE 2: If we are actually harvesting IP addresses on incoming IP
         * packets, then this check should not be necessary; the MAC mapping
         * should already be in the ARP table in many cases.
         * NOTE 3: If CONFIG_NET_ARP_SEND then we can be assured that the IP
         * address mapping is already in the ARP table.

#if defined(CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET) && !defined(CONFIG_NET_ARP_IPIN) && \
        if (arp_find(conn->ripaddr) != NULL)
            FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *wrb;
            size_t sndlen;

            /* Peek at the head of the write queue (but don't remove anything
             * from the write queue yet).  We know from the above test that
             * the write_q is not empty.

            wrb = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *)sq_peek(&conn->write_q);

            /* Get the amount of data that we can send in the next packet.
             * We will send either the remaining data in the buffer I/O
             * buffer chain, or as much as will fit given the MSS and current
             * window size.

            sndlen = WRB_PKTLEN(wrb) - WRB_SENT(wrb);
            if (sndlen > tcp_mss(conn))
                sndlen = tcp_mss(conn);

            if (sndlen > conn->winsize)
                sndlen = conn->winsize;

            nllvdbg("SEND: wrb=%p pktlen=%u sent=%u sndlen=%u\n",
                    wrb, WRB_PKTLEN(wrb), WRB_SENT(wrb), sndlen);

            /* Set the sequence number for this segment.  If we are
             * retransmitting, then the sequence number will already
             * be set for this write buffer.

            if (WRB_SEQNO(wrb) == (unsigned)-1)
                WRB_SEQNO(wrb) = conn->isn + conn->sent;

            /* The TCP stack updates sndseq on receipt of ACK *before*
             * this function is called. In that case sndseq will point
             * to the next unacknowledged byte (which might have already
             * been sent). We will overwrite the value of sndseq here
             * before the packet is sent.

            tcp_setsequence(conn->sndseq, WRB_SEQNO(wrb) + WRB_SENT(wrb));

            /* Then set-up to send that amount of data with the offset
             * corresponding to the amount of data already sent. (this
             * won't actually happen until the polling cycle completes).

            devif_iob_send(dev, WRB_IOB(wrb), sndlen, WRB_SENT(wrb));

            /* Remember how much data we send out now so that we know
             * when everything has been acknowledged.  Just increment
             * the amount of data sent. This will be needed in sequence
             * number calculations.

            conn->unacked += sndlen;
            conn->sent    += sndlen;

            nllvdbg("SEND: wrb=%p nrtx=%u unacked=%u sent=%u\n",
                    wrb, WRB_NRTX(wrb), conn->unacked, conn->sent);

            /* Increment the count of bytes sent from this write buffer */

            WRB_SENT(wrb) += sndlen;

            nllvdbg("SEND: wrb=%p sent=%u pktlen=%u\n",
                    wrb, WRB_SENT(wrb), WRB_PKTLEN(wrb));

            /* Remove the write buffer from the write queue if the
             * last of the data has been sent from the buffer.

            DEBUGASSERT(WRB_SENT(wrb) <= WRB_PKTLEN(wrb));
            if (WRB_SENT(wrb) >= WRB_PKTLEN(wrb))
                FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *tmp;

                nllvdbg("SEND: wrb=%p Move to unacked_q\n", wrb);

                tmp = (FAR struct tcp_wrbuffer_s *)sq_remfirst(&conn->write_q);
                DEBUGASSERT(tmp == wrb);

                /* Put the I/O buffer chain in the un-acked queue; the
                 * segment is waiting for ACK again

                psock_insert_segment(wrb, &conn->unacked_q);

            /* Only one data can be sent by low level driver at once,
             * tell the caller stop polling the other connection.

            flags &= ~TCP_POLL;

    /* Continue waiting */

    return flags;
Exemplo n.º 20
int mq_close(mqd_t mqdes)
  FAR _TCB    *rtcb = (FAR _TCB*)g_readytorun.head;
  FAR msgq_t *msgq;
  irqstate_t  saved_state;
  int         ret = ERROR;

  /* Verify the inputs */

   if (mqdes)

       /* Remove the message descriptor from the current task's
        * list of message descriptors.

       sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t*)mqdes, &rtcb->msgdesq);

       /* Find the message queue associated with the message descriptor */

       msgq = mqdes->msgq;

       /* Check if the calling task has a notification attached to
        * the message queue via this mqdes.

       if (msgq->ntmqdes == mqdes)
           msgq->ntpid   = INVALID_PROCESS_ID;
           msgq->ntsigno = 0;
           msgq->ntvalue.sival_int = 0;
           msgq->ntmqdes = NULL;

       /* Decrement the connection count on the message queue. */

       if (msgq->nconnect)

       /* If it is no longer connected to any message descriptor and if the
        * message queue has already been unlinked, then we can discard the
        * message queue.

       if (!msgq->nconnect && msgq->unlinked)
           /* Remove the message queue from the list of all
            * message queues

           saved_state = irqsave();
           (void)sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t*)msgq, &g_msgqueues);

           /* Then deallocate it (and any messages left in it) */


       /* Deallocate the message descriptor */


       ret = OK;

   return ret;
Exemplo n.º 21
int sigaction(int signo, FAR const struct sigaction *act, FAR struct sigaction *oact)
  FAR _TCB      *rtcb = (FAR _TCB*)g_readytorun.head;
  FAR sigactq_t *sigact;
  int            ret = ERROR;  /* Assume failure */

  /* Since sigactions can only be installed from the running thread of
   * execution, no special precautions should be necessary.

  /* Verify the signal */

  if (GOOD_SIGNO(signo))
      ret = OK;  /* Assume success */

      /* Find the signal in the sigactionq */

      sigact = sig_findaction(rtcb, signo);

      /* Return the old sigaction value if so requested */

      if (oact)
          if (sigact)
              COPY_SIGACTION(oact, &sigact->act);
              /* There isn't an old value */

              oact->sa_u._sa_handler = NULL;
              oact->sa_mask = NULL_SIGNAL_SET;
              oact->sa_flags = 0;

      /* If no sigaction was found, but one is needed, then
       * allocate one.

      if (!sigact && act && act->sa_u._sa_handler)
          sigact = sig_allocateaction();

          /* An error has occurred if we could not allocate the sigaction */

          if (!sigact)
              ret = ERROR;
              /* Put the signal number in the queue entry */

              sigact->signo = (uint8_t)signo;

              /* Add the new sigaction to sigactionq */

              sq_addlast((FAR sq_entry_t*)sigact, &rtcb->sigactionq);

      /* Set the new sigaction if so requested */

      if ((sigact) && (act))
          /* Check if it is a request to install a new handler */

          if (act->sa_u._sa_handler)
              COPY_SIGACTION(&sigact->act, act);

          /* No.. It is a request to remove the old handler */

              /* Remove the old sigaction from sigactionq */

              sq_rem((FAR sq_entry_t*)sigact, &rtcb->sigactionq);

              /* And deallocate it */


  return ret;