int sqlite3_intarray_create(sqlite3_intarray_module *module, char *zName, sqlite3_intarray **ppReturn) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  sqlite3_intarray *p;
  p = (sqlite3_intarray*)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*p));
  if (!p) {
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
  p->module = module;
  p->zName = zName;
  rc = intarrayMapPut(&module->arrayMap, p);
  if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    return rc;
  p->commitState = sqlite3_get_autocommit(module->db) ? 1 : 0;
  rc = create_vtable(p);
  if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    intarrayMapRemove(&module->arrayMap, p);
  } else {
    *ppReturn = p;
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
@SYMTestCaseDesc		sqlite3_exec() tests.
						List of called SQLITE3 functions:
						 - sqlite3_exec;
						 - sqlite3_errcode;
						 - sqlite3_errmsg;
						 - sqlite3_last_insert_rowid;
						 - sqlite3_changes;
						 - sqlite3_total_changes;
						 - sqlite3_get_autocommit;
@SYMTestPriority		High
@SYMTestActions			sqlite3_exec() tests.
@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
@SYMREQ					REQ8782
static void TestExec()
	int err;
	sqlite_int64 lastrowid;
	int val;
	TEST(TheDb != 0);
	err = sqlite3_exec(TheDb, "CREATE TABLE A(F1 INTEGER, F2 BIGINT, F3 REAL, F4 TEXT, F5 BLOB)", &exec_callback, 0, 0);
	err = sqlite3_exec(TheDb, "INSERT INTO A VALUES(1, 1234567891234, 56.12, 'TEXT', x'313233343536')", &exec_callback, 0, 0);
	err = sqlite3_errcode(TheDb);
	lastrowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(TheDb);
	TEST(lastrowid > 0LL);
	val = sqlite3_changes(TheDb);
	TEST2(val, 1);
	val = sqlite3_total_changes(TheDb);
	TEST(val >= 1);
	val = sqlite3_get_autocommit(TheDb);
	TEST(val != 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool MSQLite::IsAutoCommitOn(void)
		{  return true;  }

	return false;
int DMM::commit()
	if (sqlite3_get_autocommit(db))
		return -1; // NO-OP in auto-commit mode

	return queryNoReturn("COMMIT");

Exemplo n.º 5
/* call-seq: db.transaction_active?
 * Returns +true+ if there is a transaction active, and +false+ otherwise.
static VALUE transaction_active_p(VALUE self)
  sqlite3RubyPtr ctx;
  Data_Get_Struct(self, sqlite3Ruby, ctx);

  return sqlite3_get_autocommit(ctx->db) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
Exemplo n.º 6
do_get_autocommit(ErlNifEnv *env, esqlite_connection *conn)
    if(sqlite3_get_autocommit(conn->db) != 0) {
        return make_atom(env, "true");
    } else {
        return make_atom(env, "false");
Exemplo n.º 7
static int begin(connection_t *conn) {
    int err = 0;

    if (sqlite3_get_autocommit(conn->sqlite)) {
        err = run(conn, "BEGIN TRANSACTION");
    } else {
        err = 0;

    return err;
SWIGEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_almworks_sqlite4java__1SQLiteSwiggedJNI_sqlite3_1get_1autocommit(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jlong jarg1) {
  jint jresult = 0 ;
  sqlite3 *arg1 = (sqlite3 *) 0 ;
  int result;
  arg1 = *(sqlite3 **)&jarg1; 
  result = (int)sqlite3_get_autocommit(arg1);
  jresult = (jint)result; 
  return jresult;
Exemplo n.º 9
** Evaluate a pragma.
** Unknown pragmas are silently ignored.
int xjd1DeleteStep(xjd1_stmt *pStmt){
  Command *pCmd = pStmt->pCmd;
  int rc = XJD1_OK;
  int inAutocommit;
  sqlite3 *db;
  sqlite3_stmt *pQuery = 0;
  sqlite3_stmt *pIns = 0;
  char *zSql;

  assert( pCmd!=0 );
  assert( pCmd->eCmdType==TK_DELETE );
  db = pStmt->pConn->db;
  inAutocommit = sqlite3_get_autocommit(db);
  if( pCmd->u.del.pWhere==0 ){
    zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("DELETE FROM \"%w\"", pCmd->u.del.zName);
    sqlite3_exec(db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
    return XJD1_OK;
  zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("%sCREATE TEMP TABLE _t1(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)",
            inAutocommit ? "BEGIN;" : "");
  sqlite3_exec(db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
  zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT rowid, x FROM \"%w\"", pCmd->u.del.zName);
  sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pQuery, 0);
  sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "INSERT INTO _t1(x) VALUES(?1)", -1, &pIns, 0);
  if( pQuery ){
    while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pQuery) ){
      const char *zJson = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pQuery, 1);
      pStmt->pDoc = xjd1JsonParse(zJson, -1);
      if( xjd1ExprTrue(pCmd->u.del.pWhere) ){
        sqlite3_bind_int64(pIns, 1, sqlite3_column_int64(pQuery, 0));
      pStmt->pDoc = 0;
  zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
            "DELETE FROM \"%w\" WHERE rowid IN _t1;"
            "DROP TABLE _t1;%s", pCmd->u.del.zName,
            inAutocommit ? "COMMIT;" : "");
  sqlite3_exec(db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 10
static int
db_autocommit(lua_State *T)
	struct db *db;

	luaL_checktype(T, 1, LUA_TUSERDATA);
	db = db_unbox(T, 1);
	if (db == NULL)
		return db_closed(T);
	if (db->T != NULL)
		return db_busy(T);

	lua_pushboolean(T, sqlite3_get_autocommit(db->handle));
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool SqLiteDataProvider::inTransaction() const
    if (!mIsConnected)
        const std::string error = "not connected to the database!";
        throw std::runtime_error(error);

    // The sqlite3_get_autocommit() interface returns non-zero or zero if the
    // given database connection is or is not in autocommit mode, respectively.
    // Autocommit mode is on by default. Autocommit mode is disabled by a BEGIN
    // statement. Autocommit mode is re-enabled by a COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
    const int ret = sqlite3_get_autocommit(mDb);
    return ret == 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
db_deinit (void) 

	debug_enter ("db_deinit");
	if (FALSE == sqlite3_get_autocommit (db))
		g_warning ("Fatal: DB not in auto-commit mode. This is a bug. Data may be lost!");
	if (statements) {
		g_hash_table_destroy (statements);	
		statements = NULL;
	if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_close (db))
		g_warning ("DB close failed: %s", sqlite3_errmsg (db));
	db = NULL;
	debug_exit ("db_deinit");
int DMM::prepare(sqlite3_stmt **outStatement, const char *inQuery, va_list args)
	int rv = SQLITE_OK;
	char *q = sqlite3_vmprintf(inQuery, args);

	// If we are in auto-commit mode and this is a mutating operation, start a transaction
	if (sqlite3_get_autocommit(db))
		// Ain't this sophisticated!
		if ((strstr(q, "INSERT ") == q) || (strstr(q, "UPDATE ") == q) || (strstr(q, "DELETE ") == q)) 
			rv = queryNoReturn("BEGIN");

	const char *tail = NULL;
	int sqlrv = sqlite3_prepare(db, q, static_cast<int>(strlen(q)), outStatement, &tail);


	return sqlrv;
int sqlite3_intarray_bind(sqlite3_intarray *pIntArray, int nElements, sqlite3_int64 *aElements, void (*xFree)(void*), int bOrdered, int bUnique, int ensureTableExists) {
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  rc = drop_array_content(pIntArray);
  if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc;
  if (ensureTableExists && (pIntArray->commitState < 0 || pIntArray->connectCount <= 0)) {
    rc = create_vtable(pIntArray);
    if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {
      pIntArray->connectCount = 1;
      pIntArray->commitState = sqlite3_get_autocommit(pIntArray->module->db) ? 1 : 0;
    /* ignore rc (duplicate table exists); todo: discern other errors */ 
    /*if (rc != SQLITE_OK) return rc;*/
    rc = SQLITE_OK;
  pIntArray->n = nElements;
  pIntArray->a = aElements;
  pIntArray->xFree = xFree;
  pIntArray->ordered = bOrdered;
  pIntArray->unique = bUnique;
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool SQLiteDatabase::isAutoCommitOn() const
    return sqlite3_get_autocommit(m_db);
Exemplo n.º 16
/* opening or creation of database */
db_init (void)
	gint		res;
	debug_enter ("db_init");

	db_open ();

	/* create info table/check versioning info */				   
	debug1 (DEBUG_DB, "current DB schema version: %d", db_get_schema_version ());

	if (-1 == db_get_schema_version ()) {
		/* no schema version available -> first installation without tables... */
		db_set_schema_version (SCHEMA_TARGET_VERSION);
		/* nothing exists yet, tables will be created below */

	if (SCHEMA_TARGET_VERSION < db_get_schema_version ())
		g_error ("Fatal: The cache database was created by a newer version of Liferea than this one!");

	if (SCHEMA_TARGET_VERSION > db_get_schema_version ()) {		
		/* do table migration */
		if (db_get_schema_version () < 5)
			g_error ("This version of Liferea doesn't support migrating from such an old DB file!");

		if (db_get_schema_version () == 5 || db_get_schema_version () == 6) {
			debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "dropping triggers in preparation of database migration");
			db_exec ("BEGIN; "
			         "DROP TRIGGER item_removal; "
				 "DROP TRIGGER item_insert; "

		if (db_get_schema_version () == 5) {
				/* 1.4.9 -> 1.4.10 adding parent_item_id to itemset relation */
			debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "migrating from schema version 5 to 6 (this drops all comments)");
			db_exec ("BEGIN; "
			         "DELETE FROM itemsets WHERE comment = 1; "
				 "DELETE FROM items WHERE comment = 1; "
			         "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE itemsets_backup(item_id,node_id,read,comment); "
				 "INSERT INTO itemsets_backup SELECT item_id,node_id,read,comment FROM itemsets; "
				 "DROP TABLE itemsets; "
				 "CREATE TABLE itemsets ("
		        	 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
				 "   parent_item_id     INTEGER,"
		        	 "   node_id		TEXT,"
		        	 "   read		INTEGER,"
				 "   comment            INTEGER,"
		        	 "   PRIMARY KEY (item_id, node_id)"
		        	 "); "
				 "INSERT INTO itemsets SELECT item_id,0,node_id,read,comment FROM itemsets_backup; "
				 "DROP TABLE itemsets_backup; "
				 "REPLACE INTO info (name, value) VALUES ('schemaVersion',6); "

		if (db_get_schema_version () == 6) {
			/* 1.4.15 -> 1.4.16 adding parent_node_id to itemset relation */
			debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "migrating from schema version 6 to 7 (this drops all comments)");
			db_exec ("BEGIN; "
			         "DELETE FROM itemsets WHERE comment = 1; "
				 "DELETE FROM items WHERE comment = 1; "
			         "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE itemsets_backup(item_id,node_id,read,comment); "
				 "INSERT INTO itemsets_backup SELECT item_id,node_id,read,comment FROM itemsets; "
				 "DROP TABLE itemsets; "
				 "CREATE TABLE itemsets ("
		        	 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
				 "   parent_item_id     INTEGER,"
		        	 "   node_id		TEXT,"
				 "   parent_node_id     TEXT,"
		        	 "   read		INTEGER,"
				 "   comment            INTEGER,"
		        	 "   PRIMARY KEY (item_id, node_id)"
		        	 "); "
				 "INSERT INTO itemsets SELECT item_id,0,node_id,node_id,read,comment FROM itemsets_backup; "
				 "DROP TABLE itemsets_backup; "
				 "REPLACE INTO info (name, value) VALUES ('schemaVersion',7); "
		if (db_get_schema_version () == 7) {
			/* 1.7.1 -> 1.7.2 dropping the itemsets and attention_stats relation */
			db_exec ("BEGIN; "
			         "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE items_backup("
			         "   item_id, "
			         "   title, "
			         "   read, "
			         "   updated, "
			         "   popup, "
			         "   marked, "
			         "   source, "
			         "   source_id, "
			         "   valid_guid, "
			         "   description, "
			         "   date, "
			         "   comment_feed_id, "
			         "   comment); "
			         "INSERT into items_backup SELECT ROWID, title, read, updated, popup, marked, source, source_id, valid_guid, description, date, comment_feed_id, comment FROM items; "
			         "DROP TABLE items; "
		                 "CREATE TABLE items ("
		        	 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
				 "   parent_item_id     INTEGER,"
		        	 "   node_id		TEXT,"
				 "   parent_node_id     TEXT,"
		        	 "   title		TEXT,"
		        	 "   read		INTEGER,"
		        	 "   updated		INTEGER,"
		        	 "   popup		INTEGER,"
		        	 "   marked		INTEGER,"
		        	 "   source		TEXT,"
		        	 "   source_id		TEXT,"
		        	 "   valid_guid		INTEGER,"
		        	 "   description	TEXT,"
		        	 "   date		INTEGER,"
		        	 "   comment_feed_id	INTEGER,"
				 "   comment            INTEGER,"
				 "   PRIMARY KEY (item_id)"
			         "INSERT INTO items SELECT itemsets.item_id, parent_item_id, node_id, parent_node_id, title,, updated, popup, marked, source, source_id, valid_guid, description, date, comment_feed_id, itemsets.comment FROM items_backup JOIN itemsets ON itemsets.item_id = items_backup.item_id; "
			         "DROP TABLE items_backup; "
			         "DROP TABLE itemsets; "
			         "REPLACE INTO info (name, value) VALUES ('schemaVersion',8); "
			         "END;" );

			db_exec ("DROP TABLE attention_stats");	/* this is unconditional, no checks and backups needed */

		if (db_get_schema_version () == 8) {
			gchar *sql;
			sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
			/* 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 change search folder handling */
			db_exec ("BEGIN; "
			         "DROP TABLE view_state; "
			         "DROP TABLE update_state; "
				 "CREATE TABLE search_folder_items ("
				 "   node_id            STRING,"
	         		 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
				 "   PRIMARY KEY (node_id, item_id)"
			         "REPLACE INTO info (name, value) VALUES ('schemaVersion',9); "
			         "END;" );
			debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "Removing all views.");
			sql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view';");
			res = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
			sqlite3_free (sql);
			if (SQLITE_OK != res) {
				debug1 (DEBUG_DB, "Could not determine views (error=%d)", res);
			} else {
				sqlite3_reset (stmt);

					while (sqlite3_step (stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) {
						const gchar *viewName = sqlite3_column_text (stmt, 0) + strlen("view_");
						gchar *copySql = g_strdup_printf("INSERT INTO search_folder_items (node_id, item_id) SELECT '%s',item_id FROM view_%s;", viewName, viewName);
						db_exec (copySql);
						db_view_remove (viewName);
						g_free (copySql);
				sqlite3_finalize (stmt);

		if (db_get_schema_version () == 9) {
			/* A parent node id to search folder relation to allow cleanups */
			db_exec ("BEGIN; "
			         "DROP TABLE search_folder_items; "
				 "CREATE TABLE search_folder_items ("
				 "   node_id            STRING,"
				 "   parent_node_id     STRING,"
	         		 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
				 "   PRIMARY KEY (node_id, item_id)"
			         "REPLACE INTO info (name, value) VALUES ('schemaVersion',10); "
			         "END;" );

			searchFolderRebuild = TRUE;

	if (SCHEMA_TARGET_VERSION != db_get_schema_version ())
		g_error ("Fatal: DB schema version not up-to-date! Running with --debug-db could give some hints about the problem!");
	/* Vacuuming... */

	db_vacuum ();
	/* Schema creation */
	debug_start_measurement (DEBUG_DB);
	db_begin_transaction ();

	/* 1. Create tables if they do not exist yet */
	db_exec ("CREATE TABLE items ("
        	 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
		 "   parent_item_id     INTEGER,"
        	 "   node_id		TEXT," /* FIXME: migrate node ids to real integers */
		 "   parent_node_id     TEXT," /* FIXME: migrate node ids to real integers */
        	 "   title		TEXT,"
        	 "   read		INTEGER,"
        	 "   updated		INTEGER,"
        	 "   popup		INTEGER,"
        	 "   marked		INTEGER,"
        	 "   source		TEXT,"
        	 "   source_id		TEXT,"
        	 "   valid_guid		INTEGER,"
        	 "   description	TEXT,"
        	 "   date		INTEGER,"
        	 "   comment_feed_id	TEXT,"
		 "   comment            INTEGER,"
		 "   PRIMARY KEY (item_id)"

	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX items_idx ON items (source_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX items_idx2 ON items (comment_feed_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX items_idx3 ON items (node_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX items_idx4 ON items (item_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX items_idx5 ON items (parent_item_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX items_idx6 ON items (parent_node_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE TABLE metadata ("
        	 "   item_id		INTEGER,"
        	 "   nr              	INTEGER,"
        	 "   key             	TEXT,"
        	 "   value           	TEXT,"
        	 "   PRIMARY KEY (item_id, nr)"

	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX metadata_idx ON metadata (item_id);");
	db_exec ("CREATE TABLE subscription ("
        	 "   node_id            STRING,"
		 "   source             STRING,"
		 "   orig_source        STRING,"
		 "   filter_cmd         STRING,"
		 "   update_interval	INTEGER,"
		 "   default_interval   INTEGER,"
		 "   discontinued       INTEGER,"
		 "   available          INTEGER,"
        	 "   PRIMARY KEY (node_id)"

	db_exec ("CREATE TABLE subscription_metadata ("
        	 "   node_id            STRING,"
		 "   nr                 INTEGER,"
		 "   key                TEXT,"
		 "   value              TEXT,"
		 "   PRIMARY KEY (node_id, nr)"

	db_exec ("CREATE INDEX subscription_metadata_idx ON subscription_metadata (node_id);");

	db_exec ("CREATE TABLE node ("
        	 "   node_id		STRING,"
        	 "   parent_id		STRING,"
        	 "   title		STRING,"
		 "   type		INTEGER,"
		 "   expanded           INTEGER,"
		 "   view_mode		INTEGER,"
		 "   sort_column	INTEGER,"
		 "   sort_reversed	INTEGER,"
		 "   PRIMARY KEY (node_id)"

	db_exec ("CREATE TABLE search_folder_items ("
	         "   node_id            STRING,"
	         "   parent_node_id     STRING,"
	         "   item_id		INTEGER,"
		 "   PRIMARY KEY (node_id, item_id)"

	db_end_transaction ();
	debug_end_measurement (DEBUG_DB, "table setup");
	/* 2. Removing old triggers */
	db_exec ("DROP TRIGGER item_insert;");
	db_exec ("DROP TRIGGER item_update;");
	db_exec ("DROP TRIGGER item_removal;");
	db_exec ("DROP TRIGGER subscription_removal;");
	/* 3. Cleanup of DB */

	/* Note: do not check on subscriptions here, as non-subscription node
	   types (e.g. news bin) do contain items too. */
	debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "Checking for items without a feed list node...\n");
	db_exec ("DELETE FROM items WHERE comment = 0 AND node_id NOT IN "
        	 "(SELECT node_id FROM node);");
        debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "Checking for comments without parent item...\n");
	db_exec ("BEGIN; "
	         "   CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_id ( id );"
	         "   INSERT INTO tmp_id SELECT item_id FROM items WHERE comment = 1 AND parent_item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id FROM items WHERE comment = 0);"
	         /* limit to 1000 items as it is very slow */
	         "   DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id IN (SELECT id FROM tmp_id LIMIT 1000);"
	         "   DROP TABLE tmp_id;"
	debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "Checking for search folder items without a feed list node...\n");
	db_exec ("DELETE FROM search_folder_items WHERE parent_node_id NOT IN "
        	 "(SELECT node_id FROM node);");

	debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "Checking for search folder items without a search folder...\n");
	db_exec ("DELETE FROM search_folder_items WHERE node_id NOT IN "
        	 "(SELECT node_id FROM node);");

	debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "Checking for search folder with comments...\n");
	db_exec ("DELETE FROM search_folder_items WHERE comment = 1;");
	debug0 (DEBUG_DB, "DB cleanup finished. Continuing startup.");
	/* 4. Creating triggers (after cleanup so it is not slowed down by triggers) */

	/* This trigger does explicitely not remove comments! */
	db_exec ("CREATE TRIGGER item_removal DELETE ON items "
        	 "BEGIN "
		 "   DELETE FROM metadata WHERE item_id = old.item_id; "
		 "   DELETE FROM search_folder_items WHERE item_id = old.item_id; "
	db_exec ("CREATE TRIGGER subscription_removal DELETE ON subscription "
        	 "BEGIN "
		 "   DELETE FROM node WHERE node_id = old.node_id; "
		 "   DELETE FROM subscription_metadata WHERE node_id = old.node_id; "
		 "   DELETE FROM search_folder_items WHERE parent_node_id = old.node_id; "

	/* Note: view counting triggers are set up in the view preparation code (see db_view_create()) */		
	/* prepare statements */
	db_new_statement ("itemsetLoadStmt",
	                  "SELECT item_id FROM items WHERE node_id = ?");

	db_new_statement ("itemsetLoadOffsetStmt",
			  "SELECT item_id FROM items WHERE comment = 0 LIMIT ? OFFSET ?");
	db_new_statement ("itemsetReadCountStmt",
	                  "SELECT COUNT(item_id) FROM items "
		          "WHERE read = 0 AND node_id = ?");
	db_new_statement ("itemsetItemCountStmt",
	                  "SELECT COUNT(item_id) FROM items "
		          "WHERE node_id = ?");
	db_new_statement ("itemsetRemoveStmt",
	                  "DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id = ? OR (comment = 1 AND parent_item_id = ?)");
	db_new_statement ("itemsetRemoveAllStmt",
	                  "DELETE FROM items WHERE node_id = ? OR (comment = 1 AND parent_node_id = ?)");

	db_new_statement ("itemsetMarkAllPopupStmt",
	                  "UPDATE items SET popup = 0 WHERE node_id = ?");

	db_new_statement ("itemLoadStmt",
	                  "SELECT "
			  "parent_item_id, "
		          "node_id, "
			  "parent_node_id "
	                  " FROM items WHERE item_id = ?");      
	db_new_statement ("itemUpdateStmt",
	                  "REPLACE INTO items ("
	                  ") values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
	db_new_statement ("itemStateUpdateStmt",
			  "UPDATE items SET read=?, marked=?, updated=? "
			  "WHERE item_id=?");

	db_new_statement ("duplicatesFindStmt",
	                  "SELECT item_id FROM items WHERE source_id = ?");
	db_new_statement ("duplicateNodesFindStmt",
	                  "SELECT node_id FROM items WHERE item_id IN "
			  "(SELECT item_id FROM items WHERE source_id = ?)");
	db_new_statement ("duplicatesMarkReadStmt",
 	                  "UPDATE items SET read = 1, updated = 0 WHERE source_id = ?");
	db_new_statement ("metadataLoadStmt",
	                  "SELECT key,value,nr FROM metadata WHERE item_id = ? ORDER BY nr");
	db_new_statement ("metadataUpdateStmt",
	                  "REPLACE INTO metadata (item_id,nr,key,value) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
	db_new_statement ("subscriptionUpdateStmt",
	                  "REPLACE INTO subscription ("
			  ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
	db_new_statement ("subscriptionRemoveStmt",
	                  "DELETE FROM subscription WHERE node_id = ?");
	db_new_statement ("subscriptionLoadStmt",
	                  "SELECT "
			  "available "
			  "FROM subscription");
	db_new_statement ("subscriptionMetadataLoadStmt",
	                  "SELECT key,value,nr FROM subscription_metadata WHERE node_id = ? ORDER BY nr");
	db_new_statement ("subscriptionMetadataUpdateStmt",
	                  "REPLACE INTO subscription_metadata (node_id,nr,key,value) VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
	db_new_statement ("nodeUpdateStmt",
	                  "REPLACE INTO node (node_id,parent_id,title,type,expanded,view_mode,sort_column,sort_reversed) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
	db_new_statement ("itemUpdateSearchFoldersStmt",
	                  "REPLACE INTO search_folder_items (node_id, parent_node_id, item_id) VALUES (?,?,?)");

	db_new_statement ("itemRemoveFromSearchFolderStmt",
	                  "DELETE FROM search_folder_items WHERE node_id =? AND item_id = ?;");
	db_new_statement ("searchFolderLoadStmt",
	                  "SELECT item_id FROM search_folder_items WHERE node_id = ?;");

	db_new_statement ("searchFolderCountStmt",
	                  "SELECT count(item_id) FROM search_folder_items WHERE node_id = ?;");

	db_new_statement ("nodeIdListStmt",
	                  "SELECT node_id FROM node;");

	db_new_statement ("nodeRemoveStmt",
	                  "DELETE FROM node WHERE node_id = ?;");
	g_assert (sqlite3_get_autocommit (db));
	debug_exit ("db_init");
Exemplo n.º 17
int get_autocommit_sync(db_t *db) {
	return sqlite3_get_autocommit(db->sqlite_db);
Exemplo n.º 18
 bool SqliteDatabase::isAutoCommit() const
   return (sqlite3_get_autocommit(dbPtr.get()) != 0);
Exemplo n.º 19
int Sqlite3Session::GetTransactionLevel() const
	int autocommit = sqlite3_get_autocommit(db);
	return (autocommit ? 0 : 1);
Exemplo n.º 20
bool DB::Connection::inTransaction()
	return sqlite3_get_autocommit(_db)==0;
Exemplo n.º 21
bool SessionImpl::isAutoCommit(const std::string&)
	Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock l(_mutex);
	return (0 != sqlite3_get_autocommit(_pDB));
Exemplo n.º 22
bool CppSQLite3DB::IsAutoCommitOn()
	return sqlite3_get_autocommit(mpDB) ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 23
 * @brief DB_Init
 * @return
int DB_Init()
	char *to_ospath;

	isDBActive = qfalse;

	db_mode = Cvar_Get("db_mode", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH);
	db_url  = Cvar_Get("db_url", "etl.db", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH); // filename in path (not real DB URL for now)

	if (db_mode->integer < 1 || db_mode->integer > 2)
		Com_Printf("... DBMS is disabled\n");
		return 0; // return 0! - see isDBActive

	Com_Printf("SQLite3 libversion %s - database URL '%s' - %s\n", sqlite3_libversion(), db_url->string, db_mode->integer == 1 ? "in-memory" : "in file");

	if (!db_url->string[0]) // FIXME: check extension db
		Com_Printf("... can't init database - empty URL\n");
		return 1;

	to_ospath                        = FS_BuildOSPath(Cvar_VariableString("fs_homepath"), db_url->string, "");
	to_ospath[strlen(to_ospath) - 1] = '\0';

	if (FS_SV_FileExists(db_url->string))
		int result;

		Com_Printf("... loading existing database '%s'\n", to_ospath);

		if (db_mode->integer == 1)
			// init memory table
			//result = sqlite3_open(":memory:", &db); // memory table, not shared see
			result = sqlite3_open("file::memory:?cache=shared", &db); // In-memory databases with shared cache

			if (result != SQLITE_OK)
				Com_Printf("... failed to open memory database - error: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(result));
				(void) sqlite3_close(db);
				return 1;

			// load from disk into memory
			result = DB_LoadOrSaveDb(db, to_ospath, 0);

			if (result != SQLITE_OK)
				Com_Printf("... WARNING can't load database file %s\n", db_url->string);
				return 1;
		else if (db_mode->integer == 2)
			result = sqlite3_open(to_ospath, &db);

			if (result != SQLITE_OK)
				Com_Printf("... failed to open file database - error: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(result));
				(void) sqlite3_close(db);
				return 1;
			Com_Printf("... failed to open database - unknown mode\n");
			return 1;

		Com_Printf("... database file '%s' loaded\n", to_ospath);
	else // create new
		int result;

		Com_Printf("... no database file '%s' found ... creating now\n", to_ospath);
		result = DB_Create();

		if (result != 0)
			Com_Printf("... WARNING can't create database [%i]\n", result);
			return 1;

		// save memory db to disk
		if (db_mode->integer == 1)
			result = DB_SaveMemDB();

			if (result != SQLITE_OK)
				Com_Printf("... WARNING can't save memory database file [%i]\n", result);
				return 1;

	Com_Printf("SQLite3 ET: L [%i] database '%s' init - autocommit %i\n", ETL_DBMS_VERSION, to_ospath, sqlite3_get_autocommit(db));

	isDBActive = qtrue;
	return 0;