Exemplo n.º 1
 * Determine if a given grid may be "disarmed"
static bool do_cmd_disarm_test(int y, int x)
	/* Must have knowledge */
	if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
		msg("You see nothing there.");
		return false;

	/* Look for a closed, unlocked door to lock */
	if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x) && !square_islockeddoor(cave, y, x))
		return true;

	/* Look for a trap */
	if (!square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		msg("You see nothing there to disarm.");
		return false;

	/* Okay */
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Manipulate an adjacent grid in some way
 * Attack monsters, tunnel through walls, disarm traps, open doors.
 * This command must always take energy, to prevent free detection
 * of invisible monsters.
 * The "semantics" of this command must be chosen before the player
 * is confused, and it must be verified against the new grid.
void do_cmd_alter_aux(int dir)
	int y, x;
	bool more = false;

	/* Get location */
	y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Take a turn */
	player->upkeep->energy_use = z_info->move_energy;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (player_confuse_dir(player, &dir, false)) {
		/* Get location */
		y = player->py + ddy[dir];
		x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	/* Action depends on what's there */
	if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0)
		/* Attack monsters */
		py_attack(y, x);
	else if (square_isdiggable(cave, y, x))
		/* Tunnel through walls and rubble */
		more = do_cmd_tunnel_aux(y, x);
	else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
		/* Open closed doors */
		more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);
	else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x))
		/* Disarm traps */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);
		/* Oops */
		msg("You spin around.");

	/* Cancel repetition unless we can continue */
	if (!more) disturb(player, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	int x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	int m_idx = cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	bool alterable = (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
					  square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x));

	/* Attack monsters, alter traps/doors on movement, hit obstacles or move */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(mon)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (disarm && square_isknown(cave, y, x) && alterable) {
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

	} else if (player->upkeep->running && square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Stop running before known traps */
		disturb(player, 0);
	} else if (!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles, mention known obstacles */
		if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x)) {
					 "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		} else {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x))
					 "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");
	} else {
		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(player->py, player->px, y, x);

		/* Handle store doors, or notice objects */
		if (square_isshop(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
		} else {
			square_know_pile(cave, y, x);

		/* Discover invisible traps, set off visible ones */
		if (square_issecrettrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);
		} else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Update view and search */
		update_view(cave, player);

	player->upkeep->running_firststep = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;

	int y = py + ddy[dir];
	int x = px + ddx[dir];

	int m_idx = cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	bool alterable = (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
					  square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x));

	/* Attack monsters, alter traps/doors on movement, hit obstacles or move */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(mon)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (disarm && square_isknown(cave, y, x) && alterable) {
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

	} else if (player->upkeep->running && square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Stop running before known traps */
		disturb(player, 0);
	} else if (!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Disturb the player */
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles, mention known obstacles */
		if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x)) {
					 "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		} else {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x))
					 "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");
	} else {
		/* See if trap detection status will change */
		bool old_dtrap = square_isdtrap(cave, py, px);
		bool new_dtrap = square_isdtrap(cave, y, x);

		/* Note the change in the detect status */
		if (old_dtrap != new_dtrap)
			player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_DTRAP);

		/* Disturb player if the player is about to leave the area */
		if (player->upkeep->running && !player->upkeep->running_firststep && 
			old_dtrap && !new_dtrap) {
			disturb(player, 0);

		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(py, px, y, x);

		/* New location */
		y = py = player->py;
		x = px = player->px;

		/* Searching */
		if (player->searching ||
				(player->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] >= 50) ||
				one_in_(50 - player->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY]))

		/* Handle store doors, or notice objects */
		if (square_isshop(cave, player->py, player->px)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);
		} else {
			/* Know objects, queue autopickup */
			floor_pile_know(cave, player->py, player->px);

		/* Discover invisible traps, set off visible ones */
		if (square_issecrettrap(cave, y, x)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Hit the trap. */
			hit_trap(y, x);
		} else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Hit the trap */
			hit_trap(y, x);

	player->upkeep->running_firststep = false;