Exemplo n.º 1
bool collides( SphereBody& body1, SphereBody& body2, real_t collision_damping )
	// Velocity of body1 relative to body2.
	Vector3 v1 = body1.velocity - body2.velocity;
	Vector3 distance_vec = body2.position - body1.position;

	// If the velocity is too low or in the opposite direction, they do not
	// collide.
	if (squared_length(v1) > 1e-8 && dot(v1, distance_vec) > 0) {
			real_t distance = length(distance_vec);
			// The distance between them is less than the sum of their radiuses.
			if (distance < (body1.radius + body2.radius)) {
				Vector3 v2 = Vector3::Zero();
				Vector3 d_vec = distance_vec / distance;

				// Compute new velocities.
				v2 = body2.velocity + 2 * d_vec * body1.mass / (body2.mass + body1.mass) * dot(v1, d_vec);
				body1.velocity = body1.velocity + body2.mass / body1.mass * (body2.velocity - v2);
				body2.velocity = v2;

				// Apply damping.
				body1.velocity = (1 - collision_damping) * body1.velocity;
				body2.velocity = (1 - collision_damping) * body2.velocity;

				return true;

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 *	Convert the projection of sphere center to barycentric coordinate.
 *	Check whether this point is within the triangle surface.
bool barycentric(const Vector3 projection, const TriangleBody body) {
	Vector3 normal = cross(body.vertices[1] - body.vertices[0],
			body.vertices[2] - body.vertices[0]);
	Vector3 nb = cross(body.vertices[0] - body.vertices[2],
			projection - body.vertices[2]);
	Vector3 nc = cross(body.vertices[1] - body.vertices[0],
			projection - body.vertices[0]);
	real_t beta = dot(normal, nb) / squared_length(normal);
	if (beta < 0 || beta > 1)
		return false;
	real_t gamma = dot(normal, nc) / squared_length(normal);
	if (gamma < 0 || gamma > 1 - beta)
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Check whether the sphere hits the triangle's vertices or edges.
bool collides_vertices_axes(const Vector3 center, const real_t radius, const TriangleBody body) {
	// Check vertices.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (squared_length(center - body.vertices[i]) < radius * radius)
			return true;

	// Check edges.
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		Vector3 edge = normalize(body.vertices[(i + 1) % 3] - body.vertices[i]);
		Vector3 projection = dot(center - body.vertices[i], edge) * edge +
		if (squared_length(center - projection) < radius * radius)
			return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool cylinder::is_inside (const vec3f& p) const
    auto d (pt2_ - pt1_);
    auto pd (p - pt1_);

    auto dot (dot_prod(pd, d));
    if (dot < 0.0f || dot > sqlength_)
        return false;

    return (squared_length(pd) - square(dot) / sqlength_) < sqradius_;
Exemplo n.º 5
void SphereBody::apply_force( const Vector3& f, const Vector3& offset )
    Vector3 fDir = cross(offset, f);
    if ( (offset == Vector3::Zero) || (fDir == Vector3::Zero) ) {
        this->force += f;
    else {
        //Split force into 2 components.
        Vector3 parr = this->position_phy - offset;
		this->force += ( dot(f, offset) / squared_length(offset) ) * offset;        
		// (0.4 * this->mass * this->radius * this->radius);
void compare_mesh(const Mesh& mesh_1, const Mesh& mesh_2)
  vertex_iterator it_1,end_1, it_2, end_2;
  CGAL::cpp11::tie(it_1, end_1) = vertices(mesh_1);
  CGAL::cpp11::tie(it_2, end_2) = vertices(mesh_2);
  boost::property_map<Mesh, boost::vertex_point_t>::type
    ppmap_1 = get(boost::vertex_point, mesh_1), ppmap_2 = get(boost::vertex_point, mesh_2);
  Point total_dif(0,0,0);
  for( ; it_1 != end_1; ++it_1 , ++it_2)
    total_dif = total_dif + (get(ppmap_1, *it_1) - get(ppmap_2, *it_2));
  const double n = static_cast<double>(num_vertices(mesh_1));
  double average_mesh_dif = squared_length(total_dif) / n / n;

  std::cerr << "Average mesh difference: " << average_mesh_dif << std::endl;

  assert( average_mesh_dif < squared_threshold);
Exemplo n.º 7
bool collides( SphereBody& body1, PlaneBody& body2, real_t collision_damping )
	real_t v_projection= dot(body1.velocity, body2.normal);
	// Get the normal vector in the direction facing the sphere.
	Vector3 normal_facing_sphere = (dot(body1.position - body2.position, body2.normal) > 0) ?
			body2.normal : -body2.normal;

	// If the velocity is large enough and the sphere is moving toward the plane.
	if (squared_length(body1.velocity) > 1e-8 &&
			(dot(body1.velocity, normal_facing_sphere)) < 0) {
		real_t distance = std::abs(dot(body2.normal, body1.position - body2.position));
		if (distance < body1.radius) {
			// Reverse the velocity component perpendicular to the plane.
			body1.velocity = body1.velocity - 2 * v_projection * body2.normal;
			body1.velocity = (1 - collision_damping) * body1.velocity;

			return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: spring.cpp Projeto: Khady/p5
void Spring::step( real_t dt )
    Vector3 f1 = -constant * (body1_offset) - damping * (body1->position / dt);
    body1->apply_force(f1, Vector3::Zero());

    Vector3 f2 = -constant * body2_offset - damping * (body2->position / dt);
    body2->apply_force(f2, Vector3::Zero());
void Spring::step( real_t dt )
  Vector3 b1_attach = this->body1->position + this->body1_offset;
  Vector3 b2_attach = this->body2->position + this->body2_offset;

  real_t fLen = length(b1_attach - b2_attach);
  real_t x = fLen - this->equilibrium;

  Vector3 normDir = (b2_attach - b1_attach) / fLen;
  Vector3 velComp = normDir * x * dot(normalize(this->body1->velocity), normDir);

  Vector3 SpringForce = (normDir * x) * this->constant;// - this->damping * velComp;

  Vector3 Torque = cross( (b2_attach - this->body1->position), this->constant * ( (this->body2->position + this->body2_offset) - b2_attach) );

  this->body2->angular_velocity += Torque;

  if (squared_length(SpringForce) <= 1.0f)
    SpringForce = Vector3::Zero();

  this->body1->apply_force(SpringForce, Vector3::Zero());
//  this->body1->apply_force(Torque, this->body2_offset);
Exemplo n.º 9
double squared_distance (const Vector3& v, const Vector3& u) {
	return squared_length(v - u);
Exemplo n.º 10
float vec2d::length(void) const 
  return sqrt(squared_length()); 
Exemplo n.º 11
inline const double squared_distance(const wfpos& a, const wfpos& b)
    return squared_length(a.relative_to(b));
Exemplo n.º 12
inline const double squared_length(const wfvec& v)
    return squared_length(v.double_vec());
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: physics.cpp Projeto: Khady/p5
void Physics::step( real_t dt )
    std::vector< SphereBody* >::iterator it;
    std::vector< SphereBody* >::iterator it2;
    std::vector< PlaneBody* >::iterator pt;
    std::vector< TriangleBody* >::iterator tt;

    for (it = spheres.begin(); it != spheres.end(); ++it)
        SphereBody *sb = *it;

        for (tt = triangles.begin(); tt != triangles.end(); ++tt)
            if (collides(*sb, **tt, collision_damping))
                Vector3 n =
                            (*tt)->vertices[0] - (*tt)->vertices[1],
                            (*tt)->vertices[1] - (*tt)->vertices[2]
                Vector3 u = sb->velocity - 2 * dot(sb->velocity, n) * n;
                sb->velocity = u - (collision_damping * u);
                if (squared_length(sb->velocity) <= 1.0f)
                    sb->velocity = Vector3::Zero();

        for (it2 = spheres.begin(); it2 != spheres.end(); ++it2)
            if (collides(**it, **it2, collision_damping) && *it != *it2)
                SphereBody *sb2 = *it2;

                Vector3 v1 = sb->velocity - sb2->velocity;
                Vector3 d = ((sb2->position - sb->position)
                             / distance(sb->position, sb2->position));
                Vector3 v22 = 2 * d
                              * (sb->mass / (sb->mass + sb2->mass))
                              * (dot(v1, d));
                Vector3 u2 = sb2->velocity + v22;
                Vector3 u1 =
                    ((sb->mass * sb->velocity)
                     + (sb2->mass * sb2->velocity)
                     - (sb2->mass * u2))
                    / sb->mass;

                sb->velocity = u1 - collision_damping * u1;
                sb2->velocity = u2 - collision_damping * u2;
                if (squared_length(sb->velocity) <= 1.0f)
                    sb->velocity = Vector3::Zero();
                if (squared_length(sb2->velocity) <= 1.0f)
                    sb2->velocity = Vector3::Zero();

        for (pt = planes.begin(); pt != planes.end(); ++pt)
            if (collides(*sb, **pt, collision_damping))
                Vector3 u = sb->velocity - 2 * dot(sb->velocity, (*pt)->normal) * (*pt)->normal;
                sb->velocity = u - collision_damping * u;
                if (squared_length(sb->velocity) <= 1.0f)
                    sb->velocity = Vector3::Zero();

        sb->force = Vector3::Zero();
        for (SpringList::iterator si = springs.begin(); si != springs.end(); ++si) {
        sb->apply_force(gravity, Vector3::Zero());

        // si pas de force et velocite, ne pas faire les tests
        State initMove = {sb->position, sb->velocity, sb->force / sb->mass};
        State s = rk4(dt, initMove);
        sb->position += s.x;
        sb->sphere->position = sb->position;
        sb->velocity += s.v;

        real_t i = (2.0f / 5.0f) * sb->mass * (sb->radius * sb->radius);
        Vector3 angular_accel = sb->torque / i;
        State initRot = {Vector3::Zero(), sb->angular_velocity, angular_accel};
        s = rk4(dt, initRot);
        if (s.x != Vector3::Zero())
            Quaternion q(s.x, length(s.x));
            Quaternion qq = q * sb->orientation;
            sb->orientation = qq;
            sb->sphere->orientation = sb->orientation;
Exemplo n.º 14
void radiosity_lightmap::generate(world_lightmap_access& data,
                                       const chunk_coordinates& pos,
                                       const surface& s, lightmap_hr &lightchunk,
                                       unsigned int phase) const
    std::array<float, 6> irr_sun, irr_ambient, irr_artificial;
    vector half {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f};
    auto lmi = std::begin(lightchunk);
    for (const faces& f : s)
        fill(irr_sun, 0.f);
        fill(irr_ambient, 0.f);
        fill(irr_artificial, 0.f);

        auto surr (surroundings(f.pos, phase + 1));
        for (auto sp : surr)
            if (sp == f.pos)

            auto found (find(s, sp));
            if (found == s.end())

            auto& other (*found);
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                if (!f[i])

                vector this_face (half + f.pos + vector(dir_vector[i]) * 0.52f);
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
                    if (i == j || !other[j])

                    vector that_face (half + other.pos + vector(dir_vector[j])* 0.52f);
                    vector conn (that_face - this_face);
                    vector norm_conn (normalize(conn));
                    float dp1 (dot_prod<vector>(dir_vector[j], -norm_conn));
                    if (dp1 <= 0)

                    float dp2 = dot_prod<vector>(dir_vector[i], norm_conn);
                    if (dp2 <= 0)

                    float intensity = dp1 * dp2 / squared_length(conn);

                    auto dist = std::distance(std::begin(s), found);
                    auto& olm = lightchunk.data[dist];

                    irr_sun[i] += olm.sunlight * intensity;
                    irr_ambient[i] += olm.ambient * intensity;
                    irr_artificial[i] += olm.artificial * intensity;

        for (int i (0); i < 6; ++i)
            if (!f[i])

            lmi->r_sunlight = irr_sun[i] * 255.f + 0.49f;
            lmi->r_ambient = irr_ambient[i] * 255.f + 0.49f;
            lmi->r_artificial = irr_artificial[i] * 255.f + 0.49f;

Exemplo n.º 15
 * Efficiency function: does not require square root operation.
inline real_t squared_distance( const Vector4& lhs, const Vector4& rhs ) {
    return squared_length( lhs - rhs );
Exemplo n.º 16
const t project_vector (const t& a, const t& b)
    assert(b != t::zero());
    return dot_prod(a, b) / squared_length(b) * b;
Exemplo n.º 17
const double squared_distance (const t& lhs, const t& rhs)
    return squared_length(lhs - rhs);
Exemplo n.º 18
const double length (const t& v)
    return std::sqrt(squared_length(v));
Exemplo n.º 19
double length (const Vector3& v) {
	return sqrt(squared_length(v));
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Returns the length of a vector.
inline real_t length( const Vector4& v ) {
    return sqrt( squared_length( v ) );
Exemplo n.º 21
static int vector3_squared_length(lua_State* L)
	LuaStack stack(L);
	return 1;