int main(int argc, char **argv) { sr_conn_ctx_t *connection = NULL; sr_session_ctx_t *session = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("example_application", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &connection); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error by sr_connect: %s\n", sr_strerror(rc)); goto cleanup; } /* start session */ rc = sr_session_start(connection, SR_DS_RUNNING, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &session); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error by sr_session_start: %s\n", sr_strerror(rc)); goto cleanup; } /* run as an event notification subscriber */ printf("This application will be a subscriber for the 'paused' event notification of 'turing-machine'.\n"); printf("This notification is sent by the RPC handler in rpc_example and rpc_tree_example.\n"); rc = event_notif_subscriber(session); cleanup: if (NULL != session) { sr_session_stop(session); } if (NULL != connection) { sr_disconnect(connection); } return rc; }
static int test_setup(void **state) { sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL; struct timespec ts = { 0 }; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* connect to sysrepo, force daemon connection */ rc = sr_connect("daemon_test", SR_CONN_DAEMON_REQUIRED, &conn); sr_disconnect(conn); assert_true(SR_ERR_OK == rc || SR_ERR_DISCONNECT == rc); /* kill the daemon if it was running */ if (SR_ERR_OK == rc) { daemon_run_before_test = true; daemon_kill(); /* wait for the daemon to terminate */ ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 100000000L; /* 100 milliseconds */ nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } else { daemon_run_before_test = false; } return 0; }
static void sysrepo_daemon_test(void **state) { sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK, ret = 0; /* print version */ ret = system("../src/sysrepod -v"); assert_int_equal(ret, 0); /* print help */ ret = system("../src/sysrepod -h"); assert_int_equal(ret, 0); /* start the daemon */ ret = system("../src/sysrepod"); assert_int_equal(ret, 0); /* connect to sysrepo, force daemon connection */ rc = sr_connect("daemon_test", SR_CONN_DAEMON_REQUIRED, &conn); assert_true(SR_ERR_OK == rc); /* disconnect */ sr_disconnect(conn); /* 2nd attempt to start the daemon - should fail since the daemon is running already */ ret = system("../src/sysrepod -l4"); assert_int_not_equal(ret, 0); }
/** * @brief Check the session and reconnect if it is needed. */ static void sr_pd_session_check(sr_pd_ctx_t *ctx) { int rc = SR_ERR_OK; CHECK_NULL_ARG_VOID(ctx); rc = sr_session_check(ctx->session); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { SR_LOG_DBG_MSG("Reconnecting to Sysrepo Engine."); /* disconnect */ sr_session_stop(ctx->session); sr_disconnect(ctx->connection); ctx->session = NULL; ctx->connection = NULL; /* reconnect */ rc = sr_connect("sysrepo-plugind", connect_options, &ctx->connection); if (SR_ERR_OK == rc) { rc = sr_session_start(ctx->connection, SR_DS_STARTUP, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &ctx->session); } if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { SR_LOG_ERR("Error by reconnecting to Sysrepo Engine: %s", sr_strerror(rc)); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc = SR_ERR_OK; sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL; sr_session_ctx_t *sess = NULL; sr_val_t val = {0}; sr_log_stderr(SR_LL_DBG); rc = sr_connect("push kea config", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &conn); CHECK_RC(rc, cleanup); rc = sr_session_start(conn, SR_DS_STARTUP, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &sess); CHECK_RC(rc, cleanup); /* socket type */ val.xpath = "/ietf-kea-dhcpv6:server/serv-attributes/control-socket/socket-type"; val.type = SR_STRING_T; = "unix"; rc = sr_set_item(sess, val.xpath, &val, SR_EDIT_DEFAULT); CHECK_RC(rc, cleanup); /* socket name */ val.xpath = "/ietf-kea-dhcpv6:server/serv-attributes/control-socket/socket-name"; val.type = SR_STRING_T; = "/tmp/kea-dhcp6-ctrl.sock"; rc = sr_set_item(sess, val.xpath, &val, SR_EDIT_DEFAULT); CHECK_RC(rc, cleanup); rc = sr_commit(sess); /* retrieve field */ sr_val_t* val2 = 0; rc = sr_get_item(sess, val.xpath, &val2); printf("Retrieved: [%s]\n",; sr_free_val(val2); CHECK_RC(rc, cleanup); cleanup: sr_session_stop(sess); sr_disconnect(conn); }
static int sysrepo_setup(void **state) { createDataTreeExampleModule(); createDataTreeTestModule(); sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; sr_log_stderr(SR_LL_DBG); /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("fd_watcher_test", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &conn); assert_int_equal(rc, SR_ERR_OK); *state = (void*)conn; return 0; }
static int sysrepo_setup(void **state) { createDataTreeExampleModule(); sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* turn off all logging */ sr_log_stderr(SR_LL_NONE); sr_log_syslog(SR_LL_NONE); /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("perf_test", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &conn); assert_int_equal(rc, SR_ERR_OK); *state = (void*)conn; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { sr_conn_ctx_t *conn = NULL; sr_session_ctx_t *sess = NULL; sr_val_t *value = NULL; sr_val_iter_t *iter = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("app3", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &conn); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto cleanup; } /* start session */ rc = sr_session_start(conn, SR_DS_STARTUP, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &sess); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto cleanup; } /* get all list instances with their content (recursive) */ rc = sr_get_items_iter(sess, "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface//*", &iter); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto cleanup; } while (SR_ERR_OK == sr_get_item_next(sess, iter, &value)){ print_value(value); sr_free_val(value); } sr_free_val_iter(iter); cleanup: if (NULL != sess) { sr_session_stop(sess); } if (NULL != conn) { sr_disconnect(conn); } return rc; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { sr_conn_ctx_t *connection = NULL; sr_session_ctx_t *session = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("example_application", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &connection); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error by sr_connect: %s\n", sr_strerror(rc)); goto cleanup; } /* start session */ rc = sr_session_start(connection, SR_DS_RUNNING, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &session); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error by sr_session_start: %s\n", sr_strerror(rc)); goto cleanup; } if (1 == argc) { /* run as a RPC handler */ printf("This application will be an RPC handler for 'run-until' operation of 'turing-machine'.\n"); printf("Run the same executable (or rpc_example) with one (any) argument to execute the RPC.\n"); rc = rpc_handler(session); } else { /* run as a RPC caller */ printf("Executing RPC 'run-until' of 'turing-machine':\n"); rc = rpc_caller(session); } cleanup: if (NULL != session) { sr_session_stop(session); } if (NULL != connection) { sr_disconnect(connection); } return rc; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ sigset_t mask, oldmask; /* Set up the mask of signals to temporarily block. */ sigemptyset (&mask); sigaddset (&mask, SIGUSR1); sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &oldmask); printf("Pid: %d\n", getpid()); signal(SIGUSR1, sig_handler); sr_conn_ctx_t *connection = NULL; sr_session_ctx_t *session = NULL; sr_subscription_ctx_t *subscription = NULL; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; sr_log_stderr(SR_LL_DBG); /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("example_application", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &connection); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto cleanup; } /* start session */ rc = sr_session_start(connection, SR_DS_STARTUP, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &session); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto cleanup; } /* read startup config */ printf("\n\n ========== READING STARTUP CONFIG: ==========\n\n"); /* subscribe for changes in running config */ rc = sr_module_change_subscribe(session, "ietf-interfaces", module_change_cb, NULL, 0, SR_SUBSCR_DEFAULT, &subscription); if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { goto cleanup; } printf("\n\n ========== STARTUP CONFIG APPLIED AS RUNNING ==========\n\n"); /* Wait for a signal to arrive. */ while (!usr_interrupt) { sigsuspend (&oldmask); } sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL); printf("Signal received\n"); cleanup: if (NULL != subscription) { sr_unsubscribe(session, subscription); } if (NULL != session) { sr_session_stop(session); } if (NULL != connection) { sr_disconnect(connection); } return rc; }
/** * @brief Main routine of the sysrepo configuration tool. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int c = 0; srcfg_operation_t operation = SRCFG_OP_EDIT; char *module_name = NULL, *datastore_name = "running"; char *format_name = "xml", *editor = NULL; char *filepath = NULL; srcfg_datastore_t datastore = SRCFG_STORE_RUNNING; LYD_FORMAT format = LYD_XML; bool enabled = false, keep = false, permanent = false; int log_level = -1; char local_schema_search_dir[PATH_MAX] = { 0, }; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; struct option longopts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "datastore", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "format", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "editor", required_argument, NULL, 'e' }, { "import", optional_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "export", optional_argument, NULL, 'x' }, { "keep", no_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "permanent", no_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "level", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* read mandatory <module_name> argument */ if (1 < argc && '-' != argv[argc-1][0]) { module_name = argv[argc-1]; --argc; } /* parse options */ while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":hvd:f:e:i:x:kpl:0:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': srcfg_print_help(); goto terminate; break; case 'v': srcfg_print_version(); goto terminate; break; case 'd': if (NULL != optarg) { datastore_name = optarg; } break; case 'f': if (NULL != optarg) { format_name = optarg; } break; case 'e': editor = optarg; break; case 'i': operation = SRCFG_OP_IMPORT; if (NULL != optarg && 0 != strcmp("-", optarg)) { filepath = optarg; } break; case 'x': operation = SRCFG_OP_EXPORT; if (NULL != optarg && 0 != strcmp("-", optarg)) { filepath = optarg; } break; case 'k': keep = true; break; case 'p': permanent = true; break; case 'l': log_level = atoi(optarg); break; case '0': /* 'hidden' option - custom repository location */ if (NULL != optarg) { strncpy(local_schema_search_dir, optarg, PATH_MAX - 6); strcat(local_schema_search_dir, "/yang/"); srcfg_schema_search_dir = local_schema_search_dir; srcfg_custom_repository = true; } break; case ':': /* missing option argument */ switch (optopt) { case 'i': operation = SRCFG_OP_IMPORT; break; case 'x': operation = SRCFG_OP_EXPORT; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: option `-%c' requires an argument\n", argv[0], optopt); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto terminate; } break; case '?': default: /* invalid option */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: option `-%c' is invalid. Exiting.\n", argv[0], optopt); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto terminate; } } /* check argument values */ /* -> module */ if (NULL == module_name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Module name is not specified.\n", argv[0]); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto terminate; } /* -> format */ if (strcasecmp("xml", format_name) == 0) { format = LYD_XML; } else if (strcasecmp("json", format_name) == 0) { format = LYD_JSON; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unsupported data format (xml and json are supported).\n", argv[0]); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto terminate; } /* -> datastore */ if (strcasecmp("startup", datastore_name) == 0) { datastore = SRCFG_STORE_STARTUP; } else if (strcasecmp("running", datastore_name) == 0) { datastore = SRCFG_STORE_RUNNING; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid datastore specified (select either \"running\" or \"startup\").\n", argv[0]); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto terminate; } /* -> find default editor if none specified */ if (NULL == editor && SRCFG_OP_EDIT == operation) { editor = getenv("VISUAL"); if (NULL == editor) { editor = getenv("EDITOR"); } if (NULL == editor) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Preferred text editor is not specified (select using the -e/--editor option).\n", argv[0]); rc = SR_ERR_INVAL_ARG; goto terminate; } } /* set log levels */ sr_log_stderr(SR_LL_ERR); sr_log_syslog(SR_LL_NONE); if ((log_level >= SR_LL_NONE) && (log_level <= SR_LL_DBG)) { sr_log_stderr(log_level); } /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("sysrepocfg", SR_CONN_DEFAULT, &srcfg_connection); if (SR_ERR_OK == rc) { rc = sr_session_start(srcfg_connection, datastore == SRCFG_STORE_RUNNING ? SR_DS_RUNNING : SR_DS_STARTUP, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &srcfg_session); } if (SRCFG_STORE_RUNNING == datastore) { rc = sr_check_enabled_running(srcfg_session, module_name, &enabled); if (SR_ERR_OK == rc && !enabled) { printf("Cannot operate on the running datastore as there are no active subscriptions.\n" "Cancelling the operation.\n"); rc = SR_ERR_INTERNAL; goto terminate; } } if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) { srcfg_report_error(rc); printf("Unable to connect to sysrepo. Cancelling the operation.\n"); goto terminate; } /* call selected operation */ switch (operation) { case SRCFG_OP_EDIT: rc = srcfg_edit_operation(module_name, datastore, format, editor, keep, permanent); break; case SRCFG_OP_IMPORT: rc = srcfg_import_operation(module_name, datastore, filepath, format, permanent); break; case SRCFG_OP_EXPORT: rc = srcfg_export_operation(module_name, filepath, format); break; } terminate: if (NULL != srcfg_session) { sr_session_stop(srcfg_session); } if (NULL != srcfg_connection) { sr_disconnect(srcfg_connection); } return (SR_ERR_OK == rc) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }
/** * @brief Main routine of the sysrepo daemon. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { sr_pd_ctx_t ctx = { 0, }; pid_t parent_pid = 0; int pidfile_fd = -1; int c = 0; bool debug_mode = false; int log_level = -1; int rc = SR_ERR_OK; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hvdDl:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'v': sr_pd_print_version(); return 0; break; case 'd': debug_mode = true; break; case 'D': connect_options |= SR_CONN_DAEMON_START; break; case 'l': log_level = atoi(optarg); break; default: sr_pd_print_help(); return 0; } } /* init logger */ sr_logger_init("sysrepo-plugind"); /* daemonize the process */ parent_pid = sr_daemonize(debug_mode, log_level, SR_PLUGIN_DAEMON_PID_FILE, &pidfile_fd); SR_LOG_DBG_MSG("Sysrepo plugin daemon initialization started."); /* init the event loop */ ctx.event_loop = ev_loop_new(EVFLAG_AUTO); /* init signal watchers */ ev_signal_init(&ctx.signal_watcher[0], sr_pd_signal_cb, SIGTERM); ev_signal_start(ctx.event_loop, &ctx.signal_watcher[0]); ev_signal_init(&ctx.signal_watcher[1], sr_pd_signal_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_start(ctx.event_loop, &ctx.signal_watcher[1]); /* init timers */ ev_timer_init(&ctx.health_check_timer, sr_pd_health_check_timer_cb, SR_PLUGIN_HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT, SR_PLUGIN_HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT); = &ctx; ev_timer_init(&ctx.init_retry_timer, sr_pd_init_retry_timer_cb, SR_PLUGIN_INIT_RETRY_TIMEOUT, SR_PLUGIN_INIT_RETRY_TIMEOUT); = &ctx; /* connect to sysrepo */ rc = sr_connect("sysrepo-plugind", connect_options, &ctx.connection); CHECK_RC_LOG_GOTO(rc, cleanup, "Unable to connect to sysrepod: %s", sr_strerror(rc)); /* start the session */ rc = sr_session_start(ctx.connection, SR_DS_STARTUP, SR_SESS_DEFAULT, &ctx.session); CHECK_RC_LOG_GOTO(rc, cleanup, "Unable to connect to sysrepo: %s", sr_strerror(rc)); /* tell the parent process that we are okay */ if (!debug_mode) { sr_daemonize_signal_success(parent_pid); } /* load the plugins */ rc = sr_pd_load_plugins(&ctx); SR_LOG_INF_MSG("Sysrepo plugin daemon initialized successfully."); /* start health check timer */ ev_timer_start(ctx.event_loop, &ctx.health_check_timer); /* run the event loop */ ev_run(ctx.event_loop, 0); ev_loop_destroy(ctx.event_loop); /* check whether the session is still valid & reconnect if needed */ sr_pd_session_check(&ctx); cleanup: sr_pd_cleanup_plugins(&ctx); if (NULL != ctx.session) { sr_session_stop(ctx.session); } if (NULL != ctx.connection) { sr_disconnect(ctx.connection); } SR_LOG_INF_MSG("Sysrepo plugin daemon terminated."); sr_logger_cleanup(); unlink(SR_PLUGIN_DAEMON_PID_FILE); if (-1 != pidfile_fd) { close(pidfile_fd); } exit((SR_ERR_OK == rc) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }